Inauguration Day For Trump

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
I once audited a case regarding Whyte Avenue Riot,if you don't believe cops cannot incite problems check this so called Riot out,
You will be enlightened

I admit I would not want to be a cop in the middle of the marchers


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
SJWs should be sent to spend some time in Saudi Arabia/Russia/China (among a few). Then they would have a better understanding of what social justice means and appreciate what they have here.

Yep, your post makes me think of the many complaints I've heard over the past few months about Trump/the U.S. getting to be like Nazi Germany c. 1944. Well we have a situation here where close to one million are protesting and not one protestor has been shipped off to a concentration camp, which would be typical in 1944 Nazi Germany. It just highlights the fact that the U.S. is still a country where you can assemble to speak your mind w/o fear of retribution.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
that's a pretty big free speech zone they got there
a lot bigger and more to the front then they were for a while
hopefully that is a good sign


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Welcome to Warshington Trumpster:

If Trump is so bad why can he be mocked while Obama was off limits to jokes and snide comments. There should have been oodles of dumbo jokes based on the size of his ears. There isn't one that I have seen, how about you?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
That's quite the team the new Pres has, Eagle. Trump's hand had barely left the bible when word hit the borders about possible SJW nitwits trying to sneak across the border to join their like-minded idiot brigades in Washington. Just wish it had happened earlier as some buses filled with these dupes had already made their way across and are now busy causing mayhem in Washington. Hope they all get pepper sprayed before being unceremoniously thrown back across the border and put on a watch list.
I'm in Washington. Didn't see any mayhem.

Sorry you hate social justice so much. Maybe we can bring back Jim Crow and make you feel better.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Maybe? All we keep hearing are hypotheticals of BS.

SJWs are enraged by, afraid of and protesting their own f-cking shadows.

Good job. Keep it up.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Cliffy you are one sick individual. Be sure to send one to Bush, he might want to use it in some speech. Where is the Obama equivalent?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Let him alone, this is one of the few topics where he has been right. Your turn to be right about something now.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
At the end of the day, life is all about perception and looks.

Americans had to decide what they would rather look at for at least the next 4 years...Trump's ridiculous hair or Hillary's painted-on death mask smile.

They chose the former. So get over it. We're no better. Canadian's have to stomach our Victorian Fop Prime Minister and all of his cliches day in and day out on his donut tour.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Looks like things on both sides of the border are going to give you a painful 4 years, oh wait, that will most likely be 8 years or so. lol Sounds like it will be fun to watch twist in the breeze.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
If Trump is so bad why can he be mocked while Obama was off limits to jokes and snide comments. There should have been oodles of dumbo jokes based on the size of his ears. There isn't one that I have seen, how about you?
IF Trump is so bad......

what do you mean IF???

There is NO comparison between Trump and Obama. Obama had his limitations but he was also limited by those that obstructed his ideas . Obama was a class act. Trump behaves and talks like someone that is uneducated, unhinged, with self grandiose ideation and a pathological lust for power. He manipulated like minded and like talking folk and got in.... and now on his first day the only thing he whereabouts is how his crowds compared to Obamas. All he cares about is his own ratings. And if he paid attention... he entered office at the lowest rating in a very long time. Even silly George came in with a higher rating. heck.even Bush Jr.was more personable. Not the brightest , but he did have a sense of humor.. Trump does note even have that.
Trump is not even a straight talker. He is an incorrigible basher of anyone he opposes or that offends him. If you cannot hale negative feedback.mopstly accurate. you have no place in that job. He is in it for the status and believes that folks will be beholding to him from a position of servitude. He is an empiror wannabe ... who cannot handle the position of CIC with the dignity that is required.
IF you support trump....fine. that is your choice. But don't try and defend what cannot be defended. Reality is that he is a pathological liar and manipulator .with a tuck load of biases that cannot make him objective of logical in a job that requires a much more delicate touch than the heavy handed approach he is taking,.Anyone that is so biased in favor of Russia cannot be objective when dealing with its leader. . Makes him a pwn of Putin. but Trump is too blinded by his own hero worship of Putin.he can't see it..It is appalling that he trust Putin more than he does his own Intelligent agencies By virtue of all this and more.he has no right to say AMERICA FIRST. If circumstances were a tad more ordinary.he could be called a traitor. But the Trumspters made him Prez of the US. The only job wher the only requirement is a massive amount of money. borderline intelligence , a personality disorder and the gift of the con .But it has become apparent that the Trumpster mindset does not have high expectations or requirements for their prez.Of course by berating America as he has allong along and in his speach.he sets himself up as America's savor. That qualifies a delusions of grandeur. He has a commonality fiwh KIm of N. Korea. Neighter want to hear negavie feedback about themselves. Dictators have that character flaw in common. Same with bullies in expensive coats.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
IF Trump is so bad......

what do you mean IF???

