KKK costume at Canadian Legion Halloween party disgusts many


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Look at all this garbage.

Funny thing is Prax... I probably won't read it. I'll only say that it wasn't about you as you tried to make it. You sure like embarrassing yourself though. lol

Way to be..... Troll.

At least everybody else this thread can still contribute something to the topic and keep things somewhat mature, even if there are still disagreements...... you stopped contributing to the topic after your first post, and even that wasn't a contribution.

Now how about you go find some other thread to complain about how your poor little country is picked on all the time and treated unfairly like anybody here actually gives a damn?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Way to be..... Troll.

At least everybody else this thread can still contribute something to the topic and keep things somewhat mature, even if there are still disagreements...... you stopped contributing to the topic after your first post, and even that wasn't a contribution.

Now how about you go find some other thread to complain about how your poor little country is picked on all the time and treated unfairly like anybody here actually gives a damn?

Looks like you got hold of some good stash!

Why don't you write another dime-store novel as if people are going to read it.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I have no issue with either..... maybe somebody should go around dressed as a pedophile priest with a kid strapped to his crotch, while at the same time wearing a KKK hood & dragging a black guy behind him....... and that black guy could be performing an abortion on a puerto rican prostitute where the aborted fetus is a shaved cat covered in raspberry jam.

^ See, this is why I don't dress up for Halloween anymore.

That would be Catholic Priest, Prax.

You can be sure that if you did dress up for Halloween like that, some retard would give you an award for it.;-)


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
For the chronically and incurably simple-minded a pedophile is always identified as a Catholic priest.

For the same simple-minded idiots, there are no pedophiles of any colours, genders and ethnicities, redophiles are always only white, Catholic males.

Admittedly, it is not so easy to collect huge sums of money for trumped up, imaginary and copy-catted charges from those who do not wear the clerical collar or are white.

Of course, for the same simple-minded idiots pedophiles are NEVER homosexuals. Not even 10% that they claim whenever it is convenient.

Ok, having said that let the worms come out from under their rocks and call me racist and homophobic.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
RCL has been suffering declining memberships and on the verge of closing some branches. I hope Nunn and Crowley aren't being used as scapegoats for this one. Poor choice in a politically correct mania.

Y'know, the complainant's barbecue ribs place might be a little politically incorrect too

I think it was disgusting - Halloween does not give a person license to set their morals and judgement to the side - It offended a large number of people and calling it PC is off the mark in my humble opinion.

Dats it Dats all, az dey saey eH


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I don't recall saying either one of them was right, or wrong!

I think pretty well anything goes at Halloween, although I think anything depicting pedophilia should probably be off limits. But politics, ethnicity, creed - why not? :smile: Some of us have to learn to laugh at ourselves.

Like I said, blacks should just learn to laugh at themselves being led around by the KKK with a rope, but don't mess with pediphile priests....off limits to JLM.

Why is one worse than the next?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I think it was disgusting - Halloween does not give a person license to set their morals and judgement to the side - It offended a large number of people and calling it PC is off the mark in my humble opinion.

Dats it Dats all, az dey saey eH

I think a lot of things are disgusting too - especially from folk who want to interpret intent from poor choice. That's politically incorrect, y'know....


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I think a lot of things are disgusting too - especially from folk who want to interpret intent from poor choice. That's politically incorrect, y'know....

I would agree with that - The problem in todays society, so inter connected that something goes viral within hours or even minutes.

Years ago - a person that was upset could not connect as people can today. They would and often did sit down to write a letter - it could be filled with alls sort of this and that, I am sure you know what I mean. Then they would have to get an envelope, place a stamp on it and walk some distance to a mailbox.

That time between mailing was critical - During that walk the person had time to think, anger may have settled, thought about what they wrote and before you know it the letter was ripped up and thrown in the garbage.

While that is not available to our youth and even our generation, of that I can also at times be guilty, not very often mind you but guilty nonetheless- is not used.

Today is Got a have it NOW - gotta reply NOW- Reply to the so called insult or innuendo NOW - Never take time to think rationally or take the time time to cool down and think - really think- replies without thinking - peoples lives can be affected forever. I realize that and have stated the above on many occasions.

Ii find what happened at the Legion disgusting, poor judgment but they will live forever on the Internet..Sad is it not. friends Google a name and what comes up.

Perhaps we should find ways to purge the net from time to time. much like a laxative can make you feel really good.

The price they pay from now till they die will be disproportionate to what they did.

I also find that disgusting but it is the reality of the net, the reality of this generation.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
What a hateful thing to say. I'm sure anybody that is a retard would find the use of that word offensive.

I would also like to point out that when the short bus is late the special ed teacher is still going to call the kids tardy.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I would also like to point out that when the short bus is late the special ed teacher is still going to call the kids tardy.
If someone is retarded, how are they going to know that they should be offended by the word? I think "mentally challenged" is more offensive, but then I find being PC offensive and a little retarded.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If someone is retarded, how are they going to know that they should be offended by the word? I think "mentally challenged" is more offensive, but then I find being PC offensive and a little retarded.

I wondered about that as well. Currently anyone with any disability is called special needs. Way too generic. Gives no inkling of what kind of special needs required. Feel kind of foolish bringing a wheel chair only to find that the special need is sign language.
Since I was a kid we called the big rocks in the road "niggerheads" No idea why. A few years back some government PC idiot said they couldn't be call that anymore so we started calling them ethnic rocks.
Anyway the PC crowd has become far too much of a problem.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I wondered about that as well. Currently anyone with any disability is called special needs. Way too generic. Gives no inkling of what kind of special needs required. Feel kind of foolish bringing a wheel chair only to find that the special need is sign language.
Since I was a kid we called the big rocks in the road "niggerheads" No idea why. A few years back some government PC idiot said they couldn't be call that anymore so we started calling them ethnic rocks.
Anyway the PC crowd has become far too much of a problem.

Not as big a problem and some of those African Canadians that get all uppity over the word "niggerhead" when you use it.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
If someone is retarded, how are they going to know that they should be offended by the word? I think "mentally challenged" is more offensive, but then I find being PC offensive and a little retarded.

The word like many evolved as language does from denoting a person with a mental handicap - ch alleged into a slur - Why people cannot or see that this term has evolved as such is beyond me.

As to being PC offensive - I do not think this falls under that category at all. As explained above.

Look at the term - Serving Wench - Try using that today -
As you can see even the term Wench evolved - A good example of how language and interpretation changes over time.
1. a country lass or working girl: The milkmaid was a healthy wench.

2. Usually Facetious . a girl or young woman.

3. Archaic . a strumpet.

Wench - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wench, a historical British Modern English colloquial term for a lower class woman and/or promiscuous woman. Also in the 19th and early 20th centuries a derogatory term for an African-American woman, the male counterpart being Buck.