Scientists find active 'super-thermite' in WTC dust

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
I asked for facts,maybe from a reputable source?
Jones is not reputable or is any of his nutjob team as shown by your last long cut n paste's Niel Harritt..


So you can keep quoting Jone's,hes selling the books that make him rich,you keep eating it up.!!!!!!
Those of us that dont take someones claims as truth have actually researched the guy and I can only laugh at the gullibility of some people.

look Kakato anything any one brings to this forum to prove you wrong, you're answer is going to be WINGE WHINE WINGE BRING ME REPUTABLE source of info ,nothing will ever satisfy whiners like you, so why bother ,i cant imagine why you even bother to post in a thread about some thing you do not believe in ,i can only conclude it is because you would like to get brownie points from youre co debunking fellows, good luck finding ,a thread where you can show at least some decorum in,as you fail to impress me with any thing you have said thus far,in this thread apart from your obvious closed minded approach.

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
like i said you asked for proof of thermite that was collected from before the clean up yet you still insist its B/S , so from now on im going to ignor your post as you do mine good day and good riddens.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
look Kakato anything any one brings to this forum to prove you wrong, you're answer is going to be WINGE WHINE WINGE BRING ME REPUTABLE source of info ,nothing will ever satisfy whiners like you, so why bother ,i cant imagine why you even bother to post in a thread about some thing you do not believe in ,i can only conclude it is because you would like to get brownie points from youre co debunking fellows, good luck finding ,a thread where you can show at least some decorum in,as you fail to impress me with any thing you have said thus far,in this thread apart from your obvious closed minded approach.

I asked for facts,you showed me none.
I asked for evidence,you showed me no more then the work of someone who has only a single paper out that was "peer previewed" and he got taken in by a hoax so he actually has been discredited by the worlds best scientists etc.

So if you cant handle having the truth thrown back at you then dont post B.S. that someones gonna call you on.

As far as I can tell I never posted any personal insults or name called but the same courtesy has not been shown to me.
I dont have any debunking buds either,I work alone allthough Toro could also give you a run for your money but I think he gave up also,this same topic on other forums is identical allmost page for page and it's getting a tad old haveing to keep debunking theories that were proven false many years ago.

You should read debunking 9/11,even your head foiler says it's put together very well with lots of facts.They even debunked obama's involvement in 9/11 more then once(2 parts) and it pretty well covers every single CT under the sun.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Shocking new photo's discovered!

Heh,the guy with the jet was actually serious and i'm starting to wonder if he's the same guy on this forum.
I stopped taking him serious after he posted that pic,or his episode on the Jerry Springer show thats on youtube.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Did you see the dust cloud? Did it stick to the site or cover lower Manhattan? Yes or no?

How did all that concrete get powdered to begin with?

Do we have an official timeline as to when the samples were taken, or is this more wishful fiction order to create more controversy? As for how it got powdered, guess you have never seen concrete collapse under pressure, not to mention the installation etc.. Fish were not :fish:.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Blasting wouldnt have turned anything into dust anyway you look at it,explosives allways take the point of least resistance,concrete like rock would have fragmented along the weak points like the rebar and broken off in huge chunks,there would also be traces of explosives along these fractures after the collapse yet there was none.
Heres a test,grab a handfull of fertilizer,wash your hands and try go through an airport,aint gonna happen,they will pick that up as ANFO and you will be taken to the back room and searched.
Thats how good the detection equipment is and I've had lots of blasters 2 days late for work because they couldnt get through security in the airport just because the residue is on their keys or personal items.
Yet no trace of explosives were found in any of the wreckadge or dust.

Nano thermite? Anyone heard of it?
Some good info on thermite on the debunking 9/11 site.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I'll try this again,the first 2 paragraphs in the opening post on this topic say this.
A team of scientists claim to have unearthed startling data from dust and debris gathered in the days and weeks after the World Trade Center towers collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.

In a study published by the Open Chemical Physics Journal -- a peer-reviewed, scientific publication -- Steven E. Jones and Niels Harrit level a stark allegation: that within the dust and rubble of the World Trade Center towers lays evidence of "a highly engineered explosive," contrary to all federal studies of the collapses

Now scroll up and read the article I posted where this peer previewed paper was Jones and the doctor getting punked.
It's not peer previewed,So he lied and all these cut n pastes are quoting this guy.

