Conservative White Males Climate Skeptics


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
He directly comments on a topic about 20% of the time.

The remainder is spent on stirring up ****.

clearly... although my experience suggests your 20% is a most generous assessment! I expect we'll next read him hyping his self-declared trollish alter-ego, "Cannibal Troll"!


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Oh oh, you two are exposing your butthurt and dishonesty again.

Bear... the real world awaits... enjoy your CC Board day and presumed self-importance as your self-acknowledged, "CannibalTrollMan'! :lol:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Bear... the real world awaits... enjoy your CC Board day and presumed self-importance as your self-acknowledged, "CannibalTrollMan'! :lol:

I guess you couldn't find a canned talking point to address my hard question with. Ya, that happens to agenda trolls, a lot.

Next time though, all you have to do is say so, you didn't have to be a hypocrite.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Bear... the real world awaits... enjoy your CC Board day and presumed self-importance as your self-acknowledged, "CannibalTrollMan'! :lol:

You can understand why I have him on ignore now.

I've had more productive conversations with petros.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
We all understand why you have me on ignore, for the same reason waldo won't address my quetion.

That's because he asks question, I help you insert your foot in your mouth.
I've noticed that if you want to make a Jehovah witness happy when they knock on your door, you just ask them a few questionss....
Same with global warming koolaid drinking religion.....they think they have you on the hook ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Scientific American has been a lefty mag for the last few decades. It used to be a good, dispassionate, apolitical read in the 60's. Now it just spouts the watermelon line.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head



House Member
Oct 19, 2009

speaking of "recovery" based on a single year reference is nonsense... notwithstanding the context with Extent is single versus multi-year ice. Single year ice is that ice most readily melted in the next year's melting season. Following are the trend lines for both Extent and Volume... for an appropriate perspective on Arctic sea-ice.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

The BBC, surprise surprise

The much more sensible Daily Mail


Only six years ago, the BBC reported that the Arctic would be ice-free in summer by 2013, citing a scientist in the US who claimed this was a ‘conservative’ forecast. Perhaps it was their confidence that led more than 20 yachts to try to sail the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific this summer. As of last week, all these vessels were stuck in the ice, some at the eastern end of the passage in Prince Regent Inlet, others further west at Cape Bathurst.

Shipping experts said the only way these vessels were likely to be freed was by the icebreakers of the Canadian coastguard. According to the official Canadian government website, the Northwest Passage has remained ice-bound and impassable all summer.

The BBC’s 2007 report quoted scientist Professor Wieslaw Maslowski, who based his views on super-computer models and the fact that ‘we use a high-resolution regional model for the Arctic Ocean and sea ice’.

He was confident his results were ‘much more realistic’ than other projections, which ‘underestimate the amount of heat delivered to the sea ice’. Also quoted was Cambridge University expert Professor Peter Wadhams. He backed Professor Maslowski, saying his model was ‘more efficient’ than others because it ‘takes account of processes that happen internally in the ice’.

He added: ‘This is not a cycle; not just a fluctuation. In the end, it will all just melt away quite suddenly.’

Then... NASA satellite images showing the spread of Arctic sea ice 27th August 2012

...And now, much bigger: The same Nasa image taken in 2013


Arany, Oakland, 1 year ago

Evidently some of you have never seen the chart showing that CO2 levels increase FOLLOWING global warming, rather than preceding global warming and causing it. The global warming believers faithfully disregard this and other evidence. We were at the end of a mini-ice age in the mid 1800s, that is why the Earth's climate has been getting warmer WELL before the internal combustion engine was invented.


db2712, lndn, United Kingdom, 1 year ago

Why is it that every time something is reported that doesn't fit the ACC zealots "settled science" they have a fit and get even worse than usual in their arrogance and rudeness towards anyone that does not tow the ACC line? If such a dysfunctional personality is necessary to be an ACC zealot it is not for me and their attitudes have alienated me to their cause so, failed there guys in getting a sympathiser.


UKipper, SodEU, United Kingdom, 1 year ago

There's an old adage about computers - GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out). If you feed them biased rubbish, you will get back just what you want - usually as a means of extracting tax-payer funds from gullible governments.


beefeater, Hook, United Kingdom, 1 year ago

After all the codswallop that the greens and twittering middle classes have been forcing down the general publics throat the truth is out, we've just been having weather! Perhaps now the idiots at the BBC will now pay David Bellamy £900,000 to return after branding him "out of touch with global warming" for saying it was a natural cycle of events. They are like lemmings and successive governments have been convincing our children at school the global warming mantra for years. Only a few thousand more tax payer rich windmills to go before we are all saved!


