Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
If someone with a gun attacks you with rape as his goal, pulling a gun on him will be your demise,
unless of course he trips over a chair, falls on his face and his gun goes flying across the room,
then of course, shoot him, go for it, I would, with his own gun, or mine if I was that lucky to get
the chance, but having a gun in your purse in that situation will do you no good at all.

Rape is a terrible thing, but being dead is worse.

I certianly wouldn't want to have to psychoanalize someone in a split second to ascertain their goal if attacked. If someone doesn't wish to arm themself that is their choice. If someone wishes to arm themself, that too should be their choice, but we want to legislate against armed self defense because most people find submission more acceptable than the alternative . You cannot say offhandedly that pulling a gun will be your demise or having a gun in your purse will do you no good at all. All situations are dynamic and can progress in ways no training can completely simulate. However, training can provide the ability to process information in a way that will more likely lead to a positive resolution, i.e. your survival. You just have to take advantage of it, but only if you want.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I certianly wouldn't want to have to psychoanalize someone in a split second to ascertain their goal if attacked. If someone doesn't wish to arm themself that is their choice. If someone wishes to arm themself, that too should be their choice, but we want to legislate against armed self defense because most people find submission more acceptable than the alternative . You cannot say offhandedly that pulling a gun will be your demise or having a gun in your purse will do you no good at all. All situations are dynamic and can progress in ways no training can completely simulate. However, training can provide the ability to process information in a way that will more likely lead to a positive resolution, i.e. your survival. You just have to take advantage of it, but only if you want.

yes all situations are dynamic, anything can happen at any split second, and my post wasn't meant to
cover all situations, but just touching on psychology, as I would imagine 'most' crimes are not violent,
but petty crimes and muggings, and breaking and enbtering etc., and my thought was to the majority of these types of
crimes, which are so numerous, and I do feel that the majority of these types of crimes are not committed
by violent people, so with that in mind, I felt that, the criminal, knowing that his victims would not
be armed, most likely would never shoot anyone, but could panic and shoot if the victim brandished a gun
during the robbery, etc.
Just a thought.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
What utter nonsense. Haven't ever heard about the word being more powerful than the sword, have you??

By the way, most democracies so far have been overthrown by the US government.
ie - Iran 1953
Guatama - l954
Congolese, Lumumba, the only elected president in it's history - 1960
Chilea Allende replaced with Pinochet installed 1973
Oh, and don't forget the replacement of tribal leader with Hussein., installed by the CIA. While this was not a democracy, it was a much better government than Hussein.

These are just a few that I remember.

Not much of a historian are you? The American democracy will be the last overthrown by the US government. Words are powerful but wasted on tyrants. There no longer exists a US government of the people. A lot of talking enabled every office in the land to be infected with globalists and internationalists. They don't need to listen any more.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
From the article:

“We support the development of a coherent national handgun control policy that includes: a several day cooling-off period between the sale and possession; a ban on "Saturday Night Specials"; the registration of handguns; the licensing of handgun owners; and more effective controls regulating the manufacture, sale and importation of handguns. We recognize, however, that these individual steps will not completely eliminate the abuse of handguns. We believe that only prohibition of the importation, manufacture, sale, possession and use of handguns (with reasonable exceptions made for the police, military, security guards and pistol clubs where guns would be kept on the premises under secure conditions) will provide a comprehensive response to handgun violence.”

Laws like this have already found by the SCOTUS to be unconstitutional.

Whoever is puttiing words in my mouth should cease and desist, I certainly didn't write the above!-8O


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
The problem is not the guns. Then problem would be the economy and spychology of the civilization. Canadains own more shot-guns and rifles than Americans, and those are the best weapons to stop an assaulter. Personally, close-up, I would load a shotgun with a slug.

Ever seen how deadly slugs in a shot-gun can be? Because we are gentlmen we are not going to talk about it.

Who wants to ask me if I'd do it under threat?

