Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
From what little I'd been able to find, in the US swords are considered to be covered under the 2nd Ammendment but laws vary from state to state. Here I'm not sure what the law would be; I'd assume I'd have to go to the RCMP and notify them but that's a guess.

I have walked into many specialty, (novelty) stores and seen katanas and such either on the wall or in a display case readily available for purchase by any wannabe samurai who has the money, some of them aren't cheap. My dad inherited an American Civil War sword and scabbard from my grandfather, which is now in my posession. I was just a kid then, but we brought it over the CDN border no sweat, (they are very common, and popular, it is the same model as the one used in the movie "The outlaw Josie Wales" where Clint Eastwood keeps firing on empty chambers at a Yankee ex soldier who draws the sword and Clint ends up using it against him, although, by the pristine condition of the thing I would imagine it is a replica, mine is the genuine article, with the stamp on it, "Ames Mfg Co. Chicopee Mass", the date is hard to read, 1865 or 1863, can't tell, and yeah, it's a Yankee sword).

The irritating part for my dad, and myself, though he never owned firearms, was that his dad's widow, (his mom had died and his dad had re-married) erroneously assumed the two pistols that were part of the set could not be imported to Canada and she had given them to an Amercian uncle of my dad's. Even by Canada's strict laws, these pistols, given their age are not even considered firearms today and need not be registered, and at that time could have been imported with little or no fanfare.

Oh, and just for interest, watch him do the body armour drill....two to the body, one to the head.......check out the timer. It starts on the sound of the whistle (when the gun is holstered), and stops time at the sound of the third shot.

This guy is good.

My buddy, (former SAS, sniper, sniper instructor at The British Sniper School at Warminster,[appropriate], South African and London cop) used to say during training, "body body head, body body head, just to make sure they're really really dead". It sounds better with his British accent and sergeant's authority. The drill was two targets with six rounds, re-load, repeat, and it works because you have that rythm in your head, bang bang bang, instead of bang bang, pause, bang.

He is good, but even an amateur can change mags very quickly.

He is good, at least a good shot, no question. But I watched a video of myself taken by my daughter at a competetition, ( I'm not a pro, or even a good shot and if I can find the video again I probably wouldn't post it anyway because only 60% of my shots hit the targets), but I surprised myself at how fast I could re-load and re-engage, three mags with six shots each. The fellow in the video lowered his pistol and looked down at it during his re load. I was trained to re-load without taking my eyes off the target, and there are only three rules, practise, practice, and more practice. Helps me be fast, but doesn't improve my aim.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via Zip:

Chicago Alderman Wants GPS Tracking Devices On All Guns…

Alderman Suggests Requiring GPS Devices On All Guns « CBS Chicago



The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Bowls??? I suspect bowels were meant, but never mind, I did enjoy the mistake both times.

Then you might want to quote the actual post where it was used since it brings you so much joy. Myself, I don't bother pointing out obvious typos, particularly when I understand the statement in spite of them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


And how many people died on ski hills over the weekend??

Or on ATVs??

Or in swimming pools?

Because all of those things kill more people in accidents than guns do........

Seems to me gun TRAINING would be more beneficial.


Like the NRA does.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008

And how many people died on ski hills over the weekend??

Or on ATVs??

Or in swimming pools?

Because all of those things kill more people in accidents than guns do.......


But ATV's and swimming pools were not made to kill!!

There were many more killed on the as well......but we do not make cars or trucks available to anyone without making absolutely sure they know how to drive and buy insurance to minimize the damage to themselves and others.

The NRA's solution to the high rate of shootings is "throw more guns into the mix" !! How stupid is that? As to teachers carrying guns!! Boy, I can just see the headline. Frustrated teacher whips out gun and forces a second grader dance. !!
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