Sex selection abortions

Are you for Gender or sex selective abortion?

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I am not against 'early' abortions, but definitely against gender selection abortion, not sure why

that would even be a subject in our country. I know they do that sort of thing in china and probably

some other areas, in that part of the world.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
I believe in freedom of choice but a right comes with responsibilities and that is the way
society works. I think a woman has a right to an abortion under certain conditions.
I don't agree with sex determined abortions that is done purely for cultural reasons and
it is repugnant.
Personally I don't like the concept of an abortion period other than life of the mother etc.
But my personal view is in conflict with the society we live in, it is unfortunate that we don't
create a society where abortions would not be necessary.

The problem we have is that we just go on banging our heads together over the issue itself
without caring a hoot about the reasons for the people getting an abortion.
Women don't just have abortions because its Tuesday, there are circumstances that come
together to create the option. As a society we have to be willing to compromise on how we
develop the conditions where mothers feel safe, secure and want to have a child. Without
that we condemn ourselves to more of the same.
Strategic abortions like sex selection is not acceptable in our society.

Right..Your Wrong..Right?....Not an easy decision to make...

I am against sex selective abortions.80% Against abortions period..

Options/Choices is all that keeps us free...
Based on the Circumstance/Situation/Educated Decisions..

Thinking before Action ..Always Helps...

D.G...Don't usually say this.....(cuz your A ..D.G.B...(
But ...Your Right...


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Can't afford to breed in Canada...Too Expensive..Cheaper to Import...

Independent/"Equal"(?) Women = Divorce...(Cash Cow for Gov's..)

( now that's just terrible...and off key/topic..So...I'll leave.....I here-by band myself from any further contribution to this thread )...


Need Ladies to make babies...
Last edited:


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Harper said, Ok, look, you're going to present this here bill, and it's going to cause all manner of consternation and debate and protest, and while they're doing that, we can slip in a bunch of crap in the next omnibus bill-----------OK??!!! Or would you rather sit as an independent with absolutely no chance of making it into the main circle jerk ??

Rave on - means nothing

I got the smoke. Anyone bring the mirrors?

PS : For a government with full employment as a goal they sure are laying off a bunch of people.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I am not against 'early' abortions, but definitely against gender selection abortion, not sure why

that would even be a subject in our country. I know they do that sort of thing in china and probably

some other areas, in that part of the world.

So you will decide a woman's right to chose?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
For or against??????

Which "right" trumps the other....
Woman's right to discrimination???

Technically Speaking, the Woman's right to choose trumps the argument of sexual discrimination as human rights and all that stuff like Sexual Discrimination do not apply to someone until they are born and take their first breath.

Though I am personally against abortion being used in such a way as to get a gender you prefer, it is not my place to force others to make decisions I approve of. I can only control / have input in situations that directly affect myself and my family..... in my personal position, if I was having a boy or girl, yet preferred the opposite sex to what was coming, I wouldn't opt for an abortion to try again.

Based on the options presented in the above poll, I can not vote as there is no option that suits my position.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Technically Speaking, the Woman's right to choose trumps the argument of sexual discrimination as human rights and all that stuff like Sexual Discrimination do not apply to someone until they are born and take their first breath.

Though I am personally against abortion being used in such a way as to get a gender you prefer, it is not my place to force others to make decisions I approve of. I can only control / have input in situations that directly affect myself and my family..... in my personal position, if I was having a boy or girl, yet preferred the opposite sex to what was coming, I wouldn't opt for an abortion to try again.

Based on the options presented in the above poll, I can not vote as there is no option that suits my position.

What if we showed you a picture of an aborted fetus?

I keed I keed.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Why someone has one is of business to anyone except the pregnant woman. Period.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Whoa whoa whoa... A woman has every right to abort any baby she wishes. Who are we to judge? If she doesn't want a little girl (or boy) then she has every right to terminate it. Keep your hands out of their wombs and off their bodies.


The question behind it is "IS it the woman's choice or is she being pressured (forced) by family/ cult?"
For a man to force a woman to have an abortion just because he does not like the sex of his offspring is just as vile as a man denying a woman the right to terminate a pregnancy because she does not want a baby.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
First it's not wanting childen, then it's choosing gender, just around the corner comes abortions because of eye colour, hair colour, short, tall , fat, thin, autistic, downs, physical deformation, mixed race/religion or potential bad breath.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The question behind it is "IS it the woman's choice or is she being pressured (forced) by family/ cult?"
For a man to force a woman to have an abortion just because he does not like the sex of his offspring is just as vile as a man denying a woman the right to terminate a pregnancy because she does not want a baby.

Who are we to decide at this point a woman's right to choose? With multiculturalism who are we to decide how a people should behave? Who are we to force our own values upon certain women and cultures?

The genie is out of the bottle.

First it's not wanting childen, then it's choosing gender, just around the corner comes abortions because of eye colour, hair colour, short, tall , fat, thin, autistic, downs, physical deformation, mixed race/religion or potential bad breath.

And a couple of those examples are already in play.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Who are we to decide at this point a woman's right to choose? With multiculturalism who are we to decide how a people should behave? Who are we to force our own values upon certain women and cultures?

The genie is out of the bottle.

And a couple of those examples are already in play.
Halitosis is a curse on humanity.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Ok... so you think if a woman has a right to abort a female child she should have the right.

I repeat, I don't agree that abortions should be allowed for the purpose of terminating a particular gender,
then go back to the drawingboard to try again for the gender that is wished for.

How simple is that.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I repeat, I don't agree that abortions should be allowed for the purpose of terminating a particular gender,
then go back to the drawingboard to try again for the gender that is wished for.

How simple is that.

I get it. And you're pro-choice right?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Some day we could read a headline like; Impoverished, uneducated, unfit for motherhood impregnated by rape 13 year old says "she'll keep baby but only if a boy" and knock this ball out of the park.