It's kinda funny how so many peeps follow Jones like he's the second coming of Christ.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Blasting wouldnt have turned anything into dust anyway you look at it,explosives allways take the point of least resistance,concrete like rock would have fragmented along the weak points like the rebar and broken off in huge chunks,there would also be traces of explosives along these fractures after the collapse yet there was none.
Heres a test,grab a handfull of fertilizer,wash your hands and try go through an airport,aint gonna happen,they will pick that up as ANFO and you will be taken to the back room and searched.
Thats how good the detection equipment is and I've had lots of blasters 2 days late for work because they couldnt get through security in the airport just because the residue is on their keys or personal items.
Yet no trace of explosives were found in any of the wreckadge or dust.

Nano thermite? Anyone heard of it?
Some good info on thermite on the debunking 9/11 site.

Travelling from where to where?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
This is also from the topic authors original post,so what is it?
I wonder if you even read that article you posted as it seems to contradict your original claims.

In September 2006, under heavy criticism in the media and by several colleagues, the university placed Jones on paid administrative leave and his paper was removed from the BYU database.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology, which investigated the WTC tower collapses, maintains there was no recovered evidence of explosive materials. An electronic FAQ to the government's theory is available online.

"We get a lot of calls from people who have heard these theories," NIST spokesman Michael Newman told Newsday. "But we conducted what was probably the most complex investigation of a building collapse in history."

"We based our conclusion on the talents of the world's best engineers and scientists, state of the art computer models and 236 pieces of steel recovered from the site," reads the NIST FAQ.

"The collapse of the WTC towers was not caused either by a conventional building fire or even solely by the concurrent multi-floor fires that day," NIST says. "Instead, NIST concluded that the WTC towers collapsed because: (1) the impact of the planes severed and damaged support columns, dislodged fireproofing insulation coating the steel floor trusses and steel columns, and widely dispersed jet fuel over multiple floors; and (2) the subsequent unusually large, jet-fuel ignited multi-floor fires weakened the now susceptible structural steel."

"No building in the United States has ever been subjected to the massive structural damage and concurrent multi-floor fires that the towers experienced on Sept. 11, 2001," the agency claims.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I asked for facts,maybe from a reputable source?
Jones is not reputable or is any of his nutjob team as shown by your last long cut n paste's Niel Harritt..


So you can keep quoting Jone's,hes selling the books that make him rich,you keep eating it up.!!!!!!
Those of us that dont take someones claims as truth have actually researched the guy and I can only laugh at the gullibility of some people.

There you go with your screwed up logic buddy, you now claim that you haven't taken someones claims as truth when it's plain as day that you bleeding well have the standard debunkers kit from debunker central and you have accepted as gospel the official report and investigation, a singularly and spectacularly botched snow job. You can laugh like the fool all you like, you are mistaken in your religious belief sir. Jones serves a purpose pal and so do you, poorly but you do try hard.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The masons could answer this,they secretly mixed the mortar to turn into powder on a certain date(9/11) to carry out this grand scheme that seems to go back to the time of moses.:smile:

I'm surprised they haven't blamed the Masons already.

The bottom line is the 9/11 CTs will never give up the ghost. It has become their existence. Even the film by Bin Laden admitting to doing the deed has been declared a CIA film. Heck some of these guys do not even think Bin Laden exists.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Tell us how good the economy is doing kakato, the source of all your information is notoriously loose with the truth. You will remember the mountains of Iraqi WMDs also sworn to by this same clique of liars. I don't think it matters to you that your side of the argument is thought quite the joke all over the planet by people with normal intelligence.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
There you go with your screwed up logic buddy, you now claim that you haven't taken someones claims as truth when it's plain as day that you bleeding well have the standard debunkers kit from debunker central and you have accepted as gospel the official report and investigation, a singularly and spectacularly botched snow job. You can laugh like the fool all you like, you are mistaken in your religious belief sir. Jones serves a purpose pal and so do you, poorly but you do try hard.

All your doing is apeing his stuff,I asked for facts and you throw out the classic cut n paste with 500 seperate theories,Jones has been discredited and to this day still has no peer previewed papers out there and they took away his proff. title to boot so whatever bud,he's your hero.
As long as folks like you keep buying his books I'm sure he will try and keep his flock paranoid,soon the whole world except for the foilers will be in on it.
The debunker Kit" as you put it is lots of people with real doctorates and titles posting facts and if you cant handle facts then keep believing in Jones,he needs a few more caddys in the drive.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Mostly from Yellowknife,Edmonton,Calgary or from Kelowna to the territories.
Through Winnipeg sometimes,depending on availability of flights.
Our blasters came from north of Kelowna and Yellowknife but you had to sometimes fly all over to get north.
So when was this sniffer tech installed and used on domestic flights? What is it detecting? Why didn't these guys show their ISEE ticket or WorkSafe BC ticket or what have you for provincial certification?