Canadians prefer Trump over trudeau


House Member
May 18, 2010
If America does well, Canada will do well.

You can thank Trump for Canada doing economically well in spit of the idiot who runs our country


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
If America does well, Canada will do well.

You can thank Trump for Canada doing economically well in spit of the idiot who runs our country

Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is VERY IMPORTANT to have a wealthy elite class of stock brokers and privileged investors who can successfully navigate the

shifting currents of the stock market that operates with all the grace and charm of a "three card monte" card sharp at a run down

traveling carnival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The pay out to the average citizen isnt even coming close to the TRUE RATE OF INFLATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
If America does well, Canada will do well.
You can thank Trump for Canada doing economically well in spit of the idiot who runs our country
You obviously do not manufacture using metal. The good part of this is that it has forced us to switch to Canadian sources for some materials. The Yanks can go fukc themselves, now.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
From the original post:
"Trudeau easily tops Trump among Canadian voters when it come to perceptions of intelligence, compassion, honesty and several other measures. But on economic policy, 53 per cent of Canadians approve of what Trump is doing versus 43 per cent of Canadians who approve of what Trudeau is doing."

What would this say about the way 53% of Canadians value honesty etc, versus economic advantage?

Good point! Relevance?


House Member
May 18, 2010
You obviously do not manufacture using metal. The good part of this is that it has forced us to switch to Canadian sources for some materials. The Yanks can go fukc themselves, now.

Canada needs the Yanks, now and in the future, otherwise we will become a shithole country, especially if we keep electing idiots for a PM

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Canada needs the Yanks, now and in the future, otherwise we will become a shithole country, especially if we keep electing idiots for a PM
No, we will become an independent country that controls the biggest part of the most valuable resource on the planet ... fresh water. We have a bright future. The US has decay, devolution and self-destruction ahead of them unless there is a substantial change in their culture over the next very short while. Exceptionalism, entitlement and global arrogance worked in their favour for a time but not for much longer, especially when their leadership wants to sever their ties with their allies and friends. You are witnessing the gradual decay of the great republic. They peaked somewhere around 1970.


House Member
May 18, 2010
No, we will become an independent country that controls the biggest part of the most valuable resource on the planet ... fresh water. We have a bright future. The US has decay, devolution and self-destruction ahead of them unless there is a substantial change in their culture over the next very short while. Exceptionalism, entitlement and global arrogance worked in their favour for a time but not for much longer, especially when their leadership wants to sever their ties with their allies and friends. You are witnessing the gradual decay of the great republic. They peaked somewhere around 1970.

You’re a dreamer, and a stupid one at that.

Yeah, we will become independent the way our Indians are independent.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
You’re a dreamer, and a stupid one at that.
Yeah, we will become independent the way our Indians are independent.
You're a surrender monkey. I'm sure glad that I don't have to stand shoulder to shoulder with a craven coward like you.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
If America does well, Canada will do well.

You can thank Trump for Canada doing economically well in spit of the idiot who runs our country

On the other hand, if Trump loses the election not only is the U.S. in trouble but we are as well, especially if Trudeau continues to be PM (I was going to say "as leader" but he is far from being a "leader" of anything). After all, he had Democrats help him with his election both in 2015 and 2019 which is why the Liberals voted against banning "foreign funding" in our elections. At least we know where he's coming from - a selfish, arrogant, childish individual who hasn't got an integral bone in his body. He is truly a disgusting individual and I can't even stomach listening to him speak.

And, if Trump does win in 2020, there's 2024 that is also worrying as the U.S. needs someone like Trump to continue to smash the Democrats & their "socialism" B.S. Our children have been brainwashed into thinking that Socialism is the answer to all ills when, in fact, it's been proven otherwise. Terrible thing to do to our kids!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
If America does well, Canada will do well.

