Palestinian jailed for rape after claiming to be Jewish


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
:tongue9: WHOA CAMEL!!! WHOA AH SAY!!!

Do Ayrabs get circumsised same as Jews???

If NOT, she shoulda knowed he weren't no Jew, eh!!:nike:

Less'n she didn't look. In the heat of the moment so ta speek:sex:

Verdict seems kinda harsh.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
This is a joke. I do not understand why it is rape. This is more like the old fashioned breach of promise when reneging on a marriage proposal. This guy is guilty of nothing. Israel is a democracy? It doesn't seem like it here.

Agreed, it's a complete joke and shows exactly how prejudice they are in that country against those not Jewish..... I mean seriously, it's not like he lied about having HIV/AIDS and you can't "Catch Arab." :roll:

That's the thing about getting into a relationship.... you never know exactly what is the truth or the persons entire background right off the bat..... hell, there's all sorts of things I was lied about in my past relationships that would have changed my views and decisions if I knew the truth from the start...... but that doesn't happen because we live in a little thing called "REALITY!"

Should I go and sue them for rape for not telling me the truth about their backgrounds/history/beliefs/likes and dislikes?

No.... because my decisions I make in life are my own damn fault.... just as it's her own damn fault she decided to spread her legs.

In my cases and in her case, she did not get any STD (at least it wasn't mentioned), she's apparently alive and well (Besides sleeping with someone not of her "Kind"), and I imagine she's no longer in a relationship with this guy..... nor did they marry..... so WTF?

In relationships, you will usually end up making stupid decisions and getting into relationships with people you later learn you don't want to be in a relationship with, and chances are, you'll come across someone you like/love who ends up feeding you nothing but lies about themselves.......

..... If we were all allowed to sue people based on the above, then I'd suspect the courts would be filled with millions of people around the world everyday fighting over these stupid and trivial things.

The only reason why I see them actually taking this situation as serious as they did and sent him off to jail is because he's not Jewish, but Arab..... That's it..... but then again, this is also the same country that the police will gun down an Arab committing a crime without hesitation rather then try and defuse the situation and/or get him/her behind bars alive.

What a joke.

Quite harshly, I'd imagine, but the take-away on this is for us not to judge the individual systems from the outside looking in

Unfortunately that's all we here in the forums can do.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
:tongue9: WHOA CAMEL!!! WHOA AH SAY!!!


Do Ayrabs get circumsised same as Jews???

If NOT, she shoulda knowed he weren't no Jew, eh!!:nike:

Less'n she didn't look. In the heat of the moment so ta speek:sex:

Verdict seems kinda harsh.

Hey that is one heck of a good point! I think the only ones who get circumsised are Jewish folks and some Yanks... maybe some Canadians. That is just a guess on my part. I have not kept up with the topic.

But that was right on could she miss that?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
It may be an 'oxymoron'in your eyes, but it still has to be dealt with. You cut diplomatic ties, you cut any influence you may have. Real smart.

What influence is that? Israel does whatever they please anyways regardless of what any other country thinks and will continue to do so until the US government stops ass kissing them and backing every action they take.

By the way, where is your 'moral indignation' regarding the man who decided that he had to misrepresent himself in order to get a bit?
It happens everywhere, in every country, in every aspect and to everybody at one time or another..... what's your point? That's the whole thing about relationships.... they're supposed to be built on trust and that trust being abused is the chance you take when you enter a relationship.

Besides myself wasting a couple of years of my life and my energy on relationships that failed in the end and were with people who were not all truthful to me, I don't see any right for me to go and get all childish and sue them..... I made my bed and I lied in it..... I accept the consequences of my action of dating and trusting these people in my past, this story is just ridiculous and petty.

At the very worst I could see maybe a fine.... but not jail time.... she's still alive and well, and if she's somehow traumatized by this incident, then I have to laugh at her bigotry.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury

Hey that is one heck of a good point! I think the only ones who get circumsised are Jewish folks and some Yanks... maybe some Canadians. That is just a guess on my part. I have not kept up with the topic.

But that was right on could she miss that?
It's called sunnah in Islam - and widely practiced. Was going to bring the circumcision thing up yesterday - but Googled first.

Hmm.... Wonder if they took a li'l too much off the tip.....