There is NO comparison between Trump and Obama. Obama had his limitations but he was also limited by those that obstructed his ideas . Obama was a class act. Trump behaves and talks like someone that is uneducated, unhinged, with self grandiose ideation and a pathological lust for power. He manipulated like minded and like talking folk and got in.... and now on his first day the only thing he whereabouts is how his crowds compared to Obamas. All he cares about is his own ratings. And if he paid attention... he entered office at the lowest rating in a very long time. Even silly George came in with a higher rating. heck.even Bush Jr.was more personable. Not the brightest , but he did have a sense of humor.. Trump does note even have that.
Trump is not even a straight talker. He is an incorrigible basher of anyone he opposes or that offends him. If you cannot hale negative feedback.mopstly accurate. you have no place in that job. He is in it for the status and believes that folks will be beholding to him from a position of servitude. He is an empiror wannabe ... who cannot handle the position of CIC with the dignity that is required.
IF you support trump....fine. that is your choice. But don't try and defend what cannot be defended. Reality is that he is a pathological liar and manipulator .with a tuck load of biases that cannot make him objective of logical in a job that requires a much more delicate touch than the heavy handed approach he is taking,.Anyone that is so biased in favor of Russia cannot be objective when dealing with its leader. . Makes him a pwn of Putin. but Trump is too blinded by his own hero worship of Putin.he can't see it..It is appalling that he trust Putin more than he does his own Intelligent agencies By virtue of all this and more.he has no right to say AMERICA FIRST. If circumstances were a tad more ordinary.he could be called a traitor. But the Trumspters made him Prez of the US. The only job wher the only requirement is a massive amount of money. borderline intelligence , a personality disorder and the gift of the con .But it has become apparent that the Trumpster mindset does not have high expectations or requirements for their prez.Of course by berating America as he has allong along and in his speach.he sets himself up as America's savor. That qualifies a delusions of grandeur. He has a commonality fiwh KIm of N. Korea. Neighter want to hear negavie feedback about themselves. Dictators have that character flaw in common. Same with bullies in expensive coats.
Reason doesn't seem to penetrate the thick skulls of the Trumpettes.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Pope : Will wait and see....before judging Trump.

Pope Francis says he'll wait and see to judge Trump - CBS News

This should be interesting. One man of humility, and service.. the other arrogant , and does not even use the word service as applied to to the country and has no humility .

One can only HOPE the Trumpsters REALIZE what they elected into office ....but would guess that will not be the case.. as they are a crowd where self awareness and introspection are not a strong suit.

Hope they realize that Trumps press secretary is prepared to lie for him and has already done so. (just do a fact che4ck of his statements. ) and whuy was he so agitated and angry during this press release?? (facts and logic are not a concern for the trumpsters)

bTW: do they realize the the webiste that posted the photos that did not suit Trump was removed today.And this is only day one.

The question that arises is : How much and what are the trumpsters prepared to give up for their choice of leader.. What rights are they prepared to surrender in the name of protectionism?? Do they think it is reasonable to offend other nations and not expect them to react with anger and anxicety?? Or have they lost all contact with reality?? Is it not reasonable to expect the offended to be on guard and mistrsut the US even more now?? How is this a benefit for getting along on this small planet ?? Or do they give a damn??


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
IF Trump is so bad......

what do you mean IF???

There is NO comparison between Trump and Obama. Obama had his limitations but he was also limited by those that obstructed his ideas . Obama was a class act. Trump behaves and talks like someone that is uneducated, unhinged, with self grandiose ideation and a pathological lust for power. He manipulated like minded and like talking folk and got in.... and now on his first day the only thing he whereabouts is how his crowds compared to Obamas. All he cares about is his own ratings. And if he paid attention... he entered office at the lowest rating in a very long time. Even silly George came in with a higher rating. heck.even Bush Jr.was more personable. Not the brightest , but he did have a sense of humor.. Trump does note even have that.
Trump is not even a straight talker. He is an incorrigible basher of anyone he opposes or that offends him. If you cannot hale negative feedback.mopstly accurate..

Simmer down .............I bet he can spell better than you! :) Why would you bash a guy for an M.O. that got him into the Whitehouse?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Simmer down .............I bet he can spell better than you! :) Why would you bash a guy for an M.O. that got him into the Whitehouse?
The Whitehouse is the pinnacle of corruption in power. So the Donald, to get there, has to be the pinnacle of corruption in power.
Personally, I think this is the best thing that could happen to Yankyland. The Trumpster is the harbinger of the fall of the Empire. He will be the US's Nero, fiddling while Washington burns. The rest of the world will rejoice.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The Whitehouse is the pinnacle of corruption in power. So the Donald, to get there, has to be the pinnacle of corruption in power.
Personally, I think this is the best thing that could happen to Yankyland. The Trumpster is the harbinger of the fall of the Empire. He will be the US's Nero, fiddling while Washington burns. The rest of the world will rejoice.

Nah, I doubt if Trump is the type of guy to sit around "fiddling", while destruction is happening. :)