Cousin Spade,Unforgiven offered: "There needs to be a government in Afghanistan that can control a regulated military and stand up to the Taliban. Otherwise we just have the same problem 5 years down the road."
Wasn't that what the American-sponsored-and-supported Karzai government promised to do? I think it's time to review its commitments in the Afghanistan Compact.
Click here.
I don't understand anyone who thinks killing off a high number of people is the solution to anything. That is not peace keeping and in fact - it couldn't get further away from it. Rebuilding is a wonderful thing - if there is a chance it will last. It is time now for these countries to take control on their own. We cannot babysit forever.Nothing is for sure. But providing law and order while a government gets on it's feet is part of the solution. School and business is another rebuilding infrastructure is a third. But the security is the first order and that means killing off a high number of people who want to fight against that. As far as I can see, we need more troops and equipment there to make for an overwhelming force that can at once provide a high level of presence on the ground as well as investigation to root out the planners and suppliers.
Getting the US out of Iraq will help in having trained and combat proven troops to go into Afghanistan.
I would say also that strong leadership in the military command that can provide the level of security for rehabilitation to get going that provides the things that make people want to choose peace is key.
Before we can work on corruption in the government, there has to be a level of security in the country. In providing the man power it will take to make a serious change in the mountain regions will I think, will bring about that change quicker than simply pulling up stakes and heading home.
Ah, I am pleased to see that my fellow recent immigrants to this forum are the most sensible of that former lot. Peace was never won at gun point. Peace be to you all on this magnificent day. I am off on an adventure to the booming metropolis of Burton. See y'all this evening.
All my Relations
Why are we in Afghanistan?
It takes a long time dig a a pipeline deep enough while capping it with concrete. Rock doesn't grind it's self, rebar doesn't forge it's self itself and end up in trucks by it's self. These things take people and time and the facilities to do this require protection. The policies of war dictate "if you broke it you bought it" Afghanistan is a permanent investment by the taxpayer of the Corporation of Canada and a few of "willing"national corporate investors from around the globe, enforced by the Corporation of NATO and funded by the usual Saxe-Coburg Gotha, House of Orange, Rothchild and New World Rockefeller banking houses who stand to gain the most on the taxpayer's dime. No wonder they resist our brand of democracy when they see what what you don't.