Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
As I mentioned, I have the flu.

Last night I dreamt I croaked. Found myself walking along a meadow path. The air was scented of roses and Canada thistle wafted by a gentle breeze. There were cloud bursts here and there, but never where I was walking. "Could it be any better than this?" I wondered. Every so often, I'd pass a long deceased relative or friend. Lots of hugs. Strangers would greet me in their own languages, but I could understand them.
Shortly, I came to a small lake. Just as I sat down, a fellow rode up on a horse, dismounted, and gave me a fishing rod. "You'll find they are biting on the red and white lure. Then, he reached into his saddle bag and gave me a lunch box - cold chicken, honey mustard, and buttered buns. "The wine's by the buns," he told me.
Just as he was going to mount up to ride away, I asked him, "Why so few Americans?"
"Oh, they're in another part of the afterlife," he answered. I could hear gunfire and screams in the distance.
"Do they know where they are?"
"Nope, they got to keep their guns. They think they're in heaven!"


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Why can't we trust a well trained armed teacher or other school personel to look after the wellfare of our kids when we trust crossing guards armed only with a stop sign against tons of automotive power???????


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Why can't we trust a well trained armed teacher or other school personel to look after the wellfare of our kids when we trust crossing guards armed only with a stop sign against tons of automotive power???????
I think we have to assume that drivers want to cooperate with a crossing guard... doubtful to be the same type of cooperation with whomever the teacher would need to "direct".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Long as he has one the rest of the population probably needs their own.

There is a cost factor to consider. In most cases a gun will never be needed in a school so what are these armed guards going to do all day? After the first week they will likely be so bored as to be useless.

i'm sure their position can have more to it than staring out the window waiting for crazies, and cleaning
their gun.

lets think creatively.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Gun Control is Completely Useless.

No, Gun control is absolutely necessary. Man, if your gun is out of control. you need to get it fixed or check to see if you have Parkinson's.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Americans are ready to surrender their firearms.

Hundreds Rush To CT Gun Store To Buy Semi-Automatic Rifles
The best one I've heard, so far, is that the ban scare is a bit of reverse psychology. A friend said the US is expecting an invasion, so the fastest way to arm it's citizens was to put out this ban scare. It seems to have worked as Americans are arming themselves like never before. Stimulates the economy, gun manufacturers make a killing and the people pay. Save the government having to do it.

Oh ya! She also sent me an email showing that there was more than one shooter at the Connecticut school and all sorts of false information. The insinuation being that the CIA was behind it in a plot to justify taking guns away. Only slightly conflicting paranoia. Gawd I love all the nut cases on both sides of this issue.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The best one I've heard, so far, is that the ban scare is a bit of reverse psychology. A friend said the US is expecting an invasion, so the fastest way to arm it's citizens was to put out this ban scare. It seems to have worked as Americans are arming themselves like never before. Stimulates the economy, gun manufacturers make a killing and the people pay. Save the government having to do it.

Oh ya! She also sent me an email showing that there was more than one shooter at the Connecticut school and all sorts of false information. The insinuation being that the CIA was behind it in a plot to justify taking guns away. Only slightly conflicting paranoia. Gawd I love all the nut cases on both sides of this issue.

I've heard this professor in Florida thinks the entire Newtown shooting was government controlled and that the parents were actors. The basic Conspiracy idiocy. Cause it's not like some crazy loon would go and shoot up a school of 20 kids EVER, really?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
This is the part that sticks out for me. I would say "Before I answer Why not, you answer me why."

Responses like this are just like saying "Because" to a question of "Why did..."

Just "because" isn't an answer and neither is this.

Because you don't NEED them.
I hear ya, so I'll tell you why.

Because people collect plates, nick nacks, cars, bobbles, old signs, gas pumps, rocking horses, record players, swords... ... and yes, even weapons.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
This is the part that sticks out for me. I would say "Before I answer Why not, you answer me why."

Responses like this are just like saying "Because" to a question of "Why did..."

Just "because" isn't an answer and neither is this.

Before someone assumes, no I'm not an anti-gun nut. Actually enjoyed shooting while in Air Cadets and the occasional time when out with my father when I was a kid. Just because I have no guns now doesn't mean I'm anti-gun. Nor do I think people should turn in their weapons if they have them now unless they volunteer to do so. There's too many out there right now TO have people held accountable for them, and too many nuts out there who'd refuse anyway. What I am for is (better) regulation - whether you hate the word or not - of if not the weapons themselves, then who gets them and how they're handled, AND the ammunition that goes with them. To use a pro-gun quote, "Guns don't kill people!" - nope, they don't, but loaded guns even in the hands of a "law abiding citizen" can.

For the sake of the question itself: "No civilian needs a grenade launcher or Gatling gun." "Why not?"

In my opinion:

Because you don't NEED them.

