Horrendous sanitary conditions in northern Manitoba


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
So when your article says...

You take that as a license to just make up what you want?

See last reply. Although First Nations Leadership, need to make their payroll a matter of public knowledge.

No, they just have matriarchal societies, provide programs available to anybody, and have constitutions that other countries have copied.

They will also take in any child in a village that needs help,you dont see that in a whitey town.
CBC has been showing the audit they obtained from the govt. and they are underfunded.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Indians are 5% of the population in BC, but Indian kids make up half of the kids in custody with the govt. So much for adoption.

So $50,000 per year per head is not enough, just give give give more more more. Not the best plan, but that is the plan. They say insanity is when you keep doing the same thing and expect different results.

Yes, it's time to take another road here. The road is making Indians Canadians so they can receive the benefits everyone here is getting. I remember in August 2001, there was an international conference in South Africa, and one forum was about racism in Canada. And only about ten people showed up. Because the world knows Canada is about the least racist country on Earth.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Says in the link below that this reserve has been getting $50,000 per year for five years. Much of the money has gone to Las Vegas casinos, shows, night clubs and cathouses, one may surmise. Revealing the chiefs income, that'll help, as they keep on spending on whatever. Pre-modern people are not democratic and do not believe in equality.

Bob Rae called this a national disgrace, no it's not. Checking google news, there was nothing about this story outside Canada. Poor people are not news. Like Asia and Africa don't have millions of their own. Not too many jobs in remote areas of Asia either.

Harper vows 'action' on Ontario's Attawapiskat reserve

Wow,the chief is on CBC right now,you should listen to him and get educated.
You have no idea what natives are like,they are probably far more advanced then any other race,they know how to live in harmony with mother earth and only take what they need.

I lived and worked with the Arctic Innuit for many years,you have no idea what they are like as I can see by most of your posts on the issue.
You have no idea what the barrenlands are like where we relocated them,it's one of the more hostile places to live in the winter.
They have fuel and food shortages every single year in the north and the cost of living is allmost 4 times higher then anywhere else in Canada.
The government is also useing the formulas from about 20 years ago for figuring out how much gets sent.

Indians are 5% of the population in BC, but Indian kids make up half of the kids in custody with the govt. So much for adoption.

So $50,000 per year per head is not enough, just give give give more more more. Not the best plan, but that is the plan. They say insanity is when you keep doing the same thing and expect different results.

Yes, it's time to take another road here. The road is making Indians Canadians so they can receive the benefits everyone here is getting. I remember in August 2001, there was an international conference in South Africa, and one forum was about racism in Canada. And only about ten people showed up. Because the world knows Canada is about the least racist country on Earth.

$50,000 a year is a pittance up there where a loaf of bread can cost $8.00 and a pop is $5.00



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Wow,the chief is on CBC right now,you should listen to him and get educated.
You have no idea what natives are like,they are probably far more advanced then any other race,they know how to live in harmony with mother earth and only take what they need.

That being the case, they would know how to get clean drinking water, wouldn't they?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I was doing resupply from feb. to june south of Cambridge bay for a 60 man camp,to run untill september took over 109 c130 hercules loads of fuel @22,000 litres/plane with bladder or 110 drums of jet a.

For food and other stuff to survive took over 250 twin otter loads,200 single otter loads,80 buffaloe loads and 50 dormier loads.
Thats only for 5 months and we had 50 days to get those planes in before the ice strip was damaged too bad from the big hercs.After that it,s a steady 2 loads a day from twin otter float planes.

It's a logistics nightmare and weather can get bad enough that you get no planes for ten days.
Hard to believe we relocated people this far north and expected them to survive.

I dont know about James bay but farther north in the barrenlands you can drink the water right off the tundra.One of the largest bodies of fresh water is in the arctic.
If they dont have fresh water then I imagine theirs is contaminated.Permafrost is different stuff,water wont go into the ground,it just sits on top.
It also means you dont have sewer and in most hamlets water is trucked to each house every day.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
That is the biggest and most expensive hurdle, right there.

