Conservative White Males Climate Skeptics


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Then again, I'm a bit of a prick.

why would quoting a study author(s) summary finding statement from a study abstract be any different from quoting from a related article that makes direct reference to the same study findings? So..... you'll accept a journalist's interpreted understanding of a study in a referenced article... but you won't accept summary statement findings from the study author(s), directly from the study itself?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I suppose quoting then discussing the quote' strengths and weaknesses is just blowing white conservative hot air in some worlds?

Any other way is like being those whack jobs who quote Bible verses as indisputable fact.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
your question has been answered...
No it hasn't.

Here's your comment. Please note all your emphasis.

the related study points to a protection response to perceived threat: "identity-protective cognition". The response has conservative white males, more so than any other group in American society, justify and defend the American economic system because it’s the system through which their identities and life expectations have been formed. Most pointedly for conservative while males, any critique of “the system” is experienced as an ideological, psychological, and economic attack. Climate change denial is an example of this identity-protective cognition response... system-justifying tendencies lead to climate change denial... conservative white males are more likely than other Americans to report climate change denial.

Here's my question.

Here's your absurd, supposed answer...

you don't have to accept the study findings; that's your perogative. Since you claim to be neither white or conservative, your apparent difficulty with the study is that your, as you said, "identity parts", do not fit completely within the study's major finding's full demographic assignment. If you want to take everything quite literally... you're also, I believe, not American. I did provide a link to the study's abstract... let me quote you from the abstract and bold-highlight a couple of words for you; words that should alleviate your concern over not being included within the study's categorized group finding:

Which does not in any way answer the question.

I can see why you wouldn't be able to, or want to if you could. But you can just as easily admit that, instead of being dishonest. It does nothing but expose you for what you are.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Pretty much what I figured.

Thanks for proving me right. I like when you take all the work out of it.

no - in keeping with your nattering junkyard-dog act, why don't you answer my question? I answered yours... if it's not to your satisfaction, tough titty! For no other reason than to play silly-buggar, you're supposedly ticked because you aren't in the study's demographic group categorization of white/male/conservative... yet you hold the same positions as the categorized group. You really, really, really must want into that demographic makeup, hey? :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Well. all the conservative white male climate deniers have all been accounted for. I guess there is no use in continuing this thread any longer.

It's good when you lot admit defeat. Now finally you can go on BBC, CNN and other media outlets and admit to everybody that you've been lying all this time and give us all the apology that we deserve.

Oh, and we want you all to scrap your silly, useless and expensive windmills that are blighting our landscapes and your green levies which are driving up our energy bills.

Carbon dioxide is the principal greenhouse gas causing global warming, and as it accumulates in the atmosphere, it also moves into the ocean and increases its acidity

No. There are scientists who are of the belief that a warming atmosphere - it had been warming naturally since the 19th Century as a result of the end of the Little Ice Age but is now naturally cooling again and, I believe, will carry on cooling - led to an increase of CO2, rather than an increase of CO2 leading to global warming.

The Global Warmists have been looking at graphs and seeing a correlation between increasing temperature and increasing CO2 and then suddenly came to the conclusion that an increase in CO2 leads to a warming atmosphere. Yet I, and many others, are now sure that it's the other way round - that a naturally warming atmosphere (not man-made) led to an increase in CO2.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's good when you lot admit defeat. Now finally you can go on BBC, CNN and other media outlets and admit to everybody that you've been lying all this time and give us all the apology that we deserve.

Oh, and we want you all to scrap your silly, useless and expensive windmills that are blighting our landscapes and your green levies which are driving up our energy bills.

No. There are scientists who are of the belief that a warming atmosphere - it had been warming naturally since the 19th Century as a result of the end of the Little Ice Age but is now naturally cooling again and, I believe, will carry on cooling - led to an increase of CO2, rather than an increase of CO2 leading to global warming.

The Global Warmists have been looking at graphs and seeing a correlation between increasing temperature and increasing CO2 and then suddenly came to the conclusion that an increase in CO2 leads to a warming atmosphere. Yet I, and many others, are now sure that it's the other way round - that a naturally warming atmosphere (not man-made) led to an increase in CO2.
You really should learn to read. I' m expecting the apology to follow shortly.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
the Daily Mail "journalist", David Rose, has absolutely no credibility, none whatsoever... the worst of the worst tabloid misinformers!