Fark Wad, Londim, 1 year ago

Al Gore Jazeera's head must be about to explode and cause CO2 pollution.


Rune Ydstebo, sola, Norway, 1 year ago

Viking was farming on Greenland 1000 years ago, then we had little ice age in 1860, last 150 years has warmed up, now its cooling again. Humans has very little to do with this. its cyclic, its nature. disnatnce to sun impact us way more..... and increase of C02 is due to higher temp, not the other way around...... warm water can not hold on to C02 as good as cold water. Planet earth emits 95% of all C02, Humans the last 5%...... This is AlGore and his political friends creating a new economy and new ways to increase tax and politic power


donttrustEU james, london, United Kingdom, 1 year ago

Al Gore flying around the world in his private jet, destination one of his 5 mansions, whilst the average working man pays for Al Gores luxury lifestyle funding through his Carbon Tax invention. We deserve it and you know why because we are all guilable suckers that believe everything that the elite say and when we find out we don't even do anything about it. The sheeple will be led blindly to the next next scam no doubt.


Martin, Lutterworth, 1 year ago

Has to be said that on this issue UKIP have got it about right - reference their 'Keeping the Lights On' pamphlet.​

you don't need your described "global warmists" to tell you anything about anything...

I know I don't. Because everything that the Global Warmists say is a load of tripe. I don't believe a word any of you say.

it's called the greenhouse effect

No. It's called bollocks.

the earth is in a long-term natural cooling cycle... however, that cycle doesn't turn/switch on the decadal level you suggest. Of course, that natural cycle is being influenced by the warming of the relatively recent period. Pro Tip: whenever you see reference to periods around 1997, note that as the favoured cherry-pick starting point by deniers... a point that correlates with one of the warmest ENSO events of recent history.

The warming of the relatively recent period was entirely natural and was a result of the ending of the Little Ice Age which gripped the world between around 1350 to around 1850. The winters in this period in Britain was so severely cold that the Thames froze over and Frost Fairs were held on the frozen river. The last was held in 1814. It's been 200 years since the Thames has been frozen enough for there to be any Frost Fairs, not because of man-made global warming, because because of the warming which naturally occurred at the end of the Little Ice Age, and which occurs at the end of every ice age, of course.

care to provide a reference from which you've drawn this interpretation. Thanks in advance.

The natural warming of the Earth's climate as a result of the end of the little Ice Age has led to more CO2 in the atmosphere. A warming atmosphere leads to more natural CO2. It's NOT the case that more CO2 is causing the atmosphere to warm up. It's just you Global Warmists who have got it all a*rse about ***, as usual. If you don't believe me, do your own research.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Well. all the conservative white male climate deniers have all been accounted for. I guess there is no use in continuing this thread any longer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The natural warming of the Earth's climate as a result of the end of the little Ice Age has led to more CO2 in the atmosphere. A warming atmosphere leads to more natural CO2. It's NOT the case that more CO2 is causing the atmosphere to warm up. It's just you Global Warmists who have got it all a*rse about ***, as usual. If you don't believe me, do your own research.

So if it's the same thing that's been going on for hundreds of thousands of years, 'natural warming', where is the long increase in temperature that has always, that is until now, preceded the rise in CO2? It's in the ice cores for all the previous warmings except for this one. You should do some more research. Clearly something has changed, I wonder what that could be? If only there was a way of determining where the carbon dioxide came from. Oh, there is. You could do a bit of math and calculate the carbon dioxide produced from our very well tracked fossil fuel inventories. Or you could examine the isotopes of carbon in the atmosphere. It's from burning fossil fuels.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
So if it's the same thing that's been going on for hundreds of thousands of years, 'natural warming', where is the long increase in temperature that has always, that is until now, preceded the rise in CO2? It's in the ice cores for all the previous warmings except for this one. You should do some more research. Clearly something has changed, I wonder what that could be? If only there was a way of determining where the carbon dioxide came from. Oh, there is. You could do a bit of math and calculate the carbon dioxide produced from our very well tracked fossil fuel inventories. Or you could examine the isotopes of carbon in the atmosphere. It's from burning fossil fuels.
Oh, don't confuse them with facts. Dere witto heads mite explode.