Forum members opinion poll


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Well - Adscam and Shawinigate was more Chretien than Martin - but I do agree with your last sentence!
6 of one, half dozen of the other. Gliberals are Gliberals and Cons are Cons. There really isn't that much difference, IMO. Both screw up too much.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Canada,The World's Best Country To Live In

"For almost a decade (up to the year 2001), Canada was ranked number one among 175 countries in the United Nation's Quality of Life survey."

Oh - just MOST of when Chretien was in power.....

Even now Canada is no. 4 or 5 in the world, nothing to be ashamed of (unless one is a conservative, some of them are ashamed to be a Canadian, to be living in Canada). Whether Canada is no. 1, 4 or 5, matters not one bit. Canada is still one of the best places in the world to live, in spite of what some of the whiners would claim.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
- constrain program growth in the long term.
- no new taxes until a robust economy returns.
- when that happens, lower income taxes, and increase consumption taxes.
- attempt to fix the lagging productivity by investing in R&D for communications, alternative energy, and biotechnology. Supplement with inter-provincial commerce reforms; to remove all inter-provincial barriers which impede foreign investment.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Even now Canada is no. 4 or 5 in the world, nothing to be ashamed of (unless one is a conservative, some of them are ashamed to be a Canadian, to be living in Canada). Whether Canada is no. 1, 4 or 5, matters not one bit. Canada is still one of the best places in the world to live, in spite of what some of the whiners would claim.
9th actually. So that means we can't be better? Even if we were the best in the world we could still be better. Quit rationalising.


New Member
Jun 15, 2009
Indianapolis, IN. USA
I'd be fine with either although I'd hope for neither. However, I think whatever sacrifice society is forced to make, our Government must as well. Taxing and then giving themselves a raise is not acceptable. Oh, and that includes slush funds for various perks. If it's a tough economic time, then lets see them adjust their budget to bare bones..


I so approve of this post...couldn't have said it better myself!:smile:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Programs cuts are a must but the issue is where to cut from. In some ways I differ in approaching one of the sacred cows of our society, namely seniors programs. Seniors have already gotten more out of the CPP than anyone following them will, and they are also the ones responsible for voting in the authors of the current problems that besiege the country.

It is hardly fair to blame seniors for CPP, CPP is strictly a contribution based program. If you don't contribute, you get nothing, zip, zero. It is not a welfare program.

The debt and deficit weren't born after Harper and the CPC took office...

Maybe debt didn't, but deficit certainly did. It started after Harper took office. He inherited almost 12 billion $ surplus and converted it into more than 30 billion $ deficit.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
It is hardly fair to blame seniors for CPP, CPP is strictly a contribution based program. If you don't contribute, you get nothing, zip, zero. It is not a welfare program.

Maybe debt didn't, but deficit certainly did. It started after Harper took office. He inherited almost 12 billion $ surplus and converted it into more than 30 billion $ deficit.
Look who's whining now? lmao


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2008
Cambridge, Ontario
... but forget partially why Harpy is running a deficit. It has something to do with the economy of the world. DUH! Time to change blinders; those are getting dirty.

He also allowed government expenses to grow at 2x the rate of inflation. And cut taxes in the good times - instead of saving up, and paying down even more debt.

A deficit for a year or 2 during a major recession is understandable.

No clue on how to get out of it for 10 years is not.


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2008
Cambridge, Ontario
Even now Canada is no. 4 or 5 in the world, nothing to be ashamed of (unless one is a conservative, some of them are ashamed to be a Canadian, to be living in Canada). Whether Canada is no. 1, 4 or 5, matters not one bit. Canada is still one of the best places in the world to live, in spite of what some of the whiners would claim.

I have never been embarrassed to be Canadian....Even with Harper in charge.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
He also allowed government expenses to grow at 2x the rate of inflation. And cut taxes in the good times - instead of saving up, and paying down even more debt.

A deficit for a year or 2 during a major recession is understandable.

No clue on how to get out of it for 10 years is not.
Yeah. I agree. Either way, though, this bit of fact doesn't excuse Martin or Chretien. It's like the two wrongs don't make a right kind of thing.
And my point was that Porker forgets or can't see anything bad his own party has done. That's hardly objective.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Both Iceland and Norway are broke. How did they even make the list?

Quite so. According to 2009 survey, Canada is no. 4, which tells me that it is one of the best countries in the world to live in. And i for sure wouldn't want to live in Iceland today, they have big problems over there (we are thinking of visiting Iceland in July, seeing that their currency has fallen so much).

