Liberal phobia and the cause….


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And what is that going do to environment, JLM? It could be an ecological nightmare. Plus, how do you know that there is that much gold and platinum in them thar hills? You may end up destroying, devastating the country side with nothing to show for it.

That is a typically conservative solution (I am not even sure it is a solution, there is no guarantee of any return, there is a guarantee of destroying the environment). Canadians will never go for it.

Hey, S.J. why don't you research this out? With all your knowledge and expertise and bankroll if you played it smart you could make a lot of money on a venture like a consultant for the Gov't. (you'd have to hold your nose though-- they're Conservatives). And natural resources are high right now and gold is soaring around $1100. Also you don't live too far from the Shield, so it would be handy for you.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
What’s up with the judge letting Jaffer off on the cocaine charge?:angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:

Had a Liberal been caught with cocaine and driving drunk , would have he gotten off?

CTV Edmonton - Jaffer court case sparks outrage across Canada



Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
And what is that going do to environment, JLM? It could be an ecological nightmare. Plus, how do you know that there is that much gold and platinum in them thar hills? You may end up destroying, devastating the country side with nothing to show for it.

That is a typically conservative solution (I am not even sure it is a solution, there is no guarantee of any return, there is a guarantee of destroying the environment). Canadians will never go for it.

You have yours, and it becomes a ecological nightmare when others try and get theirs. Liberal thought processing again. You won't destroy anything by looking, see whats there first then decide.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
URGENT ATTENTION About Our OAS pensions Bill C-428 An Act to Amend the Old Age Security Act (residency requirements)
And the insanity continues.................

Bill C-428 will allow recent immigrants to apply for OAS in 3 years instead of the existing 10.
This bill had first reading in the house on June 18, 2009. It was seconded by Bob Rae!! MP Ms. Ruby Dhalla who introduced the bill represents the riding of Brampton whose population is mainly East Indian. Right now you have to have lived in Canada for 10 years in order to qualify for Old Age Security. She wants the time reduced to 3 years. Thousands could come to Canada when they are 62 years old, never having worked or contributed to this county's tax system etc, and qualify for full Old Age Security benefits. 10 years minimum is reasonable. 3 is not!

Look this up, Google C-428 and you will see this bill has only one purpose, to featherbed a select group of people for votes.

I certainly hope this bill does not get passed. It is about time we called our elected MP's to ask them to NOT support this bill. Their response may be one factor in helping us determine who gets elected in the next election.
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Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
URGENT ATTENTION About Our OAS pensions Bill C-428 An Act to Amend the Old Age Security Act (residency requirements)
And the insanity continues.................

Bill C-428 will allow recent immigrants to apply for OAS in 3 years instead of the existing 10.
This bill had first reading in the house on June 18, 2009. It was seconded by Bob Rae!! MP Ms. Ruby Dhalla who introduced the bill represents the riding of Brampton whose population is mainly East Indian. Right now you have to have lived in Canada for 10 years in order to qualify for Old Age Security. She wants the time reduced to 3 years. Thousands could come to Canada when they are 62 years old, never having worked or contributed to this county's tax system etc, and qualify for full Old Age Security benefits. 10 years minimum is reasonable. 3 is not!

Look this up, Google C-428 and you will see this bill has only one purpose, to featherbed a select group of people for votes.

I certainly hope this bill does not get passed. It is about time we called our elected MP's to ask them to NOT support this bill. Their response may be one factor in helping us determine who gets elected in the next election.

That is politicking at its worst. Thanks for the heads-up, LW. Time for a letter to the local MP.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
It looks like one of those fwd fwd with a lot of>>>> that pop into my mailbox from time to time ....even the liberal pension critic was against it last year:smile:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Then either you are not a liberal, and as you said, definately not a Liberal; Human Rights Commissions were, and are defended by liberals and Liberals. Speaking out in opposition of liberal orthodoxy is met with the heavy hand of HRC commissars, with liberals as their cheering section. Discrimination in keeping with liberal ideals is fully protected under the law and defiance is censured or even prosecuted.

Liberals are tolerant of anything but intolerence to liberal ideals, but you sir have defended these actions on more than one occasion, so which is it?

I have done nothing of the sort, bob. As to HRC, no doubt some feel that way. But there are plenty who have a hgh opinion of HRC, they think it performs an essential function.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
You don't have any idea what prospecting is, do you? A half dozen prospectors "may end up destroying, devastating the country side with nothing to show for it."

