"Dear Jack" Letter

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Dear Jack
By Charles Adler
Monday, February 2, 2009

Dear Jack,

We've been friends for a long time and friends really ought to tell friends the truth. So
since nobody else has told you, I think it's time for me to step up and get it done.

Jack, when you and Gilles Duceppe were first putting this coup together, you felt you
had a strong hand because the Liberals had such a weak one. After the fall election,
Harper had 46 percent of the seats in the Commons. He was within a whisker of a
majority, and Stephane Dion, a marshmallow at the best of times, had just been roasted
by voters. His part ended up with only 25 percent of the seats. Between Duceppe’s
separatists in the sticks of Quebec, and your crew Jack, you had more seats than Dion.
Power abhors a vacuum. Everyone knows the game. You approached Dion with a plan
to get him one last kick at the can. He was never going anywhere on his own but if you
and Duceppe got together with him, between the three of you, you'd have something you
could call a coalition. Never mind that nobody voted for that. You could always finesse
that with the willingness of many members of the media whose hatred for Harper would
blind them of three obvious facts:

1) Nobody in the country thought Stephane Dion should be prime minister.

2) Nobody in the country thought we could have a stable central government which owed
its allegiance to the bastard child of the Parti Quebecois - which owes its allegiance to
people who want to blow a hole right through the heart of Canada. And;

3) Since no political party ran on the idea of a coalition, and nobody voted for a coalition,
nobody thought it was a good idea to have a government based on something nobody
voted for or wanted, even though your media friends at the CBC did think this whole thing
was a lot of fun. Mr. Mansbridge said the other day during one of his At Issue Panel
Discussions, that he and others in the media were really missing all the fun they were having
before Christmas when you, Gilles and Stephane were talking about seducing the Governor
General into the idea of going along with your scam, what I called the Three Stooges of

Now Jack, outside of these three facts that made it impossible to get your coaltion contraption
to take flight, there were some other things said during the bad sales job which you keep on
wanting to say, and it's time I think to put a final cork in the bottle. You keep talking about how
the Harper Tories only got 38 percent of the popular vote. And so therefore, 62 percent voted
for change. Wrong Jack. Those 62 percent didn't vote for change. They voted for Liberals and
Greens and Separatists and your team. Nobody voted for a coalition. I'm starting to think that
the 38 percent the Conservatives got isn't what's getting under your skin, Jack. It's the 18 percent
of the vote that you got. Sorry to break it to you, but no matter how often you say you are
applying for the job of the prime minister, fewer than one in five voters actually take you seriously.

I am starting to think that what also bothers you is how efficient the Tories are compared to your
crew. They got 38 percent of the vote, but 46 percent of the seats. And while you got 18 percent
of the vote, you only got 12 percent of the seats. It must bug you Jack, that the Tories are competitive
virtually everywhere in the country except in two cities, while you are really competitive only in the
poverty pockets. I can see it with my own eyes Jack. I travel through one of those pockets every day.
Your representative there is hardly ever there. And he doesn't need to be. A monkey could win that
riding representing the NDP. It's dirt poor and safe. If this country was poor as you pretend it is,
your vote would be far more efficient. But it's primarily a middle class country and that's why your
party is just a rump, a protest movement.

You talk about Canada adopting a different system of government like those mature democracies.
Now the most mature Democracy in Europe is the United Kingdom. Guess where we got our system
from, Jack. Remember it was the Queen’s representative in Canada - who in your fantasies - was
going to go along with your crackerjack of a coalition. The Queen's representative. We have the same
system as Europe's most mature democracy. Now I am going to submit to you Jack that the most
important aspect of any demoracy is the maturity of its leaders. Maturity, meaning adult, meaning being
able to handle the truth responsibly. I am going to ask you to be mature and please accept what I’m
about to tell you like an adult. The biggest democracy in that Mature Continent called Europe is
Germany. Know why Germany has a democracy? Because Canadian soldiers gave their lives to
liberate Germany from a man who was willing to turn them all into slaves. I'm always reminding you
that good, decent Canadians in this country tell me that if it wasn't for what Canada and its allies did,
Germany would have stayed a dictatorship for a thousand years or longer and who knows what kind
of damage would have been done to its people and people all over the world. So Jack, I want you to
take this like a man. Canada isn't just a wonderful democracy with no need for your scams and schemes
and coalition dreams. Canada is actually one of the reasons why great big countries like Germany have a
democracy. Show a little pride Jack in what this country represents to other countries before you start
down this road of how we should be like those others. Jack, you also talk so fondly of what the
Americans have just done in putting Obama into power. Jack, if you look closely at what Obama stands
for you'll find out he is way to the right of you. Whether its economics like free trade, social issues like
gay marriage, foreign policy issues like the support of Israel - Obama is far closer to Stephen Harper than
he is to you. And Jack, before you go too far down that road of envy, how much media do you think
you’d get by being the leader of a third or fourth party in the U.S.?

