Conservative White Males Climate Skeptics


House Member
Oct 19, 2009

the related study points to a protection response to perceived threat: "identity-protective cognition". The response has conservative white males, more so than any other group in American society, justify and defend the American economic system because it’s the system through which their identities and life expectations have been formed. Most pointedly for conservative while males, any critique of “the system” is experienced as an ideological, psychological, and economic attack. Climate change denial is an example of this identity-protective cognition response... system-justifying tendencies lead to climate change denial... conservative white males are more likely than other Americans to report climate change denial.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
the related study points to a protection response to perceived threat: "identity-protective cognition". The response has conservative white males, more so than any other group in American society, justify and defend the American economic system because it’s the system through which their identities and life expectations have been formed. Most pointedly for conservative while males, any critique of “the system” is experienced as an ideological, psychological, and economic attack. Climate change denial is an example of this identity-protective cognition response... system-justifying tendencies lead to climate change denial... conservative white males are more likely than other Americans to report climate change denial.
Ya, so?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Hmmmm... Excellent point.

It seems that carbon was never really anything, let alone evil until Harper came into power... Now I see the relationship.

The name 'Harper' doesn't start with a 'C', although it is in the alphabet, therefore, Carbon, that starts with C and shares the letters 'A' and 'R' means that Carbon is therefor evil because Harper is bad.

Now it's all starting to come together


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
guys, guys... your 'shuck & jive' routine runs strong, runs deep! Why, I do believe it's your own personal coping protection measure... in line with the aforementioned study's protection response to perceived threat: "identity-protective cognition" :mrgreen:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The global warmists keep telling us that more carbon in the atmosphere is causing the the world to warm up.

But many scientists are now of the belief that the opposite is happening. A naturally warming world - which occurred up until 1997 but, since then, the world has been getting naturally cooler - actually causes more carbon in the atmosphere.

It is warming which causes more carbon, not more carbon which is causing warming.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
guys, guys... your 'shuck & jive' routine runs strong, runs deep! Why, I do believe it's your own personal coping protection measure... in line with the aforementioned study's protection response to perceived threat: "identity-protective cognition"
And again, since you ignored the last time I asked this... Ya so?

I'm not white, I'm not a conservative, and I have an issue with something that will drastically change my life and how I live and work.

Which are valid parts of my identity.

So, can you answer my question, or not?


Can you dig me up a Simpsons pic with Bart holding a news paper with the headline, little kid screams at adults and throws tantrum, so I can post it to you when you do just that?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Can you dig me up a Simpsons pic with Bart holding a news paper with the headline, little kid screams at adults and throws tantrum, so I can post it to you when you do just that?

But, Flossy is so clever... Did you see the way that he was able to incorporate CO2 into the word Conservative?

He is so clever, why, it must be true


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
But, Flossy is so clever... Did you see the way that he was able to incorporate CO2 into the word Conservative?

He is so clever, why, it must be true
And divisive. But he really hates divisiveness, so it must be self loathing.

I'll take the warmers seriously when they end their own dependence on carbon.
Good luck, because solar power manufacturing relies heavily on it.

So does life in general, well beyond the simple automobile.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Nothing wrong with carbon. It's a natural element that was here long before we were. It is the fourth most common element in our Milky Way galaxy, after hydrogen, helium and oxygen, and is the element upon which all known life is based.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
The global warmists keep telling us that more carbon in the atmosphere is causing the the world to warm up.

you don't need your described "global warmists" to tell you anything about anything... it's called the greenhouse effect, a fundamental precept of science (more correctly GHG in the atmosphere, rather than your 'carbon reference')

But many scientists are now of the belief that the opposite is happening. A naturally warming world - which occurred up until 1997 but, since then, the world has been getting naturally cooler - actually causes more carbon in the atmosphere.

the earth is in a long-term natural cooling cycle... however, that cycle doesn't turn/switch on the decadal level you suggest. Of course, that natural cycle is being influenced by the warming of the relatively recent period. Pro Tip: whenever you see reference to periods around 1997, note that as the favoured cherry-pick starting point by deniers... a point that correlates with one of the warmest ENSO events of recent history.

It is warming which causes more carbon, not more carbon which is causing warming.

care to provide a reference from which you've drawn this interpretation. Thanks in advance.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Cool pic. Here's another.

if you want to say something, have the "Retired Soldier" guts to say it directly and make your pointed accusation.

Oh oh, waldo doesn't like hard questions.

yet another thread for you to shyte on hey Bear? Do you ever... ever... actually contribute to thread topics, or do you accept your own relegation to your presumed drive-by relevance?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
yet another thread for you to shyte on hey Bear? Do you ever... ever... actually contribute to thread topics, or do you accept your own relegation to your presumed drive-by relevance?
You know what's funny?

I was actually going to say "Go on and make something up if that helps".

I should have, it would have been hilarious.

Any ways, back on the topic you want to ignore...

And again, since you ignored the last time I asked this... Ya so?

I'm not white, I'm not a conservative, and I have an issue with something that will drastically change my life and how I live and work.

Which are valid parts of my identity.

So, can you answer my question, or not?

Both contributios to the thread, just so we can clearly establish how dishonest you are.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
yet another thread for you to shyte on hey Bear? Do you ever... ever... actually contribute to thread topics, or do you accept your own relegation to your presumed drive-by relevance?

He directly comments on a topic about 20% of the time.

The remainder is spent on stirring up ****.