Sex selection abortions

Are you for Gender or sex selective abortion?

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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006

Lack of evidence but still illegal. Her body, her choice, but why is it illegal? Why couldn't her Dr kill her like a Dr can kill an unborn human?
They do anyway. Besides that, she was actually born and considered a person.

How old are you? Do you add nine months from your birthdate when people ask your age?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I wrote to my MP (a conservative that I've voted for many times) to express my concerns with the motion. The response was:

Thank you for your recent e-mail regarding M-408, Mr. Warawa’s private member’s motion.

This Government has no intention of re-opening the debate on the issue of Abortion.

I appreciate that this is a controversial issue with passionate arguments on both sides of the debate, however M-408 will not have my support.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Decided I'm against sex-selective abortion. I think genetic manipulation would be better if it came to the choice.
I'm generally against abortion because I can't see a rationale behind it in most occasions. A kid isn't wanted; there's always adoption agencies.
The only time I can see abortion being rational, is if the mother's life is at serious risk or if the baby's life would be untenable (the kid would be in chronic misery). I don't like living beings having to suffer; it's inhumane.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I wrote to my MP (a conservative that I've voted for many times) to express my concerns with the motion. The response was:

Thank you for your recent e-mail regarding M-408, Mr. Warawa’s private member’s motion.

This Government has no intention of re-opening the debate on the issue of Abortion.

I appreciate that this is a controversial issue with passionate arguments on both sides of the debate, however M-408 will not have my support.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

thans kreskin, its good to know that bit of info.


Electoral Member
Feb 10, 2009
gerryh Actually, if she doesn't want to get's real simple...... she should make the choice and keep her fu cking legs crossed! The choice is available to get pregnant or not well before an "abortion" is required. Instead, it's the hell with the consequences of our decisions, we can always kill the little bugger later.”
Gerry, you are right on.

taxslaves question: "IS it the woman's choice or is she being pressured (forced) by family/ cult?" In China couples can have a maximum of 2 (1?) children? To have sons is to ‘save face’? I believe, but cannot prove she would be pressured (forced) by family/ cult because he does not like the sex of the baby. But when a government dictates a maximum of kids per family; of course, in any culture where males are most important, revered, they would abort any females. And that is thoroughly disgusting to me...

These are just my opinions/feelings. I think gender selected abortions are deplorable. (?However, if a woman says they want/need an abortion, how would anyone be able to question or prove she wants an abortion because it’s not the ‘right’ sex?) In China it would seem ‘gender selected’ would be the correct answer. Was there not a law/rule in China that couples can have a maximum of 2 (1?) children? To have sons is to ‘save face’.
I also think abortions of convenience are disgusting. Meaning as a method of birth control, decided they “don’t want to do this”, multiples: want only one, etc. I do have sympathy for women who have to have an abortion. If their life is in danger or if there’s something definitely, seriously wrong with the baby. It seems they are couples who would never consider abortion otherwise. There are very many options other than abortion. There are so many couples who are infertile who would love to adopt.