Horrendous sanitary conditions in northern Manitoba


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Interesting about the money going to Las Vegas casinos and cat houses! Who was tracking these expenditures, who specifically were the recipients and how much was spent at each establishments. Links would be more convincing! :lol:


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Interesting about the money going to Las Vegas casinos and cat houses! Who was tracking these expenditures, who specifically were the recipients and how much was spent at each establishments. Links would be more convincing! :lol:
The Dump made that crap up. He has an over active gland but I can't figure out which one. Perhaps his prostate which would account for why he keeps such a close eye on it.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Actually in BC we did steal the land for all intent and purpose. We even stole land
after we stole land in BC, ever heard of the cut off lands in some areas?
I heard a bit about it some years back where additional land was taken from the
reserves as required. I believe the Penticton Town site is a prime example of where
land was taken to satisfy the building of down town prior to WWI. Some years later
the Department of Defence took the land for the Penticton Airport around the time of
WWII. It was promised that if they abandoned the airport the Natives would get it
back. A few years back they thought about ceasing operations and at that time they
were going to give the land to the City of Penticton. I don't know what the current
state of affairs is, but its still an airport.
This is just one example of the treatment the Natives got. The fact still remains
however, that we have to have accountability for taxpayers money whether it money
spent on Native Reserves or just for other on northern community living allowances etc.
We should have an accounting to ensure money is spent wisely and within the frame
work of the plan devised by the parties involved


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The fact still remains
however, that we have to have accountability for taxpayers money whether it money
spent on Native Reserves or just for other on northern community living allowances etc.
We should have an accounting to ensure money is spent wisely and within the frame
work of the plan devised by the parties involved
You are asking a lot from politicians and bureaurats. Do you thing they can account for the 60 - 70% of Indian Affairs money that never makes it to the reserves?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Some of these politicians should go spend a week in a prospector tent or tiny wood shack with only a diesel stove at -60 ambient and I'm sure they will see things differently.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Why is it that in just about anyplace in Canada, if you build a house according the requirements of
the National Building Code, that house will appreciate in value and continue to appreciate as long
as you take care of it.
Build that same house on a reservation and it will be a pile of junk in five or ten years. James Bay
is a prime example. We keep throwing money at these problems but we don't solve anything. It's
time to take another road.

To be fair, some of those reserves are built on permafrost which is an unstable surface at best but once it receives heat from the house it quickly turns to mush. In addition, when you give someone a house, it is not the same as a person working diligently in order to purchase one. Where is the pride of ownership?

What does whether or not something happened have to do with solving the problems that already exist. If people don't have clean water, you need to give them clean water. I leave worrying about the reasons and the history for the lack of clean water to folks like you...that are full of ****.
I'm with you on this one, Cannuck, well except for the**** part.
It is way past time that we got on with the problem and leave the past behind. We can do nothing to correct what happened long ago, but we can and should do whatever possible to improve the situation right now.

Says in the link below that this reserve has been getting $50,000 per year for five years. Much of the money has gone to Las Vegas casinos, shows, night clubs and cathouses, one may surmise. Revealing the chiefs income, that'll help, as they keep on spending on whatever. Pre-modern people are not democratic and do not believe in equality.

Bob Rae called this a national disgrace, no it's not. Checking google news, there was nothing about this story outside Canada. Poor people are not news. Like Asia and Africa don't have millions of their own. Not too many jobs in remote areas of Asia either.

Harper vows 'action' on Ontario's Attawapiskat reserve

Bob Rae should keep his mouth shut............what the hell did the Libs do about reserves when they were in power - apparently not enough or this 'problem' would have been solved under their tenure.

They got Harper on the hot seat in question period now.

I watched question period too, Kakato and thought the PM handled himself rather well. This 'problem' is not of Mr Harper's' making any more so than it was that of previous Liberal governments. However, Boob Rae might well remember that when his party was in power they did little if anything to remedy the situation, else why is it still a problem?

You are asking a lot from politicians and bureaurats. Do you thing they can account for the 60 - 70% of Indian Affairs money that never makes it to the reserves?

I wonder if the Grand Chiefs could?

In BC we did outright steal the land and the lack of treaties is a glaring testament to that.

Who is this 'we' Cliffy. I didn't steal anyone's land anymore than juan did, nor did my parents. Let the frickin' past go, all the navel-gazing that has been done about the past has not changed things one iota.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Talking about stolen land is wasted guilt, get over it.

Whether it is a tory or lib govt, no one will do anything. We need a federal NDP govt so they have a chance to do nothing except wring their hands for a few years and dropkick the ball to someone else.