Go to the northern store and pick up some smokes,milk,some tuk tuk ribs on the rotisserie(a pound please)a skidoo,some diapers,a 303 british rifle,some rashers of wolverine fur for the parka,some lunch meat,a dozen eggs,a honda and order up a new truck for next year.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
While I agree there are some very serious problems in the north and on some
of the reserves in the north there are other problems as well. The biggest being
on reserves there are millions of dollars going to those areas but there is no real
accountability as to how the money is being spent according to the Auditor
The problem is some areas and granted to be fair not all, is that the people who
live there with the problems are not getting the help they need from the money
that is sent. For example the one reserve that has been in the news the last couple
of days, had twenty million go the the reserve last year and more that twenty million
for this year. They have millions in assets. In addition they did spend five million on
social services. The real problem is there is mention of where the money went but
little in the way of oversight details, apparently.
It is time that the Aboriginal Communities join the rest of us in providing serious oversight
when accessing any and all government programs. In agriculture we have so much paper
work its unbelievable and we have to account for every penny and so we should. I
understand it is a sensitive political issue, but then the taxpayers have a right to know how
their money was spent.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
The nicest people seem to need the huger and huger amount of money to survive and we should keep giving them thousands and thousands of dollars a year because they are so nice and live in such remote areas.

That $50,000 per year is no pittance and it needs to be accurately accounted for. This will not happen, because these chiefs, sorry kings, will not permit it, and their apologists of all colours will continue to get fat paycheques explaining why poverty will continue and it's the govt's fault who have to keep paying forever in the name of guilt and shame. It's constitutionally entrenched, doncha know?!


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
The nicest people seem to need the huger and huger amount of money to survive and we should keep giving them thousands and thousands of dollars a year because they are so nice and live in such remote areas.

That $50,000 per year is no pittance and it needs to be accurately accounted for. This will not happen, because these chiefs, sorry kings, will not permit it, and their apologists of all colours will continue to get fat paycheques explaining why poverty will continue and it's the govt's fault who have to keep paying forever in the name of guilt and shame. It's constitutionally entrenched, doncha know?!

We moved them up there.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Perhaps we should be relocating them to some decent land that was theirs before we stole it, say some land now occupied by rich white people, preferably politicians and industrialists. Take them out of their squalor and settle them on prime real estate. It should be a national priority before any more spending on foreign military actions.

..... And I also do not recognize any race but the human race......

I bet you feel embarrassed now.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
They got Harper all right. Mr Barbiedoll is following all the proper procedures and no one will care in a week.

They mentioned on the CBC that putting the reserve under third party management, was "paternalistic". Such a bad word, paternalistic. Just let people suffer with their valuable constititutionally entrenched rights and let the chiefs, sorry, kings, party on.

Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau said on the CBC bands have pretty loosy-goosy rules on who can vote in band elections. Bands can prevent people who live off reserve from voting. A simple rule change that was described as not democratic. Shock and horror!

The senator mentioned that it is the largest families that often get the most votes and elect leaders. Who get to spend the money with very little accountability.

Then they mentioned the word "corruption". Absolute shock and horror. They are such nice people, so oppressed, how could this be? Everybody wash your mouth out with soap.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Perhaps we should be relocating them to some decent land that was theirs before we stole it, say some land now occupied by rich white people, preferably politicians and industrialists. Take them out of their squalor and settle them on prime real estate. It should be a national priority before any more spending on foreign military actions.

"WE" didn't steal any land, My parent didn't steal any land, nor did my grand parents. I don't think my great grand parents stole
any land either but I am not going to feel guilty over what ever happened a hundred years or more ago. The idea that natives
owned all of North America is nonsense. We have letters from the nineteenth century that tell us people could travel for weeks
without seeing a native. A bit like sticking my foot in the Pacific Ocean and saying I owned it.....I'm sure lots of people would disagree with me.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
"WE" didn't steal any land, My parent didn't steal any land, nor did my grand parents. I don't think my great grand parents stole
any land either but I am not going to feel guilty over what ever happened a hundred years or more ago. The idea that natives
owned all of North America is nonsense. We have letters from the nineteenth century that tell us people could travel for weeks
without seeing a native. A bit like sticking my foot in the Pacific Ocean and saying I owned it.....I'm sure lots of people would disagree with me.
You are right, but I don't know where to start to disagree as you left yourself wide open. In BC we did outright steal the land and the lack of treaties is a glaring testament to that.