Scientists find active 'super-thermite' in WTC dust


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
<sigh> It's switching to anonymous denunciation in the rep comments feature. :roll:
Dex, you once said you admired my stick to it'ivness, but then recommended I take leave of the insanity that these threads draw, lol...

May I offer you the same, sane and intelligent advice, once offered me by a wise, wise man?


I figured it was all over when I was asked to do the math with an unposted set of numbers, on an equation that has more variables then that of a forming cloud.

Apparently I stand corrected.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
The biggest flaw in CTs is that in order to accept them, one must accept that the government is capable of pulling off such an elaborate plan. Since the government generally screws up everything it tries to do, this is something that hurts the CT crowds credibility...well that and the fact that they can't stick to facts.

The Conspiracy Files 911

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
I see you conveniantly jumped to the pentagon "missill" theory,lots of pics of the plane and wreckage there also,no ones hiding it,lots of eye witnesses,power poles sheared off by the jet,lots of pics there also.

There was bodys as well as plane wreckage gathered and witnessed by many people.You would have to be blind or totally ignorant of any facts to deny the evidence which was available for all to see.
Jet fuel is is just glorified diesel,gasoline would have exploded,jet fuel isnt as volatile as some peeps think it is.
volatile enough to continue to burn all the way down the lift shafts of the trade center building tho according to you debunkers, look you cant have your cake and eat it ,either it burns and burns or it does not which is it

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
WACLA delivers scientific proof of TREASON to members of Congress and other D.C. players. DAY ONE

YouTube - WACLA delivers scientific proof of TREASON to members of Congress and other D.C. players. DAY ONE
We put a cover letter on a package of facts and scientific analyses regarding the controlled demolition of the WTC complex on September 11, 2001. The letter is here as follows, as well as the links to the scientific papers.

Plus: a brochure from AE911Truth

Dear Honorable Congress Person,

We the People, in order to restore rule of law and accountability to our Republic, respectfully insist that you, as an elected representative, squarely face the facts concerning the events of September 11, 2001 and the implications thereof.

It is our moral and civic duty to entrust to you facts and scientific analyses in the form of peer-reviewed, published scientific papers that clearly and conclusively prove thousands of our fellow human beings and citizens were murdered in controlled and criminal demolitions on September 11, 2001.

Plausible deniability of these facts and evidence is no longer possible.

If you fail to acknowledge and act immediately and decisively on this evidence, then your inaction will constitute misprision of treason in the least, outright treason at worst. The time is now to fulfill your oath to the Constitution and stand tall in the face of the corruption of our Republic. We the People stand with you.

Pursuant to U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115

§ 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

And § 2382. Misprision of Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The biggest flaw in CTs is that in order to accept them, one must accept that the government is capable of pulling off such an elaborate plan. Since the government generally screws up everything it tries to do, this is something that hurts the CT crowds credibility...well that and the fact that they can't stick to facts.

Of all the standard debunking arguments the above is the most pathetic. Cannuck would have you believe that the Appollo mission to the moon, the Normandy invasion and a hundred thousand other complex successful government exercises did not take place. He even refuses to believe he's communicating on the internet because of government expertise.
9/11 was a team effort involving more than one government and many so called security offices, it was the Normandy landing of the war on terrorism (TWOT). Think of the victims of 9/11 as having died on the beaches in service of some great liberating action. I know the perpetrators do.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Of all the standard debunking arguments the above is the most pathetic. Cannuck would have you believe that the Appollo mission to the moon, the Normandy invasion and a hundred thousand other complex successful government exercises did not take place. He even refuses to believe he's communicating on the internet because of government expertise.

Interesting that you picked two things that happened decades ago. Besides, who says these were terribly successful. After 30 years of practice, the Challenger fiasco showed the limited capabilities of NASA. There were 209,000 Allied casualties during the Battle of Normandy...hardly something to crow about.

Besides, these were technical in nature. The supposed 9/11 cover-up isn't.

9/11 was a team effort involving more than one government and many so called security offices, it was the Normandy landing of the war on terrorism (TWOT). Think of the victims of 9/11 as having died on the beaches in service of some great liberating action. I know the perpetrators do.