On the CBC today I heard sen. Patrick Brazen say, "aborignal Canadians". That's not what they say themselves. They don't like to state the politically obvious. Once they do, then perhaps they will take some steps to ending their sqalor, and Canadians will assist them. You never hear Indians say they are Canadians and deserve the rights of Canadians.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
They mentioned on the CBC that putting the reserve under third party management, was "paternalistic". Such a bad word, paternalistic. .

That's what gets me.

We, as in the rest of Canada, aren't allowed to control how the money is spent. But, when it's pissed away, and people are suffering, we are supposed to supply more money.

It's the same with welfare, we're supposed to give people money, but we're not allowed to have any say on what's done with it.

If you want money from the government, you'd better be willing to let them decide how it's spent.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Not at all. The Dump wants to talk about indians, I'll talk about whitey. You have a problem with that, whitey?

I'm don't think I've ever mentioned my race here and yet you automatically assume I'm white? That's odd....especially for somebody that claims not to see race.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It would sure be nice if every resident of Canada could just be a Canadian with identiful rights, freedoms, privileges and responsibilities! :smile:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
The thing is we are trying to turn them into white men and they arent,as soon as those wanting to help understand this then nothing will change.

I'm not interested in "turning" them into any race. I want them to either decide to be Canadians or decide not to be Canadians. That is the first step.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I'm with you on this one, Cannuck, well except for the**** part.

Give it time. Eventually you will come to the conclusion that RCS is full of it. He'll try to tell you how to raise your kids because he's such an expert you know. Then you'll make him look stupid and he'll get pissy. Then it's blah blah blah for the next forever. You're welcom for the heads up.

As for the OP, very few problems ever get solved by looking backwards. That's 95% of the problem with this issue. Most people are so busy trying to find somebody to blame they can't be bothered to look at solutions.

It would sure be nice if every resident of Canada could just be a Canadian with identiful rights, freedoms, privileges and responsibilities! :smile:

It won't happen until people stop listening to the special interest shrills like CB and start start focusing on actual problem solving. Step 1 is to identify the problem.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Give it time. Eventually you will come to the conclusion that RCS is full of it. He'll try to tell you how to raise your kids because he's such an expert you know. Then you'll make him look stupid and he'll get pissy. Then it's blah blah blah for the next forever. You're welcom for the heads up.

As for the OP, very few problems ever get solved by looking backwards. That's 95% of the problem with this issue. Most people are so busy trying to find somebody to blame they can't be bothered to look at solutions.

It won't happen until people stop listening to the special interest shrills like CB and start start focusing on actual problem solving. Step 1 is to identify the problem.

Written by the keyboard expert on everything....:roll:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Written by the keyboard expert on everything....:roll:

Why thank you for the compliment but unlike some others, I've never claimed to be an expert at anything. The only thing I'm fairly good at is exposing hypocrites. To bastardize a line from Catcher In The Rye, "Hypocrites hate it when you call them hypocrites"


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
That's what gets me.

We, as in the rest of Canada, aren't allowed to control how the money is spent. But, when it's pissed away, and people are suffering, we are supposed to supply more money.

It's the same with welfare, we're supposed to give people money, but we're not allowed to have any say on what's done with it.

If you want money from the government, you'd better be willing to let them decide how it's spent.

Doing anything about aboriginals in the constitution is like changing the senate, the monarchy/GG, PEI and Quebec/Atlantic Canada's ratio/number of House of Common seats, its very difficult to do anything here. Everyone hates politics, right? So some people sneak in changes that are cast in stone. We need an outside force like an asteroid to change things. That's our democracy.

In the original treaties, very little is mentioned about money, and very small amounts. If billions of dollars can't solve the Indian problem, then tens of billions of dollars will, for sure, definitely, I'm positive it'll will work, no probs, a done deal. I'm on it.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Doing anything about aboriginals in the constitution is like changing the senate, the monarchy/GG, PEI and Quebec/Atlantic Canada's ratio/number of House of Common seats, its very difficult to do anything here. Everyone hates politics, right? So some people sneak in changes that are cast in stone. We need an outside force like an asteroid to change things. That's our democracy.

In the original treaties, very little is mentioned about money, and very small amounts. If billions of dollars can't solve the Indian problem, then tens of billions of dollars will, for sure, definitely, I'm positive it'll will work, no probs, a done deal. I'm on it.

You forget this is the age of information,they have internet up there now and the rest of the world can now see,lot's of help coming now,this is a good thing.
It's too bad you allmost have to shame some to get them to do their due diligence like the govt has sorely lacked in.

Dump,untill you go walk a mile in their shoes then dont judge them,These folks are are tougher then any city slicker.

A year in the arctic - YouTube


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It's too bad you allmost have to shame some to get them to do their due diligence like the govt has sorely lacked in.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOqEY8pUW90

The government is in a lose/lose situation. If they involve themselves in process they are paternalistic. If they remove themselves from the process they are not looking after taxpayers money. There are far too many special interest folks involved in this.