Was WWII about what we were told it was about?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
No. I would like you to show me where I said I believed the OP was the truth.

There are many false quotes also attributed to WC in order to support him as a hero. What isn't recorded is how he fled London to the west of London BEFORE each time the German planes came over the UK. He knew precisely when the raids were coming and chose NOT to be with his people - unlike Hitler who stood in his bunker the duration of the war with his people.

History is upside down back the front, as it is today.

Did you write the above??


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This sort of nonsense on this forum would be greatly reduced if people did more fact checking. This is the internet. Looking up information is kinda the point.

When I read things like this the question of their veracity is the first thing that pops into my mind. It should be the first thing that pops into yours too. Simply Google the quotes in the OP. Can you find an independent source for them? Have they ever been quoted on a website not devoted to conspiracy theories?
Feel free to debunk everything Hitler says in this speech.

The Hitler Speech They Don't Want You To Hear - YouTube


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There are many false quotes also attributed to WC in order to support him as a hero. What isn't recorded is how he fled London to the west of London BEFORE each time the German planes came over the UK. He knew precisely when the raids were coming and chose NOT to be with his people - unlike Hitler who stood in his bunker the duration of the war with his people.

History is upside down back the front, as it is today.

Did you write the above??

Is diving into a bunker particularly brave? :lol:


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
There are many false quotes also attributed to WC in order to support him as a hero. What isn't recorded is how he fled London to the west of London BEFORE each time the German planes came over the UK. He knew precisely when the raids were coming and chose NOT to be with his people - unlike Hitler who stood in his bunker the duration of the war with his people.

History is upside down back the front, as it is today.

Did you write the above??
No. I only wrote that I received it in an email.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It seems that you have learned from SJP - It also fits with your philosphy - So why would anyone think you disagreed with the OP?
Cliffy didn't 'invent' the quotes, the same ones can be found on various sites.

The Aussie Digger : Home of all Australian Veterans ex Service and Serving members | Home of all Australian Veterans ex Service and Serving members

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!


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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm not a big history student but I do remember speaking to a retired WWII German Luftwaffe JU-52 Transport pilot who told me of many trips into Italy to pickup wooden crates of navigation instruments that had a General Motors stamp on the bill of lading (document of contents) and also hauling materials from Sweden in GE containers. Later, in the military I did learn the US carried on a secret trade with the AXIS powers all during the war. Then later attempted to conceal the facts. Many small parts and electronics items were being manufactured in the US probably under a "Defeat the Nazi's" banner.

I guess operations like empire building require balanced exhaustion of warring economies. Holly Wood never mentioned it. Now were screwed.

We should also remember to hate loath and detest Hitlers horrific ideas and actions about economic warfare .


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC

No one is saying that Cliffy made up those quotes. We're saying they're made up.

Which philosophy is that? The one where I think all history is BS? That it all just someone's opinion? Then you might be right.

What makes you think that all history is BS? Did the bears tell you?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No one is saying that Cliffy made up those quotes. We're saying they're made up.

What makes you think that all history is BS? Did the bears tell you?
I first became aware in the 60s when I discovered that I was taught that the Mohawk were good indians and the Algonquin were bad indians. Then I dated a French girl and she was taught the it was the other way around. So I started looking at history from many different perspectives and found that no one really agreed, that the various histories were only relevant from the tellers perspective. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that it is just opinion and propaganda. I have seen no evidence to convince me otherwise in all these years.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Hmm... tell me more about this Mohawk/Algonquin example. In what is this referencing? And who are the Mohawks and Algonquins, by the way?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No one is saying that Cliffy made up those quotes. We're saying they're made up.

What makes you think that all history is BS? Did the bears tell you?
Who is 'we'? Would,t you have to supply the various references to show that they are not real?
Perhaps something like this will make a person determined to examine claims rather than read and swallow, like you seem to be doing.

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.Sir Winston Churchill
British politician (1874 - 1965)

All the bears are in hibernation so no can talk to me.


Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2011
Hey, my post was taken down, I think. I couldn't find it anyways. I don't think any of those things I said were ignorant enough to be taken down. The things that were quotes were clearly coloured red and could be seen as not my words.

To refresh: my point about WW2 and the info we hear being BS was that the holocaust story is a massive exaggeration. They claim 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. There were 9 million and change Jews living in Europe pre WW2. Let's just do the math. The population of Jews in the world is said to have actually increased between 1941-1948. And it was not a large sample size, only about 15 million. This can be explained easily because many Jews came forward after WW2 out of hiding and some came forward with their hands out for monetary reasons.

