Sixth Annual Israeli Apartheid Week

Are all human being entitled to fundamental human rights?

  • Yes, all people are entitled to food, clothing, shelter, medicine...

    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • No, only some people are entitled to human rights.

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Palestinians don't qualify as human beings.

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The Nazis didn't have a "Final Solution" for their "undesirables" until the 1940's. During the 1930's, the Nazis behaved in much the same manner as the Zionists behave today. I'm not saying the Zionists currently have a plan to exterminate "undesirables", but that such a plan is inevitable if Zionists maintain their current downward spiral of ever more frequent and greater atrocities.

Clearly Zionists intend to cleanse the region formerly known as Palestine and now known as Israel and the Occupied Territories of all non-Jews. Obviously Zionists have no moral dilemma committing atrocities, war crimes or crimes against humanity. I suspect the main reason why they haven't started a extermination campaign has more to do with not wanting bad publicity and loosing American support rather than ethics or morals, since they clearly lack both.

The situation today in Israel and the Occupied Territories is similar to Germany in the 1930's. Its still not too late for people to speak out against Zionist oppression and injustice and make a difference, possible preventing a Palestinian holocaust. Everyone who knows what's going on in Israel and the occupied territories and either says nothing or worse supports it, is just as guilty as all the people who knew what was going on in Nazi Germany during the 1930's and failed to speak out or supported it.

People like yourself, who support Israel despite their atrocities, war crimes and crimes against humanity are the moral equivalent of people who supported Nazi Germany during the 1930's despite their atrocities, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In case I'm not clear enough for you:




I am going to pretend for the moment that you are simply ignorant, that you have no idea what you are saying.....

Here's an education for you.......the Jews have held Israel for 60 that time the Arab population has grown by a factor of 6......Arabs vote. Arabs have representation in the Knesset. Arabs serve in the IDF.

Now, Germany in the 30s......Hitler consolidated power in February of 1933...... within two months Jews were forbidden from government that same year Kosher slaughter was banned, ......

1934 - Jews banned from military service.

1935- Laws banning the marriage of Jew and Gentile were well as laws banning sexual relations between them.......all Jews, even those of one quarter Jewish blood... lost German citizenship. Jews were disenfranchised, and not allowed to hold public office.

1936- Jews banned from all professions.

1937-38 - Jews forced to sell their businesses to Aryans at bargain prices.....fired from high paying jobs in industry. Jewish doctors forbidden to treat non-Jewish patients. Jews banned from Aryan areas, banned from public restaurants, theatres, sports facilities. Jews forced to add either "Sarah" or "Israel" to their given names....and had their passports stamped with a large red J.

This, of course, only outlines the legal ramifications of Jewishness in Germany......the de facto persecution was much much worse......a certain night of murder and mayhem in November of 1938 springs to mind.

Draw me ONE rational parallel to Israeli Arabs...just one.

Now, please explain how you managed to be so so misguided on this Israeli Jews are subject to NOTHING that approximates the I said, you owe an apology to every Jew.......and more so every Israeli. Time to withdraw your posts....they are incitement of hatred.

Or are you simply a vicious propagandist wolf lusting for Jewish blood.....dressed as a humanitarian sheep????

I suspect the worst is true.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
How many more threads on Israel/Palestine/Zionism/Nazism we need?
There are more than a couple of them already that this could have just been
added to....

Before you post into this Thread, Please look back through the
Thread and count the number of Edited Posts. You won't be
able to see the many posts that have been removed, but
it's a comparable number.


Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2010
IMO, people who support Israel have the same morality of people who supported Nazi Germany. I neither support Nazism nor Zionism. In fact, I find the similarities between these two movements and the people who support them strikingly similar.

Palestinians are the new Jews. Israel treats these people as badly as Nazi Germany treated Jews in the 1930's. It still remains to be seen if Zionists will also seek a final solution to the Palestinian question, like the Nazis did in the 1940's. If Zionists do decide to exterminate Palestinians, I'll continue raising awareness of their oppression and injustice. People like you will volunteer to operate the gas chambers.

Personally, I don't see much of a difference between Zionism and Nazism.
I support universal human rights and do not support oppression, injustice, war crimes or crimes against humanity.

but , nobody has the enough wit as you have to understand that Zionizm and Nazizm are as same as twins are . What i cannot understand is that if a nation endure massacre in the past , how can that nation not develop empathy but only think to kill for their bloody profits as Hitler's? how can they think that they endured much ,so they have the rights to make those people endure that massacre, too? is it fair? they should have thought that we endured so much ,and we should be the representatives who are grandchildren of innocents slaughtered by bastards,we won't do anything harmful to humanity, we wiil be the nation stand before badness and be leader of goodness but in place of that , they try to slaughter better than Nazists.

and the pictures have a lot of messages to those who can understand deeply.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009

The Nazis didn't have a "Final Solution" for their "undesirables" until the 1940's. During the 1930's, the Nazis behaved in much the same manner as the Zionists behave today. I'm not saying the Zionists currently have a plan to exterminate "undesirables", but that such a plan is inevitable if Zionists maintain their current downward spiral of ever more frequent and greater atrocities.


