Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Colpy's post was sensible, as are the bulk of his posts. But the post above mine really puts a lot of the asinine labels thrown at him to rest.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Colpy's post was sensible, as are the bulk of his posts. But the post above mine really puts a lot of the asinine labels thrown at him to rest.

I agree, he is sensible. I don't always agree with his point of view, but I can respect it because it's sensible.

As for me I may be a little bit crazy but I'm no nut. ;)


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Personally, I don't give a twaddle whether American constitutional experts argue black is white based on a document that quite frankly was not written on golden pages by an angel or by a seer into the future. Documents can be amended and rewritten.
No civilian needs a grenade launcher or gattling gun. Ownership of firearms should be based on a careful background checks, licencing, and registration. No argument made has convinced me that concealed carry makes any sense.
As well, having to arm guards in schools is a measure of how far madness has become part of the American ethos.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Personally, I don't give a twaddle whether American constitutional experts argue black is white based on a document that quite frankly was not written on golden pages by an angel or by a seer into the future.
Fair enough, but it is a pretty sweet document.

Documents can be amended and rewritten.
If and when need be.

No civilian needs a grenade launcher or gattling gun.
Why not?

Ownership of firearms should be based on a careful background checks, licencing, and registration.
You had me up to registration.

No argument made has convinced me that concealed carry makes any sense.
And I highly doubt any argument no matter how sound, will ever do so.

As well, having to arm guards in schools is a measure of how far madness has become part of the American ethos.
Does that mean we beat them there with armed officers in Scarborough schools years ago?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
No, armed resource officers are a measure of societal breakdown.
You can try and dress it up any way you want, it's still the same. Armed guards in a school to stop violence.

Albeit gang violence. It's still violence that required an armed presence.

Are you feelin' me?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

This is the part that sticks out for me. I would say "Before I answer Why not, you answer me why."

Responses like this are just like saying "Because" to a question of "Why did..."

Just "because" isn't an answer and neither is this.

Before someone assumes, no I'm not an anti-gun nut. Actually enjoyed shooting while in Air Cadets and the occasional time when out with my father when I was a kid. Just because I have no guns now doesn't mean I'm anti-gun. Nor do I think people should turn in their weapons if they have them now unless they volunteer to do so. There's too many out there right now TO have people held accountable for them, and too many nuts out there who'd refuse anyway. What I am for is (better) regulation - whether you hate the word or not - of if not the weapons themselves, then who gets them and how they're handled, AND the ammunition that goes with them. To use a pro-gun quote, "Guns don't kill people!" - nope, they don't, but loaded guns even in the hands of a "law abiding citizen" can.

For the sake of the question itself: "No civilian needs a grenade launcher or Gatling gun." "Why not?"

In my opinion:

Because you don't NEED them.

That's not to say collectors should give up their uber-special weapons of choice; if you want to collect a grenade launcher or a gat gun (or whatever else), so be it. However, if these things actually "Work", that's a whole other issue and if you DO have these things in your possession, I don't see why that shouldn't be known to law enforcement at least and there should be something more done to make sure that you, your kids, someone you know, or some idiot who comes into your house doesn't get their hands on them and use them to kill someone.

I don't know about a lot of people but when I was a kid, just because I wanted something doesn't mean I automatically got it. When I would ask "Why not?" the answer was "You don't NEED it."

To me, that is the crux of the whole gun debate. Do people actually NEED a dozen types of weapons, assault rifles, rocket launchers (as was turned in to an LA gun drop a couple weeks ago) and who the hell knows what else? More to the point, do you NEED hundreds or thousands of rounds of ammo FOR these things?

Obviously the answer is "No". But just because some people want it, they think their entitled to it with no strings (or very little strings) attached. And no, gun ownership is NOT a right just like a dozen plus other things aren't a right. It's a privilege that has been abused and misconstrued long enough.

Mnnnn, I've got the flu!

That's when you need bear hugs the most. ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Here is somebody that just makes one glad to get up in the morning:

Kentucky Sheriff to Obama: No Gun Control in My County

It's bad enough this bloody sheriff gets to carry a gun....:roll:

Long as he has one the rest of the population probably needs their own.

