I must say this nuclear fiasco has me worried about the future. My belief is that the only way to quench this thing (since Chernobyl is obviously still smoldering away) is with the sea. And the only way is to bring the sea to it. That means creating a crater large and deep enough for all of those reactors to fall into, and a trough from the sea which can have like a one-way valve, so to speak, that will allow sea water in while not allowing any contaminated water back out into the ocean.
I don't think it may be possible to create such a crater with conventional explosives, and well you know the expression
fight fire with fire, so too must we fight nuclear with nuclear. Yes, I'm talking about the largest peace-time nuclear bomb detonation the world has ever known. But I think it must be done. But I'm no scholar, just an uneducated fool God chooses to reveal the answers to. And of course.... they'd never listen so I shouldn't waste my time with them, eh?
But the internet is this great thing where the people can let all these crazy ideas fly out there, and who knows? Maybe someone in a position to really do something will be paying attention.
I would be almost comical, if not so sad, to watch the Japanese so futilely giving their lives to fight this
New Godzilla. And all they've done to date has been a complete waste of time and money. They need to start drilling to set these explosives to undermine the whole facility NOW.
Of course such a set of explosions will likely cause more earthquakes, but they're happening anyway, and really, earthquakes and tsunamis should be the least of their worries right now.
We should be marching on all our capitals to prevent any further nuke plants from being built.