Our cooling world


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
What happens if there is a war?

For Zipperfish:

Wavelength dependence of solar irradiance enhancement during X-class flares and its influence on the upper atmosphere | OpenSky - Providing free and open access to the scholarship of UCAR, NCAR, and the UCP


To understand the underlying physical mechanisms by which solar variability affects climate, as well as to assess the relative strengths of solar variability versus greenhouse gases, requires computer models of Earth's climate system. However, most climate models have concentrated on the lower atmosphere, and have not included the coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere. We have now included both realistic solar irradiance and ozone changes in a version of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies climate model which includes a representation of the complete stratosphere.

Thank dog for gravity.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
There's an old saying..............."Figures can lie and liars can figure":)

not sure why you want to make this comment in relation to the post of mine you quoted. Both of the statements I made are factual; if you believe otherwise, step-up and make your case why they're not. The recent heatwave in Australia is on record... this was only mentioned to remind "the Walter types" who were incessantly posting cold weather reports and shyte-grinning, that the global context is much more than localized/regional North American winter! The positioning of 2014 to the end of October puts it as the warmest global year on records kept... with the continued warming in November (and presuming on December continuing the same globally), 2014 is positioned to be the warmest year globally on records kept. The update for 2014 to the end of November is to be released within the next week. Neither of these two statements I made are questionable or "controversial". Again, not sure why you made your comment in relation to my post???


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Don't you understand, waldo knows the truth. Man is evil and is causing climate change.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Don't you understand, waldo knows the truth. Man is evil and is causing climate change.

Some may regard it as the truth, others (that I may agree with) may see it as getting fancy with statistics. So Aussie has had a hot month, so what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
you must really think your strawman has legs for you to carry it across into, now with this post, 2 distinct threads. I'll ask you the same questions you're avoiding in the other thread:

Doing that dance Wally... there you go!

Did you get your 2015 carbon credits? Another question you have ignored over and over.

I've already addressed it multiple times... it has no authority and no association to actual climate negotiations. Now... if you'd like to champion that strawman, please do so... step forward and give it legitimacy, speak to it's authority, it's associations, it's relevance! Champion that strawman you so want to give significance to.

It most certainly does and is part of each and every climate negotiation.

“We call this a part of the climate debt owed to us, and it is needed if we are to confront climate change while still responding to the needs of people,” Lidy Nacpil, director at Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development, said in a statement. “It’s not just a question of being fair. It’s about being realistic. To be realistic means if we want a hope of stopping climate change, these transfers have to happen.

Hurts doesn't it?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Doing that dance Wally... there you go!

It most certainly does and is part of each and every climate negotiation.

“We call this a part of the climate debt owed to us, and it is needed if we are to confront climate change while still responding to the needs of people,” Lidy Nacpil, director at Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development, said in a statement. “It’s not just a question of being fair. It’s about being realistic. To be realistic means if we want a hope of stopping climate change, these transfers have to happen.

Hurts doesn't it?

it's your strawman to inflate; again, the googly find you're so pumped over has no standing, no authority and no association with any climate negotiations.Yet somehow, your blowhard self, really thinks it has bearing/legitimacy - go figure!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Doing that dance Wally... there you go!

Did you get your 2015 carbon credits? Another question you have ignored over and over.

It most certainly does and is part of each and every climate negotiation.

“We call this a part of the climate debt owed to us, and it is needed if we are to confront climate change while still responding to the needs of people,” Lidy Nacpil, director at Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development, said in a statement. “It’s not just a question of being fair. It’s about being realistic. To be realistic means if we want a hope of stopping climate change, these transfers have to happen.

Hurts doesn't it?
He still can't/won't answer the other important question as to what his proposal is to cure global warming without either destroying our economy or a massive capital shift from have to never will have countries.
How much does the ecotard movement pay him to continually post garbage?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I have much to say on that subject... but why bother? Any time I've initiated the beginnings of a respectful dialogue, it simply gets immediately trashed by you chuckleheads who simply can't rise above your own inanity! This board let's the inmates run the asylum! You call this moderation? Do your think having threads perpetually run into the ground with juvenile-assed jabbering and insults is a worthwhile undertaking? Look no further than the absolute marginalization that is allowed to percolate here. I've never encountered such a board as this that outright encourages buffoonery. Do you think when you pepper your posts with "ecotard" that encourages anyone to answer your questions?

Do tell. This is the most important part of climate change/global warming. This is why we call them ecotards. They have no ideas only slogans. If you have any thoughts that are viable by all means share them. We mostly only destroy the C&P types. Just remember that economically viable is the key and money transfers to have not countries is a non starter.
My personal opinion is we need to concentrate on doing what we do in as environmentally sensitive manner as possible and ignore the gloom and doom types because they are not adding anything important to the conversation.
I'll even give you a hint. Big oil are not just oil companies like many think. They are energy companies. They don't care what kind of energy they sell as long as it makes a profit.
Government picking winners and losers by financing expensive alternate energy projects will not go well with taxpayers, Take it from there.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
What do you think??? Is he a new convert to the cause?, that simply has to spread the word?

Or is he an agenda driven troll?

Most of us have been listening to the same boring drum beat for years...................................

and yet you and 'the others' can't get enough of these threads... so long as, apparently, the message is one you favour/you're comfortable with. Other than from member's Tonington and Zipperfish, I've yet to read a single thing from any of you that is measured, informative and value add to the subject matter. Instead all you guys bring forward is bias confirmation in the form of your prowled C&P wizardry. None of you are real/legitimate skeptics! No real/legitimate skeptic simply reads a tabloid article and blindly accepts it! No real/legitimate skeptic relies on... and solely relies on... denier blogs to attempt to understand the complexities of the subject matter. It's absolutely incredulous that any of you guys would discount legitimate science/scientists/scientific organizations in favour of what the likes of "tv-weathermen" are telling you. Agenda troll! Really? And what agenda are you plying?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
ANd this is exactly why nobody takes you seriously. You have nothing to contribute to the conversation except debunked C&P articles as to how we are all going to hell in a handbasket. .

What are you talking about? Are you seriously that unhinged from reality. Virtually every one of waldo's post is put-together and referenced. All you guys do is throw around insults, drive-by smears and stupid pictures. The most scinetific I've seen the deniers get is a one-liner like "Oh yeah, welll...what about gravity? Didn't think of that, did you???!!!"

It all smacks oif plugging your ears and stomping around the room yelling "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!"


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Is the big lake frozen?

Okanagan? Nowhere close. Water temp in the middle of the lake reported yesterday at +7C. We had a week here where the mercury hovered around minus 10, coldest was minus 19 one morning. The last week it climbed to +5 - +10 during the day.

mucho gratis! Considering how little (if any) actual subject matter contribution member taxslave provides, he sure feels qualified to speak on the contribution of others... to suggest (without qualification) that others contributions have been "debunked"... and to whine/wail about his arch nemisis - "graphs"!!!

So which part of B.C. do you live in and for how long? I searched your "general specs" for that information, but found it pretty sparse!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Okanagan? Nowhere close. Water temp in thearly.ddle of the lake reported yesterday at +7C. We had a week here where the mercury hovered around minus 10, coldest was minus 19 one morning. The last week it climbed to +5 - +10 during the day.

Maybe you'll get lucky and get some ice fishing in. It's still eary