Here is an article I spotted on line, written by a VERY FRUSTRATED young guy and it illustrates nicely just why the political and economic status quo is NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE!. He mentions that he HAS been to college and yet is STILL stuck in McJobs-short term, limited skill crap because that is all that is available to so many young people. But what ought to give employers generally and LIE-berals specifically is his RAGE against the temporary employment agencies that have sprung up to get around our labour laws! Here is the kids thought for the day-with a few added comments of my own in brackets)::
Parasitic temp agencies spread like the plague (everywhere)
This is a rant about the proliferation and utter domination of the manufacturing/industrial sectors and possibly other sectors such as administration/office by these parasitic temp/staffing/placement agencies or whatever you choose to call them. I have been wanting to get this off my chest for some years know as I have fallen into the trap for close to a decade with these money vampires. I had a bit of a break when I went to college, but fell back into using them when getting a job the conventional way seemed to go the way of the dodo. This is long-winded but I hope someone sympathetic can bear through it and find wisdom and ideally, create enough awareness of this vastly under represented dilemma.
(I say YES-these `temp` agencies ARE the new norm for so many businesses as its much easier to dispose of workers who are `temp` anyway! Our LIE-beral govt is building an entire sub economy made up of people who are scraping along and who will never own a car or a house and may never have kids because they simply cannot afford it. LIE-berals like it when we dead broke peons sit up and beg for govt scraps-it makes it so much easier for LIE-berals to BUY US!)
(And they have school teachers set up to provide costly day care for those of us who do have kids. Yes-LIE-berals are delighted to hire a whole new pack of civil service Hogs to staff the extended school day/new daycare situation! LIE-berals also get to hire another pack of Hogs to `maintain` our crumbling stock of not so affordable housing! Its all about rewarding LIE-beral pals and screwing ordinary people who to often DON’T LIKE LIE-berals!)
This is the Pierre Trudeau dream of taking Canada towards a :just society” as Our Pet called it. By which he meant- a Canada where Anglo Saxons know their place and keep their mouths shut! With LIE-berals perpetually in power thanks to bought and paid for LIE-beral supporters whose lives would be blighted if they lost that LIE-beral gravy! And we KNOW that LIE-berals are utterly dependent of Hogs to keep them in power! Pierre Trudeau wrote of his dream of destroying Cdn `Imperialism` and his idiot son Justin is following in his father`s footsteps!)
These agencies do absolutely nothing useful beyond telling you where there is a job, something we used to be able to do ourselves before they took over. Well, I suppose there is one thing they do for you, they take your hard-earned money and collude with companies to ensure your servitude. I have tried and tried and tried to apply the old-fashioned way, sending out resumes, talking to people, even going door to door with little success. I have had some leads, but have yet to pan out- promises, promises. A lot of these companies just tell you they only hire through agencies as well...for f***s sake, is this the new norm?
Also, have never worked for one that paid more than a few cents or a dollar past minimum wage. They do this- the companies that work with agencies- so that they can reap much more profit by doing away with a portion of their HR department as the agency will handle that and they never have to pay out medical benefits. I have even heard of companies getting rid of their long-term workers that have been there for decades just to replace them with temps to save money. Appalling and inexcusable, this should be f***ing illegal.
Sure some of these agencies do hire eventually but often it's a ridiculous wait, several years for some. If you can't tell someone is a good worker after a few months then you are just stringing them along for your own amusement OR PERSONAL PROFIT!) Some are even temps for life and it is often a case of exploitation as far as newcomers to Canada.
I heard of a foreign woman who was working as a temp for about 4 or 5 years since she had moved to Canada and then had the audacity to ask for a permanent position with the company. They got rid of her. That's gratitude for you. This company, along with many others, has a section of permanent workers, that only get hired after they do their time with the agency of course, and they have a section of perpetual temps that will never get hired, ever. Now I am sure by this point some of you may have already assumed that I and/or others am a shit worker or have a bad attitude or am not qualified or whatever. While this may apply to some or even a lot of people, it is not always true. I give 100% or even more to my position. I may not like the circumstances that got me there, but by God I am there to get a job done, that is what I am paid to do.
If it's slow or there is nothing to do, then I find something to do, simple. Don't get me wrong, I have seen my share of lazy dipshits and dumbasses, but I often wonder if it's stupidity or perhaps it is just a lack of experience. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they all mean well, though sometimes they are just useless. This environment is soul-crushing and demeaning sometimes too and it's no small wonder some people get fed up and give you shit work, since we are all expendable meat bags, right?
I have been trapped in this cycle for close to a decade. Why so long? Because a lot of companies that use agencies want to save money first off, which usually suggests that they are either A: just greedy B: unstable and do it out of some necessity C: other (you decide). I don't have any certificates or specialized skill set, but if you show me (properly) how to do something, anything, I can do it, given a chance and some time. Unless your job requires a very specialized knowledge or skill set, anyone should be capable of anything if you give them a chance (if they show a little aptitude/skill beforehand and a desire to learn). While I don't have a specific skill set I have a strong motivation to learn all I can about my job and those around me, a versatile worker is invaluable as they can fill in a spot if someone gets sick/goes on vacation etc. There are workers far more skilled than I that I am certain get a raw deal when their companies go under or laid off indefinitely or whatever reason you can find and they wind up at the bottom of the ladder, years of experience means little to most of these places.
I really don't know what else I can say, I could go on, but I have said enough I think. I am more than sure that there are a significant number of you out there that are still in this predicament and more still that have been through this situation to some degree. If I had a choice, I would not work for a company (permanently) that uses temp agencies, as I liken it to handing money to a drug addict, its enabling and keeps the cycle going. Something needs to be done about this, if I had it my way, I'd abolish these ****ers completely (they're on every corner, some big ones lots of small ones there's thousands of them). Or maybe integrate all of them into the government somehow, create a massive overhaul and, nah too much work. Sometimes I think I'd rather be homeless and on the street than give these ****ers another of my hard earned dollars. However it seems as time moves on, my choices and options get fewer and fewer as it's all temp work now and I have bills to pay and a belly to fill. I shudder at the thought of those in my position that have children and mortgages and cars and such. I cannot conceive how some survive these days, even in a first world nation.
Thanks for hanging in there, I had to get that off my chest. If you can identify in some way we need to make more noise about this.
(It should be interesting to see how our new Cdns/Syrian refugees respond to this `temp` crap. Will they start screaming RACIST over this treatment? Or will they simply get radical and blow things up for some kicks and vengeance? And it will give our LIE-beral overlords an excuse to set up another costly committee and throw MORE MONEY at problems LIE-berals are creating!)
Be smart buy shares in banks and use your vote. Canadian banks pay nice dividends.