Palestinian jailed for rape after claiming to be Jewish


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I agree. But in the same light, I can't see a Jew being treated any better in a Muslim Nation.

I don't know. I'd met some Iranian Jews before, and from what I got, since Jews are considered as among the Ahl-ul-bait, their freedom of religion is guaranteed in Iran. That said, there are various government quotas in government, universities, etc. that favour Muslims against Jews. And while a Jew can conver to Islam, a Muslim cannot conver to Judaism. And Baha'is really have it bad since the're classified as apostates from Islam since their Faith is a post-Muslim religion, and so they really suffer persecution.

I'm also aware of deep anti-Muslim sentiments in Israel too. Since i don't know as much about the treatment of Muslims in Israel, I can't really compare which is worst.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Iran's treatment of religious minorities is barbaric, inhumane, and incredibly closed minded, yet Iran's religious minorities including Jews are still far better treated than millions of Israeli Arabs and Muslims.
Amnesty Internation 2010 Annual report:
Religious minorities
Members of religious minorities, including some not
recognized by the government, continued to suffer
discrimination, harassment, arbitrary arrest and
damage to community property. Among those
targeted were Sunni Muslim clerics; Shi’a clerics
advocating the separation of the state from religion;
members of the Dervish and Ahl-e Haqq
communities; members of a philosophical association
called Al-e Yasin; Christians; and members of the
Baha’i community, who remained unable to access
higher education. Converts from Islam were at risk of
attack as well as prosecution for “apostasy”, which is
punishable by death.

 Maryam Rostampour and Marzieh Amirizadeh
Esmaeilabad, both Christian converts, were arrested on
5 March in Tehran for handing out Bibles and
participating in religious gatherings. Both were
prisoners of conscience. Released in November after
acquittal in October of “acting against state security” by
a Revolutionary Court, they continued to face charges
of “apostasy” and “proselytizing” in a General Court.
 Seven Baha’is, two women and five men, who were
arrested in March and May 2008, remained held
without trial in Evin Prison in Tehran. All faced charges
of spying for Israel and “insulting religious sanctities
and propaganda against the system”. In May their
families were told that they had also been charged with
“corruption on earth”, which can be punished by

Which is pretty bad. You'd think no nation could possible sink lower in this day and age, yet Israel seems to have no problem exceeding Iran's severe, cruel, intolerant excesses.

No offence intended to the people on this forum who can't comment on Israel's use of human shields, including women and children, attacks on medical facilities and personnel, or use of white phosphorus to "shake and bake" densely crowded urban areas.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Iran's treatment of religious minorities is barbaric, inhumane, and incredibly closed minded, yet Iran's religious minorities including Jews are still far better treated than millions of Israeli Arabs and Muslims.
Amnesty Internation 2010 Annual report:

Which is pretty bad. You'd think no nation could possible sink lower in this day and age, yet Israel seems to have no problem exceeding Iran's severe, cruel, intolerant excesses.

No offence intended to the people on this forum who can't comment on Israel's use of human shields, including women and children, attacks on medical facilities and personnel, or use of white phosphorus to "shake and bake" densely crowded urban areas.

From my understandng, Iran's treatment of religious minorities is far worse than Israel's overall. Sure the non-Muslim branch of the Ahl-ul-Bait (Christians and Jews) are granted certain minimal rights, but if you believe in any other religion, you're life can be in danger.

Just to take the Baha'is as examples, many have been killed, often on false charges. In Israel, except on Mount Carmel where they are granted religious freedom, Baha'is are not allowed to organize anywhere else in Israel nor proselytize.

If we take that example, then we must conclude that Israel is a notch above Iran in this case. Though granted on a relative scale, it is like saying the thief is better than the murderer.


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
Iran's treatment of religious minorities is barbaric, inhumane, and incredibly closed minded, yet Iran's religious minorities including Jews are still far better treated than millions of Israeli Arabs and Muslims.
Amnesty Internation 2010 Annual report:

Which is pretty bad. You'd think no nation could possible sink lower in this day and age, yet Israel seems to have no problem exceeding Iran's severe, cruel, intolerant excesses.

No offence intended to the people on this forum who can't comment on Israel's use of human shields, including women and children, attacks on medical facilities and personnel, or use of white phosphorus to "shake and bake" densely crowded urban areas.