Problem for Israel gov't and military: Does the precedent - fibbing to have one's way - also apply to Israelis who use foreign passports to get 'er done?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
It's called sunnah in Islam - and widely practiced. Was going to bring the circumcision thing up yesterday - but Googled first.

Hmm.... Wonder if they took a li'l too much off the tip.....

Problem for Israel gov't and military: Does the precedent - fibbing to have one's way - also apply to Israelis who use foreign passports to get 'er done?

It is a dumb case. It should never have gone to court.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
..... Hey that is one heck of a good point! I think the only ones who get circumsised are Jewish folks and some Yanks... maybe some Canadians. That is just a guess on my part. I have not kept up with the topic.

But that was right on could she miss that?

For the record, I was born/raised Christian and I've got the convertible top down..... it's not just Jewish people who go Mazda Miata.

It's called sunnah in Islam - and widely practiced. Was going to bring the circumcision thing up yesterday - but Googled first.

Hmm.... Wonder if they took a li'l too much off the tip.....

Problem for Israel gov't and military: Does the precedent - fibbing to have one's way - also apply to Israelis who use foreign passports to get 'er done?

Indeed.... what about those guys who forged other nation's passports to commit murder?

Last I heard not much really was done to them.... good ol' Israeli double standards.

Sort of a "Do as we say, not as we do"


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Give me a break.. You slept with someone you jsut met and then cry Rape because he lied to you??? Newsflash.. It's not like men have never lied to get a woman in the sack..
Can she be charged with being gullible??
Like I said before: "Do you fully understand Israeli law? Do you fully understand Judaism? Do you fully understand that woman's version of Judaism? What if her religion said that if she had sex outside of her religion, she'd never get to Jewish heaven?"

:tongue9: WHOA CAMEL!!! WHOA AH SAY!!!

Do Ayrabs get circumsised same as Jews???

If NOT, she shoulda knowed he weren't no Jew, eh!!:nike:

Less'n she didn't look. In the heat of the moment so ta speek:sex:

Verdict seems kinda harsh.
Not all Israelis are circumcised. Oh, yeah, and BTW, a lot of Muslims are circumcised. Look it up


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
This guy got 18 months for pretending to be Jewish in order to get laid.

Lying about your religion, whatever religion it is, drops pretty low. But making lying about your religion a punishable offense stoops just as low. The race to the bottom of the gutter is on.

Had the male been a Jew that posed as a Muslim for the same ends, how do you think that the Islamic courts would have treated that man?

I fully agree. Before we expect ourselves, our friends and our allies to live up to our standards, we should first look to our enemies. As long as our enemies are stooping lower than we are, or at least as low, then we shouldn't worry.:roll:

And just a note in this thread: Israel's religious laws have discriminated against non-Jews since the beginning:

Religion in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If this is correct, Israelis of different religious backgrounds cannot marry in Israel. Try passing a law like that in Canada and see how far you get.


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
Lying about your religion, whatever religion it is, drops pretty low. But making lying about your religion a punishable offense stoops just as low. The race to the bottom of the gutter is on.

I fully agree. Before we expect ourselves, our friends and our allies to live up to our standards, we should first look to our enemies. As long as our enemies are stooping lower than we are, or at least as low, then we shouldn't worry.:roll:

And just a note in this thread: Israel's religious laws have discriminated against non-Jews since the beginning:

Religion in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If this is correct, Israelis of different religious backgrounds cannot marry in Israel. Try passing a law like that in Canada and see how far you get.
True, but try being two people - one of Muslim faith and one of another - and see how easy it is for them to get married in a Muslim country like let's say - oh p- Iran or Saudi Arabia.They could b killed for love ... and the law in those countries wouldn't condemn it. At least in Israel, you can challenge the law without fearing for your life ....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Lust has no religion. Didn't you read that book? Adam and eve had a direct open talking ability with god then along came the spider and sat down beside er' and created religion, started boinking Adam and it's all been a mess ever since. Who cares? She willingly ****ed him.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
But making lying about your religion a punishable offense stoops just as low.

That is a strong signal relative to how much emphasis Israel places on their faith. You need not agree with their position on the issue or the practices, but that is irrelevant in that society.

Before we expect ourselves, our friends and our allies to live up to our standards, we should first look to our enemies. As long as our enemies are stooping lower than we are, or at least as low, then we shouldn't worry.

.... And who appointed you (or me) as the end-all-be-all to sit in judgement of other nations and cultures?... See what I'm getting at here?

