Prosecuting Freedon of Speech


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Prosecuting freedom of speech | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun

Very interesting.

You have to love the loony left.

When will they learn, freedom of speech isn't just for them.

Both Lilley and Levant, offer compelling opinions.

Krista Erickson's interview/attack of Margie Gillis, Canadian dance icon, on the pubic funding she's received over her 39-year career. The only positive is the grace with which Ms. Gillis handled this shameful attack.

We can respond by filing a complaint with the the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC | Complaint Form) using the following information: Sun News; Canada Live with Krista Erickson; June 1, 2011; 4:15PM. When detailing your concerns, be sure to mention Sun News' clear violation of Clause 5 of the CAB Code of Ethics (CBSC | Codes - CAB Code of Ethics).

As well, you can send a written complaint, mailed to the CRTC (Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2), asking that Sun News be taken out of basic cable programming. Scroll down about half-way in this link to find the instructions specific to filing a complaint with them (Broadcasting complaints: TV and radio | CRTC). In your letter, be sure to write out the URL for the online video: A lack of compassion? : Prime time : SunNews Video Gallery - so that they can still reference it even after the four week deadline for complaints.

You can also consider boycotting the companies that support Quebecor and thus Sun News. See Margie's most recent post for the list. English:

There's also a twitition to sign: twitition - Get CRTC to remove Sun TV from basic cable programming
and you can write to your M.P. and ask him or her to take the issue up in the House of Commons: Senators and Members

And finally, you can show your support to Margie by "liking" her Facebook page:

Please share this link as opposed to the original on Sun News, so as to limit the amount of traffic to their website - which affects their advertising revenue.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Good thread...yep, the left hates freedom of final thread of respect for the modern NDP was severed when that thieving moron Svend Robinson got up in a forum at UNB Fredericton and said the killing words,

"We have a right not to be offended".

Which means the SOB ought to get the hell out of my country and go back to the USA, because he sure as hell offends me!!!!

Oh, but he wasn't talking about middle-aged, white, employed, heterosexual men, was he? Just the "special" people....


Anyway, here's another great example of the Nanny State involved in thought control....

A criminal? - Ezra Levant


Imagine, if you will, one of Canada's radical imams sentenced to do the bidding of a Jewish Rabbi........

Ain't gonna happen, is it?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Which means the SOB ought to get the hell out of my country and go back to
the USA, because he sure as hell offends me!!!!
If you were on the ball you'd know that he lives in Switzerland and has for quite some time.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
What's the point of having a code of ethics? Journalism is dead. Long live the ignorant editorials, championed by the Sun News Network.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
"What troubles the left, and why it inundated the CBSC with thousands of complaints, is that Krista Erickson has a better jab than Margie Gillis and that Gillis, one of the arts community's icons, had not been treated with kid gloves."

Whatever made them think that Gillis should be treated with 'kid gloves' - just goes to show how blind the left can be to reality.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
What's the point of having a code of ethics? Journalism is dead. Long live the ignorant editorials, championed by the Sun News Network.

No, the ability of the trendy media of the soppy moderate left to control the discussion is no longer going unchallenged........

To have freedom of speech, you need both sides.

Did you notice the conviction of the minister ordered to kiss Muslim arse happened 14 years ago?

Without comment in the major Media until now.

That is why people like Sun are so very necessary.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I can disagree with your line of work without being disrespectful.
Are you serious? How many times have dropped the gloves and given the opposing view a taste of the verbal knuckle? Should you be silenced for that?

IMHO, absolutely not. Even though I don't fully agree with you, I think you should be lauded, lol.

Since when is there a Charter right to be respected? Handled with kid gloves?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Even our own Liberal Massachusetts Senator John Kerry believes that equal time for viewpoints opposite of his is not a good idea...

Contrary to his proposal to bring the "Fairness Doctrine" to force Talk Radio to have more US Liberal Talk Shows....


John Kerry Equal Time Flip Flop - YouTube


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Are you serious? How many times have dropped the gloves and given the opposing view a taste of the verbal knuckle? Should you be silenced for that?

IMHO, absolutely not. Even though I don't fully agree with you, I think you should be lauded, lol.

Since when is there a Charter right to be respected? Handled with kid gloves?

Respect has to be earned. Hard to have respect for anyone that sucks off the taxpayer instead of working for a living. It their so called art was any good they could live off that.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I can disagree with your line of work without being disrespectful.

And she was a little over the top, unnecessarily rude.

Which is not nearly as offensive as trying to shut down a media outlet because of their opinion........

To say nothing of getting 1.2 million tax-payer dollars.....for nothing.

I do interpretive dance....back in the day, it moved my audience to tears.

That'll be $100,000 a year, please.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Are you serious? How many times have dropped the gloves and given the opposing view a taste of the verbal knuckle? Should you be silenced for that?

Yes, I'm serious. I have no issues with vigorous debate at all. In fact I welcome it. But it's poor form for journalists to mock their guests without provocation.

Though I didn't make any complaints, I can understand why some would, and I'll grant you that a good deal of them didn't complain because they actually care about the state of journalism.

And she was a little over the top, unnecessarily rude.

So, should we have a code of conduct or not?

Respect has to be earned. Hard to have respect for anyone that sucks off the taxpayer instead of working for a living.

You mean like when Erickson was earning a living working for CBC, where she made her name?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
1.2 Million Taxpayer Dollars for interpetive dance!

This is the insanity I am talking about. granted it is a little off topic and a Canadian story but THIS is the type of funding that should be cut!

So will the station be penalized for asking questions?

So, should we have a code of conduct or not?

In the form of what?