Canadians prefer Trump over trudeau


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Trudeau did not have any of those Syrians that entered checked for criminal backgrounds,

He didn't need to. Most were put on lists by church groups operating in the area. Christian churches were miles ahead of the government in Syria. Most Christians don't belong to ISIS

Trump tax-and-spend liberal....LOL What's Trudeau a reformer

He's a tax and spend liberal as well....only not as left as Trump. If you've been paying attention, you'd see Trump's views on trade mirror those of Ed Broadbent and the rest of the Dippers. Trumpites hate it when I keep bringing it up.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
He didn't need to. Most were put on lists by church groups operating in the area. Christian churches were miles ahead of the government in Syria. Most Christians don't belong to ISIS

He's a tax and spend liberal as well....only not as left as Trump. If you've been paying attention, you'd see Trump's views on trade mirror those of Ed Broadbent and the rest of the Dippers. Trumpites hate it when I keep bringing it up.

I was talking to someone last night who was a little girl refugee boat person.

She's a scientist, now. She took a job away from .... away from .... nobody.

well just wait and be careful. She might be a sleeper viet cong. lol. a scientist you say? huh, imagine that.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
well just wait and be careful. She might be a sleeper viet cong. lol. a scientist you say? huh, imagine that.

She's a Scout leader, now. Damned few young White males give their time like that, anymore. The whole generation of them seem to be way too full of themselves to lower themselves to helping out in their communities.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
A black man who looks down on members of his own race is called an Uncle Tom....
An aboriginal who does it...An Apple
A white man who does it I would call a Dumb white A ss


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
We had success with the Vietnamese in 1979. That was like 50,000 refugees...

Remembering the Journey to Canada of Vietnamese Refugees
Over time , vetted in the refugee camps , before being settled in Canada . And despite the overall success their settlement wasn't without problems .And shortly after Vietnam Edi took over and started his killing spree , and in comes the Ethiopian's , and on and on . And despite the overall success there are many problems .

She's a Scout leader, now. Damned few young White males give their time like that, anymore. The whole generation of them seem to be way too full of themselves to lower themselves to helping out in their communities.
Lets see , to be a scout leader now adays , one needs a criminal records check has no means of discipline or compassion because if he comes anywhere near touching one of his troop he is branded a monster and run out if town on a rail .Only woman are safe with our children don't you know .


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Over time , vetted in the refugee camps , before being settled in Canada . And despite the overall success their settlement wasn't without problems .And shortly after Vietnam Edi took over and started his killing spree , and in comes the Ethiopian's , and on and on . And despite the overall success there are many problems .

Yep. Same old same old for over a hundred years. Its what has nade Canada what it is today. I like Canada. I am here by choice.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
We had success with the Vietnamese in 1979. That was like 50,000 refugees...

Remembering the Journey to Canada of Vietnamese Refugees

funny when we had some of those vietnamese
I had one working for me as a bar man at a local hotel
when she worked for me I did 3/4ths the work and split my tips with her 50/50

a year later when I returned to that hotel and i worked for her
I did 9/10ths the work for a bout 5 % of the tips

so NO! I don't think it was a good idea - they are not here in the spirit of Canada at all
neither are all these weaponized illegals UNtrudeau is letting in to do what they have done in Europe:
which is to destroy all the types the liebarrels keep pretending to help

Sweden’s ugly immigration problem

How Sweden became an example of how not to handle immigration
We’ve taken in far too many people and we’re letting them down badly – especially the children

For a British boy to be killed by a grenade attack anywhere is appalling, but for it to happen in a suburb of Gothenburg should shatter a few illusions about Sweden. Last week’s murder of eight-year-old Yuusuf Warsame fits a pattern that Swedes have come slowly to recognise over the years. He was from Birmingham, visiting relatives, and was caught up in what Swedish police believe is a gang war within the Somali community. Last year, a four-year-old girl was killed by a car bomb outside Gothenburg, another apparent victim of gang violence.

Sweden at BREAKING POINT: Migrant crisis is 'pushing the Scandinavian country to the edge’
SWEDEN’S “totally unprecedented” migrant crisis has left it at breaking point, experts have warned.
Sweden at BREAKING POINT: Migrant crisis is 'pushing them to the edge

Exactly what george soros the nazi, and his fellows want, so they can rape the countries that the refugees are bound for.
BTW Soros the nazi lost BILLIONs on trump
hence all the UNTRUE FAKE NEWS we see written here day to day

Anyone recall how the little old ladies got used to ban alcohol so the oil people could take the rule from the peeps who wanted everyone to have it all cheap?
Same play again here - SOROS funded what: 60- 70 % of that antiTrump woman's march?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Americans chant ‘Build the wall’ while on vacation in Cancun, Mexico

Anaximandro and Sully Amable were all set to enjoy a night watching a pirate show on a boat in the waters off of Cancun two weeks ago.
That’s when some U.S. tourists aboard the ship started chanting “build the wall,” in a reference to U.S. President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, Anaximandro wrote on Facebook in Spanish on March 6.
The chanting didn’t stop even after it clearly made Mexican workers and tourists aboard the ship uncomfortable, said a Friday editorial by The Yucatan Times, an English-language newspaper that covers the Yucatan Peninsula, where Cancun is located.
Anaximandro, a Peruvian whose wife is Mexican, wrote that he has tried to stay out of the conversation around Trump’s wall, and that he wants to believe that stupidity only extends to a “small group of people.”
But he said that this type of behaviour should not be tolerated and the Yucatan Times agreed with him.

Americans chant ‘Build the wall’ while on vacation in Cancun, Mexico - National |


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yankies are renown for their arrogance and being obnoxious dickheads when traveling abroad. So I guess that comes as no surprise that they are so arrogant and obnoxious dickheads on a Canadian forum.
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