Is Fukushima About to Blow?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yes of course it is important to keep a reasonable position with respect to four burning reactors and not to overreact to a small technical problem in an unimportant part of the world. The Emperor of Japan is probably owned by Tepco who has just poisoned millions of humans why in hell would they care about one replaceable figurehead?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Will it affect the West Coast of the North American Continent? If it does it will very small in nature.
Are you saying our gates will be closed to massive immigration or that we will delay it as long as possible so they are already well on their way to a shortened life and whatever else goes along with it.

Very small on what time frame, the one month that just passed, how about 11 years and it is still going just as strong as it was for the last few weeks? (upgraded or downgraded as conditions change)


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Japan Plant Fuel Melted Partway Through Reactors

Nuclear fuel has melted in three reactors at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and fallen to the lower sections of their container vessels, raising the specter of overheated material compromising a container and causing a massive radiation release, the Atomic Energy Society of Japan said in a report released on Friday.
Webmaster's Commentary:

In the translation from Japanese to English, it is uncertain whether "container vessels" means the core pressure unit or the outer containment. I tend to think the latter give that it has already been reported that reactor 2 had breached both the pressure vessel and containment. Here is the problem. The reason there is a pressure vessel is that by keeping the coolant under high pressure, boiling is prevented and cooling efficiency remains high. But if the pressure vessels are compromised (as has already been reported for reactor 2) then cooling is compromised, because coolant steam cannot carry away as much heat as coolant liquid. If indeed all three reactor cores are no longer pressure tight, then TEPCO is stuck having to wait for the cores to cool on their own, which may explain the announced three month delay before they can stop the radiation leaks.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster- You won't hear this on the Main Stream News. | Alexander Higgins Blog

Chicken little is pretty convincing, especially when it comes to having babies and expecting a copy of yourself. Perhaps this is the beginning of a species jump. (nor really) but I'm quite sure we should donate enough of the tarsands to substitute for anything they have planned in the short term. Put it in deep enough that it gets very runny so it can get ahead of the sinking material. Good thing it is very heavy (tar sands) as it won't take 100's of feet deep and a crust never forms as the heat will allow sluffing as the decades go by. That might be the answer for the facelift in Europe after they crazy-glue the place(via the fumigation process rather than any direct spray.)

Fortunately this will get filed in the joke section, more ironic than it appears to be, how's that for a conspiracy?

I'm surprized I'm the only one on this thread, not really a multi-tasking group are we. Here's another little tid-bit The Rothschild HQ is Germany, they no longer will allow nuclear power. Did I mention they have $700T in their pocket change in case money ever becomes an issue for what gets fixed and what doesn't. That isn't a fable, that is how much 'excessive usury' has netted them.

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rigid member
May 31, 2007
I must say this nuclear fiasco has me worried about the future. My belief is that the only way to quench this thing (since Chernobyl is obviously still smoldering away) is with the sea. And the only way is to bring the sea to it. That means creating a crater large and deep enough for all of those reactors to fall into, and a trough from the sea which can have like a one-way valve, so to speak, that will allow sea water in while not allowing any contaminated water back out into the ocean.

I don't think it may be possible to create such a crater with conventional explosives, and well you know the expression fight fire with fire, so too must we fight nuclear with nuclear. Yes, I'm talking about the largest peace-time nuclear bomb detonation the world has ever known. But I think it must be done. But I'm no scholar, just an uneducated fool God chooses to reveal the answers to. And of course.... they'd never listen so I shouldn't waste my time with them, eh?

But the internet is this great thing where the people can let all these crazy ideas fly out there, and who knows? Maybe someone in a position to really do something will be paying attention.

I would be almost comical, if not so sad, to watch the Japanese so futilely giving their lives to fight this New Godzilla. And all they've done to date has been a complete waste of time and money. They need to start drilling to set these explosives to undermine the whole facility NOW.

Of course such a set of explosions will likely cause more earthquakes, but they're happening anyway, and really, earthquakes and tsunamis should be the least of their worries right now.

We should be marching on all our capitals to prevent any further nuke plants from being built.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I must say this nuclear fiasco has me worried about the future.
Do you handle anything dangerous in your day job? I like your idea of drilling underneath though, they might want to use liquid nitrogen instead though.

Back to the proposals they have made so far, one being a casket like they have at Chernobyl, which is sand and a concrete cap.

Today let's say the have water covering the rods and once the water is gone the material will get hotter (if the rods are close enough together under water they will also create heat). What would be the difference between sand and using tar-sand material? If both were added while water was keeping things cool then the oil shouldn't ignite and if put in deep enough the 'pile' would be a large enough heat-sink that the material would not be hot enough to 'cause more problems'. The reason for tarsand material is this. When the radioactive material is hot the oil in the sand shoul turn liquid and flow towards the hotspot, being in a no oxygen place a fire would not start and being many times denser than water (and under lots of pressure to increase the 'boiling point') would the liquid oil be a better conduit for the heat than just straight sand?

Has it been a few hours yet?
Who the **** would leave for an extended period of time without opening the barn-door. And why aren't these people putting the survivors down. If/when they reopen Japan no more beasts of the field as their care-taking skills don't rate them any higher than an open-water fisherman. I hope they are leaving some Jones-town kool-aid for the dogs that are running wild in the exclusion zone.

Would time be up when human are in the same duress as the cattle?

YouTube - ???10km?????????????? Cattle starve to death / Unreleased video

The last vid I posted had assurances that North America was quite safe for now and some way into the future under current conditions. The fellow (expert) on the left several times mentioned 'other radiation' that we might be under yet he never really specified what those causes were. If that means radiation doses are accumulative then going for MRI's and other things might be a tipping point for some. Is that when we start our clock ticking?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Who the **** would leave for an extended period of time without opening the barn-door. And why aren't these people putting the survivors down. If/when they reopen Japan no more beasts of the field as their care-taking skills don't rate them any higher than an open-water fisherman. I hope they are leaving some Jones-town kool-aid for the dogs that are running wild in the exclusion zone.



The last vid I posted had assurances that North America was quite safe for now and some way into the future under current conditions. The fellow (expert) on the left several times mentioned 'other radiation' that we might be under yet he never really specified what those causes were. If that means radiation doses are accumulative then going for MRI's and other things might be a tipping point for some. Is that when we start our clock ticking?

At any rate, has it been a few hours yet?

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
Still waiting!

Nobody that knows ANYTHING about nuclear power generation expected that plant to blow up. It had no capability at all of becoming an atomic bomb. Only alarmist fools thought that it could.

I will remind you that Chernoble killed no one, other than the people actually working to stop it. Three mile island did not damage anyone at all.

Your panic, and your ignorance, do not help at all. Instead, it simply gets in the way of those that know what they are doing, and are working to stop this from becoming an environmental nightmare for a while.