What are we doing in Afghanistan?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Burton is a community 40 K south of here on the Arrow Lakes. Some snow yesterday morning but it is gone now.


You get all you information from CNN right? Kinda like the Disney channel - all fantasy. You are being fed propaganda by the same corporations who are raping Afghanistan and Iraq. The only terrorists in the middle east are the Coalition of the Willing - making a killing from blowing people up.

If you think what we are doing there is protecting your right to shop, go over there and see for yourself. I don't think your stomach could handle it.


Electoral Member
Aug 1, 2007
Unforgiven, man, didn't you read the article about the pipeline further back? The humanitarian aspect that the mission's taken on is clearly to justify an operation who's true purpose is rapidly becoming apparent to people. It's a pretty clear objective: secure Afghanistan to make Central Asian pipeline fiscally viable thus dealing with competition. The end.

Then there's the added bonus of flanking Iran with yet another US-puppet state.

You have to learn to be like a cop with these things: look for motives. Don't just blindly accept the BS story you're given. You were talking about WW2 before. Well, Nazism was a beast that grew out of the support of many interests in Europe and America in part as a means to hold back Soviet influence but most importantly to prevent a social democratic movement in Germany. It just got out of control and turned on them so they had to put it down and a lot of people died in the process. No ideological stance here, just common sense. People are resources just like anything else and they will be used as such if there is profit to be made (read: power to be got) from doing so.

As for the treaties:

NATO's legitimacy ended with the Cold War and to suggest that Afghanistan qualifies under NATO legislation is a joke.

The approval of the Afghan op was given by the UN Security Council (as opposed to the UN General Assembly) which just happens to be dominated by the US, being the only remaining military superpower and all.

Under no stretch of the imagination do the North American defense treaties extend to attacking a rag-tag country.

9/11...to even begin to use that tragic travesty as an excuse for invading Afghanistan is awesomely low.

The answer to "what are we doing in Afghanistan?": helping rich people get richer.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Welcome to CC. You have the situation in hand. The truth will set you free if you don't let it make you miserable and angry. Speak your truth, plant the seed but do not be attached to the outcome (expect others to change) or it will drive you mad.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
G'night Cliffy and Islandpacific!

What's snow? Poppy farmers sending us snow too?
Snow! You must mean like in Flanders Fields the poppy's blow between the CROSSES row on row.
Lost this thread for a couple of days. Sorry I missed your "goodnight" so - goodnight to you tonight (or goodmorning since it is actually good morning even where I live).


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I've always been a supporter of banning arms sales to undeveloped nations.

I think that our economy and bad as it is right at the moment, could get along nicely without selling weapons that we know will come back and bite us on the ass in the future. But what's done is done. Not to mention that there are quite a few other players involved in the arm sales game.

You can only lay so much of the Blame on American foreign policy Beav. At some point you have to admit that their mad dog killer is out of control and has to be put down. And that is exactly what happened in Afghanistan.

You can't expect to set up training camps for terrorists in your country, see them hit a full blown super power that is know for having an itchy trigger finger and not expect to have some blowback in your own direction.

We (Canada) #6 arms sales, they would shoot you for even suggesting that we could would or should ban arms sales to anyone.

The world is not easy to try to figure out, all I can really suggest to anyone wanting to understand just the basics is this, (nothing is as it seems.)


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
We (Canada) #6 arms sales, they would shoot you for even suggesting that we could would or should ban arms sales to anyone.

Who is they? I welcome them to try, if that would bring to light the negligent actions of a number of corporations and the government then lock and load. No one shouldn't be sending weapons to any under developed country or region.

The world is not easy to try to figure out, all I can really suggest to anyone wanting to understand just the basics is this, (nothing is as it seems.)

It's nice to speak in non-specific phrasing but that doesn't answer the question of what to do when someone chooses to try and kill you and you're not allowed to hit them back.

The Taliban as they have said, don't want to negotiate, though I see no reason why we would want to negotiate with them either. It's fine for you to sit here and say that we shouldn't have our military there but just remember that but for the military, there are many places in the world you would be killed, head cut off and stuck on a pike as an example to others.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
With all due respect to you,

Get the Alliance out of there and let the Israelis with their superior intel, superior weaponry, stealth ability, knowledge of the region and their ability to blend in without be detected as their secret service no doubt can do as they speak the language, don't stick out like British troops in their red uniforms and problem solved.

They have been supported for many years monetarily by a foreign power, now its time to step up to the plate.

This is never going to end and probably those occupiers do not want it to end.

Just an observation.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
A Canadian-Content-Forums Exclusive
An Interview with Canada’s Newly-Appointed Minister of War

Tuesday, October 25, 2008, 10:28 EST

CCF: Good morning, Minister. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview. And, congratulations on your recent appointment!
Minister: Yah, whatever! Hey, I see a CCF button on your lapel. You’re not one of those Islamo-fascist sympathizing commie mother-kissers are you?

CCF: No, Minister, CC stands for Canadian Content and F for Forums. We understand you will be travelling shortly to assess the situation in Afghanistan. As you know, Canada is committed to withdrawing its forces by the end of 2011. Will the war be over by then; or, if not, will there be sufficient troops from other NATO countries to take our place?
Minister: Hey! Those’re two questions! When I agreed to this gawddamn interview you promised to ask only one question at a time! Lousy liberal-loving biased bast...

CCF: Sorry, Minister. Let me rephrase the question. Will the war in Afghanistan be over by the end of 2011 when we pull out our forces?
Minister: Geezus, I hope not! Our government has just been elected for another four-year term. So add 4 to 2008! Do the math will you! And if we win the 2012 election, who knows?! Clearly you have not prepared for this interview! As far as I’m concerned, it’s over!


Senate Member
May 20, 2008

A pure dyed in the wool PO & Co. directed Minister. Man are we lucky or what?



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
That you don't agree has been clear from the outset. But you haven't posted a viable alternative to war.

PEACE!If we stopped interfering in other peoples business, they wouldn't be PO'd at us. There is always someone who starts a war, and Afghanistan was started by the US and and their phony Coalition of the willing. We invaded their country. They will not stop until we get out. Why is this so hard to understand.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
That you don't agree has been clear from the outset. But you haven't posted a viable alternative to war.

PEACE!If we stopped interfering in other peoples business, they wouldn't be PO'd at us. There is always someone who starts a war, and Afghanistan was started by the US and and their phony Coalition of the willing. We invaded their country. They will not stop until we get out. Why is this so hard to understand.

Oh I think you will fit in here nicely.

Dare I say it? What the heck...

We needed to invade Afghanistan...Iraq is another story.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
their ability to blend in without be detected as their secret service no doubt can do as they speak the language, don't stick out like British troops in their red uniforms and problem solved.
Sounds like something only a terrorist would do.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Sounds like something only a terrorist would do.

A terrorist to one side is a freedom fighter to the other.His-story will be written by the winner, or in this case, by both sides as being "Our side won."