Oh, don't confuse them with facts. Dere witto heads mite explode.
More likely cognitive dissonance will win out.
Oh, don't confuse them with facts. Dere witto heads mite explode.
The much more sensible Daily Mail
Read more: And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year | Daily Mail Online
No. It's called bollocks.
The warming of the relatively recent period was entirely natural and was a result of the ending of the Little Ice Age which gripped the world between around 1350 to around 1850.
The natural warming of the Earth's climate as a result of the end of the little Ice Age has led to more CO2 in the atmosphere. A warming atmosphere leads to more natural CO2. It's NOT the case that more CO2 is causing the atmosphere to warm up. It's just you Global Warmists who have got it all a*rse about ***, as usual. If you don't believe me, do your own research.
"It's not a biological or gender thing," he said. "It's a political thing." Liberal white males are more accepting of government regulations and challenges to the status quo because it fits in their political ideology, he said.
"When you start talking about climate change and the need for major changes, carbon taxes and lifestyle changes, [conservatives] see this as a threat to capitalism and future prosperity," said McCright. "So conservatives tend to be very negative towards climate change."
Why Conservative White Males Are More Likely to Be Climate Skeptics - Scientific American
Ya so?the related study points to a protection response to perceived threat: "identity-protective cognition". The response has conservative white males, more so than any other group in American society, justify and defend the American economic system because it’s the system through which their identities and life expectations have been formed. Most pointedly for conservative while males, any critique of “the system” is experienced as an ideological, psychological, and economic attack. Climate change denial is an example of this identity-protective cognition response... system-justifying tendencies lead to climate change denial... conservative white males are more likely than other Americans to report climate change denial.
And again, since you ignored the last time I asked this... Ya so?guys, guys... your 'shuck & jive' routine runs strong, runs deep! Why, I do believe it's your own personal coping protection measure... in line with the aforementioned study's protection response to perceived threat: "identity-protective cognition" :mrgreen:
Scientific American has been a lefty mag for the last few decades. It used to be a good, dispassionate, apolitical read in the 60's. Now it just spouts the watermelon line.
Same can be said for National Geographic.
I'm not white, I'm not a conservative, and I have an issue with something that will drastically change my life and how I live and work.
you shouldn't have taken the study finding to suggest "ALL" persons... fit, or don't fit, within the group categorizations. That, most definitely, is not the study finding.
That is what was inferred in the OP
Nice job at avoiding the question.you shouldn't have taken the study finding to suggest "ALL" persons... fit, or don't fit, within the group categorizations. That, most definitely, is not the study finding.
Nice job at avoiding the question.
How about you answer the question if you want to be taken seriously.
Yep.you mean your... "Ya so" question? Is that your, "to be taken seriously" question?
If it weren't serious, you wouldn't be avoiding it like the plague.
We find that conservative white males are significantly more likely than are other Americans to endorse denialist views on all five items, and that these differences are even greater for those conservative white males who self-report understanding global warming very well. Furthermore, the results of our multivariate logistic regression models reveal that the conservative white male effect remains significant when controlling for the direct effects of political ideology, race, and gender as well as the effects of nine control variables. We thus conclude that the unique views of conservative white males contribute significantly to the high level of climate change denial in the United States.
Interesting excuse as to why you're uncomfortable with answering the question.you don't have to accept the study findings; that's your perogative. Since you claim to be neither white or conservative, your apparent difficulty with the study is that your, as you said, "identity parts", do not fit completely within the study's major finding's full demographic assignment. If you want to take everything quite literally... you're also, I believe, not American. I did provide a link to the study's abstract... let me quote you from the abstract and bold-highlight a couple of words for you; words that should alleviate your concern over not being included within the study's categorized group finding:
Interesting excuse as to why you're uncomfortable with answering the question.
I have to disagree. I think it's pretty damn funny.Quoting studies as an attempt to appear educated is very very sad.