TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

To be RIGHT is to be CORRECT...not GOOD..
To be WRONG is to be INCORRECT...not EVIL..

I do NOT borrow anything..

What is observably TRUE, is what it is.. irrelevant of who said it, or where it is writen...

Some realize things before others, or were you NOT aware of that FACT of LIFE?

Where are the Mods when you need them, this is absolutely useless (there's a simple truth for you), and needs to be closed.

If knowledge and wisdom is not obtained by FAITH in the FACT that the TRUTH can be realized in the mind, then how is it obtained?

The TRUTH reveals itself, one way or another..

Maybe you would perfer to see me DEAD, hey buddy..

uselessness is a matter of opinion and perspective..and you can provide no arguement which is valid...
Last edited:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

I'm wondering if he's on clozapine or loxapine...
Whatever it is.....he should up the dosage...

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

Common sense is not accepted prejudice, it is uncommon insight.
It is not the final word, it is the word that makes sense.
It is not the irresponsible accusation, it is the genuine character.
It is not the constant complaint, it is the valid complaint.
It is not pretense, it is competense.
It is not politics, it is communication.
It is not crafty deception, it is sound judgement.
It is not affectation, it is wisdom.
It is not anger, it is reason.

Have I missed anything?



Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

I'm wondering if he's on clozapine or loxapine...
Whatever it is.....he should up the dosage...

Mental illness is a matter of opinon and perspective and you can provide no PROOF..


I do not know what your getting at..

If you are implying that I am someone who was on this fourm with another name, you are INCORRECT..

Whether you belive me or NOT. .

I care NOT about any religious TEXT, and prefer to avoid any religious dogma, I am not affiliated with any organization..
I simply OBSERVE and THINK for myself.. without prejudice.(without Ad Hominem).

Simply because one can take on a different perspective, does not cast doubt of the observable FACTS of LIFE..

As far as insanity goes..

Is it not INSANE to deny the plainly observable FACTS of LIFE..

As far as preaching goes..

I simply reveal the perspective I perfer and the opinon that I chose..

As far is trolling goes, it is you that TROLLS ME.. with your attempt to deny me the RIGHT to my opinion..

The FACT is some realize things before others..

The FACT is, some opinions are quite simply WRONG.. FALSE...LIES... ILLUSIONS, FANTASIES, UNTRUE..

If GOD is TRUTH then what is the DEVIL?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

No why are you here? If you can't be honest you can't know the truth.

Who the F*** do you think you are?

Why I am here on a personal note, (as in my most fundemental internal motivations and there cause), is really NOT your bussiness, and besides I could LIE or I could be mistaken, so what difference does it make what I say in response to your irrelevant question..

What I say is either observably TRUE or it's NOT.. who or what I am is NOT YOUR business..

And besides I already said

I care NOT about any religious TEXT, and prefer to avoid any religious dogma, I am not affiliated with any organization..
I simply OBSERVE and THINK for myself.. without prejudice.(without Ad Hominem).

What others say is either observably TRUE or it's NOT whether it be Jesus or Hitler.. or YES even ME..

Simply because one can take on a different perspective, does not cast doubt of the observable FACTS of LIFE..

People say what they say, and do what they do, irrelevant of what you prefer to believe..
I only KNOW what I KNOW.. and cannot reasonably assume that my presumptions are TRUE..
But not all that I know is merely assumption... irrelevant of what you prefer to believe..

Sometimes people disagree with the observable FACTS of LIFE, because they JUDGE you as UNWORTHY..

as NO DOUBT a bunch of presumptuous Christians WOULD...

For they are far to busy worshiping themselves and their own deluded FANTASIES, to be bothered to LISTEN to one who revels THE TRUTH..

And it would be expected that the scribes and the pharisees and the teaches of the LAW, and hypocrites, and the dense, and the ignorant, and the presumptuous would persecute and ridicule and out cast, and seek to UN-empower those who speak the TRUTH..

I don't know who commonsense is, but it seems, He is not here..


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

If you can't be honest, you can't know truth. Simple and obvious.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

It is only reasonable to act according to the TRUTH you KNOW.. not to say everything you belive is what you KNOW..

If you don't LIE then you don't need to remember what you said..


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

If you can't be honest, you can't know the truth. Simple, obvious.
Why are you here?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: What is FAITH?

Let's keep the thread on topic please...

