Sex selection abortions

Are you for Gender or sex selective abortion?

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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I don't care what anyone says here, the discussion us fantasyland for some. Spending money to debate nonsense is dumb no matter what side one is on. But don't ever kid yourself, all the social engineering crusades come from the right. Usually old white men who dream up ways to push their agenda.

LOL. Old white men... the right. Keep going. I love watching you flounder and deflect.

Sweep it under the rug. Nothing to see here.

Eagel, why would anyone say its for gender if such dumb legislation ever came to be? Explain the logic.

Oh they'll lie of course.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island

I was just asking and you answered. Don't be trying to flip it. You do not believe women should be able to get abortions if they base it on the sex of the child.

Thats ok by you.

And you are peddling YOUR morality on others. It's not the right... it is you, one of the pro-choice crowd.

Multiculturism is wonderful and should be respected. Abortion is legal. But when East Asians start aborting children in Canada because they know they're having a girl... now being multicultural and pro-choice isn't so great.

So I say... Hands off their bodies and keep your hands out of their wombs. That's the rally cry is it not? If they want a baby but not a girl they have every right today to do whatever they want with their bodies.

I know only 2 people that have had them... and it was inconvenient for them. Neither was poor, one was actually from a wealthy family. They just didn't want a kid.

when it comes to aborting because of gender, it has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose, but
it is a different choice, picking and choosing between genders has nothing to do with choice to have
'a' child or not,itis choosing 'to' have a child, then aborting it because of gender, so doesn't matter
how much you try to decide how I think, it is not the same as a woman's right to choose to have a child
or not, the decision was allready made to have the child, then 'ooops' its a girl, i'm changing my mind,
but we will keep trying till we make a boy.

these are two different subjects.

if a woman has an abortion because she doesn't want a child, I am for that, as I think of the child
first, and do not want to see babies forced into this world, when the very person who should
welcome it, doesn't want it. And I don't think that woman should carry the child to term, then
give it away, just don't have it in the first place.

early early abortions, the morning after pill if possible.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I think abortions for vanity purpose are great!

Sad how what we considered wrong at one time was indeed wrong for women to be denied but we have gone so far to the individuals so called right we no longer can tell what is a right or a wrong. Well for some.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Sad how what we considered wrong at one time was indeed wrong for women to be denied but we have gone so far to the individuals so called right we no longer can tell what is a right or a wrong. Well for some.
This is pure insanity and goes waaaaay too far.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Name me anyone who has had a late term abortion for a reason other than serious complications. You're dreaming if you think women have them for the sake of wanting to be child free.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Name me anyone who has had a late term abortion for a reason other than serious complications. You're dreaming if you think women have them for the sake of wanting to be child free.

You are the one in denial- not me. Why are you in denial- because it is disgusting to say the least - Do some checking-
Despite what some may believe about the availability of late-term abortion services in Canada, Statistics Canada has reported that less than 1% of abortions take place past 20 weeks gestation.[1] The fact remains that nearly 90% of abortions in Canada take place before 13 weeks gestation. The belief that a woman makes the choice to have an abortion easily and without giving it much thought is especially inaccurate in instances of late-term abortion. Many women who have an abortion after 20 weeks originally wanted to have a child, but chose to have an abortion after discovering that her foetus was severely or fatally impaired, or upon the discovery that her own health or life is endangered. Other women need to access abortion services past 20 weeks because of extremely long wait-times or, especially in the case of young teenagers, because they were either not aware that they were pregnant or were in denial about being pregnant until the symptoms were no longer unavoidable. Whatever the reason a woman seeks to have an abortion past 20 weeks gestation, Canadians must know: abortion services in Canada are not uniformly accessible and late-term abortions are much more rare and difficult to access than abortions that take place within the first trimester of pregnancy.

Margaret Wente, writing recently in the Globe and Mail, articulates both myths in a single paragraph. She states that “a broad social consensus shapes actual [abortion] practice … Virtually no late-term abortions – the rarest and most contentious kind – are performed here.” But to the extent one can obtain the facts, the evidence is otherwise.

The facts on late-term abortions are intentionally made difficult to obtain. Some time ago, I contacted a staff member at Statistics Canada to ask about the numbers of late-term abortions. She told me they were instructed for political reasons not to collect statistics on the gestational age at which abortion occurs.

The Canadian Institute for Health Information statistics indicate that of all the reports of abortions in Canada in 2010, only 22% included the gestational age of the fetus at the time of abortion. Even with such a small percentage reported, there were 537 abortions in Canada after 21 weeks gestation. Assuming we can project that ratio onto the 78% of abortions that did not record gestational ages, there may have been over 1,900 abortions after 21 weeks. The Canadian Medical Association has set viability outside the womb at 20 weeks gestation.

