Inauguration Day For Trump


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
oh really
how quikly we forgitts
October Crisis

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoked the only peacetime use of the War Measures Act.

October 13: Prime Minister Trudeau is interviewed by the CBC with respect to the military presence.[10] In a combative interview, Trudeau asks the reporter, Tim Ralfe, what he would do in his place. When Ralfe asks Trudeau how far he would go Trudeau replies, "Just watch me".

At the time, opinion polls in Quebec and the rest of Canada showed overwhelming support for the War Measures Act;[19][20] in a December 1970 Gallup Poll, it was noted that 89% of English-speaking Canadians supported the introduction of the War Measures Act, and 86% of French-speaking Canadians supported its introduction. They respectively had 6% and 9% disapproving, the difference being undecided.[21] Since then, however, the government's use of the War Measures Act in peacetime has been a subject of debate in Canada as it gave police sweeping powers of arrest and detention.

At the time, opinion polls throughout Canada, including in Quebec, showed widespread support for the use of the War Measures Act.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
This statement reminds me of the boy who cried wolf, Cliff - frankly, it is little more than over-the-top rhetoric. You can bet your bottom dollar that the chances of a police state are zero to none under our current PM and his sunny ways government. Canada under any government no matter their political stripe will never become a police state. It is not in our collective nature, nor will it be in the future.

Don't be so quick to judge all Canadians on the actions of a minority of Trump-aping twits that grab the headlines of news-starved media. They are but small voices in a much broader more comprehensive narrative.
I'm thinking of Kinder Morgan and the protests that will ensue. We have seen at the G8 summit and other protests how militarized the RCMPeep acts. Do you recall actions taken at Gustafsen Lake or Oka? Don't kid yourself.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Junior doesn't have the balls the old man had.....

Audacity might be a better word!

This statement reminds me of the boy who cried wolf, Cliff - frankly, it is little more than over-the-top rhetoric. You can bet your bottom dollar that the chances of a police state are zero to none under our current PM and his sunny ways government. Canada under any government no matter their political stripe will never become a police state. It is not in our collective nature, nor will it be in the future.

Don't be so quick to judge all Canadians on the actions of a minority of Trump-aping twits that grab the headlines of news-starved media. They are but small voices in a much broader more comprehensive narrative.
Right on Mowich- I certainly don't think Trump is perfect and I'd even go as far as to say he's got some nutty ideas, but I've yet to hear of anything he's actually done to harm a single person....................there's an old saying - "piss or get off the pot".


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I'm thinking of Kinder Morgan and the protests that will ensue. We have seen at the G8 summit and other protests how militarized the RCMPeep acts. Do you recall actions taken at Gustafsen Lake or Oka? Don't kid yourself.

If the people protesting and demonstrating aren't able or willing to keep out hired thugs, agent provocateurs and the more extremist elements, Cliffy then I, for one, will be happy to see the law step in and prevent that bunch from damaging property.

I well remember Gustafsen Lake, Cliffy. I drive though the Canim Lake reserve both on my way to and back from town. People I know from the reserve were on the margins of the early protests but most of them quickly withdrew when things started to heat up. Some that I talked to openly wondered why a native from Ontario was bothering to stir up trouble in BC. Oh, and in all the time it was going on, things on the reserve were peaceful and quiet. No signs were erected in support of Gustafsen and no on ever tried to block our road. 100 Mile House got a huge economic boost during the stand-off as well.

Audacity might be a better word!

Right on Mowich- I certainly don't think Trump is perfect and I'd even go as far as to say he's got some nutty ideas, but I've yet to hear of anything he's actually done to harm a single person....................there's an old saying - "piss or get off the pot".

The only nutty idea I've heard, so far, is this ridiculous plan to build the wall, JLM. Otherwise, he seems to be busy strengthening security, defunding orgs that work outside the US, cutting a lot of red tape and dealing with illegal immigrants. BTW, let me know when mysterious sombrero clad visitors start turning up in large numbers where you live, being so much closer to the border then I, you can be my early warning system. :p:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I don't agree at all and I will not cut him any slack. His Orwellian approach to governance is leading to a complete police state. The US has always been a police state but now all pretense has been abandoned. And if you think this is not our fate too, you just aren't paying attention to the big picture.