That entier post, like every other, was nothing but insults, and claims of KNOWING the TRUTH yourself... but no arguements what so ever, let alone valid ones..
Again, I didn't need to present an argument, your Op was already proven false.

If you are unwilling to take on a different perspectives, then you are simply a dogmatic fundimentalist who sees only what you perfer, and is not intrested in realizing a more accurate conception of reality..
Then why do you do that?

There is knowledge and there is wisdom...
Of which, both escape you.

You take everything as an insult, because you seek only to establish yourself as intellectually superior, as opposed to seeking RIGHTNESS(accurate conception)..
Lone, DaS and myself, didn't have to establish that. It's overtly apparent.

One must first be WRONG before they can be RIGHT..
Well you got the wrong part right then. Hey, you were right again!

Words represent concepts...
No they represent defined means.

So if I accuse you of seeking "intellectually superior" and you agree but don't really care then you could say to me..

I'd say "Bla" if I was seeking intellectual superiority. But I'm no longer seeking.

A nice diversion while they last......but this one is rapidly becoming boring with his one track mind
Never. I can play with these little dolts all day. Just look at me and Joey.

As is evidant by your lack of argument, and your tendancy to declare ONLY that you precive me as STUPID..
We don't perceive you stupid. You've removed all doubt.

and you have certainly NOT provided any evidance to support your claim...
No, you did that all by yourself.


No doubt I have a one track mind, as the only thing I attempt to do is to pursade you to actually take part in a disscusion, as opposed to spewing irrelevant insults..
No, you want a gullible audience to praise your insipid version of reality.

Good luck with that.

If you declare that NO ONE KNOWS anything, than you are a hypocrite..
Then you are a hypocrite.

Words represent concepts...
With defined meanings.

Sometimes the reason that people disagree or deny the TRUTH is because they are LYING...
Then you are lying. I'm glad you admit that now.

because they do not want you to realize the TRUTH, because your ignorance is what empowers them..
I agree. Your ignorance, empowers me, lol.

Now are you going to continue with this self-rightous attidude, by which you seek to use fallacies and assmptions and LIES in order to establish that I am that you can FEEL like you're RIGHT..
Good question, are you?

Or are you going to THINK for yourself?
We are, hence why you're having such a hard time convincing us of your silly theories.

We certainly won't find it following you.

For you the TRUTH shall be a parasite that WILL INDEED EAT YOUR BRAIN...
No worries, I have bug spray.

Another mindless irrelevant insult.. Get over yourself..
As soon as you do.

If you KNOW NOTHING then why do you speak?
Good question, care to answer it?

Sometimes they dissagree because they JUDGE you as UNWORTHY...
Yep, and you have been judged, the findings, correct.

In general, it is best to focus one's attention on the content of the claim and not on who made the claim.
We tried that. You wanted to go this route.

It is the content that determines the truth of the claim and not the characteristics of the person making the claim.
True. But when the person who made the claim, gets served a healthy dose of reality, only to ignore it and keep babbling the same silly nonsense, they get what they asked for.

Some disagree with or deny the TRUTH because they are “self-righteous” literally self-right, they assume they are RIGHT because SELF says so..
An excellent description of you.
They seek only to establish themselves as RIGHT.. They disagree only in order to establish their own “intellectual superiority” by causing you to “feel inferior” essentially by stating that you are wrong.. they have many tricks and deceitful ways to accomplish this..
Another excellent description of you.

The particular problem with this one is that not everyone is “self-righteous” some are in fact actually “righteous”, as in “RIGHT”
Right again. Which is why you're wrong, lol.

Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing..
Does that whool itch?
It can be difficult to listen to one who is “righteous”as they may cause you some emotional distress (morning).. at your loss of KNOWING what to do..
Are you at a loss?

A dissagreement with no argument is an insult..
Agreed, which is why we find you so insulting.

If you belive that the TRUTH is a matter of opinion then feel free to jump from the nearest biulding..
Please don't jump!

You make no room for realization of NEW concepts.. if you limmit your use of words to the definitions ( and get this RIGHT) that PEOPLE CREATED and put in the dictonary...
Is it just me, or is it ironic that someone babbling about words, is making so many spelling mistakes?

You place long nonsencical posts in order to stop others from following this NONE-disscussion..
It's your NONe discussion.

But most even without a GED, can see RIGHT through YOU...
I don't have a GED and I can see right through you.

