What swarm?? You mean more than the many thousands we have already accepted legally? It is very rare Canadians have fake news unless they get it from US Huffington post or Fox news or it is misinterpreted by those of border line intelligence.Canadian fake news trying to make themselves feel better and divert attention from the swarm at their southern border.
Exclusive: Canadian border authorities detaining record number of Mexicans
Exclusive: Canadian border authorities detaining record number of Mexicans | Reuters
Trump > Trudeau
How desperate those people coming over our border must be....whole families with babes in arms during our bitter cold winter weather just to get out of the country!!
Do you really feel those with visas granted legally should be deported because some meglomaniac is fearful of young families that have already been through hell and beyond to get to what they believed was a safe place!! Most of those coming over our border had already been vetted and accepted by the US. Occasionally one turns up without papers, and are arrested until they are investigated.