Trump's coming to get youuuuuu Clifford!



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
What else can you expect from an ignorant moron. Sits back and scrutinizes Americans but if this oaf were in charge of anything his associates would be fukked in a hurry. Unless it was a Lawrence Welk fest.

Yet we are the most powerful country on earth. Go figure pusscake

Actually you have the most powerfull debt of any country on earth. As we stroll though the list of debt crushed Empires a thousand years long, at least, we wonder how you gona beat debt? I think the Bankers will win again. That's real power, at least what you can buy as power.

Someday the Bankers will puff Canada up into an Empire, oh damn, I forgot America will pay thier debt by spending Canada. We're the nearest source of revenu. We've already signed off on the good stuff. Water, oil, cod

The US war with Canada is one they can still win. Occupation might sread them a little thin however and it would be an Afghanistan type of perpetual war, but that creates jobs, I wonder what Trumps up to. If I we're them I would force democracy on this northern plague and stamp out this monarchist nest.

Anyway, back on topic.

Remoaners around the country have found something else to whinge about, taking to bridges - including London's Tower Bridge and Iron Bridge (the world's first iron bridge) in Ironbridge in Shropshire - for some reason to protest:

Real good iron in the old days.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The only nutty idea I've heard, so far, is this ridiculous plan to build the wall, JLM. Otherwise, he seems to be busy strengthening security, defunding orgs that work outside the US, cutting a lot of red tape and dealing with illegal immigrants. BTW, let me know when mysterious sombrero clad visitors start turning up in large numbers where you live, being so much closer to the border then I, you can be my early warning system. :p:lol:

Yep, there was mention today about torture, but Trump definitely did NOT say he has any ideas of endorsing it. As far as "the wall" goes, I'm not quite clear exactly what he means by it. Perhaps more in the legal sense than the physical sense! Don't get me wrong I like the guy, he has a lot of moxie, gumption and sagacity!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Yep, there was mention today about torture, but Trump definitely did NOT say he has any ideas of endorsing it. As far as "the wall" goes, I'm not quite clear exactly what he means by it. Perhaps more in the legal sense than the physical sense! Don't get me wrong I like the guy, he has a lot of moxie, gumption and sagacity!

Don't get me wrong, JLM......I am very thankful that he is not the leader of my country. I am quite sure the wall he talks about building is a real one. Whether or not he manages to get the idea through Congress and the Senate remains to be seen. He can't build one with an executive order.

He is the least sagacious President in my lifetime as his performances in public have repeatedly shown. However, he does not lack in determination, consistency for the most part - though he has waffled on a few issues and has shown that he is not afraid of doing things his way.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
If the people protesting and demonstrating aren't able or willing to keep out hired thugs, agent provocateurs and the more extremist elements, Cliffy then I, for one, will be happy to see the law step in and prevent that bunch from damaging property.
Do you remember the G8 and G20 summits in Quebec and Toronto? Do you remember the agent provocateurs turned out to be police officers with balaclavas? I have been in protests since the Vietnam war and I can tell you that not one riot was ever started without those police agent provocateurs instigating them.

As for gagging the press:
Steve Bannon: News media needs to ‘keep its mouth shut’ and respect Trump

Former CEO turned top White House aide Stephen K. Bannon said on Wednesday evening that the news media is Pres. Donald Trump’s real “opposition party” and told the press it’s time to “keep its mouth shut” and “listen for awhile.”
“The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for awhile,” Bannon said in a telephone interview with the New York Times.
“I want you to quote this,” he said. “The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.”
The shot across the press’ bow comes at a particularly tense time between the new administration and any media outlet that does not obsequiously shower Trump with praise.
Trump has reportedly spent his first week in office fuming that the media reported his inaugural crowds were a third of the size of the throng that were on hand in 2009 when Pres. Barack Obama was sworn in. Trump has returned to the topic again and again, even as key aides reportedly urge him to drop it and move on.
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Bannon spoke to the Times to praise Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s performance in the opening days of the nascent administration, but ended up complaining bitterly about the treatment his boss is getting from the “elite media.”