You do not even make the remotest attempt at a "decent" argument.
Because you failed to present something tangible to argue.

You attempt to establish a limmitation, one cannot create NEW WORDS that effectively descibe NEW CONCEPTS..
Then what's "Bla"?

This is a TRUTH which you would perfer to remain UNKNOWN, so that you can maintain your grip on the IGNORANT, even if that IGNORANT ONE is yourself..
Or yourself.

Lets save some time and skip this one, shall we..
Tired of being slammed to the virtual floor?

Fallacy: Straw Man
Is that what you're made of?

You have revealed no contradictions you simply utter that I have..[/QUOTE]

Absurdity is what I like most in life, and there's humor in struggling in ignorance. If you saw a man repeatedly running into a wall until he was a bloody pulp, after a while it would make you laugh because it becomes absurd.
David Lynch

You have revealed no contradictions you simply utter that I have..
No, we sufficiently proven you have.

When you speak you generally intend to express a specific idea, I can interpret what you intended to say correctly or I might misunderstand what you intended to express..
It's guaranteed you have done so.

What you said may be ambiguous, maybe it was quite nonsensically, or maybe I just didn't really make an effort to grasp precisely what you mean. But then again maybe I comprehended precisely what you meant to say..
I doubt it. reality isn't your bag.
Only I can make you believe that I actually comprehended what you meant..
Good luck with that.

But in any case I am WRONG.

irrelevant of any evidence

You have revealed no contradictions you simply utter that I have..
Again, no we have proven you are wrong.

You repeatedly insult, and make no arguments..
What's to argue, we already proved that you're wrong.

You seem to fail to see that you offer no arguement to any statements, other then the fact that it is your opinion that I am stupid..
It's not an opinion, you removed all doubt.

Are you so blind that you cannot even see this....

Common sense would dictate that one ought not continue in a disscussion with those who seek only to establish their own superiority at your expense..[/quote[Agreed, but I love playing with ideological and theological trolls.

What is the POINT in talking to mindless automatons that choose NOT TO THINK..
I find it entertaining.

Gawd no, I love playing with you.

It is only reasonable that one act according to the FACTS of LIFE that they KNOW..
FACTS like the globally accepted definitions of words?

What is this even about?
No idea, but it's a great time killer in between playing with ideological trolls.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

I am here to be interrogated by The Unforgiven, apparently...

Why are you here, and why should I belive you, you just use what's called...

Fallacy: Red Herring

Also Known as: Smoke Screen, Wild Goose Chase. Description of Red Herring

A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic. This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:
  1. Topic A is under discussion.
  2. Topic B is introduced under the guise of being relevant to topic A (when topic B is actually not relevant to topic A).
  3. Topic A is abandoned.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because merely changing the topic of discussion hardly counts as an argument against a claim.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

"If you can't be honest, you can't know the truth. Simple, obvious."

This is simply an absurd and ridicules statement that is clearly FALSE..

People can be disshonest when they LIE to you, yet they are fully aware of that FACT..

Wow 49 posts about absolutely nothing. :lol:

And tell Mr. Nothing, what would constitute as SOMETHING...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

It is not my desire to PROVE anything to anyone...
That's obviously apparent.

It seems that many are of the opinion that anyone who claims to state a simple TRUTH is preaching...
In your case it's true. Especially since you've shown your mistakes, but still adhere to them.

And that is a TRUE FACT...

It seems that many call a TROLL a preacher, and the same applies..
I'm glad you caught that fact troll/preacher.

It seems that if you say anything which others dissagree with and attempt to provide logical reasoning or evidance of your claim
We're still waiting to see some logical reasoning and evidence from you. We've seen you proven wrong though, using logical reasoning and evidence of course.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

I agree that simply stating that others have UNWORTHY intentions.. Is quite WORTHLESS and POINTLESS..

I agree that simply stating that what others have it say is "NOTHING" is clealy an UNWORTHY intention...and is ALSO quite WORTHLESS and POINTLESS..

So welcome to the CLUB..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Can anyone here state a simple obvious TRUTH?.

"If you can't be honest, you can't know the truth. Simple, obvious."

This is simply an absurd and ridicules statement that is clearly FALSE..

People can be disshonest when they LIE to you, yet they are fully aware of that FACT..

And tell Mr. Nothing, what would constitute as SOMETHING...

The price of tea in Lower Mongolia?