The Israeli Apartheid movement seeks to non-violently end Zionist oppression and injustice. It does not support violence or antisemitism. The movement includes Jews and Israelis.
The movement has little in common with Nazism. The same can't be said for Zionism:
I think images carry more weight than cartoons. Judge for yourself how Zionists view Arabs
Photo Albums :: Settler Graffiti in Hebron :: 02_05_03_Die_Arab_Sand
Nazis created a racially defined state, where rights and privileges are race based with the Germans being the master race with unlimited supremacy over other races.
Zionists are creating a religiously defined state, where rights and privileges are religious based, with Judaism being the master religion with unlimited supremacy over other religions.
Nazis forcibly relocated undesirables (race based) into walled in ghettos and used their military to crush the resistance. They also used food and humanitarian aid as a weapon, effectively starving their victims.
Zionists forcibly relocates undesirables (religious based) into walled in ghettos and use their military to crush the resistance. They also use food and humanitarian aid as a weapon, effectively starving their victims.
Nazis committed ever more horrific atrocities against their undesirables. Ethnic cleansing led to the creation of ghettos, which were replaced by concentration camps that eventually became extermination camps.
Zionists continue to commit ever more horrific atrocities against their undesirables. They practice ethnic cleansing, create ghettos and concentration camps. Eventually Zionists will come to the same conclusion as Nazis regarding a final solution to the Arab problem. The 2008 Gaza massacre proves that Zionists consider non-Jews to be subhuman. They used chemical against unarmed civilians, assassinated entire families including children, shot unarmed civilians trying to flee the fighting under a white flag of truce, prevent ambulances from reaching the wounded and dying, used unarmed civilians including children as human shields to block bullets, shield tanks, artillery, command posts and sniper positions from counter attack... and many other horrendous war crimes.
IMO, Zionism and Nazism aren't that different and at one point, they had a cooperative relationship.
Nazi Support of Zionism
EAO, I have not replied to your disgusting posts in this thread until now because I have desperately been trying to control my temper.
The accusation that Israel is apartheid is simply inaccurate, as I have demonstrated before.....Arabs are Israeli citizens......despite the fact they are a tint minority, as opposed to the majority black population in South Africa.......Arabs vote, hold public office, and hold seats in the Knesset, and have won decisions in their favour before the Israeli Supreme Court. The accusation that Israel is apartheid is a smear, a hatred tactic used to demonize Jews since the Satanic accusations of 1000 plus years ago. You should be ashamed to support this sham.
BTW, are you really so ridiculously niave as to believe Israeli settlers run around painting hate-filled grafitti on the walls of Arab
English!!!! Using a typically American insult???? Give it a break!!!
Now, to the accusation Israelis behave as Nazis.......point by point.....
First of all, the factyou can find a Jewish idiot or three to support this contention hardly prove "millions" of Jews and Israeli support the fact, the very idea that this foul accusation has the support of more than a miscule moronic minority is an insult in itself....
Secondly ANYONE that promotes this kind of idiocy obviously hates Jews in general, and Israel in particular. This is EXACTLY the same kind of smear tactic used to promote hatred against Jews in Germany in the 30s, and demonstrates a level of hatred that is dangerous.....and yes, the accusation itself is an incitement to violence, as who doesn't want to eliminate Nazis????? Use your brain, fer God's sake.
Excuse me? Starvation, ghettoization, attack as weapons used by Israel? The same as the Nazis. Ridiculous.....Arab population are growing RAPIDLY!!! In 60 years, the Arab population in Israel has multiplied 6 12 years the Jewish population under the Germans became one third its original size.....and you consider that a valid comparison??? Ridiculous.
Israel is a secular society. Look it up. :roll:
The 2008 attack into Gaza was a response to Palestinan I have said over and over and over and over and over and over, a modern military, in 22 days of attacks, on the most densely populated area on earth, killed at MOST 1418, of whom a very significant number (half) were militants. That is called a policy of RESTRAINT..........a point you steadfastly refuse to address. The Israelis could EASILY have killed 100,000.......easily.
Ummm....the Nazis killed 6 million.
And yes, the Germans engaged in many different plans to rid themselves of Jews....much like your buddies of the Israel Apartheid Week would love to took them about 8 years to decide on complete and utter took them five years to dehumanize, and disenfranchise Jews.......meanwhile Arabs are Israeli citizens.........60 years after the creation of Israel.
The entire comparison is sooo odious, so disgusting, it is an obvious attempt to promote hated and violence against the Jewish people.
It is obviously a violation of Canadian law.
I believe in free speech, and dislike hate laws, or I would report you to the authorities.
You have revealed yourself as the worst kind of Jew-hater, one who promotes violence against Jews while hiding behind a self-righteous shield of imaginary concern for "human rights" :roll: Unbelieveable.
You should be ashamed. Very very ashamed.