Yeah? Have you got any proof of that? The trouble with you Global Warmists is that you dismiss everybody who disagrees with your religion as having "no credibility" even if they know more about how the atmosphere works and have more qualifications in the subject that most Global Warmists do.

again, that article speaks to a single year sea-ice extent change... year-to-year change. Let me focus you again on the 2 declining trend images I put forward in the post you're replying to; apparently, you choose to simply ignore these long-term declining trend images:
No. You listen to me. I'm going to show you this again:

What the BBC and its fellow Warmists predicted in 2007:

Now, I want you to study the above graphic very carefully and answer this very simple question:

Were the BBC and the Warmists right in their prediction, or were they proven massively wrong?

Now just answer that question. I'm sure even the hugely limited brainpower of the average gullible Warmist simpleton could answer such a question of stunning simplicity.

notwithstanding, again, any single year change in sea-ice extent is termed 'First-Year Ice'... it only becomes "Multi-Year Ice" (as in building multiple layers of ice), if a subsequent year's melting phase... doesn't melt it! Which is why I (also) emphasized the decreasing volume trend.
Instead of talking the Warmist Brigade's equivalent of management speak, I want you to answer this question:

You Warmists, as so doom-ladenly yet gleefully reported by the BBC back in 2007, predicted that the Arctic would be completely ice-free by 2013. So, tell me this, did your doom-laden prediction come to pass or were you all (as you so often are) proven to be embarrasingly and spectacularly wrong on a massive, comet-sized scale?

And if you do admit you Warmists were wrong (and I believe you were), when are you going to apologise?

by the by, peppering a post with on-line comments, any post... adds... uhhh..... what value?
I think it's worth from time to time showing you Warmists REALITY, the comments of the ordinary man in the street, rather than having your mind completely filled with junk from within the Warmist bubble.

no - you can't slag the greenhouse effect as it's responsible for keeping the earth warm enough for basic human survival. Tell me, what would happen to the earth/mankind if your described "bollocks greenhouse effect" didn't exist?
A natural greenhouse effect exists, but a man-made greenhouse effect most certainly doesn't.

natural? What natural influences... natural forcing factors, natural physical mechanisms? Your "coming out of the Little Ice Age (LIA) warming" premise is based on accepting that the causes behind the LIA energy imbalance cooling have since changed state to now cause a positive radiative forcing... and the related relatively recent global warming. Oh wait, is there where you now state the LIA cooling was... also natural in cause? :lol:
The Earth does warm naturally from time to time, you know. Ice Ages end because the Earth naturally warms up.

There have been at least five major ice ages in the earth's past - the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, Karoo Ice Age and the Quaternary glaciation. The earliest of those, the Huronian, ended 2.1 billion years ago. Now, tell me this, did human activity cause the rise in the Earth's temperature to cause the end of that ice age or was the rise in temperature completely natural?

Natural CO2? From where... originating, from where? if you've, as you say, "done the research", can you provide references to that end... most pointedly references that speak to the atmospheric carbon isotope variants of CO2 and the respective C13/C12 & C14/C12 isotope ratio equivalents to support your claim that increased/accelerated CO2 today is reflective of your claim that the, "CO2 is natural in origin"?
Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas which was first formed billions of years ago and many are now of the belief that the naturally warming Earth at the end of the Little Ice Age caused an increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, not the other way around.

It now seems increasingly likely that you Global Warmists have got evrything ar*e about t*t. A warming atmosphere leads to more CO2, not vice versa.

Oh he'll tell you why you're wrong that he's wrong. Then he'll blame all those lefties that conspire against him. Then he'll you to vote UKIP. He just won't learn to read or apologize, that's all, lol.

Why don't YOU apologise?

Why don't you Wamrists apologise for littering our landscapes with useless windmills and WE have to pay for and for gretaly increasing our energy bills for putting green taxes on them, all to solve a "problem" which doesn't exist?

It's not you Warmists who deserve an apology. It's us.

Vote Ukip.
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The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
See Petros, didn't learn to read and....

Why don't YOU apologise?

Why don't you Wamrists apologise for littering our landscapes with useless windmills and WE have to pay for and for gretaly increasing our energy bills for putting green taxes on them, all to solve a "problem" which doesn't exist?

It's not you Warmists who deserve an apology. It's us.

Vote Ukip.

Just saying.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
See Petros, didn't learn to read and....

Just saying.

Just give it up love. You'll never convert me over to the dark side. I'm a bastion of common sense in a huge, stinking vat of Warmist tripe.