Actually, it kinda is.Why is it logical?
Most of the homicides occur in urban areas.
Most of the homicides are committed with handguns.
Ergo. . .
(Of course, enforcement's a whole 'nother issue.)
Actually, it kinda is.Why is it logical?
Actually, it kinda is.
Most of the homicides occur in urban areas.
Most of the homicides are committed with handguns.
Ergo. . .
(Of course, enforcement's a whole 'nother issue.)
Law abiding citizens have not been permitted to walk around our cities packing registered handguns for decades. How many law abiding citizens are using their registered handguns to commit crimes? Inquiring minds want to know.I believe they are already in the process of banning handguns in cities.
It is a logical step and one that obviously everyone is going to support.
Banning guns has worked about as well as banning booze did. Or drugs. Like anything else the terminally stupid ban it just raised the price.One thing about T-bones he isn't for firearm confiscation and bans.
My family has a long history of shooting back.One thing about T-bones he isn't for firearm confiscation and bans.
No serious work gets done with a sidearm."kinda is" sounds like soft logic designed to support your biases.
I am not opposed to certain criminals dying.
it is a humanitarian device. 1 hand point the gun at the criminal intent on harming my family while the other hand dials 911. Don't make hold the firearm with two hands. You won't like me if I can't call 911.No serious work gets done with a sidearm.
what are you talking about?That's pure utter unadulterated bull shit, Hoid and you know it as would a five year old child. That would only apply in the situation of WAR. Outside of war that is NOT the proper use of a gun. How thick can you be?
You said it yourself that the intended purpose is self defense and protection. These are accomplished millions of times per year without firing a shot.what are you talking about?
millions of people have guns for self defense and protection.
If you shoot and kill somebody with something that is meant to shoot and kill people that thing has been used properly for its intended purpose.
Please think these things over before commenting - or its back on the ignore list
what are you talking about?
millions of people have guns for self defense and protection.
If you shoot and kill somebody with something that is meant to shoot and kill people that thing has been used properly for its intended purpose.
Please think these things over before commenting - or its back on the ignore list
I think that was a promise, not a threat.What makes you think I give a rat's ass about your ignore list?
I think that was a promise, not a threat.
The best way to be ignored is to ask Hoid a question.
Good thing. Every time he enters a room the average IQ drops below room temperature.Possibly because he has you on "ignore". Hoid doesn't hob nob with just anybody!![]()
Good thing. Every time he enters a room the average IQ drops below room temperature.
Good thing. Every time he enters a room the average IQ drops below room temperature.
OTTAWA — Pro-gun activists marched in Ottawa on Saturday to contest what they describe as the "injustice and ineffectiveness" of the federal government's assault weapon ban.
The Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights is behind the outdoor event on Parliament Hill, dubbed an "integrity march," to advocate for the rights of its members.
The organization, which did not respond to a request for comment, said on its website the event was aimed at showing Canadians that gun owners are "your friends, colleagues and neighbours."
In a post on its Facebook page, the group chided the federal government for its "ineffective and expensive" gun ban, saying Canadians don't support it.
The Parliamentary Protective Service said roughly 800 people attended the event.
In May, the Liberal government announced it would be banning a range of 1,500 types of assault-style weapons, which it says were designed for the battlefield — not hunting or sport shooting.
Nathalie Provost, a survivor of the Polytechnique massacre and a spokeswoman for gun control group PolySeSouvient, said the objective of the federal government was not to penalize everyday citizens who take part in activities like hunting, for example.
"A hunter has the right to hunt. My family has hunters — there's no problem," Provost said. "What worries us the most is there is little gun control."
Provost said she believes pro-gun activists are organizing the march because they are worried.
"They are worried about losing a privilege," she said. "I think they are very worried and they realize many Canadians want those weapons removed from the market."
The Trudeau government announced in May that it is now banning the use, sale and import of assault weapons into Canada. The government has set up a buy-back program to take the guns out of circulation, but that program would be voluntary and not compulsory, which rankles gun control advocates.
"The tap that allowed the entry of new assault weapons is closed, but there are still quite a few in the pool," Provost said.
Provost wants these types of weapons to disappear completely from the Canadian landscape.
"The worst horror scene of my life — it didn't last very long, but it killed six people. And (for) me, it's four bullets in my body," she said.
"It's maddening the speed at which these weapons destroy."
For its part, the CCFR has challenged the constitutionality of the Trudeau government's ministerial order in Federal Court.
It argues in its challenge that the banned rifles are weapons intended for hunting and sport shooting, since that is how their owners have used them for decades.
The group argues that the new regulations, enacted by ministerial decree, are illegal and go beyond the scope of the powers conferred on the federal cabinet.
A spokeswoman for Public Safety Minister Bill Blair defended the legality of the order, saying it came after months of public consultation.
"The use of an Order-in-Council is exactly the process the law provides for when it comes to classifying firearms," Mary-Liz Power said in an email. "The Conservative Party, under Stephen Harper, used orders in council to downgrade the classification of several dangerous weapons just before the 2015 election without any public consultation."
SJWs do not believe in social justice. They believe in oppressing everyone that does not follow their dogma.Pro-gun marchers speak out on federal government's assault weapon ban
Of course this article was written with a gun ban slant, they couldn't have it stand for itself like a social justice rally, could they?