You might want to explain that last paragraph? Israel is like any other country - it has its bigots and right wingers - but WHERE in Israel, have they done what you have said, to their citizens? And if that happened, was there no legal recourse? Were 'non Jews' forbidden to appeal injustice through the courts? Just curious.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
From my understandng, Iran's treatment of religious minorities is far worse than Israel's overall.
It is Mach, have no fear of that. But eao has a problem with the Joos, so he'll see it no other way. No matter the evidence provided.

If we take that example, then we must conclude that Israel is a notch above Iran in this case. Though granted on a relative scale, it is like saying the thief is better than the murderer.
I'd rather be robbed than murdered. How about you?

You might want to explain that last paragraph? Israel is like any other country - it has its bigots and right wingers - but WHERE in Israel, have they done what you have said, to their citizens? And if that happened, was there no legal recourse? Were 'non Jews' forbidden to appeal injustice through the courts? Just curious.
You know you're now waiting for cut and pastes of isolated incidents, and anecdotal testimony, right?

Sadly I had to give eao a thumbs down for that post. Where I've been behind him throughout this thread. Until now.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON

You might want to explain that last paragraph? Israel is like any other country - it has its bigots and right wingers - but WHERE in Israel, have they done what you have said, to their citizens? And if that happened, was there no legal recourse? Were 'non Jews' forbidden to appeal injustice through the courts? Just curious.

In Israel, the Baha'i community had to negotiate an agreement with the Israeli government that it would have freedom of religion on Mount Carmel in exchange for sacrificing its freedom of religious organization everywhere else in Israel, though granted individual freedom of worship is still granted, though public proselytism is legally prohibited for Baha'is.

Granted the Israeli government and the Baha'i community have very cordial relations, with the Israeli government having even sent an ambassador of sorts to maintain links with the community, but that's because the Baha'is respect the law. But that's still a far cry from true religious freedom. yet this is not just individuals suppressing Baha;is, but rather government regulation restricting the Baha'i community while still protecting its more basic human rights.

On that front, it's still a far cry from Iran where Baha'is have not even the right to life, granted. But make no mistake about it; freedom of religious worship in Israel is legally curtailed to a level we would never tolerate in Canada.

Though in response to CNDBear, yes, I'd rather be robbed than murdered. But unfortunately, that is the comparison between Israel and Iran.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006

You might want to explain that last paragraph? Israel is like any other country - it has its bigots and right wingers - but WHERE in Israel, have they done what you have said, to their citizens? And if that happened, was there no legal recourse? Were 'non Jews' forbidden to appeal injustice through the courts? Just curious.
Read it for yourself:

No offence intended to the people on this forum who can't comment on Israel's use of human shields, including women and children, attacks on medical facilities and personnel, or use of white phosphorus to "shake and bake" densely crowded urban areas.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I agree. But in the same light, I can't see a Jew being treated any better in a Muslim Nation.

Iran's treatment of religious minorities is barbaric, inhumane, and incredibly closed minded, yet Iran's religious minorities including Jews are still far better treated than millions of Israeli Arabs and Muslims.
Amnesty Internation 2010 Annual report:

Which is pretty bad. You'd think no nation could possible sink lower in this day and age, yet Israel seems to have no problem exceeding Iran's severe, cruel, intolerant excesses.

No offence intended to the people on this forum who can't comment on Israel's use of human shields, including women and children, attacks on medical facilities and personnel, or use of white phosphorus to "shake and bake" densely crowded urban areas.
:roll: Yeah, and Pallies, Hezbollah, Hamas have never used civilian shields.
You're a one note tune, EAO. Bad Israelis. Bad Israelis. Everything's Israel's fault. Evil empire. blah blah blah One side is just as bad as the other but you can't make balanced posts. It's all one sided and a constant monotone.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
You would be one of the people that can't comment on Israel's use of human shields, including women and children, attacks on medical facilities and personnel, or use of white phosphorus to "shake and bake" densely crowded urban areas.

If one side is as bad as the other, then why is Canada unshakeably supporting one side? That would make Canada a supporter of one side's war crimes and crimes against humanity.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
You would be one of the people that can't comment on Israel's use of human shields, including women and children, attacks on medical facilities and personnel, or use of white phosphorus to "shake and bake" densely crowded urban areas.
Sorry. But unlike you, I can give credit where credit is due. And you know it. You just seem to have forgotten that I have repeatedly said Israel's policies suck and the IDF uses deplorable tactics. But I also have pointed out that the people they fight are not angels either, unlike you.

If one side is as bad as the other, then why is Canada unshakeably supporting one side? That would make Canada a supporter of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
So squawk about Canada, too then. But don't constantly snivel about Israel when the other side pulls some awfully nasty crap, too. :tard:

Rockets hit Israeli resort city |


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I have no problem condemning Hamas war crimes. I don't attempt to justify or defend them. Can you condemn Israeli war crimes?

