TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

I must say CDNBear

You have never had ANY discussion with me at all, yet you feel obligated to constantly insult me and my opinion without ever offering any counter argument to anything I say..
You simply state that I am wrong..and insult me at every opportunity..
Your clearly are an outright self-righteous hypocrite.. with NOTHING to say, and clear and obvious unworthy intentions..
Thus I will respond to any similar responses you offer with THIS exact same response.. as you are simply UNWORTHY of any other..

You sir are an ASSHOLE..

The price of tea in Lower Mongolia?

I could care less about the price of tea in Lower Mongolia, and no doubt if I brought it up, you would have said the same damn thing..

You sir are equally IRRELEVANT, and also an ASSHOLE, get over yourself..


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

You have never had ANY discussion with me at all...
No fault of my own. You're the one that speaks in circles and ignoires reality.

yet you feel obligated to constantly insult me and my opinion without ever offering any counter argument to anything I say..
True, I just prove you wrong, then verbally abuse you for ignoring facts.
You simply state that I am wrong..and insult me at every opportunity..
I didn't just state it, I proved it.
Your clearly are an outright self-righteous hypocrite..
Stop projecting.
Thus I will respond to any similar responses you offer with THIS exact same response.. as you are simply UNWORTHY of any other..
Ya, so many people have said that, after having their nonsense torn apart by a Bear.
You sir are an ASSHOLE..
I have a PhD in Assolology.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

No fault of my own. You're the one that speaks in circles and ignoires reality.

True, I just prove you wrong, then verbally abuse you for ignoring facts.
I didn't just state it, I proved it.
Stop projecting.
Ya, so many people have said that, after having their nonsense torn apart by a Bear.
I have a PhD in Assolology.

I must say CDNBear

You have never had ANY discussion with me at all, yet you feel obligated to constantly insult me and my opinion without ever offering any counter argument to anything I say..
You simply state that I am wrong..and insult me at every opportunity..
Your clearly are an outright self-righteous hypocrite.. with NOTHING to say, and clear and obvious unworthy intentions..
Thus I will respond to any similar responses you offer with THIS exact same response.. as you are simply UNWORTHY of any other..

You sir are an ASSHOLE..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

I must say CDNBear

You have never had ANY discussion with me at all, yet you feel obligated to constantly insult me and my opinion without ever offering any counter argument to anything I say..
You simply state that I am wrong..and insult me at every opportunity..
Your clearly are an outright self-righteous hypocrite.. with NOTHING to say, and clear and obvious unworthy intentions..
Thus I will respond to any similar responses you offer with THIS exact same response.. as you are simply UNWORTHY of any other..

You sir are an ASSHOLE..

I could care less about the price of tea in Lower Mongolia, and no doubt if I brought it up, you would have said the same damn thing..

You sir are equally IRRELEVANT, and also an ASSHOLE, get over yourself..

Now you've just removed ALL doubt from what I previously THOUGHT of you. I criticised the thread not the poster- you've now lost ALL credibility. :smile:


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

{Ya, so many people have said that, after having their nonsense torn apart by a Bear.}

Nothing would make me happier that for you to tare apart my nonsense.. but you have not even made any effort what so ever...

And if you cannot agree with even the simplist TRUTHS, the we cannot even agree if you have made an argument at all..

Tell me what I said that you dissagreed with and provided even the tiniest thing to support your argument..

Simply stating that I am wrong, is NOT an argument..


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

I must say CDNBear

You sir are an ASSHOLE..

You sir are equally IRRELEVANT, and also an ASSHOLE, get over yourself..

And that is a clear violation Mr. Preacher.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

Whatever tickels your pickle ASSHOLE....

Define Preacher..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

That does not consist of
irrelevant opinions,
mindless insults,
accusations of UNWORTHY intentions..
Your first response should hopefully not be one of those..
If it is, then how “SHOULD” I respond?
I think an INSULT would be justified...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

That does not consist of
irrelevant opinions,
mindless insults,
accusations of UNWORTHY intentions..
Your first response should hopefully not be one of those..
If it is, then how “SHOULD” I respond?
I think an INSULT would be justified...

Who would we have it with? :smile:


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

I must say CDNBear
You have never had ANY discussion with me at all, yet you feel obligated to constantly insult me and my opinion without ever offering any counter argument to anything I say..
You simply state that I am wrong..and insult me at every opportunity..
Your clearly are an outright self-righteous hypocrite.. with NOTHING to say, and clear and obvious unworthy intentions..
Thus I will respond to any similar responses you offer with THIS exact same response.. as you are simply UNWORTHY of any other..
You sir are an ASSHOLE..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

Maybe the two of you can have a disscussion....since you are TOTALLY unwilling to have any dissucssion what so ever with me..

As neither one of you have ever said anything to me that was not simply and obviously an insult..

It's impossible to learn anything....when you think you know everything.... A P


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Re: Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

Oh Bearrrrrr someone want's a chit chat, yooohoooo!



Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Re: Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

Maybe the two of you can have a disscussion....since you are TOTALLY unwilling to have any dissucssion what so ever with me..

As neither one of you have ever said anything to me that was not simply and obviously an insult..

What subject do you want to discuss?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Anyone here willing have an intellectual discussion?

Does this site consist of only morons that shout accusations, insult each other, and claim that others are wrong because they don't LIKE what you have to say..

"Your wrong because your stupid" that is the only arguement that you offer.. you really are morons.. you think that I have not talked to lots of other people on other sites...

What the hell is up your asses?