Canadians prefer Trump over trudeau


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Canadian fake news trying to make themselves feel better and divert attention from the swarm at their southern border.

Exclusive: Canadian border authorities detaining record number of Mexicans

Exclusive: Canadian border authorities detaining record number of Mexicans | Reuters


Trump > Trudeau
What swarm?? You mean more than the many thousands we have already accepted legally? It is very rare Canadians have fake news unless they get it from US Huffington post or Fox news or it is misinterpreted by those of border line intelligence.

How desperate those people coming over our border must be....whole families with babes in arms during our bitter cold winter weather just to get out of the country!!

Do you really feel those with visas granted legally should be deported because some meglomaniac is fearful of young families that have already been through hell and beyond to get to what they believed was a safe place!! Most of those coming over our border had already been vetted and accepted by the US. Occasionally one turns up without papers, and are arrested until they are investigated.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Canadian fake news trying to make themselves feel better and divert attention from the swarm at their southern border.

Exclusive: Canadian border authorities detaining record number of Mexicans

Exclusive: Canadian border authorities detaining record number of Mexicans | Reuters


Trump > Trudeau
So....where I live many Mexicans are imported during harvest every year to pick/harvest the crops. They are paid well, covered by our medicare and are flown back and forth. I have seen them go on shopping sprees before leaving for home. Works well for both countries. There are some we see year after year.

When was the last time a legal or an illegal Syrian, Mexican tried to assassinate your President or plant a bomb. The fear and rhetoric your politicians use to instill in the population, breed more home grown terrorists than ever tried to sneak into the country.

By the way, my home is 20 miles from the Hemmingford border and the local Montreal station presents an entirely different picture from your US, article. Geez your news sources even manages to muck up Canadian news stories,
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
when Yankies are renown for their arrogance and being obnoxious dickheads traveling abroad. So I guess that comes as no surprise that they are so arrogant and obnoxious dickheads on a Canadian forum.

You might preface that with "a few".


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Gawd, I'm a Canadian and politnoose isn't even in my dicktionary
legal and illegal are though
...and letting in the illegals just wrecks it for the folks who respect us enough to play by the laws


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Yankies are renown for their arrogance and being obnoxious dickheads when traveling abroad. So I guess that comes as no surprise that they are so arrogant and obnoxious dickheads on a Canadian forum.

Good thing you're never, ever arrogant or obnoxious.

I've met both kinds, the most polite were those so called "rednecks" that play Bluegrass music at festivals and the worst were the rich dudes that come hunting moose up north and even those were a rare breed....and very generous to their guides....

Canadian a ssholes are just as prevalent......yup, even in this forum!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Oh you import Mexicans! Canadians are so good.

..and they go right back to mexico when they are done
after spending big at the local pawnshops to get cool stuff cheap to bring home to mexically

Oh you import Mexicans! Canadians are so good.

..and they go right back to mexico when they are done
after spending big at the local pawnshops to get cool stuff cheap to bring home to mexically

used to be Stompin Tom picked tobacco
not no more


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Yankies are renown for their arrogance and being obnoxious dickheads when traveling abroad. So I guess that comes as no surprise that they are so arrogant and obnoxious dickheads on a Canadian forum.
Yes paint those bastard Yankees with the same brush. That's intelligent. We should all be on the Kardashian show.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
envious or jealous?
Poor Smack, sitting in his basement dispensing government sanctioned lies and propaganda doesn't give him much of a chance to make any friends. I mean, it takes years of training at the factory to bring out his natural bastardness. One hint of compassion or empathy and he gets shipped back to the factory for another ten years.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yes-Cdns prefer Trump over Trudeau because Trump would not permit every dork in the world from hiking into Manitoba and demanding we support them-WITHOUT the bother of any sort of security check! As of the beginning of 2017, Cdn Immigration Service ALREADY had a file of over 44,000 people who have come into Canada and been through the LIE-beral immigration farce and then disappeared when even LIE-beral hug a thug judges could not find suitable excuses to let those dogs stay here and ordered them deported!

LIE-berals wont trust farmers with unregistered long guns but they DO trust failed immigrants to show up at the airport for their deportation flights home! So-44,000 people on the loose in Canada- that`s 44,000 people so wrong headed that not even LIE-berals want them here!

And LIE-berals also want our cities to be "Sanctuary Cities" where ANYBODY can access affordable housing, welfare, un-employment insurance and other perks of our dead broke/grossly taxed welfare state! And our teachers have decided to play along with LIE-berals- our teachers have long ago implemented the LIE-beral "don't ask/don't tell" policy so any person who wants to register for our schools can do so without any awkward questions about legal status and residency!

Our high school Teachers also happen to have been promised fifty five billion dollars in pension top up payments in exchange for playing nice with LIE-berals- and what high school teachers teachers get-so will the OTHER EIGHTEEN ONTARI-OWE civil service unions expect to get!

This is the face of bankruptcy-crazy politicians ruining us for the sake of trying to buy votes and keep themselves in power just a little longer!

As we are now into spring... Canadians still prefer Trump over Trudeau.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
so trumps is anti dork. huh, that's like disliking your own kind. I bet he hates cheetos too.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Any preference one might express Trump versus Trudeau is based on shallow appreciation of the international banking cartel which owns and operates both units. Similarly a turd is covered in chocolate or marshmallow it's still a turd. Neither national leader leads a free people as long as both nations are in debt. A nation cannot be in debt and be free. The argument contained in this thread has already been decided by the hidden third participant in that participants favour. Decade after decade it just sits back and enjoys the labour and the comedy of the doped and the duped.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yes-Cdns prefer Trump over Trudeau because Trump would not permit every dork in the world from hiking into Manitoba and demanding we support them-WITHOUT the bother of any sort of security check! As of the beginning of 2017, Cdn Immigration Service ALREADY had a file of over 44,000 people who have come into Canada and been through the LIE-beral immigration farce and then disappeared when even LIE-beral hug a thug judges could not find suitable excuses to let those dogs stay here and ordered them deported!

LIE-berals wont trust farmers with unregistered long guns but they DO trust failed immigrants to show up at the airport for their deportation flights home! So-44,000 people on the loose in Canada- that`s 44,000 people so wrong headed that not even LIE-berals want them here!

And LIE-berals also want our cities to be "Sanctuary Cities" where ANYBODY can access affordable housing, welfare, un-employment insurance and other perks of our dead broke/grossly taxed welfare state! And our teachers have decided to play along with LIE-berals- our teachers have long ago implemented the LIE-beral "don't ask/don't tell" policy so any person who wants to register for our schools can do so without any awkward questions about legal status and residency!

Our high school Teachers also happen to have been promised fifty five billion dollars in pension top up payments in exchange for playing nice with LIE-berals- and what high school teachers teachers get-so will the OTHER EIGHTEEN ONTARI-OWE civil service unions expect to get!

This is the face of bankruptcy-crazy politicians ruining us for the sake of trying to buy votes and keep themselves in power just a little longer!
