Prosecuting Freedon of Speech


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If she has managed to keep her dance troup going for the past six years without any rightie funding she is a financial ****ing genius and should be hired by Flaherty as an advisor
Didn't you say you don't believe in this whole right left thing?

I don't fall for the divide and conquer paradigm of left and right. It all goes through the same b u l l s h i t filter
Yep you did. Oops!

Oh and I think your filter is broke too.

You should probably quit while you're ahead.

You're posts are just getting sad and silly now.

Have a Snickers.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You should probably quit while you're ahead.
Yeah I know I'm ahead. Far ahead. Thanks for admitting it. Finally.

If the ditz bitch interviewing Gillis wanted to know how she spent the money and the proposals she put forward to justify her grant requests she should could have spent $20 on FOIA and read the NPO's audits which will show how and where she spent money and SunTV wouldn't be in the **** they are in would they? Why not just do that first? Questioning her about things she has already justified and recieved funding for is hack job journalism.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yeah I know I'm ahead. Far ahead. Thanks for admitting it. Finally.
It only seems that way to you, because you've been lapped.

To quote DaS, you have delusions of adequacy.

SunTV wouldn't be in the **** they are in would they?
You really should read the links you try and use to support your mistakes.

Questioning her about things she has already justified and recieved funding for is hack job journalism.
There you go placing far to much stock in the media again.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
SLM stated nothing is ever gained from question, not an exact quote but the jist of it
is the same. I beg to differ. During the McCarthy era, the junior Senator from Wisconsin
built the mantle of fear with his anti communist hearings. Everyone was afraid to confront
him out of fear of being branded a communist and forced to appear before his committee.
The night he met his match, he was confronted with journalism's, logic and newsworthy
question. Mr. McCarthy, have you no shame?
That question was the high water mark for American Journalism. Even the President of the
United States quietly took the position the hearings could continue but the money supply
for the those hearing should be reduced to a trickle. The era was over. Edward R Murrow
did what no one else could, and it was a qualified question from a qualified journalist.

It should be remembered the arts community is very sensitive about its funding, funding
practices and its goals. People unfortunately don't see the value of art in all its forms and
those in the art and entertainment industry use the criticism as the call to defend against
persecution. Asking tough questions is what journalism is all about. I know the original
post was not about right and left but in a polarized and politically charged society everything
comes down to right and left and the facts are often not included at all.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
CDNBEAR Yes you are right I guess I did, I have been vacationing in Cape Breton
far from doing anything meaningful until yesterday. Sorry I take it back


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
CDNBEAR Yes you are right I guess I did, I have been vacationing in Cape Breton
far from doing anything meaningful until yesterday. Sorry I take it back

I beg to differ too. That's why I said it.;)

No need to take it back. The Edgar R Murrow story was worth it. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I seem to recall a figure more like 6 million than 1.8 million. Either way, it's a gross misappropriation of funds for which some director's head ought to have rolled. I wonder what the Americans here think about this being called 'art'.

The Dancer's take of your money amounted to over a million a year.

And what do us Yanks think? We're right there with you, giving out millions and millions a year for foolishness like this. Cowboy Poetry Festival comes to mind. Heck, I even helped pay for a picture of a crucifix in urine and a toilet with the American flag in it. All government funded "art"!


rigid member
May 31, 2007
The Dancer's take of your money amounted to over a million a year.

And what do us Yanks think? We're right there with you, giving out millions and millions a year for foolishness like this. Cowboy Poetry Festival comes to mind. Heck, I even helped pay for a picture of a crucifix in urine and a toilet with the American flag in it. All government funded "art"!
I meant the 'art' in the link I put up, of course.

Yeah, there's tons of waste to cut, on the other hand, like government jobs, it's a kind of glorified welfare system.

And the Dancer's take was one tenth of that, a million plus, over ten plus years.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
1.2 mill. over 13 years = about 98K/annum. Not too much for the performing arts. The performing seals in Ottawa get more.

