Heard this comment today and it pretty much points out, I think, WHY the focus on guns.
"The solution to our problems fundamentally is not doors that lock accurately, and it's not cops that get scared at the last minute. It's the kid not having the AR-15. Better, braver, more responsive cops aren't going to save us. More durable doors, more trustworthy, reliable doors aren't going to save us. Kids not having access to weapons where they can gun down dozens of other kids, that is the solution."
Replace the "kid/Kids" with 'person' and the sentiment stands.
HOW to prevent that AR-15 from getting into the hands should be the focus. When even the BEST ideas of updating laws, closing loop holes and just making sure the "mentally ill" that the right loves to tout as the reason for shootings not only get the help they need but are KEPT from having guns keeps getting shot (ironic pun of course) down because a certain group of 50 or so people are beholden to a lobby of weapon people who do NOT give a shit about the lives of the kids killed in the past, present or future, it's time for people to say ENOUGH and get rid of those people, or start doing stuff without their 'agreement' somehow.
Also pointing out that this pro-gun thing is also ANTI-cop when you think about it.
When the gun lobby is all for more guns, that means shooters will have access to the stuff that will kill cops just as fast and while it's part of a job that yes they could be shot and killed, it shouldn't be a guarantee. The cops of Ulvade proved that cops are SCARED now of how decked out a mass shooter can be.
The idea "gun control is completely useless" is not exactly true. The LACK of control is.