TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

What some moron defines as TRUTH is just that...

The TRUTH dictates the consequences of your actions, irrelevant of what you or I or anyone else KNOWS..

No one KNOWS what the TRUTH is, but only THAT the TRUTH is..

Thanks for all the insults..

It's bin a blast..


I'm going to take a stab at the acronymn



Well I think I can stop there.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

I think he has left us in absolute disgust when he found out that even the brightest among us, "Mentalfloss" hadn't yet reached his intellectual level.......:smile:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

Nothing would make me happier that for you to tare apart my nonsense.. but you have not even made any effort what so ever...
I already did in the other thread. In this thread I'm just playing with a troll.

And if you cannot agree with even the simplist TRUTHS, the we cannot even agree if you have made an argument at all..
Again, you made the argument, I simply showed your error.
Tell me what I said that you dissagreed with and provided even the tiniest thing to support your argument..
The definition of faith.

Simply stating that I am wrong, is NOT an argument..
Why not? That's all you've done.

Define Preacher..
You're a good candidate.

Maybe you should think about that.....
Gawd knows you can't.

I am honest enough to KNOW when I am offended by the ignorace of others..
So are we, hence all the friends you're making.

What some moron defines as TRUTH is just that...
Moronic? I agree.

The TRUTH dictates the consequences of your actions, irrelevant of what you or I or anyone else KNOWS..
Right, again, congrats...

The truth is, you are now suffering the consequences (Us belittling an insipid troll) of your actions, (Which is trolling) And anything you have to say, is irrelevant, to anyone else who knows.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Re: Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

Is there anything that is TRUE, or is eveything simply a matter of opinion?
Lots of things are true, at least in the sense that the evidence in favour of them is sufficiently compelling that it'd be unreasonable to withhold assent (e.g. the earth orbits the sun) and lots of things are matters of opinion. Is there some particular thing you want to discuss, such as whether a certain claim is true or a matter of opinion? I would assume from your placement of this thread in a Christian Discussion forum that you'd be interested in discussing whether or not certain religious claims are true, or at least whether or not it can be reasonably argued that they might be true. I would further assume from the attitude you display that you'd aggressively and obnoxiously take the line that all religious claims are false. I'd probably agree with you on most such things, but your attitude's a little off-putting.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

Where is this thread supposed to take us? A simple obvious truth would be "Grant is buried in Grant's tomb"- should the thread end on that note? :lol:


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Dr. Mad’s cure

When it comes to ethics and morality, it has NO relevance as to whether or not we ought to use true information that has been discovered, because that would simply be absurd..
The TRUTH does not belong to those who have realized it, it is NOT their invention, it was already existent as a possible discovery and did not come into existence because of the choices of any immoral or unethical person, it simply has ALWAYS existed, and has come into the sphere of “realization” of humanity..

Ethics and morality has to do with the choices of rules and laws of conduct. If those choices of rules and laws will promote INDIVIDUAL GAIN for those that make choices that would be detrimental to individuals and societies and humanity as a whole, then they are NOT GOOD CHOICES..

If giving the stolen bread to the children would promote individuals to then attempt to steal bread, in order to get caught, so that the bread would be given to their children, then it would be better to NOT give the bread to the children, so that people will not use this method to achieve their own personal objectives..

If stem cell research promotes abortion by making it more desirable or profitable or gainful in some sense for individuals to choose abortion, then it would be better to NOT DO stem cell research..

You CANNOT ignore the FACTS of REALITY, simply because of peoples opinion of the WORTHINESS of the method or person that made the discovery..
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Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
As sad as it is, it seems that this is the place to say it..

We all have different backgrounds and may use different terminology, but that is just a matter of preference and not a disagreement on the FACTS of LIFE.. and is not even a difference of opinion.. This can easily be overcome in any reasonable discussion between reasonable people.

{People are not reasonable!}

I am reasonable, are you?