The deal is, asault rifles are for soldiers, and hand-guns are for police. Everyone else load up on shot-guns and rifles if you can figure out what to to with them other than shoot signs and insulators because you're too dumb to actually get game.
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Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
yes all situations are dynamic, anything can happen at any split second, and my post wasn't meant to
cover all situations, but just touching on psychology, as I would imagine 'most' crimes are not violent,
but petty crimes and muggings, and breaking and enbtering etc., and my thought was to the majority of these types of
crimes, which are so numerous, and I do feel that the majority of these types of crimes are not committed
by violent people, so with that in mind, I felt that, the criminal, knowing that his victims would not
be armed, most likely would never shoot anyone, but could panic and shoot if the victim brandished a gun
during the robbery, etc.
Just a thought.

Most criminals are oportunististic, they look for the easiest mark; unlocked doors, people walking alone, and such. An ADT sign on a lawn or door, even if the security system is non existant, is usally enough of a deterrent for them to move on. A criminal bold enough to interact with his victim, ie. robbery or home invasion, has to be considered to be potentially violent and has no concern about your well being. There are many instances where even when the victims submit, the assailants still beat the crap out of them just for $h!ts and giggles.

What a lot of people don't seem to understand, (even those who are adept with firearms) is that once the assailant has the drop on you, this is not the time to draw, or even let it be known you are armed. You only do so when an opportunity arises where you have the element of surprise, and only if you are prepared to fire, any indecision at this point could be fatal, because like you indicated, they probably won't hesitate to defend themselves either.

Just like a person can buy a car, take lessons and drive it, it doesn't mean they are a Mario Andretti as some think they are, the same goes for firearms; because someone can shoot a 1/4" group at 200yds doesn't mean they can expect to do well in a combat/self defense situation without training and practice, which, unfortunately many think they can.

Ever seen how deadly slugs in a shot-gun can be? Because we are gentlmen we are not going to talk about it.

They are nasty, problem is, you have to aim. Given the choice I would prefer 000Buck because my aim can be a little off, and my shotgun only holds 3 rounds.

The deal is, asault rifles are for soldiers, and hand-guns are for police. Everyone else load up on shot-guns and rifles if you can figure out what to to with them other than shoot signs and insulators because you're too dumb to actually get game.

Actually, handguns are pretty ideal for all around self defense, that is why police carry them, not to defend you or I. Rifles and shotguns will get the job done, but maybe too well, because a rifle round shot in you house, (even if you hit the person) can end up passing through three more houses down the street, and a shotgun loaded with anything but bird shot may leave you with some 'splainin' to do.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Colpy;1698140]Huffington Post is on a absolutely boggles the mind how they have abandoned anything faintly resembling journalistic integrity in their attempt to overthrow the US Bill of Rights.

How many lies can you find in this article??? Innuendo??? Misleading "facts"????

What boggles my mind is your mind being boggled by Huff&blow Post having had any journalistic integrity to abandon in the the first place. An innocent short pant wearing beardless toddler like you should not have guns.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
What boggles my mind is your mind being boggled by Huff&blow Post having had any journalistic integrity to abandon in the the first place. An innocent short pant wearing beardless toddler like you should not have guns.

Here is somebody that just makes one glad to get up in the morning:

Kentucky Sheriff to Obama: No Gun Control in My County

It's bad enough this bloody sheriff gets to carry a gun....:roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Here is somebody that just makes one glad to get up in the morning:

Kentucky Sheriff to Obama: No Gun Control in My County

It's bad enough this bloody sheriff gets to carry a gun....:roll:

does the gun make the person, or does the person make the gun.

how many 'gun totin' people would be like quivering jelly without their guns, and the only thing
they wouldn't be afraid to do is beat up little old ladies and children.

that sherrif seems like that typical type, take his guns away and he will cry for his mamma.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
What boggles my mind is your mind being boggled by Huff&blow Post having had any journalistic integrity to abandon in the the first place. An innocent short pant wearing beardless toddler like you should not have guns.

ALWAYS a pleasure, DB. :)

Here Morgan meets his match.

CNN's Morgan Slams Down Constitution, Calls It 'Your Little Book'

Here is somebody that just makes one glad to get up in the morning:

Kentucky Sheriff to Obama: No Gun Control in My County

It's bad enough this bloody sheriff gets to carry a gun....:roll:

The problem is that he is absolutely correct.

He is sworn to uphold the Constitution.

The Constitution is clear to anyone that can read English.

The People of the United States have the right to own and carry personal weapons designed for fighting.

Simple as that.
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