Why don't you ask Ralph Nader or Bob Barr how much media attention they got in the final three months
of their election campaign? Bob Who you ask? In the U.S. - you would be Jack Who.

One final thing Jack, while you're thinking of hopefully abandoning this rhetoric about those mature
democracies who are better than we are or the American democracy that is supposedly smarter than
we are, change change change, please stop embarrassing yourself in trying to delegitamize the Conservative
victory by saying that 62 percent voted for change. Keep doing that and somebody is bound to look at
how few points you put on the board in your own riding. Even though none of your opponents had anywhere
near the kind of media attention that you have had, even though not one of them is a house hold name, their
coalition vote - if you will – would beat you. You got 20 thousand votes in Toronto Danforth. But the
coalition vote total of your opponents came out to 25 thousand. Twenty-five thousand for them. Twenty
thousand for you. Did the people of your riding vote for getting rid of you, Jack? Were they voting for
change? Hey, I could run the numbers up the flag pole in your lovely wife's riding. But I don't want to
make this too personal, nor too cruel. I think you get the point Jack.

The moral of this story Jack is simple. The system you are attacking actually works really well for you and
your wife and other members of your party which don't sell change at all, or hope for that matter. You sell
hopelessness. You run the country down, by riding the backs of those who are down and out and ultimately
only your core support comes from those who are down and out and feeling rather hopeless. Change isn't
what they are voting for, Jack. Unfortunately, they are the ones who have given up on change and you are
just moving in to take advantage, just like you moved into Stephane Dion's life once he was out of luck and
hope and money. Yes, the system works well for you Jack and so does this country that affords a minority
party like yours far more media attention and money than most marginals get in other parts of the world.

Jack, by now I hope you understand that the reason why the coalition scam didn't work is precisely because
we are a mature democracy. And finally Jack, I want you to know that the reason things are the way they
are for you - and you are on the outside looking in with your coalition idea - is because this is a mature
democracy. Mature decisions have been made by people with more maturity than you currently possess.
Canada is a Mature democracy and despite all the kicks it gets from you and your friends in low places, not
all of them at the CBC, this is a great country where changes do happen for those who don't spend most of
their lives running down the country they love and its institutions they respect, like their military, their mounties
and their National Anthem. Call us crazy if you want to, Jack. We love our country just the way it is. And, if
we don't have a system that makes it easy for you to have a seat at the cabinet table, well, we'll just have to
suck it up and live with it.

That's what mature people do in a democracy called Canada.

Posted by: Charles Adler
Source: CJOB 68: Manitoba's Information Superstation


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
1) Nobody in the country thought Stephane Dion should be prime minister.

Those who voted Liberal apparently did.... so that's not a fact as you put it.

2) Nobody in the country thought we could have a stable central government which owed
its allegiance to the bastard child of the Parti Quebecois - which owes its allegiance to
people who want to blow a hole right through the heart of Canada. And;

I and many others did and they had no chance of dividing the country.

3) Since no political party ran on the idea of a coalition,

It wasn't nessicary at the time.

and nobody voted for a coalition,

Canadians, based on our democracy, don't have the right to vote on a coalition.

nobody thought it was a good idea to have a government based on something nobody
voted for or wanted

You're going with your generalizations and speaking for others again where it is not warrented.

