Socialism and Marxism theorizes that capital should be freely available to the masses - but how often do you encounter an idiot on the street? I would be extremely worried about the idea of letting a feeble-minded individual, whose sole aspirations in life are sex and football, have access to capital.
The problem with Marxism and socialism is giving capital freely to the feeble minded without them having to earn it, taken from those who do. There are plenty of feeble minded who have access to capital otherwise, just look at Hollywood. And people give it freely to them, but I digress.
However, your description of economic fascism isn't correct. Fascist Governments have no intention in organizing production (no doubt the reason why the Italians and Germans had better access to consumer goods than the Soviets ever did) but maintaining the class structure and ensuring that workers can attain the means of subsistence.
There are a lot of "isms" and not all fit neatly into pidgeon holes, nor are they easily generalized. While fascist governments have no intention in organizing production, it is their intention to control it. Fascism is often referred to as middle class socialism as it still allows workers to enjoy some of the fruits of their labours. The state still dictates who produces what and how much, (that may sound familiar if you deal with marketing boards). It is still a state controlled economy which limits competition and rewards those in its favour. Marxism, socialism, fascism, and all other statisms can be made to look good on paper, and there is a good argument in their favour. The problem is that they are require social and economical engineering. Engineers like predictable results, human nature doesn't allow for that. In the end the state has to become more dictatorial to achieve its aim. This is a fatal flaw, to both the system and to many that fall victim to it.
These experiments were tried during the earliest years of the Soviet Union and it didn't take long for them to decide that government intervention was necessary.
As is what eventually happens with fascism.
Just like no one anymore practices "pure capitalism", because corporations that are not monitored enough are eventually bound to make the same mistakes as individuals
I.e. considered the de-regulation of the U.S. mortage market by Freddie Mac.
Indeed the capitalism practiced today may cause a dangerous shift to something that has been tried and has failed miserably in the past. No economic system can exist entirely on its own. Both socialism and fascism require government control in varying degrees to exist simply because they are a product of government. Capitalism is the product of a free market, or a public system. "Pure capitalism" will in fact result in what we are experiencing now. Human nature being what it is ensures that. Capitalism requres the rule of law, just the same as a hockey game. Government control also has to be limited by the rule of law, so everyone knows the rules before the puck is dropped. Most of the world fell victim to the relaxing of, or the non enforcement of the rule of law. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how that happened, (though pundits and policy makers would have you believe so), greed is a powerful motivator. However, greed in a socialist or fascist system usually has a more deadly effect.
But that ideology had its crappier sides, namely the notion of a natural aristocracy (which even some American revolutionists in 1776 had believed in), Autarky (which would have always led to war), et al (I wouldn't mention xenophobia as a characteristic of Fascism as Mussolini's Italy wasn't Anti-Semitic and there have been Anti-Semitic Communist parties).
Sorry, your quotes are a bit chopped up, I was in the middle of replying but was called away and you must have edited your post in the meantime. Anyway, ideologies are almost always the product of a small number of zealots who consider themselves progressive, and who doesn't like that word, (have your doctor tell you about something progressive in your test reults), and there are always victims. They want to change or expedite the natural order of things, resistance is normally dealt with harshly. What the catalyst is depends on the zeitgeist, it could be anti semitism, anti white, anti rich, anti intellectual, anti capitalist, anti American, whatever works to whip up a religous fervour amongst their followers. They will always find a foe and provide justification for their cause..