Personally I would put Canada no.3, above Iceland.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I have never been embarrassed to be Canadian....Even with Harper in charge.

Quite, I have also always been a proud Canadian, even with Conservatives in power. In general, it is the conservatives who have a problem with Canada, not the liberals. Liberals like Canada just fine.

Sure, Canada has slipped a bit in the ranking under Harper, but it is still a very desirable place to live in.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
It is hardly fair to blame seniors for CPP, CPP is strictly a contribution based program. If you don't contribute, you get nothing, zip, zero. It is not a welfare program.

URGENT ATTENTION About Our OAS pensions Bill C-428 An Act to Amend the Old Age Security Act (residency requirements)
And the insanity continues.................

Bill C-428 will allow recent immigrants to apply for OAS in 3 years instead of the existing 10.
This bill had first reading in the house on June 18, 2009. It was seconded by Bob Rae!! MP Ms. Ruby Dhalla who introduced the bill represents the riding of Brampton whose population is mainly East Indian. Right now you have to have lived in Canada for 10 years in order to qualify for Old Age Security. She wants the time reduced to 3 years. Thousands could come to Canada when they are 62 years old, never having worked or contributed to this county's tax system etc, and qualify for full Old Age Security benefits. 10 years minimum is reasonable. 3 is not!

Look this up, Google C-428 and you will see this bill has only one purpose, to featherbed a select group of people for votes.

I certainly hope this bill does not get passed. It is about time we called our elected MP's to ask them to NOT support this bill. Their response may be one factor in helping us determine who gets elected in the next election.

Which one is you?

NOTE: Recently, a pamphlet came the old way. "Liberals call for pension reform". Within, it tells of "...three specific pension reforms to make saving for retirement easier and more secure for all Canadians.
A supplementary plan and something about protecting people in plans of bankrupt companies are all that are mentioned.

No it isn't "Right-wing propaganda" as the return address is Ujjal Dosanjh c/o Liberal Caucus Services.

Just something to think about....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Taxes in Canada are already high to pay for all the spending that went on in Trudeau's day (yes and Mulroney's too but everyone on this forum tends to forget the law of inertia applies in politics almost as as in physics). I don't see much benefit in raising them much more because it WILL encourage those with ability/ideas/capital to seek their fortunes elsewhere.

Programs cuts are a must but the issue is where to cut from. In some ways I differ in approaching one of the sacred cows of our society, namely seniors programs. Seniors have already gotten more out of the CPP than anyone following them will, and they are also the ones responsible for voting in the authors of the current problems that besiege the country. The debt and deficit weren't born after Harper and the CPC took office...

Right on Wulfie- Seniors today are in pretty good shape, their working years spanned the 50s to the 90s, not like the seniors of a generation ago whose working career spanned a depression and a World War.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Am I the only one who notices that all threads break down to two topics, blaming the religious right for everything and everybody else' opinion of SJP. It seems that we can't go past two pages on any thread without going to these two topics.


The first point is partly the cause of the second one. :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
6 of one, half dozen of the other. Gliberals are Gliberals and Cons are Cons. There really isn't that much difference, IMO. Both screw up too much.

Right on there Anna. One other thing makes me curious if the country is as screwed due to Harper as the Liberal accolytes claim why is our dollar gaining strength by the week? When things are going for a sh*t we are incessantly reminded that "he may not have caused it but since he's the P.M. he has to take the blame"- well, I suggest by the same token even if he didn't cause the high dollar "he's the P.M and should be given credit for it"........................................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
One thing I find really annoying on this forum is A$$HOLE$ that put words in my mouth.

Hey JLM I should bring this to your attention, you put up a thread looking for opinion from forum members, when I n fact the topic is the same as the Liberal Phobia and the Cause.

I have put up threads in the past that were similar to posts already in existence and they got shut down, because the establishment felt that they were duplicates.
You are on record here calling others A$$HOLE$ AND YOU ARE A TRUE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. It looks good on you and the establishment for respecting law and order.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Raise the taxes and cut the services, that would be my solution. Government must be absolutely ruthless when it comes to balancing the budget, it is short term pain for long term gain.

But that is not the conservative way, the conservative way is to borrow. They don't mind cutting services, especially for the poor. But they are absolutely, irrevocably opposed to tax increases. They would much rather rack up huge deficits and astronomical debt than increase taxes. That is where I disagree with them.


Post 3 ... and the first to go from poll to partisan politics


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Post 3 ... and the first to go from poll to partisan politics"

Right on, lone wolf!

Admittedly, I have strayed from topic of Original post from time to time, but never that fast.