Nobody wants that :p

even though your media friends at the CBC did think this whole thing
was a lot of fun. Mr. Mansbridge said the other day during one of his At Issue Panel
Discussions, that he and others in the media were really missing all the fun they were having
before Christmas when you, Gilles and Stephane were talking about seducing the Governor
General into the idea of going along with your scam, what I called the Three Stooges of

Now Jack, outside of these three facts that made it impossible to get your coaltion contraption
to take flight, there were some other things said during the bad sales job which you keep on
wanting to say, and it's time I think to put a final cork in the bottle. You keep talking about how
the Harper Tories only got 38 percent of the popular vote. And so therefore, 62 percent voted
for change. Wrong Jack. Those 62 percent didn't vote for change. They voted for Liberals and
Greens and Separatists and your team. Nobody voted for a coalition. I'm starting to think that
the 38 percent the Conservatives got isn't what's getting under your skin, Jack. It's the 18 percent of the vote that you got. Sorry to break it to you, but no matter how often you say you are applying for the job of the prime minister, fewer than one in five voters actually take you seriously.

But still isn't absolute for you to speak for everybody.

I am starting to think that what also bothers you is how efficient the Tories are compared to your
crew. They got 38 percent of the vote, but 46 percent of the seats. And while you got 18 percent of the vote, you only got 12 percent of the seats. It must bug you Jack, that the Tories are competitive virtually everywhere in the country except in two cities, while you are really competitive only in the poverty pockets. I can see it with my own eyes Jack. I travel through one of those pockets every day. Your representative there is hardly ever there. And he doesn't need to be. A monkey could win that riding representing the NDP. It's dirt poor and safe. If this country was poor as you pretend it is, your vote would be far more efficient. But it's primarily a middle class country and that's why your party is just a rump, a protest movement.

The Conservatives arn't efficient, they're playing the same card as the Liberals..... voter routine and scare tactics of any change other then Conservative or Liberal.

The fact that the NDP are gaining more seats as elections go by, show the real faults are in both the Liberals and Conservatives..... or else they would have had better outcomes. The fact of the matter is that all the parties suck, but the NDP are the only ones remaining consistant, while the Cons and Libs are continually hanging onto their same old tactics of relying on the older generation voters who are either too blindly loyal to whom they have voted for for so long, or they're too scared to see if another party might not give them the same old screw overs without the reach around.

You talk about Canada adopting a different system of government like those mature democracies.
Now the most mature Democracy in Europe is the United Kingdom. Guess where we got our system from, Jack. Remember it was the Queen’s representative in Canada - who in your fantasies - was going to go along with your crackerjack of a coalition. The Queen's representative. We have the same system as Europe's most mature democracy.

Well if you agree with this, why are you trying to complain that voters didn't vote for a coalition, when in both democracies, voters don't choose this?

Now I am going to submit to you Jack that the most
important aspect of any demoracy is the maturity of its leaders. Maturity, meaning adult, meaning being able to handle the truth responsibly. I am going to ask you to be mature and please accept what I’m about to tell you like an adult. The biggest democracy in that Mature Continent called Europe is Germany. Know why Germany has a democracy? Because Canadian soldiers gave their lives to liberate Germany from a man who was willing to turn them all into slaves. I'm always reminding you
that good, decent Canadians in this country tell me that if it wasn't for what Canada and its allies did, Germany would have stayed a dictatorship for a thousand years or longer and who knows what kind of damage would have been done to its people and people all over the world. So Jack, I want you to take this like a man. Canada isn't just a wonderful democracy with no need for your scams and schemes and coalition dreams. Canada is actually one of the reasons why great big countries like Germany have a democracy. Show a little pride Jack in what this country represents to other countries before you start down this road of how we should be like those others.

See the problem here is that Jack actually knows how our democracy works, you apparently don't since you keep calling a coalition a scheme and we have a Prime Minister who doesn't seem to have a clue on how our democracy works and has no problem expressing this as he lies to the nation about "Illegal Power Grab through the back door" ~ Which means with people who believe what you believe and what Harper believes, this whole confusion about our democracy will just continue much like the debate on marijuana, which is based on flawed infromation.

Jack, you also talk so fondly of what the
Americans have just done in putting Obama into power. Jack, if you look closely at what Obama stands for you'll find out he is way to the right of you. Whether its economics like free trade, social issues like gay marriage, foreign policy issues like the support of Israel - Obama is far closer to Stephen Harper than
he is to you. And Jack, before you go too far down that road of envy, how much media do you think you’d get by being the leader of a third or fourth party in the U.S.?

His comparisons were in reference to the last 8 years of Bush, much like the number of years we've dealt with the same old crap of the Liberals, Conservatives, and esspecially Harper.