You can thank Trump for Canada doing economically well in spit of the idiot who runs our country


but it WOULD BE NICE if we could DO WELL in spite of what some people................................

like Bernie Sanders..................................................

and Liz Warren - AKA Pocahontas.............................................

and Hitlary.................................

might do in their country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is why we MUST COMPLETE the natural gas and oil export pipelines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention that a whole lot of natives WANT the work that will come with the lines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The lives of many natives will be SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVED by greater access to honest work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a FURTHER PLUS - there are a LOT OF PEOPLE who would prefer to buy Cdn fossil fuel........................

because we will use the revenue to pay for HEALTH CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While Russians and Iranians will use their fossil fuel revenue to BUY WEAPONS.............................

AND THREATEN their neighbours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And is it NOT SIGNIFICANT - that radical natives are SO HOSTILE to that NATURAL GAS pipeline??????????????????

A leaking natural gas pipeline DOES NOT POLLUTE GROUND WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THAN EITHER COAL OR OIL..........................................

but that was then and this is LIE-beral NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now LIE-berals and their radical allies OPPOSE natural gas as much as oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We should be asking if it is the environment that LIE-berals really want to save?????????????????????

Or is it that LIE-berals FEAR the growing political and economic power of the West...............................

which typically DESPISES ALL that LIE-berals stand for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are LIE-berals trying to save the environment.........................

or save their own seats on the govt gravy train??????????????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
On the other hand, if Trump loses the election not only is the U.S. in trouble but we are as well, especially if Trudeau continues to be PM (I was going to say "as leader" but he is far from being a "leader" of anything). After all, he had Democrats help him with his election both in 2015 and 2019 which is why the Liberals voted against banning "foreign funding" in our elections. At least we know where he's coming from - a selfish, arrogant, childish individual who hasn't got an integral bone in his body. He is truly a disgusting individual and I can't even stomach listening to him speak.

And, if Trump does win in 2020, there's 2024 that is also worrying as the U.S. needs someone like Trump to continue to smash the Democrats & their "socialism" B.S. Our children have been brainwashed into thinking that Socialism is the answer to all ills when, in fact, it's been proven otherwise. Terrible thing to do to our kids!


Sadly, Dixie, that is precisely the way I see him. I wished more Canadians had the balls to act appropriately after the observation of his shameful treatment of two of his best cabinet ministers. Sometimes in life one has to take a stand on what is right and less of one on what is profitable. (Knowing full well profit can be hard to ignore) One can only stand so much of that "um ah um ah".


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Sadly, Dixie, that is precisely the way I see him. I wished more Canadians had the balls to act appropriately after the observation of his shameful treatment of two of his best cabinet ministers. Sometimes in life one has to take a stand on what is right and less of one on what is profitable. (Knowing full well profit can be hard to ignore) One can only stand so much of that "um ah um ah".

LET US BE VERY CLEAR HERE..................................

LIE-berals and their media whores are doing everything they can to MUDDY THE POLITICAL WATERS...........................

and to shift blame onto somebody else........................or ANYBODY ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DECEIT and deception and miss-direction are the order of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider this article trying to blame Quebec premier Legault for rail blockades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how truly desperate LIE-berals are to escape from the nearly universal condemnation they are receiving about their handling of oil issues and native blockades - with both natives and whites being disgusted for assorted reasons!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

By seeking injunction to end rail blockades, Quebec premier accepts it's not just Ottawa's problem

Legault will have to think carefully about how police can avoid escalating the conflict

(This is of course total LIE-beral CRAP as the issue has been thrust upon NEWLY ELECTED Legault by several DECADES of inept LIE-beral MISS-HANDLING of native issues!!!!!!!!!!!!)

By Jonathan Montpetit · CBC News · Posted: Feb 26, 2020 3:16 PM ET | Last Updated: February 26

Mohawks continued reinforcing a barricade at the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks in Kahnawake Wednesday, the day after CP obtained a court injunction to end all blockades of its lines in Quebec. (Ivanoh Demers/Radio-Canada)

Since First Nations activists began blockading rail lines across the country nearly three weeks ago, Quebec Premier François Legault hasn't had to make many difficult decisions on the topic.