That's not to say collectors should give up their uber-special weapons of choice; if you want to collect a grenade launcher or a gat gun (or whatever else), so be it. However, if these things actually "Work", that's a whole other issue and if you DO have these things in your possession, I don't see why that shouldn't be known to law enforcement at least and there should be something more done to make sure that you, your kids, someone you know, or some idiot who comes into your house doesn't get their hands on them and use them to kill someone.

I don't know about a lot of people but when I was a kid, just because I wanted something doesn't mean I automatically got it. When I would ask "Why not?" the answer was "You don't NEED it."

To me, that is the crux of the whole gun debate. Do people actually NEED a dozen types of weapons, assault rifles, rocket launchers (as was turned in to an LA gun drop a couple weeks ago) and who the hell knows what else? More to the point, do you NEED hundreds or thousands of rounds of ammo FOR these things?

Obviously the answer is "No". But just because some people want it, they think their entitled to it with no strings (or very little strings) attached. And no, gun ownership is NOT a right just like a dozen plus other things aren't a right. It's a privilege that has been abused and misconstrued long enough.

That's when you need bear hugs the most. ;-)

First of all, despite all the hoopla and propaganda over the "rocket launcher" turned in to the LAPD, it was about as dangerous as a 4 foot length of sewer pipe. Those launchers are single use, and once fired, are nothing more than a curiousity, often carried away as souveniers.

Secondly, the Americans may not need their AR 15s today, but they might tomorrow.....

Thirdly, they have an unalienable constitutional right to keep such weapons.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Secondly, the Americans may not need their AR 15s today, but they might tomorrow.....
Given the odd fixation that many of the anti gun crowd have with their hate for anything "Merican", and more specifically, "Merican Guvmint". You would think that they would support "Mericans" and their fight against gun control.

If only for one reason...

"But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same object,
evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty,
to throw off such government, and
to provide new guards for their future security."

This will not be done with oven mitts and butter knives.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Given the odd fixation that many of the anti gun crowd have with their hate for anything "Merican", and more specifically, "Merican Guvmint". You would think that they would support "Mericans" and their fight against gun control.

If only for one reason...

"But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same object,
evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty,
to throw off such government, and
to provide new guards for their future security."

This will not be done with oven mitts and butter knives.

Being neither staunchly anti nor pro gun and not one to run with any crowd (although I can wield a mean oven mitt), I can completely understand the logic in the quoted statement. It is not, from my point of view, unreasonable. Essentially it's saying one can never, should never, completely trust in unaccountable government and must be prepared to take responsibility for governments actions should they not take responsibility for their own.

Fair enough.

But a question for which I personally have no answer. How can you know if you can trust your neighbour with the same power that you possess?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
How can you know if you can trust your neighbour with the same power that you possess?

Not everyone stood by the Founding Fathers of the US when they set in motion a truly monumental process.

One must surround themselves with the like minded and dissenters alike, and agree to one thing.

To abide by the wishes of the electorate, metered by the laws of the republic.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
First of all, despite all the hoopla and propaganda over the "rocket launcher" turned in to the LAPD, it was about as dangerous as a 4 foot length of sewer pipe. Those launchers are single use, and once fired, are nothing more than a curiousity, often carried away as souveniers.

Secondly, the Americans may not need their AR 15s today, but they might tomorrow.....

Thirdly, they have an unalienable constitutional right to keep such weapons.

Same question.

How can you know if you can trust your neighbour with the same power that you possess?
Again, not saying I have any kind of answer to it.

Not everyone stood by the Founding Fathers of the US when they set in motion a truly monumental process.

One must surround themselves with the like minded and dissenters alike, and agree to one thing.

To abide by the wishes of the electorate, metered by the laws of the republic.

People don't agree to disagree much now, I will admit there is not just a small part of me that worries how that would go if they were armed.

Forget about making new laws that restrict the law abiding-that's stupidity incarnate. Forget about regulating criminal behaviour through legal access to firearms-same principal, makes no sense. The thing that truly keeps me on the fence with regards to the entire 'control' or 'restriction' debate is the fear that I don't know what my neighbour is up to/capable of. And I'm talking about reasonable fear here, not 100%. We don't get 100% assurance in life.

Should I be able to, in a society, have some kind of reassurance that said society is not going to provide unrestricted access to someone who is not worthy of that level of responsibility? Sort of like issuing a driver's license to a blind man, we tolerate that kind of restriction because it's not unreasonable.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
But a question for which I personally have no answer. How can you know if you can trust your neighbour with the same power that you possess?
Once more, Fred emerges. And they will defend Fred's constitutional rights. Goooo Fred.

The pro-gun arguments on my Facebook feed should make any person with an ability to rationalize wonder really if this is the right thing. They are just your average person. Nice people who use words like ain't in their every day vocab. As long as you are white you are good to go.

But in reality it will lead to no where and life will continue on as it always has. Why try to moderate things when you can just fuel them? And those that are paranoid will remain paranoid, and those that want to use brute force will use brute force and those that live by the gun will die by the gun along with a few innocents and all will blame the innocents.

Hopefully one day we can evolve past all this, until then, we don't have to live there in the land of GOD, guns and their flag.