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  • Hi Cliff, I see you got a message from VanIsle similar to what I got- it's too bad the decent posters are leaving on account of a very few jackasses- I'll miss her, she was always civil and interesting to talk to.
    Hi Cliff,
    I actually did leave the forums. I was shocked that one poster who had been given a time out was allowed back on after only about a week. What he had to say was more obnoxious than HH and it was said to me personally. At the very least he should have been given about 3 months. I actually was really enjoying posting and then at the very moment I was about to send word to Spade that one of the more horrid posters was gone and he could come back and enjoy himself too, I noticed the avatar and it finished me. I don't know yet how much time I will spend here because the rules are too lax. That is the reason Spade isn't here much either and BCProud has left altogether. We stay in touch. It's only through staying in touch with him that I am back because he says that so far, the offending person is keeping a low profile. If that person had any sense of decency at all he would send a pm apologizing for his bad behaviour.
    Anyway, thanks for writing this note. I'm always happy to talk to you. You make me laugh when I read some of the things you have to say (I mean that in the nicest way).
    Hello Cliffy. What pictures did you need taken away? Just pictures used as attachments? I believe if you use them from Photobucket rather than attaching them using CC itself, you won't have any picture limits.
    I will get back to you on that. I don't think that you should be having problems with that. Do you mean pictures you are adding to a thread? Anyway I will talk to Shadow about it and see as I don't see anything obvious that I can do at the moment.
    Hi Cliff,
    I think Spade will stay. I don't know why I haven't heard from Iggy. He usually drops me a line every month or so but this time he just disappeared into thin air. Must be aliens I guess. Maybe that's what got Tyr too as he has been gone for quite a long time. YJ is just a trouble maker and I wish they would make him go. I'm okay with CM. Him and I had our trials but we get along okay and in the end, I think he's a person who would be there for any of us that needed him. He's like the rest of us - a little show of friendship goes a long way.
    I'm glad you have moved into modern times and can now see if you have messages awaiting you. :) I have to get in all the words I can right now. Once I have the surgery it will be a few days of only typing one handed and that could take a long time. At least I can play solitaire. I like Spidersol. I realized last night that I don't see much of BCProud anymore either (SirFrancis). I used to talk to him quite a bit too. We'll all make it. I think the mods are on it. It's nice to talk to you.
    You are bad at checking your wall. How do you miss it? LOL Right at the top of the page it will have a bracket with a number in it telling you have messages. I even invited you to be a friend but after a couple of months I just gave up :) Today is my last day of work for a few months. I have carpal tunnel surgery on my left wrist on Wednesday. Surgeon says I will be off work for 3 - 4 months since my work totally involves both wrists. I'll be glad to get it over with. I've been on light duties since Feb. 19 and I was off for a month before that.
    You look after yourself. A cold is not so good for you to have. We have been having lots of sun too but it's been windy and the wind is cool. Today is wonderful. Hubby's is going to mow and thatch or thatch and mow - whatever it is while I am at work today. Just about time to hit the shower and go to work. Good to hear from you.
    Hi Cliffy! A lot of what you said in the 'forum friendship' thread is true for me as well. Just wanted to let you know that we are glad to have you here!
    Hi Cliff,
    Happy Easter. I hope your weather is nicer than ours is. Pouring rain here but that's not news.
    I'm glad you are taking care and that things are going well. Good for you.
    Fun talking to you tonight.
    Just reading your wall - Did not know you had heart problems - i had a small one 7 Dec 07
    Hi Cliff. I have the invisible-poster option turned on. It's just for fun!
    Hi back!
    I bet you did not take my suggestion and put them by your computer so you would remember did you? What was that nonsense I read about your hat? Was that a private joke or was that person being a little sarcastic? At this moment I cannot remember who it was. The more I look at your avatar the more I like it. You really did a good job.
    If you still want info on how to quit working for the Corporation of Canada and gain freedom send an email.
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