The Germans new about Operation Overlord.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Interesting that you picked two things that happened decades ago. Besides, who says these were terribly successful. After 30 years of practice, the Challenger fiasco showed the limited capabilities of NASA. There were 209,000 Allied casualties during the Battle of Normandy...hardly something to crow about.

Besides, these were technical in nature. The supposed 9/11 cover-up isn't.

The Germans new about Operation Overlord.

Government is ultimately successful, almost all present human enterprise is a result and product of governance. There is no doubt that the nature of the 9/11 investment is subject to designed obfuscation, no doubt whatsoever. The technique is a blend of common fear and uncommon greed, in of itself a standard tool of human governance. A clear and central beneficiary is easily identifiable as is the logic behind the originating composition and execution of the acts in every scene. We can debate what the second world war was in some other thread, 209,000 allied casualties is a paltrey sum to gamble for half a planet, 209,000,000 is a paltrey sum for a whole planet, five and a half billion may be spent like urine to secure just the remnants.
You can employ all the prepared garbage points you want, in the end you'll have produced only a rubbish heap. You're shared contention that government is incompetent has lots of history that you are no doubt unaware of or unable to understand.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
So no comments on the pics of the plane wreckage?
No comments on the math numbers that show how much thermite would be needed to melt the Aluminum and allow it to become molten?
No comment on the fact that thermite was used to cut concrete and steel beams during the clean up?
Why even post any facts if their ignored?

Typical foiler M.O.
When presented with facts concerning their "claims" they quickly change the subject and jump to another conspiracy or long cut n paste that they probably never even read.
Wonder whats next,I see the pod theory was lumped into the other hundred or so in the last long cut n paste.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No comment on the fact that thermite was used to cut concrete and steel beams during the clean up?
That would be a valid reason IF the samples weren't taken prior to clean up.

How can anyone overlook the proven lies without being suspicious of the entire event?

Did the EPA lie to the clean up workers and residents of lower Manhattan about air quality? Yes or no?

Have these residents and rescuers died from asbestosis, silicosis, and a variety of other pulmonary maladies? Are these "heroes" being assisted to help cover medical costs or even funeral costs?

Why did the BBC announce the building 7 had collapsed when the building was still standing and seen behind the reporter? Was it an error or did they break script?

Who supplied the media with foreknowledge of the collapse of building 7?
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Did you see the dust cloud? Did it stick to the site or cover lower Manhattan? Yes or no?

How did all that concrete get powdered to begin with?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Look back in the archives. You'll find a few posted in here too....

Ya,I give up,been through this whole deal a dozen times and it's a carbon copy of every other foiler thread I've participated in.
Quote mining and ludicrous claims with no facts to back up the "claims" that are constantly made.
I can claim i've been to the moon,doesnt make it true.
So if someone wants to make a claim,they should at least post some factual evidence to back it up,so far I have seen none,zip,nada.:roll:

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
So no comments on the pics of the plane wreckage?
No comments on the math numbers that show how much thermite would be needed to melt the Aluminum and allow it to become molten?
No comment on the fact that thermite was used to cut concrete and steel beams during the clean up?
Why even post any facts if their ignored?

Typical foiler M.O.
When presented with facts concerning their "claims" they quickly change the subject and jump to another conspiracy or long cut n paste that they probably never even read.
Wonder whats next,I see the pod theory was lumped into the other hundred or so in the last long cut n paste.

As you fail too answer any questions i put too you i see no valid reason to answer any of your asinine points. i will answer just one point you make tho this one.
the fact that thermite was used to cut concrete and steel beams during the clean up?

yes they probably did use thermite to cut the steel after the event but samples taken were from before the clean up operation. here one explanation of where they got there samples from if you care to look which i doubt you will .!

gulli: World Trade Center destruction: Interview with Dr. Harrit

World Trade Center destruction Interview with Dr. Harrit

Questions to Niels Harrit concerning the study "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe".

