Forum members opinion poll


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hey JLM I should bring this to your attention, you put up a thread looking for opinion from forum members, when I n fact the topic is the same as the Liberal Phobia and the Cause.

I have put up threads in the past that were similar to posts already in existence and they got shut down, because the establishment felt that they were duplicates.
You are on record here calling others A$$HOLE$ AND YOU ARE A TRUE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. It looks good on you and the establishment for respecting law and order.

On this Soc I guess we have to agree to disagree. The one on Liberal phobia was partisan, this thread was in no way meant to be partisan, but rather a general question looking for an answer regardless of what party is in power. I don't regret using the term "A$$HOLE$- I don't do it to people unless it's a direct quote of something they wrote. There is one f*****g no mind on here who in his wisdom thinks he can assign both a political party and a religious leaning to everyone because of a statement they make. Good management of money is not a political trait, it's a trait of common sense and being good at handling money.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Yeah, like you #Juan, I used to think Martin was a hero, but I beginning to see the light, he can stand a little scrutiny, mind you he is nowhere near the rogues Mulroney and Trudeau were. But he's no choir boy either.

I only blame Trudeau for what he didn't do. The excuse for years was that with a minority government, the opposition prevented them from doing what was right. Trudeau got the first majority government in decades. He could do anything he wanted and what did he do? He brought home the f--king constitution. Trudeau could have comitted suicide on the first day and he still would have been better than Diefenbaker or Mulroney. What he could have done but didn't is a crying shame.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Right on there Anna. One other thing makes me curious if the country is as screwed due to Harper as the Liberal accolytes claim why is our dollar gaining strength by the week? When things are going for a sh*t we are incessantly reminded that "he may not have caused it but since he's the P.M. he has to take the blame"- well, I suggest by the same token even if he didn't cause the high dollar "he's the P.M and should be given credit for it"........................................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Credit for what? In what way is a strong dollar a good thing? Strong dollar hurts tourism, it hurts exports. During Liberal rule dollar reached 60 cents and we were doing great, the economy was roaring ahead. The only downside of a low dollar is that it may generate inflation. Provided there is no inflation (and there wasn’t any when dollar reached 60 cents), there is no downside to a weak dollar.

So in what way is a strong dollar an achievement? How does that help the economy? All it does is that it lets people like you brag that Canada has a strong currency. Other than that, there is no upside to strong dollar, it is no achievement at all.

Provided there is no inflation, I would definitely prefer a weak currency to a strong currency.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Good management of money is not a political trait, it's a trait of common sense and being good at handling money.

Really? Then why aren't Conservatives able to do it? Invariably whenever they get into power, in USA or Canada, they manage to make a huge mess of the economy.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I only blame Trudeau for what he didn't do. The excuse for years was that with a minority government, the opposition prevented them from doing what was right. Trudeau got the first majority government in decades. He could do anything he wanted and what did he do? He brought home the f--king constitution. Trudeau could have comitted suicide on the first day and he still would have been better than Diefenbaker or Mulroney. What he could have done but didn't is a crying shame.

Quite so. I put up a poll in the other thread, showing that he is the most popular PM in the past 40 years. People think he was the best PM in the past 40 years, by a huge margin. And that one action alone, giving us the Charter which guarantees all Canadians the fundamental, basic rights, that one action alone is enough for him to be regarded as the best PM ever.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I only blame Trudeau for what he didn't do. The excuse for years was that with a minority government, the opposition prevented them from doing what was right. Trudeau got the first majority government in decades. He could do anything he wanted and what did he do? He brought home the f--king constitution. Trudeau could have comitted suicide on the first day and he still would have been better than Diefenbaker or Mulroney. What he could have done but didn't is a crying shame.

I'm not 100% certain but I think if one was to check, the majority obtained by Diefenbaker in '58 is the biggest majority in Federal history. As for what "he didn't do" he screwed up enough from what he did do that I think what he didn't do was probably a Godsend. :smile: But hey, there's bigger fish to fry like the Canucks play Edmonton on Tuesday.