Inauguration Day For Trump


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Funny how everybody rails against Obama's last minute executive orders and ignore the fact that Trump is issuing executive orders right out of the starting gate. He has set human rights, native right and environmental security back 50 years in just a few days.

More fake news. Or if you prefer alternates from the facts.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Of course it should be illegle to protest, you voted for us, we have your trust, we are doing everything you hoped for to stabalize the thingy

Go to sleep now you,ve had a hard day


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I'm not normally one for TV
I like this reality show:
best one yet
...and around here it's often in written words, which you don't normally see on the
(fake) Boob tube

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
funny how his detractors don't seem to actually talk concrete nuts and bolts

have we actually read any negative posts where they even quoted Trump, let alone cite anything specific to substantiate their opinions?

I know when we were dissecting Obama we quoted him directly and criticized his policies with specifics, why I don't see any of that coming from the nuts we have here?
I mean other then that they don't have them?
nuts I mean, they are nuts, but they don't seem to have nuts....
when we start getting some evidence based facts from the Trump gang..... then we can start dissenting them as they are presented. So far we have what can be classified as BS and bad theater Reality is that no sane p humanoid wants a leader to tail or behave like someone who is unhinged. There is no percentage in that . If he fails or looks like a jack ***.. the population is affected as is the nation.

So what do folks think about his executive orders to date. Keystone being one of them. No details yet .Will be interesting to see what his terms are.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
TV destroyed me If not5 for TV
I see you divulge recent TV exposure
naw, no cable at all - internets only ( that's were the words are)
but I do have a 60" 4K monitor
It would make the fake boobs on TV way to big for comfort

the mouth on cannucks AV is like 4 feet across

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
I don't understand why he's playing the fool with his crowd size and voter fraud rhetoric. he's shooting himself in the foot talking like that!
The election's over, he won FGS! If he would keep his focus on the business at hand he would gain popularity. With his backtracking, he's losing it! Business wise, he seems to be doing the right things.
I certainly am hoping the conviction to God and his Country was not phoney

Agree.the fun is just beginning. We are in for a ride of our lives...with fake news and alternate facts flooding the airwaves...Not to mentin donald's obsession with his-ratings, crowd sizes and now widespread voter fraud..... to explain why Hillary got so many votes and got the popular vote.
and if he did not have so much would be a barrel of laughs. His administration has already ordered a blackout on one on line media site. This is jsut the beginning of interfering with freedom of expression, speech and the media. He might have been studying the methods of Kim of N.Koera.

and it is only day two. Seems that Kim has a similar complex. it is all about him and self adoration . We know what happens when someone opposes him. Are we to only say things that Donald wants to hear.. and those that inflate his overblown ego ?? Does Donald expect the masses to enter his own self created world of unreality based on what HE believes only?? as in HIS delusions?? BTW: he Loves the media (and reading about himself ) .as long as it says what he believes about himself.We have seen what he does when it does not. He is dictating via all the executive orders he is doing.

Crazy ride ahead.
Fun,crazy ride
Meanwhile back on the farm

You just couldn't help yourself
I think my comments are worthy of discussion
Who wants an emotional stunted President?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I certainly am hoping the conviction to God and his Country was not phoney

Fun,crazy ride
Meanwhile back on the farm

You just couldn't help yourself
I think my comments are worthy of discussion
Who wants an emotional stunted President?
His voters?? He speaks their language ...They seem to have a cult mentality of hard core followers.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
The times are ripe for followers
Some real strange thoughts going around
good point. It seems like those that have been hiding under their rocks are suddenly emerging as if attracted to some destructive magnetic force.There is a sociological twist to the current happenings that is filled with uncertainty. what is how one person can turn most of the planet into an anxieety state. That is NOT the quality of a constructive and effective leader. Seems the voters wanted drama , theater, and superficiality.. so they got it.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
President Obama is advising people against underestimating Donald Trump. He made the comment during his latest and last interview on CBS' '60
Obama Says Trump Should Not Be Underestimated

you anti democracy types have blunder estimated the man from day one
are you sure that hasn't negatively effected YOUR cred?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't understand why he's playing the fool with his crowd size and voter fraud rhetoric. he's shooting himself in the foot talking like that!
The election's over, he won FGS! If he would keep his focus on the business at hand he would gain popularity. With his backtracking, he's losing it! Business wise, he seems to be doing the right things.

I would guess by now physical and mental exhaustion ares overwhelming him. He should take a day off!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
President Obama is advising people against underestimating Donald Trump. He made the comment during his latest and last interview on CBS' '60
Obama Says Trump Should Not Be Underestimated

you anti democracy types have blunder estimated the man from day one
are you sure that hasn't negatively effected YOUR cred?
Obama is right. It would be foolish to underestimate the amount of damage that Trump will create. Anyone who plays with non facts and beliefs as a problem from the onset. His rapid signing of all-these exec orders is a concern too. Israel is already taking advantage of Trumps leadership to expand the settlements in Palestinian territory. .which is is illegal. but then legalities don't matter to the likes of some

One might wonder many more fact based sites that oppose Trumps BELIEFS (beliefs that are just that.not evidence based).will suddenly be shut down.

why does gestapo tactics come to mind. and NO that is not being melodramatic or unreachable.

We shall see how he handles the new protests that are up against the pipelines.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I don't understand why he's playing the fool with his crowd size and voter fraud rhetoric. he's shooting himself in the foot talking like that!

The election's over, he won FGS! If he would keep his focus on the business at hand he would gain popularity. With his backtracking, he's losing it! Business wise, he seems to be doing the right things.

There is no understanding of it, DM - that is just Donald Trump being himself as many who are or have been close to him have either written or spoken about. We look at it and think, why the hell does he care but he does very much - it's his nature and it is also his nature to never back down and that if he says something often enough no matter how outrageous some people will believe and the ones who don't - don't matter. He is highly narcissistic. It would be nice to think that some if not all of that narcissism could be toned down but as one of his closest advisor said 'that's Donald Trump and he is not going to change'. Keeping him out of the public eye for long periods of time should be a priority of his handlers. He'll still have twitter.

Yes, he's been very busy signing executive orders effectively wiping Obama policies off the books. I'm looking forward to the time that Congress and the Senate get involved - then we will see just how well he has chosen his appointments and how well his plans for the future will be received.

Seems the voters wanted drama , theater, and superficiality.. so they got it.

I doubt that is what voters wanted but it appears they, at least those who elected Trump, were willing to put up with it.

We shall see how he handles the new protests that are up against the pipelines.

I expect that he will handle them in a judicious manner.