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Some time ago, featured the news about the work of a team of independent scientists from Denmark, USA and Australia. They claim to have found a substance called Nano Thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York City. Nano Thermite is an explosive, normally only used by the military, not available on the normal market. It is a relative to thermite, a substance used for welding.
On the Gulli board one of the biggest discussions ever broke loose between so called conspiracy theorists and people who trust the official version about 9/11. More than 28.000 views. More than 800 postings. We gave sceptical gulli users the chance to ask their questions directly to Dr. Niels Harrit, one of the scientists. The gulli users asked really tough questions and didn't censor anything. We gave all those questions to Mr. Harrit and were really curious how he would respond. He answered. So now, here's the promised interview. The whole interview is released under this Creative Commons license, so you can copy it and spread it everywhere at no charge and without asking. You can download the PDF here.
Copenhagen / Düsseldorf, May 2009
Interview: Your full name and title?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Dr. Niels Holger Harrit. Your age?
Dr. Niels Harrit: 64

Dr. Niels Harrit, Copenhagen, Denmark Please explain exactly in what subject you earned your doctorate and what you studied / you are an expert in.
Dr. Niels Harrit: My master degree, which I earned in 1971, was based on the work I did for one year at Max-Planck-Institut für Strahlenchemie, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany. My doctor thesis from 1975 from University of Copenhagen was in mechanistic photochemistry. I spent a year at Columbia University, New York City as post doc. in 1977. Your current profession?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Docent at University of Copenhagen. Please tell us what exactly you are teaching.
Dr. Niels Harrit: I teach organic chemistry, photochemistry and photophysics to nanoscience students and chemistry students. I supervise master students and Ph.D. students. Got some references?
Dr. Niels Harrit: I have published close to 60 papers in the best peer-reviewed journals. Can you please tell us about what you published? Give some examples which might be related? Which journals? Also some examples?
Dr. Niels Harrit: I enclose my list of publications. My latest paper is currently "Hot paper of the month" in Angewandte Chemie, one of the world's most leading journals of chemistry. I am a senior member of a "Centre of Excellence" Molecular Movies where I mostly work with physicists on time resolved X-ray scattering. This centre is a subdivision of the Nano-Science Center at the University of Copenhagen, of which I have been a faculty member since it started in 2001. Your mindset concerning 9/11 - are you a believer or a questioner?
Dr. Niels Harrit: I am opposed to crime. Your website?
Dr. Niels Harrit: None. What exactly allows you to say that you are an expert on Nano Thermite?
Dr. Niels Harrit: There are no experts on nanothermite without connections to the military. Do you and your team expect any benefit from releasing this work?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Restoring justice, democracy and free press. Avoid fascism. A better world for my grandchildren. Who financed the work?
Dr. Niels Harrit: No one. So you all worked in your spare time at no charge - for free - on this 2 years study? You used university infrastructure though?
Dr. Niels Harrit: You have an unreal conception of what it is to be a scientist. It is not a job. It is an existence. I do not have spare time. Of course I use my office at the university.

RELATE TO THE FACTS Please forgive us our strange questions! But right on: Many of the team of scientists are from the Truther movement. Steven E. Jones, who is preaching the controlled demolition of WTC since years. There are 2 colleagues from Jones's university in your team: Jeffrey Farrer and Daniel Farnsworth.
Kevin R. Ryan, Gregg Roberts and James R. Gourley are from the Truther movement as well. How can this team guarantee neutrality concerning the study?
Dr. Niels Harrit: In European football, you get penalties for attacking the man instead of playing the ball. Besides, I am proud to be on a team with grown-up scientists who have fought for 911 truth longer than I have. Please, read the paper, RELATE TO THE FACTS and nothing else.

World Trade Center, Source: Wikimedia Ok then. Where, when and how exactly did you get the dust? How did you make sure its pure and original dust from 911? Were any officials present when you took the samples?
Dr. Niels Harrit: All this is accurately accounted for in the paper. Is it right that Steven Jones organised the samples? Steven Jones is known as an absolute believer in the 911 conspiracy and folks out there do not step back from accusing him of mixing the dust of with explosives to finally bring the "proof" for the controlled demolition.
Dr. Niels Harrit: This is an absolute insult to an honest scientist. Furthermore, it is a stupid question, in as much as we are anti-conspiracy theorists. We oppose the official conspiracy theory. That's all.

