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  • But I believe this one is closer to you, Auburn hair and all eh Cousin

    • Haha
    Reactions: Serryah
    Starting to border on obsessed, Boom. Might want to check that :ROFLMAO:
    • Haha
    Reactions: B00Mer
    Nope.. I think I know who you are.. Mrs. Dunlap. 🤔

    Mount Allison
    Who the hell is Mrs. Dunlap?
    How you doing, girl?

    I can't believe the way you soldier on here on this board.

    Hope you (and whoever may be in your household) are getting through this OK.

    Are you on Cap Breton on the Big Island?

    Blue Jacket
    I'm doing good TB.

    We're surviving; my personal household is just me but the family overall; my mom's got Cancer but still fighting despite Covid.

    I'm actually in New Brunswick - Sackville which is right near the border to NS. We've had our own issues with stupid people even here, sadly.

    Hope you and yours are doing well.
    • Haha
    Reactions: B00Mer
    Good morning Serryah. Just wanted to say, love the new avatar. Have a great day kickin' ass on here. :)
    HI, howya doin'? I have been lookin' for this site and got lost somehow...sorry:( hope you are still around and post again.
    welcome to the forum Serryah. I read a couple of your posts in the Iowa thread but hadn't gotten time to actually respond in there. I hope you enjoy your time on Canadian Content, and I look forward to reading more about you. :)
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