Inauguration Day For Trump

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
If Trump turns out to be a success after 4 years, they should call it The Buckley's Presidency...

"Tastes awful. And it works."


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Pope : Will wait and see....before judging Trump.

Pope Francis says he'll wait and see to judge Trump - CBS News

This should be interesting. One man of humility, and service.. the other arrogant , and does not even use the word service as applied to to the country and has no humility .

One can only HOPE the Trumpsters REALIZE what they elected into office ....but would guess that will not be the case.. as they are a crowd where self awareness and introspection are not a strong suit.

Hope they realize that Trumps press secretary is prepared to lie for him and has already done so. (just do a fact che4ck of his statements. ) and whuy was he so agitated and angry during this press release?? (facts and logic are not a concern for the trumpsters)

bTW: do they realize the the webiste that posted the photos that did not suit Trump was removed today.And this is only day one.

The question that arises is : How much and what are the trumpsters prepared to give up for their choice of leader.. What rights are they prepared to surrender in the name of protectionism?? Do they think it is reasonable to offend other nations and not expect them to react with anger and anxicety?? Or have they lost all contact with reality?? Is it not reasonable to expect the offended to be on guard and mistrsut the US even more now?? How is this a benefit for getting along on this small planet ?? Or do they give a damn??

you forgetting the pope and the vatican is behind a wall to keep the mexicans out?
the poop also divided up the new world when it already belonged to someone else and those illegal christian immigrants also ATE many of the original inhabitants - you know "long pork"....?

He's just hired the entire swamp. It will not be drained.

so you finally got your first job?
and i guess, obviously you aren't very good at it?

confession noted

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
you forgetting the pope and the vatican is behind a wall to keep the mexicans out?
the poop also divided up the new world when it already belonged to someone else and those illegal christian immigrants also ATE many of the original inhabitants - you know "long pork"....?

so you finally got your first job?
and i guess, obviously you aren't very good at it?

confession noted

I'll have to put my age up on my bio.

Wino thinks that I'm a kid.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
What I'm trying to figure out their intolerance and protest just against the guy who got elected or does it go further than that? It would seem that protesting against a democratically elected leader is no different that protesting against the democratic process itself. What do these people have against democracy? What government model would they prefer... communism? Dictatorship? Theocracy? Absoultism? Maybe Anarchy??

It would be helpful if these short-sighted idealistic twits could follow the thought process through to it's rational conclusion. It just may give them the answers they are looking for. Then again...

It goes further than that. If any one of the GOP candidates won the Presidency the reaction would be the same.

The Democrats and US Liberals want absolute power and control over all aspects of life.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

Yes! YES! I looooove seeing the anguish!
A typical Hillary supporter progressive snowflake......



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

Yes! YES! I looooove seeing the anguish!

To be fair, Eagle it was not his best day and making his Pres Sec repeat what he said was not the best move. His appearance before the CIA just left me shaking my head and wishing Pence could become the mouthpiece for the new administration.

Today, he did much better though and I see someone finally got him to actually read from a written script - he actually sounded like a President and I was happy to see him do so. The leader of the free world must be able to stay on topic, use complete sentences and get his point across in a succinct fashion.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

CNN really fukked up this time.


>Original media photo has just been released with timestamp - was taken at 8.20am

people can't get in

Someone found the original footage of the media shot.



8.20am confirmed AGAIN

no matter how you slice it, it is dishonest for the media to show photos of parts of the mall from like 3 hours before the event and then try and push the narrative that obama's inauguration was better attended. even if it was, they don't have sufficient evidence to make that claim from their photo of part of the mall.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The Whitehouse is the pinnacle of corruption in power. So the Donald, to get there, has to be the pinnacle of corruption in power.
Personally, I think this is the best thing that could happen to Yankyland. The Trumpster is the harbinger of the fall of the Empire. He will be the US's Nero, fiddling while Washington burns. The rest of the world will rejoice.

That used to be my position, but I favour a slower burn these days. If you can't control the fire you shouldn't play with it.

There will be world order, and I will be a position of power, all of you will get your herbs and spices in the mail. If you don't takeyour medicine you shoulkd of course die.

All the medicine we need grows in our backyards. Of course most of you don't have a yard, front or back, tough shjt. If you don't own and hold, defend, land yer a landless baseless taxpaying looser. Rebel, you can do it, just say fukoff.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I'll have to put my age up on my bio.
Wino thinks that I'm a kid.

not sure about the wino part, we will have to ask one
I wasn't commenting on your physical age so much as your rather lack of it ...indicates a vacuum of experience


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That used to be my position, but I favour a slower burn these days. If you can't control the fire you shouldn't play with it.

There will be world order, and I will be a position of power, all of you will get your herbs and spices in the mail. If you don't takeyour medicine you shoulkd of course die.

All the medicine we need grows in our backyards. Of course most of you don't have a yard, front or back, tough shjt. If you don't own and hold, defend, land yer a landless baseless taxpaying looser. Rebel, you can do it, just say fukoff.
Start with the 'No Gardens' in parks rule being something that is not a chargeable offense as prison workers now have 'garden duty' as part of their rehab.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Just heard on the radio that trump apparently works twenty hours a day and doesn't drink coffee
...and the word is "fidelity"

you all know Obama used a lot of NLP right? ( just watch and listen to the tricks)
...and you wonder at the people it effects...
that is why they are highly motivated and they don't even know why
throw in the anti depressants and anti psychotics and there you have it
the zombie apocolypse


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Trump has a long way to go till he murders over 4000 thousand innocent men, women and children like Obomba did - and bragging about THAT isn't as bad as some typical male locker room banter?

I wonder if the spinny babes protesting know about those dead women and kids, and that THAT is what they are supporting?

Not to mention hillary's role in the slaughter at WACO, where women and children were slaughtered, and bills role in the false flag at OKC, where they bombed children in a DAYCARE to frame militias

I notice this fact does not effect his detractors and to me that DAMNs them all to HELL too
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It's called 'becoming seasoned' Putin is a seasoned politician and is 'out-spoken' at the same time. Trump has the rarest part, the out-spoken part, the other is a natural progression from novice to expert.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
les sheep will believe whatever tripe cnn feeds them. there is little to no hope for these drones.