Locations where the dust samples were taken. How do you make 100% sure that the dust you analyzed was not altered, or anybody mixed it up with Nano Thermite before you analyzed it?
Dr. Niels Harrit: See next question. OK. Did you compare the dust samples to samples you did not get from Steven E. Jones?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Yes. I have two samples in Copenhagen which were sent to me directly from the collectors, and they contained the chips as well. There is a handful of other scientists who can bring the same testimony.

Red and grey chips found in the dust of WTC.

Dr. Niels Harrit: I believe there are about 20 samples out there, but I don't know exactly and I have no reason to care. How come that you were chosen to examine the dust?
Dr. Niels Harrit: I am part of the team. I was invited to join. If you gross it up, how much Nano Thermite was laying around in Lower Manhattan after the collapse?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Very, very difficult to put an absolute number on that. Let us say 10 tons.
It was not prepared in a cave in Afghanistan Is it possible for terrorists to get hold of this material? It's such a special material, so that only people from inside the US army could get hold of it. Where can Nano Thermite be bought? Can normal people buy it as well? Or only companies / military?
Dr. Niels Harrit: This stuff has only been prepared under military contracts in the USA and probably in bigger allied countries. This is secret military research. Do your own guess work and read Kevin Ryan's article on this subject. It was not prepared in a cave in Afghanistan.

photo: Red layer on top of grey layer. How does Nano Thermite differ from Thermite and Thermate? What is the special function? Who does normally use Nano Thermite and for which purposes is it used?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Thermate is thermite which contains sulphur. What is Thermate used for normally?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Melting steel items. Armour, for example. Nanothermite is thermite prepared by nanotechnological methods.
Smaller, cheaper and nastier. So it is much smaller and therefore has a bigger surface which makes it react much quicker and more energetic?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Yes, the particles are much smaller. But it is prepared in a radically different way compared to ordinary thermite, where the small particles are made by making bigger particles smaller.
In nanomaterials, the particles are prepared from atoms and molecules.
Nanothermite is the explosives of the future. "Smaller, cheaper and nastier" (as they say, those who want funding for their research). Does Nano Thermite have more power than regular explosives such as C4 or TNT? What are the biggest benefits that Nano Thermite has?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Power, safety, versatility. It is cheap too. "Smaller, cheaper and nastier" than regular explosives. You say that there is iron oxide and aluminium and conclude that this means it's Nano Thermite. Isn't it normal in such a building that there is iron oxide and aluminium? Or could it happen that the substance Nano Thermite was produced as a result of the collapse?
Dr. Niels Harrit: No way. You don't expect a box of matches to be formed in a fire.

WTC South Tower collapse, Source: 9-11 Research: An Independent Investigation of the 9-11-2001 Attack, thx! original link Did you have other samples of Nano Thermite (not from the dust) to compare while you studied the dust? Just to make sure it is real Nano Thermite?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Yes. We have prepared it ourselves, since there have been some scientific publications and conference reports. It performs as expected. But it is not exactly the same variety as the stuff we have found in the WTC dust. Can Nano Thermite be prepared by a university without any OK from government officials? It is a very dangerous substance, so that it might fall under assault weapons law?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Nanothermite is quite safe to handle. All the known programs (in US) are funded by military funds and secret. See this, which only covers what was know at the time of writing.
A big part of the Pentagon budget is secret. This part is up to 60 billions e.g. this year. Why did no bomb sniffing dog bark?
Dr. Niels Harrit: All the bomb sniffing dogs were sent home by the security company two weeks before. Furthermore, they are trained on conventional explosives which smell rather characteristically. Did anybody who is not involved in the Truther movement double-check your studies? Like independent blasters or producers of Nano Thermite?
Dr. Niels Harrit: The paper was peer-reviewed as it is routinely done with scientific publications. Who did this peer-reviews? Can you explain at least which kind of people it has been? Officials from your university?
Dr. Niels Harrit: The referees are anonymous. They are not officials from my university. No one at my university knows more about this than I do. The University is not responsible for the research. Only the authors are. Nano Thermite is both an explosive and a substance for welding?
Dr. Niels Harrit: No. Welding is performed with conventional thermite. Everyone can buy it. It is not an explosive. It only produces hot, molten iron. Do you have any theory who placed the substance in the towers? Could it be the company "Controlled Demolition" whose president Mark Loizeaux openly denies the existence of Nano Thermite, although he is an expert on demolition? His company came up with a clean up plan for Ground Zero shortly after the collapse. People accuse him to have taken down the WTC.
Dr. Niels Harrit: No. I absolutely do not like to speculate beyond the data. We insist on a criminal investigation of the crime. No investigation has been carried out yet. What exactly do you want to achieve with your work on Nano Thermite and 911?
Dr. Niels Harrit: The truth.