And just a note in this thread: Israel's religious laws have discriminated against non-Jews since the beginning:

Religion in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If this is correct, Israelis of different religious backgrounds cannot marry in Israel. Try passing a law like that in Canada and see how far you get.

When in Rome......


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Anna said;"""Not all Israelis are circumcised. Oh, yeah, and BTW, a lot of Muslims are circumcised. Look it up""""

Nah, I really don't care.:lol:



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
True, but try being two people - one of Muslim faith and one of another - and see how easy it is for them to get married in a Muslim country like let's say - oh p- Iran or Saudi Arabia.They could b killed for love ... and the law in those countries wouldn't condemn it. At least in Israel, you can challenge the law without fearing for your life ....

I have never understood the logic behind defending an act by pointing to a worse act by someone else. Imagine the thief in court:

"Your honour, considering that all I did was to shoplift some high-end electronics and was not even armed at the time, why are you wasting your time trying me when we consider that my neighbour actually killed someone?"

Following that logic, China should be considered a close ally because North Korea is worse; Iran should be considered a good friend because the Taliban is worse. It's OK for Canada to turn people in for torture because we're not the ones doing the actual torturing after all. As long as we are not scraping the bottom of the barrel, we should hear nothing but high praise for our actions.

That is a strong signal relative to how much emphasis Israel places on their faith. You need not agree with their position on the issue or the practices, but that is irrelevant in that society.

Is it really about religion or ethnicity? According to the Jewish Faith, adultery is prohibited. So what was a practicing Jew doing sleeping around out of wedlock? Hmmm...

If Israel were serious about its religion, shouldn't a good old lapidation be called for for both of them as per the scriptures for vilation of one of the ten commandments?

The fact that they should be so concerned about the Arab's violation of Jewish law but not of the Hebrew's seems a double standard to me. Seeing that she was doing this in violation of Jewish law, she should not be considered a Jew at least at the time she was committing the offenseif we were following that logic.

.... And who appointed you (or me) as the end-all-be-all to sit in judgement of other nations and cultures?... See what I'm getting at here?

When our government allies itself with one country or another, it is essentially implying that it accepts that country's policies. There is a difference between allies and friends. Between friendly nations, our friendship does not necessarily suggest we necessarily agree with all it does; and while we may go to war on behalf of a friendly nation, we do so willingly.

By being allied to another country, we are actively taking sides, and are required by treaty to defend that ally whether we agree with it or not, whether its problems are self-inflicted or not.

This is where I think Canada ought to scrap all alliances and focus instead on developing friendships. This way, while countries might know that they could count on Canada to defend them when they are in legitimate need, they'd also know they can't count on Canada to bail them out for their own stupidity. Seeing that Israel is not much better than the other countries in the region, while it might be fine for Canada to pursue friendly relations with Israel, any kind of formal alliance ought to be scrapped.

When in Rome......[/QUOTE]

I have never understood the logic behind defending an act by pointing to a worse act by someone else. Imagine the thief in court:

"Your honour, considering that all I did was to shoplift some high-end electronics and was not even armed at the time, why are you wasting your time trying me when we consider that my neighbour actually killed someone?"

Following that logic, China should be considered a close ally because North Korea is worse; Iran should be considered a good friend because the Taliban is worse. It's OK for Canada to turn people in for torture because we're not the ones doing the actual torturing after all. As long as we are not scraping the bottom of the barrel, we should hear nothing but high praise for our actions.

Is it really about religion or ethnicity? According to the Jewish Faith, adultery is prohibited. So what was a practicing Jew doing sleeping around out of wedlock? Hmmm...

If Israel were serious about its religion, shouldn't a good old lapidation be called for for both of them as per the scriptures for vilation of one of the ten commandments?

The fact that they should be so concerned about the Arab's violation of Jewish law but not of the Hebrew's seems a double standard to me. Seeing that she was doing this in violation of Jewish law, she should not be considered a Jew at least at the time she was committing the offenseif we were following that logic.

When our government allies itself with one country or another, it is essentially implying that it accepts that country's policies. There is a difference between allies and friends. Between friendly nations, our friendship does not necessarily suggest we necessarily agree with all it does; and while we may go to war on behalf of a friendly nation, we do so willingly.

By being allied to another country, we are actively taking sides, and are required by treaty to defend that ally whether we agree with it or not, whether its problems are self-inflicted or not.