Why don't you ask Ralph Nader or Bob Barr how much media attention they got in the final three months
of their election campaign? Bob Who you ask? In the U.S. - you would be Jack Who.

You're trying to compare two different forms of Democracy..... flawed.

One final thing Jack, while you're thinking of hopefully abandoning this rhetoric about those mature
democracies who are better than we are or the American democracy that is supposedly smarter than we are, change change change, please stop embarrassing yourself in trying to delegitamize the Conservative victory by saying that 62 percent voted for change.

62% of voters would agree with the above in regards to change..... the change though is what is in question.

Keep doing that and somebody is bound to look at
how few points you put on the board in your own riding. Even though none of your opponents had anywhere near the kind of media attention that you have had, even though not one of them is a house hold name, their coalition vote - if you will – would beat you. You got 20 thousand votes in Toronto Danforth. But the coalition vote total of your opponents came out to 25 thousand. Twenty-five thousand for them. Twenty thousand for you. Did the people of your riding vote for getting rid of you, Jack? Were they voting for change? Hey, I could run the numbers up the flag pole in your lovely wife's riding. But I don't want to make this too personal, nor too cruel. I think you get the point Jack.

You do remember that the NDP and Jack wern't going to be leading this Coalition in the first place? The Liberals were..... all three parties, the Libs, Bloc and NDP all agreed with this plan originally..... yet you're putting all the blame on him?

Flawed.... don't just throw this sh*t at one person, throw it at all those who were a part of it.

But then again, I guess Layton is an easier target.

The moral of this story Jack is simple. The system you are attacking actually works really well for you and
your wife and other members of your party which don't sell change at all, or hope for that matter. You sell hopelessness. You run the country down, by riding the backs of those who are down and out and ultimately only your core support comes from those who are down and out and feeling rather hopeless.

Generalizations once again.... I'm not down and out, I don't feel hopeless, but I understand the positions of many others who are, and considering the NDP touched base much better on all the main points during the election over the other parties and seemed to have a stronger platform then the half-assed platforms of the Liberal's Green Shaft and the Conservatives....... um..... no platform..... that is why they got my support.

Change isn't
what they are voting for, Jack. Unfortunately, they are the ones who have given up on change and you are just moving in to take advantage, just like you moved into Stephane Dion's life once he was out of luck and hope and money. Yes, the system works well for you Jack and so does this country that affords a minority party like yours far more media attention and money than most marginals get in other parts of the world.

Didn't you say "One last thing" a while ago up there somewhere? :p
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Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
The coup or coalition is not dead just hibernating.

If it was dead it would be business as usual for the Conservatives and Canadian would suffer.

With the three reports amendment that the Liberals passed today the Harper government will be kept on a tight leash for at least a year until they can prove that they can govern.

If the Conservatives to go back to the way they were, they will fall and we will all go to another election.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I'll put most of MY blame on Layton for his part in the coalition because I didn't vote FOR Dion or Duceppe nor did I vote to be attached to them under any circumstances ... no matter how bad that idiot at the helm was lying to us. No recession indeed! Harper claims he didn't know it was coming when he called his best terms election. Heiferdust! He wanted that second term and the pension money that comes with it. He either thinks Canadians are stupid and gullible, or he's grossly incompetent and a discredit to his party.
Last edited:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
With the three reports amendment that the Liberals passed today the Harper government will be kept on a tight leash for at least a year until they can prove that they can govern.

The Liberals will do nothing but posture because they can't afford an election

If the Conservatives to go back to the way they were, they will fall and we will all go to another election.

No. Iggy is smart enough to know that the idea of the Three Stooges of Coupscam were not palatable to Canadians. The coalition is dead. The Liberals are flat busted. The Conservatives can do as they wish.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
The coup or coalition is not dead just hibernating.

Quite right as Jack would be as fast to jump back into bed with anyone to give himself a chance. To me its the others that have more to lose as Jack has already lost all credibility..

If it was dead it would be business as usual for the Conservatives and Canadian would suffer.

Possibly.. That is a matter of opinion. At this time Harper might have a great big war chest but with support lacking it will be hard for him to continue selling his slippery side of politics..

With the three reports amendment that the Liberals passed today the Harper government will be kept on a tight leash for at least a year until they can prove that they can govern.

Nothing holds back anyone.. We could be in an election anytime.. Take nothing for granted.