Colpy was to kind - he should not pretend you are ignorant - as you are - check the timelines when Hitler started Concentration Camps - well before WW2 - And who was sent there and what happened - please check how the Mentally Handicapped were murdered well before WW2

If you were familiar with Mein Kampf you would have seen that Hitler had this all planned -

Last but not least - Please do not insult anyone's intelligence by stating you are impartial -

That last coat of veneer wore off a while ago.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
This whole thing is just an excuse for Jew haters and other assorted lowlifes to get together and create trouble.It should be banned and all the organizers kicked out of Canada.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
but , nobody has the enough wit as you have to understand that Zionizm and Nazizm are as same as twins are . What i cannot understand is that if a nation endure massacre in the past , how can that nation not develop empathy but only think to kill for their bloody profits as Hitler's? how can they think that they endured much ,so they have the rights to make those people endure that massacre, too? is it fair? they should have thought that we endured so much ,and we should be the representatives who are grandchildren of innocents slaughtered by bastards,we won't do anything harmful to humanity, we wiil be the nation stand before badness and be leader of goodness but in place of that , they try to slaughter better than Nazists.

and the pictures have a lot of messages to those who can understand deeply.

So is everything caused by Isreal regarding wars etc in the Mid East?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
How's that? You're the one who won't recognize a difference between the extremists (Zionists) and the average everyday Israeli who just wants to live his life. The Arab world doesn't have the corner on the fanatic market.
Why aren't you asking these questions of EAO?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
This thread is about the sixth annual Israeli Apartheid week. The link to this week's activities here:

Regarding anti-Semitic slanders against me. I share the same opinion as millions of Israelis and Jews regarding Zionist extremists who seek to ethnically cleanse Israel and the occupied territories of non-Jews in their name. Judaism is a religion of peace and tolerance. Zionists frequently justify their war crimes and crimes against humanity with references to Judaism and centuries of Jewish oppression culminating in the Holocaust. They base their apartheid policies on relative level of Jewishness. Zionism is the antithesis of Judaism. Zionists violently pervert Judaism in a way that encourages anti-Semiticism and intolerance. Many Jewish holocaust survivors oppose Zionist extremists and are disgusted that the holocaust has been exploited to stifle criticism of Zionist oppression and injustice.

I don't support anyone who advocates violence as a solution to this problem. Most Arabs and Muslims oppose Israeli apartheid. As the Zionist atrocities become more frequent and horrific, the number of Arab and Muslims who support violence in response to violence increases. If Zionist extremists aren't stopped now by a peaceful process, they will eventually face the wrath of over a billion hostile people who live near Israel and have either suffered Zionist injustice and violence personally or watch it daily on their news services. Millions of people throughout the middle east will suffer as a result.

I don't support atrocities, war crimes or crimes against humanity by anyone. That is why I cannot support the Canadian government's unshakable support for the Zionist state of Israel, their atrocities, war crimes and crimes against humanity and neither should anyone else.

Eventually what Zionists have done and are doing to non-Jews in the Holylands will be judged as harshly as the Nazis. People who support Zionist atrocities today are the moral equivalent of people who supported Nazi atrocities in the past.

This week is an opportunity to learn what you can do to help millions of oppressed people who suffer injustice, atrocities, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
How's that? You're the one who won't recognize a difference between the extremists (Zionists) and the average everyday Israeli who just wants to live his life. The Arab world doesn't have the corner on the fanatic market.
Yes extremists exist on both sides - but I do not see Israeli's strapping bombs to themselves and setting them of in areas that will cause the mist deaths - translation- busses - public markets etc -

I do not see Israeli's that attack Palestinians when cornered by the authorities putting a bullet thu a captives head - translation - Israeli beach - bullet thru the childs head - and on and on

I see Israeli's that claim a lot of land as the biblical lands of Israel - they are not the majority -

I see Palestinians that do want peace but are scared because they cannot freely express their opinions

I see a large cement wall that has dramatically lowered the suicide bombers that killed civilains as that was the target - this wall then resulted in less retaliation by the Israeli's

That is some of what I see


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Boycott global nuclear criminal genocidal state, Israel. Or was South Africa a mistake? The rules are fair. No nation is above the rest or the laws of the planet. The morality test of the century.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Boycott global nuclear criminal genocidal state, Israel. Or was South Africa a mistake? The rules are fair. No nation is above the rest or the laws of the planet. The morality test of the century.
You seem to hae left a few off the list.

Let me help you out.

Israel - China - Russia - Cuba - Venezuela - Saudi Arabia - North Korea - Iran - Egypt - Sudan - Turkey - Many African countries - Vietnam - Sri Lanka - Thailand - Surinam (Formerly Burma) Cambodia - Algeria -Armenia - Kazakhstan - Afghanistan - Iraq - Yemen - Bangladesh - India - Kyrgyzstan - Nigeria - Pakistan - Uganda- Zimbabwe - West Bank - Gaza Strip- Malaysia -Syria - Laos -Eritrea -Eithopia - Saudi Arabia - many of the former Republics of the failed USSR - Just too name a few -


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You seem to hae left a few off the list.

Let me help you out.

Israel - China - Russia - Cuba - Venezuela - Saudi Arabia - North Korea - Iran - Egypt - Sudan - Turkey - Many African countries - Vietnam - Sri Lanka - Thailand - Surinam (Formerly Burma) Cambodia - Algeria -Armenia - Kazakhstan - Afghanistan - Iraq - Yemen - Bangladesh - India - Kyrgyzstan - Nigeria - Pakistan - Uganda- Zimbabwe - West Bank - Gaza Strip- Malaysia -Syria - Laos -Eritrea -Eithopia - Saudi Arabia - many of the former Republics of the failed USSR - Just too name a few -

I didn't leave anyone out Goober. Look at the list #1 Israel, that's where we start, at the top of the criminal list. That's a very interesting list Goober, I'll have my team analyze it later after brunchOpot prayers. You left Palestine off the list.