This is where I think Canada ought to scrap all alliances and focus instead on developing friendships. This way, while countries might know that they could count on Canada to defend them when they are in legitimate need, they'd also know they can't count on Canada to bail them out for their own stupidity. Seeing that Israel is not much better than the other countries in the region, while it might be fine for Canada to pursue friendly relations with Israel, any kind of formal alliance ought to be scrapped.

When in Rome......

Both the Hebrew and the Arab were 'Romans' though. So which Roman law should apply then? That of the government, which in this case would be Israel? Sure. But then I guess Romans can certainly discriminate against their own subjects.
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captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I have never understood the logic behind defending an act by pointing to a worse act by someone else. Imagine the thief in court:

"Your honour, considering that all I did was to shoplift some high-end electronics and was not even armed at the time, why are you wasting your time trying me when we consider that my neighbour actually killed someone?"

This analogy presumes that your (or mine) interpretation of a foreign nations' laws are in error or wrong... Essentially this is what I was driving at - who are we to act as judge, jury and executioner, specifically as we are on the outside looking in?

In referring back to your shoplifting analogy, how about if the item was food and you needed that food to survive? Can the crime be forgiven based on the element of necessity?

How about if you shop lifted in (some) Middle Eastern nations where the penalty is (potentially) the loss of your hand? Clearly, our society would condemn that penalty as being too harsh or barbaric, but the fact is; it is their society... proponents within those (style) of societies may berate Canadian law as too lenient or ineffective.

That doesn't make their judgement reasonable, but the same principle applies equally to us in judging their society.

Following that logic, China should be considered a close ally because North Korea is worse; Iran should be considered a good friend because the Taliban is worse. It's OK for Canada to turn people in for torture because we're not the ones doing the actual torturing after all. As long as we are not scraping the bottom of the barrel, we should hear nothing but high praise for our actions.

I see two important components in your logic that I don't agree with.

First, and most importantly, you are judging those societies by your own subjective standard. Secondly, you are assuming that the relativity between societies is based on all societies having a common starting point in terms of philosophy, practices, strong influencing variables (ie. religion), politics and social norms.

Is it really about religion or ethnicity? According to the Jewish Faith, adultery is prohibited. So what was a practicing Jew doing sleeping around out of wedlock? Hmmm...

You are assuming this is about ethnicity, and perhaps you are correct. However, until it is known, it is nothing more than speculation.

Further, adultery requires that one or both of the participants be married to others. To my knowledge, they were 2 single people and therefore adultery does not apply.

If Israel were serious about its religion, shouldn't a good old lapidation be called for for both of them as per the scriptures for vilation of one of the ten commandments?

Which commandment?

The fact that they should be so concerned about the Arab's violation of Jewish law but not of the Hebrew's seems a double standard to me. Seeing that she was doing this in violation of Jewish law, she should not be considered a Jew at least at the time she was committing the offenseif we were following that logic.

This is a moot point. If the "crime" occurred in Israel, then the Arab laws are a moot point... Arab law would be the concern in an Arab nation/jurisdiction and they wouldn't be concerned about Israeli law.

When our government allies itself with one country or another, it is essentially implying that it accepts that country's policies. There is a difference between allies and friends. Between friendly nations, our friendship does not necessarily suggest we necessarily agree with all it does; and while we may go to war on behalf of a friendly nation, we do so willingly.

I don't disagree with your statement, however, friendliness leads to parallel (national) goals that inevitably leads to parallel policies... Trade agreements and cooperation between law enforcement agencies are extensions of friendliness.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Actually the Arab man "Daniel" is married with children. Lying to get laid makes him a jerk. But 18 months in prison??? That speaks volumes about typical Israeli justice.

Other examples of Israeli justice:
YouTube - Israeli soldier shoots blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinian man at point blank range [VIDEO]
Result? The nothing to the soldier who pulled the trigger and the officer that ordered it was reassigned to a training facility.

This story speaks for itself...

Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinain schoolgirl
Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinain schoolgirl | World news | The Guardian

I can give many similar examples of Israeli justice...


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Fining the guy might be reasonable, not for lying about his religion (that's his business, as much as it puts him pretty low on the moral compass), but rather since he'd committed adultery. That being said, it takes two to tango, so she should be charged too. You don't just stick your Willy anywhere you want nor do you spread your legs at the first sight of Willy.