Superstition, paranoia, false beliefs, DON'T WORK..
Only the TRUTH works..
Not everything you do matters, not everything you do is relevant to your life or the lives of others..
But some believe that it does.. they often believe that what they believe matters..
Well it does, but only to the extent of those things that you believe that are actually TRUE which you act according to MATTER..
Those things that you believe that are NOT TRUE and act according to, affect you and others only psychologically and only to the extent that they are believed..
This effect is NEVER GOOD, it leads only to more LIES and assumptions and paranoia and further presumptions that are FALSE.. and it just gets worse.. often leading to what is perceived as mental illness....
Not everything you do is important or matters to you and others, or affects you or others in any objective way..
There is simply LOTS of leeway when it come to TRUTH, many things that you do, just don't matter..
What matters is the TRUTH that you act according to that actually has a real and substantial impact on your life and others..
The TRUTH is best understood through analogies.. {parables}

You have a relationship with "reality", just like you have a relationship with “individuals”..
You influence them and they influence you, this is the nature of your relationship with others.
According to your understanding of the TRUTH/LIES in their minds, you can be more or less effective in predicting their reactions(consequences) of your influences..
You have the same type of relationship with reality itself..
You influence reality and reality influences you, this is the nature of your relationship..
According to your understanding of the TRUTH itself, you can be more or less effective in predicting the consequences (reactions) of your influences..
So the analogy is that in this sense, the TRUTH is like a KING, with whom everyone has a relationship, but not necessarily with each other.
Not everything you do matters, as it simply does not have a significant impact on the kingdom or the individuals in it..
But in this sense the KING has absolute authority and EVERYONE submits to the authority of the KING.
Simply because one can take on a different perspective does not change the FACTS of LIFE, no matter how much your fear and paranoia may want the FACTS of LIFE to be different then they are..

Not every person is reasonable! Are you?
Most are paranoid and fearful and superstitious and in denial and despise the FACTS of LIFE.. because they LIKE to believe that they can decide what is RIGHT and TRUE and REAL for themselves.. As apposed to being reasonable in assessing the FACTS of LIFE that quite simply (ARE NOT UP TO YOU)

Those who know and act according to the FACTS of LIFE, simply dominate those who don't..
This is why the religious ALWAYS FAIL.. they simply DO NOT RESPECT the TRUTH..
It is ONLY when they act according to the FACTS of LIFE that they succeed in accomplishing anything GOOD in this world..
And the rest simply believe that it is THEY that invent the TRUTH and succeed through the power and authority of their own will...


You learn concepts, these concepts are symbolized by words..

Words are titles or names for concepts..

We name those concepts which we experience(perceive/conceive/realize in our minds), this forms our perception or our “conception of reality”

Our “conception of reality” is built up from various concepts..

Now our concepts are of those things which we identify as “ONE THING” but one's perception has what is called “scope”

So whatever you connect or bind as ONE THING with your various concepts of “relationships” is what defines that THING as a single “concept”

These are hierarchical in nature, concepts are made of smaller concepts.. all the way up to the concept of “EVERYTHING”

So we start with everything and divide it up in various ways, separating and distinguishing “ONE THING” from another by the relationships that exist between them..

Now relationships are also concepts.. The understanding of relationships is HOW we perceive reality. It is our understanding of various types of “relationships” that define our “conception of reality”

Relationships are mathematical in nature.. there are real and correct relationships between concepts..

4 5 8
7 9 5
4 8 5

8 4 7
7 9 4
4 8 5

7 8 9
4 5 8
7 5 8

There are possibly an infinite number of different TYPES of relationships that can be represented mathematically.

Consider these three boxes.. The relationships between these three concepts is represented here mathematically not as spatial or temporal or emotional relationships as we tend to think of them..

There are distinct and TRUE relationships that exist within these concepts..

Now consider another perspective.. where the symbols used have different meanings..

LIKE this


Now these thee boxes have an entirely different set of relationships, the way they are currently represented..
But if one where to use the new perspective to represent it, but looked at it from the original perspective, they would see something completely irrelevant and meaningless.. and there would appear PARADOXES, because they are NOT from the same “conception of reality”..

This is the major cause of confusion.

It is the mixing of different conceptions of reality that cause erroneous conclusions and paradoxes..