I don't like the idea personally. While I have never, and would never, advocate to remove guns from law abiding citizens I also don't believe that anyone has the right to force them into mine or anyones. These are teachers and custodial staff for goodness sakes, not security personnel! If it's felt that it's necessary to provide armed security at the schools, then hire armed security.

That's my two cents.

There is a cost factor to consider. In most cases a gun will never be needed in a school so what are these armed guards going to do all day? After the first week they will likely be so bored as to be useless.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Long as he has one the rest of the population probably needs their own.

There is a cost factor to consider. In most cases a gun will never be needed in a school so what are these armed guards going to do all day? After the first week they will likely be so bored as to be useless.
Understood, but does that mean if you are going to be a teacher in Canada you have to be able to shoot a gun?

Understood, but does that mean if you are going to be a teacher in Canada you have to be able to shoot a gun?
And are you going to arm every school in Canada?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Understood, but does that mean if you are going to be a teacher in Canada you have to be able to shoot a gun?

And are you going to arm every school in Canada?

No but if there is one in the school that is willing and able why not let him/her? Except for possibly some inner city schools I doubt that an armed presence is required in Canadian schools. So doing something like this expenditure just because of the current mass hysteria seems rather silly. About the only thing an armed guard would be in my grndchildren's school would be for the odd errant cougar or bear.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
No but if there is one in the school that is willing and able why not let him/her? Except for possibly some inner city schools I doubt that an armed presence is required in Canadian schools. So doing something like this expenditure just because of the current mass hysteria seems rather silly. About the only thing an armed guard would be in my grndchildren's school would be for the odd errant cougar or bear.
Phew, okay, because although violence can happen anywhere, Sandy Hook is a good example of that, in most instances it would be a waste of time and money and effort.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No but if there is one in the school that is willing and able why not let him/her? Except for possibly some inner city schools I doubt that an armed presence is required in Canadian schools. So doing something like this expenditure just because of the current mass hysteria seems rather silly. About the only thing an armed guard would be in my grndchildren's school would be for the odd errant cougar or bear.
Cougars are going after elementary schools kids now. Biatches are getting desperate.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I wouldn't even have a problem with it happening in some of the really large high schools where gang presence/activity has become an issue but it can't be some rent a cop with an IQ of 100 either. It can't just be your average person or we move more toward the States which in my opinion is a negative.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

A 15-year old boy used his father’s AR-15 to defend himself and his 12-year old sister against two burglars at their home just north of Houston, Texas.

Their father is a Harris County Precinct 1 deputy constable, and the boy knew what he had to do to keep himself and his sister alive. Around 2:30 PM, two men tried to break in, with one going through the front door and the other in the back.

The boy grabbed the AR-15 and shot at them. The two later showed up at a Tomball hospital. The adult was hit three times and was flown to Memorial Hermann hospital, while the juvenile was taken back to the crime scene.

“We don't try to hide things from our children in law enforcement,” Lt. Jeffrey Stauber said. “That young boy was protecting his sister. He was in fear for his life and her life.”

more under reported news

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders

A 15-year old boy used his father’s AR-15 to defend himself and his 12-year old sister against two burglars at their home just north of Houston, Texas.

Their father is a Harris County Precinct 1 deputy constable, and the boy knew what he had to do to keep himself and his sister alive. Around 2:30 PM, two men tried to break in, with one going through the front door and the other in the back.

The boy grabbed the AR-15 and shot at them. The two later showed up at a Tomball hospital. The adult was hit three times and was flown to Memorial Hermann hospital, while the juvenile was taken back to the crime scene.

“We don't try to hide things from our children in law enforcement,” Lt. Jeffrey Stauber said. “That young boy was protecting his sister. He was in fear for his life and her life.”

more under reported news

15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders
It is also awesome that they have such amazing medical procedures down there so they can be put back together after they have gun accidents.:razz:

US man injured in gun accident gets new*face, teeth and jaw - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent