TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

If you are unwilling to take on a different perspectives, then you are simply a dogmatic fundimentalist who sees only what you perfer, and is not intrested in realizing a more accurate conception of reality..

There is knowledge and there is wisdom...

Knowledge is "There are base balls."

Wisdom is "There is perspective."
Wisdom is "There is knowledge."
Wisdom is "Some realize things before others."

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Re: What is FAITH?

Feel free to use words in whichever manner you wish. Communication may suffer as a result - but it appears that wouldn't really matter to you anyhow. Bible is guidepost. Dictionary is definition.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

Feel free to use words in whichever manner you wish. Communication may suffer as a result - but it appears that wouldn't really matter to you anyhow. Bible is guidepost. Dictionary is definition.

You take everything as an insult, because you seek only to establish yourself as intellectually superior, as opposed to seeking RIGHTNESS(accurate conception)..

One must first be WRONG before they can be RIGHT..

If being WRONG is totally unbearable for you, than that is how you will remain..

If you sacrificed your PRIDE, and endured the realization of your own IGNORANCE, which no doubt would be an unpleasant experience for you, you would then achieve RIGHTNESS which is of course your TRUE goal..

But you are seeking SELF-RIGHTNESS, which is simply to “perceive yourself” , “to be of the opinion” that you are intellectually superior to another..

It is much the same as one who seeks “moral superiority” in their desire to be deserving or worthy, in the eyes of others or in the eyes of God..


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: What is FAITH?

Feel free to use words in whichever manner you wish. Communication may suffer as a result - but it appears that wouldn't really matter to you anyhow. Bible is guidepost. Dictionary is definition.
Seems to me this guy was here before under another name......


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

Words represent concepts...

Here is a NEW word which I created.. .

{Bla}={I am free to try to accomplish any objective, by any means at my disposal, and my success or failure will be dictated by the truth, irrelevant of what I or anyone else believes.. }

So if I accuse you of seeking "intellectually superior" and you agree but don't really care then you could say to me..


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Re: What is FAITH?

Words represent concepts...

Here is a NEW word which I created.. .

{Bla}={I am free to try to accomplish any objective, by any means at my disposal, and my success or failure will be dictated by the truth, irrelevant of what I or anyone else believes.. }

So if I accuse you of seeking "intellectually superior" and you agree but don't really care then you could say to me..

Funny... Your definition describes another more appropriate (but already established) word:



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: What is FAITH?

I think so too. He'll screw up. They all do.

A nice diversion while they last......but this one is rapidly becoming boring with his one track mind


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

It seems that most of you have no desire to seek RIGHTNESS, but only to remain confidant in your own presumptions..

As is evidant by your lack of argument, and your tendancy to declare ONLY that you precive me as STUPID..

And rest assured, that is only your irrelevant opinion.. and you have certainly NOT provided any evidance to support your claim... and further if that is the only claim you are willing to provide evidance for, it certainly supports my claim that you seek ONLY to increase your confidance in your own intellectual superiority, and not wisdom.

But hey I'm not complaining, at least you not trying to establish that you are morally superior..


No doubt I have a one track mind, as the only thing I attempt to do is to pursade you to actually take part in a disscusion, as opposed to spewing irrelevant insults..

If you think that only a crack pot realizes that they have free will, then what is one who chooses to sacrifice that freedom for LIES of intellectual, and moral opposed to seeking TRUTH..

If you seek to establish that you are RIGHT, simply by stating that others are WRONG, then it is self-rightousness that you seek...

If you offer arguments that are fallacies and irrelevant opinions, then you seek to enslave others with LIES.....
Last edited:

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Re: What is FAITH?

Enlighten us, oh magnificent one. :roll:

Again.... How does one formulate an argument with one who wishes only to say that which has no defined meaning?

Lemme guess.... You flunked the English test?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

If you declare that NO ONE KNOWS anything, than you are a hypocrite..