But looking into the numbers. 5.8 million European Jews migrated to the United States of America after WW2. 1.2 million Jews stayed in Europe. That's 7 million. 7 million subtracted from 9 and change means about 2-2.5 million Jews died in the war and death camps.

auschwitz itself, proves that the 6 million figure is a blatant lie, not even an exaggeration. There used to be a plaque there stating that nearly 4 million Jews killed there. There is now a plaque reading that about a million and a half people were killed there. So, the official plaque changes by a staggering 2.5 million, and the number that our blow hard media throws our way didn't change from 6 million to 3.5, no, it stayed the same, magically.

Also, Churchill had a Jewish American mother. In Jewish custom that makes him Jewish. They go maternal with that crap. This guy who any way you look at it, had extreme Jewish influence, he was tight with the Rothschilds, and he was a Jew himself, and pretended not to be for political reasons, yet after the war he writes about the war, trying to be a hero nuts, and in hundreds of pages of crap making himself into a hero even though he was just a chicken sh!t politician putting other people's kids in the line of fire, he didn't once mention the holocaust, Jewish suffering, or 6 million deaths. Why is that? It's clear that something happened at the death camps and that Jews were certainly targeted and slaughtered. But the truth is that hundreds, literally, hundreds of millions of people died in the war and because of the war, and so the 2 million or so Jewish deaths were actually just par for the course. Tell Europe about the poor Jews when their countries were in some cases, reduced to half of their size. About 50 times as many Christians died in the war as Jews. That's just a fact, and that's using the 6 million, trumped up, BS figure, that our Israeli lobby run media tells us happened.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Like all wars in the last 200 years or so WWII was a financial war with the big international bankers directing the show from way behind the scenes with the simple goal of driving every government and country into never-ending debt. Most of these banks were giving loans to both sides in an effort to continue the wars longer and increase the debt.

A little side note...in the mid 30's to early 40's a NY bank headed by the very politically connected father of George H W Bush was giving loans to none other than Hitler and the Nazis. No wonder the US didn't want to enter the war.

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
Textbooks 30 years ago claimed 500,000 Jews were killed. And that's an astronomical number. Somehow that became 6 million today. .

Once again, the apologists for the Nazi's have spoken. I remember textbooks from 1952 onward, and they ALL spoke of over 6 MILLION Jews killed, along with about 6 million others. I have NEVER seen any textbook that claimed only 500,000 Jews were murdered.

There were over 30 death camps of various sizes. Many of them were filmed as they were liberated, and they discovered tens of thousands of corpses at most of them. They also discovered mass graves, with hundreds of thousands of bodily remains in them at several camps.

In addition, the Germans kept very detailed records, and their own records account for well over 12,000,000 people killed. Of course, not all of them were killed in the camps. A couple of million were murdered in Russia, by shooting them (this was considered to be too inefficient though).

Only a Nazi sympathizer would even attempt to claim that the Holocaust did not happen.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hey, my post was taken down, I think. I couldn't find it anyways. I don't think any of those things I said were ignorant enough to be taken down. The things that were quotes were clearly coloured red and could be seen as not my words.

I guess I missed your first post but yeah, if it was as ignorant as this one it should have been taken down. There are still quite a few survivors of the holocaust I will believe before your rantings. You yap about Aushwitz, but that was just the start. One of the main death camps was Birkenau. Not all of the 6 million deaths transpired in the ovens. Many were shot point blank, countless others starved to death. Who the f**k are you trying to protect?

Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp Complex --data and summary facts

Once again, the apologists for the Nazi's have spoken. I remember textbooks from 1952 onward, and they ALL spoke of over 6 MILLION Jews killed, along with about 6 million others. I have NEVER seen any textbook that claimed only 500,000 Jews were murdered.

There were over 30 death camps of various sizes. Many of them were filmed as they were liberated, and they discovered tens of thousands of corpses at most of them. They also discovered mass graves, with hundreds of thousands of bodily remains in them at several camps.

In addition, the Germans kept very detailed records, and their own records account for well over 12,000,000 people killed. Of course, not all of them were killed in the camps. A couple of million were murdered in Russia, by shooting them (this was considered to be too inefficient though).

Only a Nazi sympathizer would even attempt to claim that the Holocaust did not happen.

He's a spammer and should be eliminated from the forum as such.