There are potentially an infinite number of ways to theoretically conceive reality which would represent a complete and accurate mathematical representations of it..

But there will ALLWAYS ONLY be, “many completely different theoretical conceptions of reality” which are all equally correct..

Thus “what reality actually is” simply CANNOT EVER BE KNOWN..

It would be like saying, that the TRUTH is actually 42.. and all the other numbers are nonexistent..

All the numbers exist and equally represent the TRUTH from various perspectives..

This is WISDOM..

There is TRUTH, this is what we KNOW, and is the ONLY thing we will ever, ever KNOW..

One can KNOW what is TRUE, but cannot KNOW what TRUTH is.. only THAT TRUTH IS..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Is this Alternate? Because no one else will listen..

How many different cakes can a cake maker make?
How many sculptures can a sculptor sculpt?
How many paintings can a painter paint?
How many videos can a video maker make?
How many opinions could be printed on paper?
How many statements can be stated?
How much can one man understand?
How many symbols can symbolize the TRUTH?
How many symbols does it take to count to infinity? TWO...
0= 0
1= 1
2= 10
3= 11
4= 100
5= 101
6= 110
7= 111
8= 1000
How many atoms can fit in a cube of 1 square micrometer, and how many configurations of different kinds of atoms can they form, and how many of those configurations are intelligent and self-replicating and GOOD & RIGHT.
What is (GOOD) and what is (RIGHT)?


How many super computers would it take the simulate various configurations, and determine which is intelligent and self-replicating and GOOD & RIGHT?
How many super computers would it take to find the equations that would solve the problems by simply trying every possible equation until the equation that solves the problem is found..
How super can a computer be, if it finds a better brain by simply trying on every possible brain.. and each time it finds a better one, it uses that better brain to find an even better brain..
What possibilities do not exist?
What solutions cannot be found?
If all seek the empowerment of all, then all will be the most empowered that any could be if they had done otherwise..
The TRUTHS that might have been discovered is 10,000years, could be printed out on paper in such a way as for you to comprehend them...
Those pages could be printed out today.. because the possibility already exists..
The page stored in computer memory is just one large number..
That NUMBER already exists..
We just have to COUNT.. until we reach the number that we need..
One of those numbers tells us how to accomplish the objective of finding the numbers that we need..
Thus there is only ONE number that we need..
The magic number, EXISTS, its just a matter of finding it..
What possibilities do not exist?
What solutions cannot be found?
You are not entitled to your opinion if the other guy has a bigger gun..
However you are entitled to HIS..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..
That is just stupid, and you deserve what you get..

All you have to do is state the actual plain and simple observable facts of life, and people freak out and call you every name in the book.. It's really quite remarkable.


The difference between the religious and the none believers is this..

The religious are dogmatic and think they have all the answers..
The none believes are nihilists and think that answers are impossible, and that they can just choose to believe whatever the F*** they want..
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Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Oh you're back I see. Are you ready to answer the question honestly yet?
Why are you here?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Oh you're back I see. Are you ready to answer the question honestly yet?
Why are you here?

Being honest, and telling angry vindictive sadistic people your inner most opinions about your personal motivations are NOT the same thing..

But you go right ahead and continue to belive that it is..


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Oh you're back I see. Are you ready to answer the question honestly yet?
Why are you here?

Do you think that he ans EAO are related ...They are on seperate tracks but both seem to have a one track mind with multiple posts on the same subject this morning:lol:


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Being honest, and telling angry vindictive sadistic people your inner most opinions about your personal motivations are NOT the same thing..

But you go right ahead and continue to belive that it is..

Be honest.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Agreed. You are far more likely to be persecuted for saying the truth.
Your truth is not necessarily someone else's truth but when you say that your truth is the only truth and everybody who disagrees is wrong then you open yourself to ridicule.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Your truth is not necessarily someone else's truth but when you say that your truth is the only truth and everybody who disagrees is wrong then you open yourself to ridicule.

No, what you say is not true, your just to stupid to know better..

Be honest.

Who the F are you, to tell me what to do..