Enlighten us, oh magnificent one. :roll:

Again.... How does one formulate an argument with one who wishes only to say that which has no defined meaning.

Lemme guess.... You flunked the English test?

Words represent concepts...

There are many ways to precive things, many things do not have NAMES..

Things are simply assemblies of other NAMED things..

What you identify and assemble and give names, is what you can then reffer to..

For example, there is a COW, this is an assembley of things which you identify as ONE thing, but that is only because that is how you see it..

One could just as easly itentify TWO COWS as a TWOCOW, and then it is ONE thing..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

We can concive of a concept, and then NAME that concept, give it a TITLE, this is what a WORD is..

What things truely are is what they are to you.. we identify concepts(things) by our realationship with them..

A thing is not what it is what it DOES....


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

Other peoples objectives are their own and cannot result in my fear until they have first revealed their objectives toward me.. Once they have, I may or may not fear them... However I can then ascertain if their objective is to empower me and/or to empower themselves at my expense..

In any case Bla..

In that case, a cow would be an eatgrassmakemilkandandfart

The word COW is much more efficent.. don't you think?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

...but it doesn't describe what it DOES - as per your previous concept. Now, see why nobody has come up with an argument?

The word "cow" is a title...

Just like the title of a book...

The book contains lots of information and concepts and ideas, but they are all
referred to by the title of the book..

A cow contains lots of information and concepts and ideas, and you understand that they are all being referred to by the word "cow"

Knowledge is a hierarchy of concepts.. built upon each other..

Every “THING” is a NOUN, and every “THING” is made of other NOUNS..

The various concpets that you assemble is your "conception of reality"

It is the HOUSE that you build upon a foundation..

What is the ROCK foundation? "I am"

This is what you KNOW... you can state as an absolute TRUTH to yourself....."I am"

Einstein stated..

I exist, there is no question..

This is not an is a logical FACT..

What you are as far as you KNOW is "I am that which KNOWS"

{What reasons can you think of, that would cause others to disagree with or deny that which is observably true.}

Sometimes they dissagree because they JUDGE you as UNWORTHY...

Sometimes people dissagree with the obvious, because they are mindless zombies that do not know what they are saying, because they simply choose NOT TO THINK..

Sometimes they are being sarcastic, because they just don't care...

Sometimes they dissagree just to piss you off, because they are angry and vengful and as a result are simply sadistic...

Another is they deny the TRUTH because they cannot see how one could possibly know it is TRUE, because it seems impossible to them, so they assume that because they cannot immediately see that it is TRUE it must be FALSE..

Some disagree with or deny the TRUTH because they are “self-righteous” literally self-right, they assume they are RIGHT because SELF says so..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: What is FAITH?

Sometimes the reason that people disagree or deny the TRUTH is because they are LYING, because they do not want you to realize the TRUTH, because your ignorance is what empowers them..

They assume that simply because it is NOT TRUE from some other perspective that it is not true AT ALL..


That TRUTH is in conflict with their dogmatic fundamentalists assumptions and if they were to accept that TRUTH then they would NOT know what to do.. Thus they would feel helpless as a result, this would most likely result in a feeling of LOSS resulting in emotional distress (mourning).. In order to avoid that emotional unpleasantness, they would simply deny the TRUTH that is plainly observable..

In the grand scheme of things it is not necessary to one NOT suffer.. as necessity is purely a matter of a chosen objective.

Clearly if one seeks to achieve an objective they must first discover the TRUTH of how one might act in order to achieve that chosen objective.. Obviously choosing to deny the FACTS of LIFE are not the most effective way to discover TRUTH as it is quite literally the exact opposite of that..

{...but it doesn't describe what it DOES - as per your previous concept. Now, see why nobody has come up with an argument? }

What you say is quite simply....FALSE....

The description is in your MIND.

You KNOW what the word "COW" describes....

Just as you know what the title "Star Wars" describes...