(And WHY should he?? Under IDIOT agreements made decades ago by LIE-berals - the Mohawk Reserve is now essentially a FOREIGN COUNTRY - with Quebec Provincial Police having NO AUTHORITY there!! Quebec cops are permitted to travel through the reserve - as a short cut to CANADIAN locations on the other side of the reserve - any more visible presence risks starting a riot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The disgraceful fact is that Quebec cops are EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN to treat Mohawks as they would other Cdn citizens- meaning Quebec cops who spot a native criminal MUST appeal to Mohawk Peacekeepers who will then decide whether they will aid in imposing white mans law - with NO GUARANTEE that Mohawks will cooperate with cops on any issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Like many of his counterparts in other provinces, Legault has been content to lay the responsibility for resolving the conflict on the federal government.

(For 50 years - federal LIE-berals have encouraged natives to think of their blighted obsolete reserves as “Sovereign Nations” where white law does not apply!! Thus any effort to re-impose the rule of law on Mohawks MUST INVOLVE THE MILITARY!! The stock of high powered weapons that Mohawks held during the OKA Crisis were NEVER CONFISCATED - they were quietly stored away for future use!!!!!!!)

After all, the two ongoing blockades in Quebec — by Mohawks in Kahnawake, south of Montreal, and by Mi'gmaq in Listuguj on the Gaspe Peninsula — went up in response to events occurring on the other side of the country.

(Yes- how is Legault supposed to resolve a situation involving another province or a federal govt over which he has NO JURISDICTION????????????????)

At first, Legault said it's up to Ottawa to sort out the conflict between proponents of a natural gas pipeline project in British Columbia and the Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs who don't want it running through their traditional territory.

Legault has expressed his impatience with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's handling of the situation in no uncertain terms. Last week, he called on the Trudeau government to find a solution "in the coming days," complaining that the situation was "getting out of control."

(The situation IS OUT OF CONTROL - what we now know is that a majority of natives DO WANT the work and income the pipelines will bring - but that a small radical LUNATIC FRINGE is opposed and traditional native political structures HAVE NO WAY to resolve this issue!! LIE-berals - who hate the fossil fuel industry are allowing the radical minority - many not even native - and often funded by foreign political influencers - to HIJACK the Cdn economy while ALL Cdn provincial premiers stand watching in impotent frustration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Quebec Premier François Legault stepped into the fray Tuesday when his government intervened in support of Canadian Pacific Railway, which was granted an injunction to end all blockades of its lines in Quebec.

Legault also tried to persuade his fellow premiers to back a co-ordinated, nationwide police operation to break up the protests, but couldn't find enough support for his idea.

(And No Wonder - ome has only to look at Ipperwash - which was the responsibility of LIE-beral Chretien - who abdicated his responsibility SO BADLY that Ontari-owe premier Mike Harris took action - that ended the crisis and resulted in him being attacked by a horde of LIE-beral friendly media whores -and also saw several OPP constables hauled into court on alleged assault charges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals and their media whore allies have displayed a REMARKABLE vindictive streak whenever their values and policies are exposed as FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"Quebec cannot act alone," Legault said last Wednesday, adding bullishly, "I'm ready to take my responsibilities."

On Tuesday, Legault jumped from the sidelines onto the pitch.

His government filed documents in support of the injunction sought by Canadian Pacific Railway against the blockade in Kahnawake. It also requested an injunction to clear the Listuguj encampment.

Legault got his wish. The injunctions were granted. Now, though, he must confront the question of how they will be enforced.

Mohawks in Kahnawake defiant as injunctions seek end to rail blockades across Quebec

Injunctions already have been granted and carried out by police in Quebec on demonstrations outside First Nations territories. The Sherbrooke, Que., police force arrested around 20 people protesting on the CP line Tuesday in the city's Lennoxville neighbourhood, in the Eastern Townships, without incident.