<!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
Ground Zero, Source: Wikimedia. <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } A:link { color: #0000ff } -->* Why did almost no news portals, TV stations or even scientific journals except some conspiracy websites report about your results?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Ask them! How do you deal with people calling you a "stupid conspiracy theorist"?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Shrug my shoulders. They are going to come down. I am an anti-conspiracy theorist. The only conspiracy theory worth dealing with is the official conspiracy theory - the one with Osama Bin Laden and the 19 hijackers. Now, ain't it stupid to believe the official conspiracy theory without having been presented one single piece of evidence? Who are the fools? Is it true that somebody in your team lost his job because of your common examination? And if yes, how could that happen?
Dr. Niels Harrit: No, not yet. But some of them lost their jobs before that!! Why did they lose their job? Linked to the work on 911? Who kicked them out then and why?
Dr. Niels Harrit: They lost their job because they are critical of the Official Conspiracy Theory. Steven E. Jones was forced into early retirement from Brigham Young University. Kevin Ryan was fired from Underwriters Laboratories, who were responsible for certification of the steel to the towers.
You have to accept that far from everything leaksout, since you do not know what does not leak out. How do you think did "they" manage it that nobody from the crew of demolition specialists told the public afterwards that it was a crime? Normally everything leaks out. Have they all been jailed in WTC Building 7?
Dr. Niels Harrit: No. You have to accept that far from everything leaks out, since you do not know what does not leak out. This is the greatest cover-up in history. No one was killed in WTC7. Do you expect that the results of your research will result in any official inquiries of the police or FBI etc.? Did you send a copy of the results to the FBI? What happened?
Dr. Niels Harrit: Yes. A copy has actually been sent to FBI. I am not in a position to give a full account of the response, but as I recall, it was surprisingly receptive. How are you connected with other specialists who want to reopen 911?
Dr. Niels Harrit: I don't really have time to connect. I am totally busy keeping up with all the attention this last paper has received. I am overwhelmed by that, since we are not really bringing something new. I am just doing the best I can., the day only has so and so many hours and I still have to attend to my job.
Silence gives consent Yes, if you google your name at the moment, you get more than 260.000 results. What would you suggest how to move on now? Next steps for the media / the public?
Dr. Niels Harrit: The media hasn't reacted yet. It is the duty of the public to tell them that if they keep on lying for much longe, they will lose what little credibility they have left.
Silence gives consent! Ask questions!! Trust yourself. It is not so complicated. There were two airliners, but three skyscrapers. You don't need a scientist to count to three.
Everyone should push every button and demand truth in the press. This is very serious. Every action, no matter how small, counts.
My major point: Everyone is lying, everyone is scared. So we have to trust ourselves, and it is not so hard. Thank you for this nice interview, Dr. Harrit. Really appreciated. You answered a lot of questions which the Gulli members were asking. We wish you all the best for the future and hope all this really gets cleared up by the police soon.
Dr. Niels Harrit: Thank you for the interview! All the best to Germany!

i hope this clears up this part of your FAILED attempt, to discredit any evidence brought too this forum .


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I asked for facts,maybe from a reputable source?
Jones is not reputable or is any of his nutjob team as shown by your last long cut n paste's Niel Harritt..

Dr. Niels Harrit: They lost their job because they are critical of the Official Conspiracy Theory. Steven E. Jones was forced into early retirement from Brigham Young University. Kevin Ryan was fired from Underwriters Laboratories, who were responsible for certification of the steel to the towers.
You have to accept that far from everything leaksout, since you do not know what does not leak out.

