If we allow illegals immigrants
We don't "allow" illegal immigrants.
If we allow illegals immigrants
Trudeau did not have any of those Syrians that entered checked for criminal backgrounds,
Trump tax-and-spend liberal....LOL What's Trudeau a reformer
He didn't need to. Most were put on lists by church groups operating in the area. Christian churches were miles ahead of the government in Syria. Most Christians don't belong to ISIS
We had success with the Vietnamese in 1979. That was like 50,000 refugees...
Remembering the Journey to Canada of Vietnamese Refugees
He didn't need to. Most were put on lists by church groups operating in the area. Christian churches were miles ahead of the government in Syria. Most Christians don't belong to ISIS
He's a tax and spend liberal as well....only not as left as Trump. If you've been paying attention, you'd see Trump's views on trade mirror those of Ed Broadbent and the rest of the Dippers. Trumpites hate it when I keep bringing it up.
I was talking to someone last night who was a little girl refugee boat person.
She's a scientist, now. She took a job away from .... away from .... nobody.
well just wait and be careful. She might be a sleeper viet cong. lol. a scientist you say? huh, imagine that.
Over time , vetted in the refugee camps , before being settled in Canada . And despite the overall success their settlement wasn't without problems .And shortly after Vietnam Edi took over and started his killing spree , and in comes the Ethiopian's , and on and on . And despite the overall success there are many problems .We had success with the Vietnamese in 1979. That was like 50,000 refugees...
Remembering the Journey to Canada of Vietnamese Refugees
Lets see , to be a scout leader now adays , one needs a criminal records check has no means of discipline or compassion because if he comes anywhere near touching one of his troop he is branded a monster and run out if town on a rail .Only woman are safe with our children don't you know .She's a Scout leader, now. Damned few young White males give their time like that, anymore. The whole generation of them seem to be way too full of themselves to lower themselves to helping out in their communities.
Over time , vetted in the refugee camps , before being settled in Canada . And despite the overall success their settlement wasn't without problems .And shortly after Vietnam Edi took over and started his killing spree , and in comes the Ethiopian's , and on and on . And despite the overall success there are many problems .
We had success with the Vietnamese in 1979. That was like 50,000 refugees...
Remembering the Journey to Canada of Vietnamese Refugees