Steve Bannon: News media needs to ‘keep its mouth shut’ and respect Trump


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Don't get me wrong, JLM......I am very thankful that he is not the leader of my country. I am quite sure the wall he talks about building is a real one. Whether or not he manages to get the idea through Congress and the Senate remains to be seen. He can't build one with an executive order.

He is the least sagacious President in my lifetime as his performances in public have repeatedly shown. However, he does not lack in determination, consistency for the most part - though he has waffled on a few issues and has shown that he is not afraid of doing things his way.

Surely not worse than Nixon! I'd be a lot more thankful if he was the P.M. of our country and Justin was down there.
P.S. there is discussion of "The Wall" on C.B.C. radio right now. There's speculation it will be more symbolic than Physical. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Do you remember the G8 and G20 summits in Quebec and Toronto? Do you remember the agent provocateurs turned out to be police officers with balaclavas? I have been in protests since the Vietnam war and I can tell you that not one riot was ever started without those police agent provocateurs instigating them.

Not one eh, Cliffy - I'd like to see concrete proof of that statement. I've found nothing indicating that Canadian police were involved in instigating the G20 riots in Toronto. I did read that police in London, England were found guilty of inciting riots during the G20 held in that country.

On the other hand, Kevin Chianella - an American from New York spent two years in a Canadian prison after his conviction for -

One count of arson; 11 counts of mischief endangering life; one count of attempted mischief endangering life; 22 counts of mischief over $5,000; one count of mischief under $5,000; three counts of attempted mischief over $5,000; two counts of assault with a weapon; assaulting police with a weapon; three counts of assault; three counts of theft under $5,000; breaking and entering; two counts of intimidating a member of the justice system; obstructing a peace officer; and wearing a disguise with intent to commit an indictable offence.

Richard Dean Morano, another American served six months for his participation and yet another American, Joel Bitar pictured in the act below, spent 20 months in a Canadian prison after being charged with 26 offenses.

In all six Americans were given prison terms of varying lengths for the use of black block tactics and participation in the riots.

A Toronto police commander was found guilty on two counts of illegally 'kettling' protestors and later, was also found guilty of two charges of unlawful arrest and one charge of discreditable conduct. Though over a thousand people were arrested, most of them were released without charge.

All that and not one accusation of Canadian police instigating riots.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
In a free country any police are always guilty.

Your civic duties and responsibilities if deeply enough embedded should not require policing.

Education must be improved.

Teach them how to be stupid and happy at the same time.

Back to taxes I went. You exist to pay taxes, or impose taxes, flip will we? I don't think so.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Surely not worse than Nixon! I'd be a lot more thankful if he was the P.M. of our country and Justin was down there.
P.S. there is discussion of "The Wall" on C.B.C. radio right now. There's speculation it will be more symbolic than Physical. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I will not compare Trump to any other President - yet. He's not been in office long enough for that, IMO. As for Trump running our country...........I would have fled to Iceland before I would live in a country run by that man. I most certainly would never have voted for someone the likes of Donald Trump and you can be damn sure the majority of Canadians wouldn't either.

As for a discussion about 'The Wall' on CBC, unless they have a panel of Republican congressmen and Senators, I doubt that what the lefites on that show say matters a whit. Knowing how they lean, it is more than likely just wishful thinking and thought of what it will mean if illegal Mexican immigrants start storming our borders.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
The War Measures Act...

I grew up a stone's throw from the airport where Laporte's strangled body was found.

My mom knew a Cop who told her the FLQ cut off his pen!s and shoved it in his mouth. This was never released to the media.