If the Conservatives to go back to the way they were, they will fall and we will all go to another election.

Of course.. Iggy will not use the coalition to form government at this point in time, it would be political suicide..

But of course that is just my opinion :)


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2004
Quoting Liberlman: The coup or coalition is not dead just hibernating.

If it was dead it would be business as usual for the Conservatives and Canadian would suffer.

With the three reports amendment that the Liberals passed today the Harper government will be kept on a tight leash for at least a year until they can prove that they can govern.

OK, but should we not forget that the reasons that a lot of Canadians think the Liberals did not tackle and defeat the Conservatives were:
1. The Liberal Party is Bankrupt! They do not have any money and could not finance a new campaign if it costs $5,000. Iggy knows this and is hoping that his party can get the donations to the party going before the next time that he thinks they have enough support to win. The definition of bankrupt is when your “Liabilities exceed your Assets.”
2. They do not have any plan to fix the economy in Canada and at this time they are sitting back and letting the Conservatives ride with the stimulus to see if it works.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Quoting Liberlman: The coup or coalition is not dead just hibernating.

If it was dead it would be business as usual for the Conservatives and Canadian would suffer.

With the three reports amendment that the Liberals passed today the Harper government will be kept on a tight leash for at least a year until they can prove that they can govern.

OK, but should we not forget that the reasons that a lot of Canadians think the Liberals did not tackle and defeat the Conservatives were:
1. The Liberal Party is Bankrupt! They do not have any money and could not finance a new campaign if it costs $5,000. Iggy knows this and is hoping that his party can get the donations to the party going before the next time that he thinks they have enough support to win. The definition of bankrupt is when your “Liabilities exceed your Assets.”
2. They do not have any plan to fix the economy in Canada and at this time they are sitting back and letting the Conservatives ride with the stimulus to see if it works.

Dear Jack Letter

Not sure if this language will earn a reprimand or not – It is in no way a slur towards women but towards men in general – if you follow the logic train I use I am sure you will agree.

Question – What is the difference between a ***** and a **** – A ***** sleeps with anyone and a **** sleeps with anyone but you –

Jack and Gille and both political *****s – they would make any deal to gain power and as the accord signed stated “Quebec and Canada” in that order – Dion will be remembered as signing a deal with a party that would destroy the country – and they would ensure that Quebec would be looked after – King Iggy was the last to sign but he had a choice – and he to is tarred with the same brush – Already the Liberal slanted media is crowning Iggy King to be crowned:angryfire: –
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Dear Jack Letter

Not sure if this language will earn a reprimand or not – It is in no way a slur towards women but towards men in general – if you follow the logic train I use I am sure you will agree.

Question – What is the difference between a ***** and a **** – A ***** sleeps with anyone and a **** sleeps with anyone but you –

Jack and Gille and both political *****s – they would make any deal to gain power and as the accord signed stated “Quebec and Canada” in that order – Dion will be remembered as signing a deal with a party that would destroy the country – and they would ensure that Quebec would be looked after – King Iggy was the last to sign but he had a choice – and he to is tarred with the same brush – Already the Liberal slanted media is crowning Iggy King to be crowned:angryfire: –

I substituted an x – Sure everyone can get the gist of the comment.
Not sure if this language will earn a reprimand or not – It is in no way a slur towards women but towards men in general – if you follow the logic train I use I am sure you will agree.

Question – What is the difference between a whxre and a slxt – A whxre sleeps with anyone and a slxt sleeps with anyone but you –


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Dear Jack Letter

Not sure if this language will earn a reprimand or not – It is in no way a slur towards women but towards men in general – if you follow the logic train I use I am sure you will agree.

Question – What is the difference between a ***** and a **** – A ***** sleeps with anyone and a **** sleeps with anyone but you –

The same as Harper when he tried to sign the same type of agreement with Jack and Gilles.. How quick we forget..

Liberal.ca :: Media Releases

Jack and Gille and both political *****s – they would make any deal to gain power and as the accord signed stated “Quebec and Canada” in that order – Dion will be remembered as signing a deal with a party that would destroy the country – and they would ensure that Quebec would be looked after – King Iggy was the last to sign but he had a choice – and he to is tarred with the same brush – Already the Liberal slanted media is crowning Iggy King to be crowned:angryfire: –

Nobody has been crowned him King yet except of the Liberal Party. We all know this was for logistical / financial purposes..