So you can keep quoting Jone's,hes selling the books that make him rich,you keep eating it up.!!!!!!
Those of us that dont take someones claims as truth have actually researched the guy and I can only laugh at the gullibility of some people.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Want to see how your good doctor you quoted thought he was getting his paper peer previewed when he actually got punked?
This is a long read but good for a laugh.
Good hoax and better that the foilers still quote the guy.

Bentham Journals Get Punk'd! Again.

LOL, remember all the pride that the kooks expressed when Jones and Harrit, et. al., got their paper published in the "peer-reviewed Bentham Open Journals?" Well, turns out that's not the only BS paper published at that venue:
Earlier this year, Davis started receiving unsolicited emails from Bentham Science Publishers, which publishes more than 200 "open-access" journals – which turn the conventional business model of academic publishing on its head by charging publication fees to the authors of research papers, and then making the content available for free.

As the emails stacked up, Davis was not only encouraged to submit papers, but was also invited to serve on the editorial board of some of Bentham's journals – for which he was told he would be allowed to publish one free article each year. "I received solicitations for journals for which I had no subject expertise at all," says Davis. "It really painted a picture of vanity publishing."
Oh, but it gets better, much better. After creating their paper with a computer program that generates nutty stuff:
Davis and Anderson, writing under the noms de plume David Phillips and Andrew Kent, also dropped a hefty hint of the hoax by giving their institutional affiliation as the Center for Research in Applied Phrenology, or CRAP.

Yet four months after the article was submitted, "David Phillips" received an email from Sana Mokarram, Bentham's assistant manager of publication:

This is to inform you that your submitted article has been accepted for publication after peer-reviewing process in TOISCIJ. I would be highly grateful to you if you please fill and sign the attached fee form and covering letter and send them back via email as soon as possible to avoid further delay in publication.

The publication fee was $800, to be sent to a PO Box in the United Arab Emirates.
Of course, those of us who've been paying attention know that the Bentham Journals got punk'd the first time when they published the ridiculous paper by Harrit, Jones, Ryan and Szamboti.

Hats off to Philip Meir Davis and Kent Anderson, who pulled off the hoax. Here's a sample of the computer-generated nonsense:
In this section, we discuss existing research into red-black trees, vacuum tubes, and courseware [10]. On a similar note, recent work by Takahashi suggests a methodology for providing robust modalities, but does not offer an implementation [9].
It makes more sense than what Jones and Harrit published.

Hat tip for this excellent find to alienentity at JREF, who points us to this post by Volatile, also at JREF.

Update: More discussion here. Turns out that the footnotes have some hilarity in them, including a 2005 article by Alan Turing and Timothy Leary (both dead by that point--Turing had been dead for 50 years), and Noam Chomsky's work on vacuum tubes and voice over IP protocols.

Davis posts here.
What is surprising is that the assistant manager claimed that the article went through peer-review although there is no evidence that it actually did. Anyone with English proficiency — with or without a degree in computer science — would recognize that this manuscript makes absolutely no sense.
Remember Jones claiming that this was the most rigorous peer review he'd ever undergone? I'm certainly hoping that's not true.

Update: Fallout from the incident:
Bambang Parmanto, a University of Pittsburgh information scientist, resigned from his editorship at The Open Information Science Journal (TOISCIJ) after reading a story on The Scientist's website yesterday (June 10) that described a hoax paper submission to the journal. Editors at journal claimed to have peer reviewed the article and slated it for publication pending the submission of $800 in "open access fees."

"I didn't like what happened," Parmanto told The Scientist. "If this is true, I don't have full control of the content that is accepted to this journal." Parmanto said that he had never seen the phony manuscript that was accepted by TOISCIJ. "I want to lessen my exposure to the risk of being taken advantage of."
You may recall that the editor of the Journal that published Harrit and Jones' paper also resigned immediately after that paper was accepted.

By the way, Parmanto may have to wait for awhile for his name to be removed from the masthead; check out the first comment here:
Well done! I have had my doubts about that journal for quite some time. Actually, I have long ago withdrawn from the so-called editorial board because I felt something was wrong. I am actually a bit shocked to find out that my name still figures on the list!!