You're just full of negative and incorrect assumptions, aren't you?

I see, so half a dozen prospectors are going to dig up the entire Canadian shield and prospect the whole area? How big do you think Canadian Shield is? The size of your backyard, so that half a dozen prospectors can dig it up?

It is your knowledge of geology that is sorely lacking. JLM at least talks of hundreds of workers necessary, you talk of half a dozen. Are they just going to bulldoze everything?

Sometimes it seems you argue just for the sake of arguing, for no other reason.
Last edited:


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
I have done nothing of the sort, bob. As to HRC, no doubt some feel that way. But there are plenty who have a hgh opinion of HRC, they think it performs an essential function.

Yep, and there are some that don't share that opinion. And all the opinions count, don't they?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Hey, S.J. why don't you research this out? With all your knowledge and expertise and bankroll if you played it smart you could make a lot of money on a venture like a consultant for the Gov't. (you'd have to hold your nose though-- they're Conservatives). And natural resources are high right now and gold is soaring around $1100. Also you don't live too far from the Shield, so it would be handy for you.

We have got plenty of money JLM, I don’t need any more. Plus my son finishes medical school in June, he just received the news two days ago that he received a residency in Internal Medicine at Western (I was going to somehow work that in), so he doesn’t need our money either.

And work for Conservative government? Wash your mouth with soap.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
URGENT ATTENTION About Our OAS pensions Bill C-428 An Act to Amend the Old Age Security Act (residency requirements)
And the insanity continues.................

Bill C-428 will allow recent immigrants to apply for OAS in 3 years instead of the existing 10.
This bill had first reading in the house on June 18, 2009. It was seconded by Bob Rae!! MP Ms. Ruby Dhalla who introduced the bill represents the riding of Brampton whose population is mainly East Indian. Right now you have to have lived in Canada for 10 years in order to qualify for Old Age Security. She wants the time reduced to 3 years. Thousands could come to Canada when they are 62 years old, never having worked or contributed to this county's tax system etc, and qualify for full Old Age Security benefits. 10 years minimum is reasonable. 3 is not!

Look this up, Google C-428 and you will see this bill has only one purpose, to featherbed a select group of people for votes.

I certainly hope this bill does not get passed. It is about time we called our elected MP's to ask them to NOT support this bill. Their response may be one factor in helping us determine who gets elected in the next election.

Didn't that bill loose all status when government was prorogued???

Not if it was a private member's bill. Not sure on this one, but no doubt Ruby will take another run at it in any case.

LEGISINFO - The Library of Parliament's research tool for finding information on legislation

OK the link above shows the status of this Bill.. Honestly I think it is dead but even if its not I can't see it going anywhere.. A Private members bill I believe it has to be passed the house to stay alive ( in the Senate )..

And now with the Conservatives holding control in both houses, how can this pass ? It would require Conservative support in both houses..

I am amazed this made it thru one reading.. I certainly would not support this at all..


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
You have yours, and it becomes a ecological nightmare when others try and get theirs. Liberal thought processing again. You won't destroy anything by looking, see whats there first then decide.

Non destructive testing may be OK, ironsides. But digging up all over the Shield just for prospecting is out, I don't think many people will support it. even in USA I think a majority of people oppose drilling in Alaska for prospecting, according to opinion polls.

If you know that there is oil, gold minerals etc, at a particular site, one could consider how to explore it. But wild goose chase is out of the question.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
What’s up with the judge letting Jaffer off on the cocaine charge?:angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:

Had a Liberal been caught with cocaine and driving drunk , would have he gotten off?

CTV Edmonton - Jaffer court case sparks outrage across Canada

That is a typical case of conservative hypocrisy. They are all for law and order, for locking them up and throwing away the key, for hanging the bastards (let us bring back the noose) and so on. Except when it comes to one of their own.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Not if it was a private member's bill. Not sure on this one, but no doubt Ruby will take another run at it in any case.

I think it is a private member’s bill; there is no need to attach any significance to it, except as a piece of Conservative propaganda. Many private members’ bills are proposed every year; it is practically unheard of for any of them to pass into the law (unless there is a broad, non partisan agreement in the Parliament).

I think it is just Conservatives trying to raise money from Harper acolytes by scaring them about those spawns of the Devil, the Liberals.