(Yes - Mohawks play the Silly game quite well - their open defiance against the Cdn military at Oka earned them many enemies!! So now Mohawks play the stupid game of insisting “we will resist” - daring cops to come forward not knowing if they face unarmed passive resisters or heavily armed radicals - OR A NASTY COMBINATION OF THE TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Natives would dearly love an excuse to tar Quebec cops as racist and trigger happy and to smear the Legault govt as well - in the propaganda war being waged - cops refuse to provide the inflammatory actions natives seek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But enforcing the injunctions in Listuguj — and particularly in Kahnawake — will be more complicated.

Kahnawake has had its own police service, the Peacekeepers, since 1979; it was created after a 28-year-old Mohawk named David Cross was shot and killed by a provincial police officer in front of his own home while defending his brother, who'd been chased there after being caught speeding.

(Yes - the cop had spotted the speeder and a HIGH SPEED CHASE ENSUED as the native attempted to get back to Mohawk “Sovereign Land” where he would be safe from white laws!! The idea of native Sovereignty is LUDICROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Kahnawake Mohawk law grants the Peacekeepers "exclusive jurisdiction" over policing matters within the territory.

(The HUGE QUESTION - that only LIE-berals can answer since they have orchestrated this mess is this: “Are natives citizens of Canada and subject to Cdn law or NOT???????????????)

A Mohawk Peacekeeper patrols Kahnawake after the shooting of David Cross by provincial police in October 1979. After Cross's death, tensions in the community were running so high that Quebec provincial police officials ordered their officers to stay off the reserve.

Under current policing protocols, the SQ informs the Peacekeepers if they are doing more than simply passing through the Mohawk territory.

When outside police forces have attempted large-scale operations in Kahnawake in the past without local co-operation, tensions escalated rapidly — and dangerously.

In 1988, nearly 200 Mounties raided cigarette stores in Kahnawake — an operation that was seen as an affront to Mohawk sovereignty. Mohawk activists barricaded the Mercier Bridge for 29 hours in response.

(Natives have a right to possess tobacco for their own personal and religious use - since WHEN did cheating govt out of sales and income taxes on cigarettes become a native religious use of tobacco?????????????????????????????)

Two years later, an SQ raid in Kanesatake — in which a police officer was shot dead — triggered the 78-day standoff known as the Oka Crisis.

(Again - we are back to Rule of Law issues - the land at the heart of the Oka Crisis HAD BEEN SOLD many decades before and as long as it was farm land - natives could still hunt on it but when the land was sold for a golf course - it meant an end to native hunting and the Crisis blew up over native land DICTATORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And the Caledonia Ontari-owe Crisis has the same history - land sold in 1850 and left as farm land that natives could hunt on - since farmers don’t mind seeing the deer population depleted so they wont eat farmers crops - but then the land was sold again - FOR HOUSING - meaning no more native hunting - and thus the NEW CRISIS - for the same old question about the rule of law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

During that crisis, Kahnawake warriors blockaded the Mercier Bridge again in support of their fellow Mohawks; they didn't take down their barricades until the Canadian army was called in. Military leaders negotiated the withdrawal of warriors from the bridge seven weeks after the barricades went up.
'Old enough to remember Oka': Legault

(The history with Mohawks CLEARLY REQUIRES BOTH a federal LIE-beral politician presence ON SITE - AND the presence of Cdn military as well - to ensure good behaviour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Mohawks have proven they have the weapons and numbers to BEAT Quebec cops - thus the ARMY is NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Sadly, Dixie, that is precisely the way I see him. I wished more Canadians had the balls to act appropriately after the observation of his shameful treatment of two of his best cabinet ministers. Sometimes in life one has to take a stand on what is right and less of one on what is profitable. (Knowing full well profit can be hard to ignore) One can only stand so much of that "um ah um ah".
Um’s and aw’s are how he thinks how to sat nothing while speaking words . If he was talking with conviction the words would flow .


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Um’s and aw’s are how he thinks how to sat nothing while speaking words . If he was talking with conviction the words would flow .
And then you have Trump who speaks without thinking:lol:

Here comes the red from Walter!