The press ( other then American oddly enough ) has not been kinder or friendlier to Iggy.. Only the fact that the Conservatives have been in their own mess and have not attacked him like they did Dion has been to his advantage. It's now their loss and his gain and nothing they can do will win back that lost time.

Time will tell what will happen in the long run but I would think the Conservatives and NDP have bigger issues to deal with..

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Charles Adler's letter to Heather Mallick (CBC). It's a fairly large
"Cut&Paste," but I heard it on the radio this afternoon, & I laughed!
It's worth plodding through. Here you go: CJOB 68: Manitoba's Information Superstation

Sorry Heather; I like my Steel and my Cheese Canadian

Posted 2/3/2009 12:00:00 AM
By Charles Adler
Feb 3/09

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Something revolutionary has happened to the Mushy Headed Canadian Politicians
and commentators in the era of Obama. Back in the Bush era, which ended only days
ago, everything the U.S. administration did was unworthy of Canadian respect. It was
toxic to the planet earth. World peace was threatened not by terrorists, but by the War
on Terror. Climate change was caused by American consumption. Never mind that most
of the countries were just belching out the soot and creating air that was so bad, millions
of people have been wearing little surgical masks just to be able to survive outdoors.

Nevertheless, the USA was seen until only days ago as the International Boogie Man. But
now, if Barack Obama wants it, it must be good. Jack Layton until yesterday was all over
Obama. We need to do what Obama is doing. Run deficits like he is suggesting. Debt levels
like he is promoting because if Obama says so it must be good. Now yesterday, Smilin' Jack
did a bit of a spin away from what I like to call the Daily Obasm, the daily requirement by
people on the left to find something about Obama to get excited about.

The “Buy America” was discovered to be part of the Democratic Party’s 700-billion dollar
bill that Obama is supporting. Buy America? You mean those who would be getting new U.S.
stimulus money for infrastructure projects wouldn't get it unless they used only American Steel
and Steel products. What about that great Canadian steel that is made in Hamilton and all those
other steel products made in Ontario? Ah…OH...Time for a turn and nobody does a HUEY
faster than Jack Layton and so last night he announced that if the Americans go protectionist,
so should we. No doubt this means that one of the CBC's favorite Bloggers, author and former
Globe and Mail Columnist Heather Mallick may have to do a Huey too. Recently, Heather was
writing about how wonderful the Obama stimulus package was. She was truly stimulated by
Obama's intentions to help the unemployed, the sick and the poor and this time Heather wasn't
talking about her fellow journalists.

Heather Mallick said Obama really got it right and Poor Poor Stephen Harper, that hopeless
hapless George Bush Wannabe, got it wrong because Harper wants to help the Forest industry.
Let’s quote the CBC blogger, "What is 170 million dollars going to do for the forest industry,
which is literally being eaten by bugs? Those bugs are thanks to climate change, about which the
budget says almost nothing." Heather is partly right here. Part of the problem that BC forests are
having has to do with the BEETLE infestation which environmentalists blame on Global warming.
But there is this other reason that Canadian lumber is in trouble these days and it has nothing to
do with the insect infestation in the Canadian west. It has to do with some of the insects on Wall
Street who have created a credit crunch and financial meltdown that has chopped the U.S.
housing market into pieces. The most often used F word in the U.S. these days is not the one
Heather the Blogger uses, you know the one that rhymes with truck. It is FORECLOSURE.

Now we do not have the same problem with Foreclosures in this country. Barack Obama wishes
he inherited the kind of economy that Heather’s least favorite politician Stephen Harper is operating
in. Nevertheless, Heather seems to feel embarrassed as a Canadian because Stephen Harper in his
latest budget wants to throw in some incentives for those Canadians who wish to do home renno
work. Some Saturday, if Heather can wake up before 6 in the evening and have someone take her
to the suburbs, she might find thousands of Canadians at Canadian Tire, Revvy, Home Depot and
elsewhere shopping for the things they really, really, really want, things having to do with Home
Renovations. And so, the Harper folks have figured out that you might as well give people the kinds
of incentives to do things they really want to do and to do more of it. This is known as Economics 101
and it is precisely the kind of thing that Obama’s crew is doing as well.