A late-term abortion law would bring Canada a little closer to its international counterparts in its protection of the youngest members of society. Such a law would reflect the views of a majority in our country, and it would save lives.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Name me anyone who has had a late term abortion for a reason other than serious complications. You're dreaming if you think women have them for the sake of wanting to be child free.

yeah, I agree, whatwould be the point, would she forget she is pregnant till about the 6th month, and
then suddenly rush to the clinic.

it would have to be something quite serious that happens in a pregnancy that is well on its way, when
there was no plan to abort in the first place, or the woman would have had it very early on, when it
is not so complicated, just makes sense.

some people don't have a clue about pregnancy, seem to think it is such a simple thing that hasn't
much effect on a woman, it is a very big deal in a woman's life, either carrying to term, or not.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
yeah, I agree, whatwould be the point, would she forget she is pregnant till about the 6th month, and
then suddenly rush to the clinic.

it would have to be something quite serious that happens in a pregnancy that is well on its way, when
there was no plan to abort in the first place, or the woman would have had it very early on, when it
is not so complicated, just makes sense.

some people don't have a clue about pregnancy, seem to think it is such a simple thing that hasn't
much effect on a woman, it is a very big deal in a woman's life, either carrying to term, or not.

And some have no clue about facts- Do some checking. Like Kreskin you do not wish to accept the reality that it is not always for the mothers health. Fact


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
some people don't have a clue about pregnancy, seem to think it is such a simple thing that hasn't
much effect on a woman, it is a very big deal in a woman's life, either carrying to term, or not.
What is the main purpose of females in the biological sense?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Well we do have a solution- all boys at age 9 or 10 get snipped- at 18 a reversal-

Reversal uoon being married for over 5 years. Actually it makes more sense for women to have their tubes tied just in case one little pri ck didn't get snipped properly.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Reversal uoon being married for over 5 years. Actually it makes more sense for women to have their tubes tied just in case one little pri ck didn't get snipped properly.

Those found not to have adhered to the law will face the chop.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
You are the one in denial- not me. Why are you in denial- because it is disgusting to say the least - Do some checking-

Canadians For Choice
Despite what some may believe about the availability of late-term abortion services in Canada, Statistics Canada has reported that less than 1% of abortions take place past 20 weeks gestation.[1] The fact remains that nearly 90% of abortions in Canada take place before 13 weeks gestation. The belief that a woman makes the choice to have an abortion easily and without giving it much thought is especially inaccurate in instances of late-term abortion. Many women who have an abortion after 20 weeks originally wanted to have a child, but chose to have an abortion after discovering that her foetus was severely or fatally impaired, or upon the discovery that her own health or life is endangered. Other women need to access abortion services past 20 weeks because of extremely long wait-times or, especially in the case of young teenagers, because they were either not aware that they were pregnant or were in denial about being pregnant until the symptoms were no longer unavoidable. Whatever the reason a woman seeks to have an abortion past 20 weeks gestation, Canadians must know: abortion services in Canada are not uniformly accessible and late-term abortions are much more rare and difficult to access than abortions that take place within the first trimester of pregnancy.

The Facts On Abortion | The Mark News

Margaret Wente, writing recently in the Globe and Mail, articulates both myths in a single paragraph. She states that “a broad social consensus shapes actual [abortion] practice … Virtually no late-term abortions – the rarest and most contentious kind – are performed here.” But to the extent one can obtain the facts, the evidence is otherwise.

The facts on late-term abortions are intentionally made difficult to obtain. Some time ago, I contacted a staff member at Statistics Canada to ask about the numbers of late-term abortions. She told me they were instructed for political reasons not to collect statistics on the gestational age at which abortion occurs.

Canada should ban late-term abortions | Full Comment | National Post

The Canadian Institute for Health Information statistics indicate that of all the reports of abortions in Canada in 2010, only 22% included the gestational age of the fetus at the time of abortion. Even with such a small percentage reported, there were 537 abortions in Canada after 21 weeks gestation. Assuming we can project that ratio onto the 78% of abortions that did not record gestational ages, there may have been over 1,900 abortions after 21 weeks. The Canadian Medical Association has set viability outside the womb at 20 weeks gestation.

A late-term abortion law would bring Canada a little closer to its international counterparts in its protection of the youngest members of society. Such a law would reflect the views of a majority in our country, and it would save lives.
1900 estimated yet not one reference for their reasons. Stop listening to "mike" and the male idiots at the National Post . They write for splash and dash. Not one has a clue what they write about.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
1900 estimated yet not one reference for their reasons. Stop listening to "mike" and the male idiots at the National Post . They write for splash and dash. Not one has a clue what they write about.
Why do you think they do not record that. Not hard to figure it out now is it.You asked for 1 and it was provided.Stay in denial. More comfortable than the reality of abortion on demand.

Hospitals cannot deny any women the right to an abortion for any reason. The political uproar would be tremendous. But you can stay in denial,.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
when it comes to aborting because of gender, it has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose, but
it is a different choice, picking and choosing between genders has nothing to do with choice to have
'a' child or not,itis choosing 'to' have a child, then aborting it because of gender, so doesn't matter
how much you try to decide how I think, it is not the same as a woman's right to choose to have a child
or not, the decision was allready made to have the child, then 'ooops' its a girl, i'm changing my mind,
but we will keep trying till we make a boy.

Oh and again you are pushing your morality, culture, and views of choice upon a woman who does not want to have a girl. Which is exactly what is going on.

A woman has a right to choose aborting a girl and the pro-choice movement won that right for that woman.

these are two different subjects.

if a woman has an abortion because she doesn't want a child, I am for that, as I think of the child
first, and do not want to see babies forced into this world, when the very person who should
welcome it, doesn't want it.

The parents may want a boy and not a girl though. Keep your hands out of their wombs. Its their choice.

And I don't think that woman should carry the child to term, then
give it away, just don't have it in the first place.

early early abortions, the morning after pill if possible.