..............interpretive dancing is a going concern on parliament around around that..........mirrors and smoke..........and mirrors.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
1.2 mill. over 13 years = about 98K/annum. Not too much for the performing arts. The performing seals in Ottawa get more.

..............interpretive dancing is a going concern on parliament around around that..........mirrors and smoke..........and mirrors.

So... she gets 98K per year... $98,000.00 Canadian... tax payer funded per year to dance.

That's not too much?

And... you pay seals more money than her?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
..............interpretive dancing is a going concern on parliament around around that..........mirrors and smoke..........and mirrors.

So is she teaching them to dance or are they teaching her to dance?

Because they haven't gotten any better at dancing around things and she hasn't gotten any worse.

I'm speculating on that last part, I admit that I missed her on her last Great Canadian tour so I don't know that for sure. ;)

And... you pay seals more money than her?

The seal thing is basically hush money. Cuz of the whole hunt thing. So, shhhh. ;)


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Prosecuting freedom of speech | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun

Very interesting.

You have to love the loony left.

When will they learn, freedom of speech isn't just for them.

Both Lilley and Levant, offer compelling opinions.


I believe that a portion of the left's angst about this (entire new network) is the possible resentment that The Star itself (and all it's loony subjects and followers) never managed to nail the license for this channel back in 2003. Although they did advertise and sponsor the anchor desk during the news, it never got much further than that. It was 'Toronto 1' back then and owned by Craig.

But Quebecor (Bush, Harper and Ford - by extrapolation) won the purchase, license and the day,

Oh the huge manatee.

Peter Worthington summed-up the public funding (and personal attacks against Krista Erickson) issues pretty well in this piece: Sun TV's Erickson gets it right | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

When Erickson gave Gillis her “moment in the sun” to defend the grants and subsidies, Gillis went into what many of us regard as bafflegab —
working for “the common good ... human spirit ... resolving conflicts ... experimental transformation ... discovering nuances ... more people dancing and looking further ... reconciliation of conflicts ... ideas that improve the quality of our lives ... minds growing in plasticity” and so on." :lol:

Lilley is on the ball. Ezra too, but his spins around too fast sometimes. ;)


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Nice to see you around Loc...

I believe that a portion of the left's angst about this (entire new network) is the possible resentment that The Star itself (and all it's loony subjects and followers) never managed to nail the license for this channel back in 2003. Although they did advertise and sponsor the anchor desk during the news, it never got much further than that. It was 'Toronto 1' back then and owned by Craig.

But Quebecor (Bush, Harper and Ford - by extrapolation) won the purchase, license and the day,

Oh the huge manatee.
Yep, the attacks on FOX news north have been many and from a single focused source, the left.

It was there concerted effort and labeling that made this a right left issue.

Peter Worthington summed-up the public funding (and personal attacks against Krista Erickson) issues pretty well in this piece: Sun TV's Erickson gets it right | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
Pete desrves the Order of canada.

When Erickson gave Gillis her “moment in the sun” to defend the grants and subsidies, Gillis went into what many of us regard as bafflegab —
working for “the common good ... human spirit ... resolving conflicts ... experimental transformation ... discovering nuances ... more people dancing and looking further ... reconciliation of conflicts ... ideas that improve the quality of our lives ... minds growing in plasticity” and so on." :lol:
Complete baffle gab.

I'm still trying to figure out how interpretive dance is making my life better.

Have you figured it out?

Lilley is on the ball. Ezra too, but his spins around too fast sometimes. ;)
Ya, I agree. But they are entertaining.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Nice to see you around Loc...

Yep, the attacks on FOX news north have been many and from a single focused source, the left.

It was there concerted effort and labeling that made this a right left issue.

Pete desrves the Order of canada.

Complete baffle gab.

I'm still trying to figure out how interpretive dance is making my life better.

Have you figured it out?

Ya, I agree. But they are entertaining.

Thanks dude, just takin' a sniff.

As for the bafflegab, it seems like 'interpretive logic' eh.