But Heather Mallick writes:

"What a cheesy, small-time way to keep Canada just mucking along. During the biggest economic
crisis the world has faced in a century, we have a prime minister as carpet salesman and a nail-biting
Opposition leader in the back office with a cheap calculator.

I'm going to be so embarrassed when President Obama visits. Can we set our ambitions any lower,
Canada? "

Talk about cheesy. Saying you are embarrassed because Obama is coming to Canada only to find a
country that isn't in the same jam his country is in and in order to get out of it Obama is doing exactly
what Harper is doing. The only difference is Americans are going to be given incentives to buy the
kinds of products that will help their workforce to the detriment of our own. And guess what? The
only Americans really standing up to this “Buy America” Campaign, “Screw Canada” campaign are
the Republicans, those nasty right-wing, war-mongering Republicans. To quote their leader in the U.S.
Senate Mitch McConnell, “I don't think we ought to use a measure that is supposed to be temporary
to set off trade wars, when the entire world is experiencing a downturn in the American economy.”
How would Heather Mallick respond to this when OBAMA comes to Canada? Would she say,
"Mr President, we support your “Buy America” provisions. We know it will cost Canadians their jobs.
But their jobs aren't worth as much to me and my enlightened journalistic colleagues as it is for you to
know that we think of you as a Great President and seeing you on TV makes us embarrassed to be

That may be a message that Heather Mallick and her CBC colleagues want to transmit to the President
of the United States.

I think that’s the kind of message that would make Obama think we are a second-class country.

Of course, we are not a second-class country at all. We are a First-class, World-class country, with a
no-class bunch of people on the left who only days ago were willing to kick everything American to make
themselves look like proud Canadians. There new tack is to kick everything Canadian to make themselves
look like they are pro-Obama.

Pretty Cheesy, Eh? Now I know Wisconsin has great cheese. And call me a Homer, but I prefer the cheese
that comes from Belleville, Ontario and New Bothwell, Manitoba and Didsbury, Alberta and while I like the
football that comes out of Pittsburgh, I prefer the steel in Hamilton.

This may be a little too unsophisticated, a little too pedestrian for Heather Mallick and her mates at CBC.

But I'm Chuck and I'm Canadian. :lol::lol:8O:lol::lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Sir Francis 2004 -

Quoting Goober

Dear Jack Letter

Not sure if this language will earn a reprimand or not – It is in no way a slur towards women but towards men in general – if you follow the logic train I use I am sure you will agree.

Question – What is the difference between a ***** and a **** – A ***** sleeps with anyone and a **** sleeps with anyone but you –

The same as Harper when he tried to sign the same type of agreement with Jack and Gilles.. How quick we forget.

Point- Deal not signed – deal signed – and for you no difference – really? As the taped conversation with Jack Layton stating that this was a long term plan – No difference again – Dion has caused massive alienation of many voters that utterly despise the Separatists – and that will come back to haunt the Liberal Party -

Liberal.ca :: Media Releases

Jack and Gille and both political *****s – they would make any deal to gain power and as the accord signed stated “Quebec and Canada” in that order – Dion will be remembered as signing a deal with a party that would destroy the country – and they would ensure that Quebec would be looked after – King Iggy was the last to sign but he had a choice – and he to is tarred with the same brush – Already the Liberal slanted media is crowning Iggy King to be crowned

Nobody has been crowned him King yet except of the Liberal Party. We all know this was for logistical / financial purposes..

Point – That is your interpretation – Iggy during the last run for leadership was backed by the power brokers and lost – This time it would have only been 2 running and in contention Ignatief and Rae – My take on it – Rae knowing that the race could divide the party and that the power brokers were lined up with Iggy – Took the high road.

The press ( other then American oddly enough ) has not been kinder or friendlier to Iggy.. Only the fact that the Conservatives have been in their own mess and have not attacked him like they did Dion has been to his advantage. It's now their loss and his gain and nothing they can do will win back that lost time.

Point - My impression is at odds with you – Reading the different columnists it seems the common line is an election within 9 months to a year and Iggy riding a white stallion to Canada’s rescue – PS I cannot stand Harper – and I am equally untrusting of King Iggy -
Time will tell what will happen in the long run but I would think the Conservatives and NDP have bigger issues to deal with..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Ron In Regina: Your patriotism is showing. Please cover it up before you scare the lefties.
Obama did prove one thing though: Lefties favor protectionism while the right favors free trade.
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