Sorry. But unlike you, I can give credit where credit is due. And you know it. You just seem to have forgotten that I have repeatedly said Israel's policies suck and the IDF uses deplorable tactics. But I also have pointed out that the people they fight are not angels either, unlike you.

So squawk about Canada, too then. But don't constantly snivel about Israel when the other side pulls some awfully nasty crap, too. :tard:

Rockets hit Israeli resort city |

From your link:

"The rockets appeared to have been fired from Egypt's Sinai peninsula, an Israeli police spokesman said, though Egypt denied the claim."

Are you claiming Hamas snuck out of Gaza and across the Sinai to launch those rockets at Israel and Jordan or are you just blaming Hamas for every attack on Israel? Where is your proof that Hamas was behind those attacks? Is that your example of giving credit where credit is due?

Egypt blames Palestinian factions for Red Sea rocket attacks
By Jailan Zayan (AFP) – 18 hours ago
CAIRO — Egypt said on Wednesday that "Palestinian factions" were behind this week's rocket attacks on Israel and Jordan, apparently implying the rockets were fired from the Sinai peninsula.
"An official Egyptian source said Palestinian factions from the (Hamas-ruled) Gaza Strip were behind the launch of five rockets on Jordan's Aqaba and on Eilat in Israel on Monday," official MENA news agency reported.
The unnamed source said the findings were based on "preliminary investigations" but did not elaborate on the groups. No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

AFP: Egypt blames Palestinian factions for Red Sea rocket attacks

In other words, it remains unclear who launched those attacks. Probably someone in the area who doesn't like Israel, which describes about 500 million possible suspects.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ship the whole lot off to the south pole and let the penguins deal with it. We'll give Israel and Palestine to Bangladesh which should ease the overcrowding issues there.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I have always condemned war crimes. I am more vocal about Israeli war crimes than that of their adversaries because I feel it balances out the misinformation and selective truth propaganda in our news which creates a distorted pro-Israel narrative.

I have condemned Hamas rocket and mortar attacks against Israeli civilian targets which have killed about a dozen people in the last decade. I completely agree with Canada treating Hamas as a terrorist organization and support bringing these criminals to justice.

On the other hand, I disagree with Canada's support of Israeli war criminals who are responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians throughout the region in the last decade. I also disagree with collectively punishing 1.5 million people by destroying their ability to grow food, purify water, treat sewage, while destroying their economy and blocking the flow of humanitarian aid include food, clothing, shelter, medicine and educational supplies. Canada should treat Israeli war criminals the same as we treat other war criminals and if they step foot in Canada, I support bringing these criminals to justice.

How about you? Do you believe we should treat all war criminals the same way regardless of their nationality or religion?

Canada's support for Israeli war crimes:
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I have always condemned war crimes. I have condemned Hamas rocket and mortar attacks which have killed about a dozen people in the last decade. I completely agree with Canada treating Hamas as a terrorist organization and support bringing these criminals to justice.

On the other hand, I disagree with Canada's support of Israeli war criminals who are responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and the West Bank. I believe we should treat Israeli war criminals the same as we treat other war criminals and if they step foot in Canada, I support bringing these criminals to justice.
When. It sure hasn't shown up till now?

How about you? Do you believe we should treat all war criminals the same way regardless of their nationality or religion?
Comprehension problem? I said one side is as bad as the other. Most rational people would take that to include the same treatment for each.

Yay! Something besides a C&P saying, "Israel bad". Congratulations on your newfound freedom!


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
When. It sure hasn't shown up till now?

I have made many posts like this.

I condemn all Palestinian war crimes.

List of all Palestinian war crimes:
1) Firing mortars and rockets at Israeli civilians. This war crime has resulted in 28 deaths over the past 10 years, some of whom were Israeli civilians. This war crime did not result in any deaths during the year preceding 2008/2009 Israeli slaughter of Palestinian civilians known as Operation Cast Lead and has caused only one death since then. I support bringing those responsible for this war crime to justice.

Any Israeli apologist wish to condemn all Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity as I have just condemned all Palestinian war crimes? They are listed and detailed in this UN report along with the above Palestinian war crime:
United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Really? Where? 1 post? 2? In among the hundreds of posts whining about the Israelis?

But anyway, this is wandering a bit off-topic, which was my original point when I quoted you. Any hint of anything Israel and you're off and running with the same old same old.