Scientists find active 'super-thermite' in WTC dust

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Thermite at the towers explained,complete with the math calculations on how many tonnes would be needed to make Aluminum turn molten(UPC's anyone)
and an explanation on how it's used with a plasma torch,which was used to clean up the towers,complete with pics!

Thermite and Sulfer- Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition
[SIZE=+4]More Proof Thermite/Thermate
Used To Drop WTC[/SIZE]
3-7-8[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]If the CIA/Mossad hired terrorists used an extreme surplus of thermite or thermate for the welding of the steel columns of the building structure, it is well conceivable that this surplus burned for weeks. Is there any other material useful in controlled demolition, other than thermite (or thermate), that would continue burning for weeks despite all trials to extinguish the fire with water????? Thermite is not a simple "fire" depending on exogeneous oxygen. Any combustion would stop within hours, if there was no oxygen available. This is the reason, why a fire can be extinguished with sand. In contrary, if one covered a thermite reaction with tons and tons of sand, the reaction would not stop. And the reaction could not be extinguished by pouring water onto the reaction partners. It is well conceivable that the extra thermite, mixed and polluted with other material, "burned" slowly and more moderately for weeks. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Thermite or Thermate was suspected due to molten metal seen streaming down the outer walls of WTC before the controlled demolition. Kerosene or JET FUEL only goes to 1759 Degrees F, and only in ideal burn conditions, not underground without oxygen. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]This is why the underground fires in ground zero point to thermite or thermate (which is, may I illuminate you, a variation of thermite). And the results of a chemical analysis proved beyond doubt that thermite (or the variation thermate) was present. It is pure nonsense if you pretend to assume, the results of a professional chemical analysis might mirror some sulphate (!!) from "drywall". [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The underground fires, burning for weeks are a reality. Photos and witnesses (firemen) prove that. So, do you really assume that it was the jet fuel that kept burning for weeks???!! Or a paper basket?? Or some newspapers and wooden desks?? The stubbornness which you "Official Story Theorists" exhibit against learning the facts is indicating that they know very well where the smoking gun is to be found! [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Regards [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Dr. chemist, university lecturer. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] [/SIZE]
More Proof Thermite/Thermate Used To Drop WTC


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009

Read my link on thermite,pay close attention to the math calculations,pretty well contradicts what your trying to say.

Thats tonnes of thermite your talking about,something you just dont take up to the office in your pocket.

The melting Aluminum pouring out the window came from the (UPS) stored there but I'm sure you knew that allready right?

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Heres all the people that would have to be involved to pull off this conspiracy,you would think at least one of them would come forward right?

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Massive Conspiracy

More Proof Thermite Was Use on the Towers on 911

By Christopher Hansen
The following is a summery of an article published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal which “is a peer-reviewed journal which aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in chemical physics. The emphasis will be on publishing quality papers rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide.”
So what does this mean? It means our government lied to us about what really happened on 911.
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Niels H. Harrit *,1 , Jeffrey Farrer 2, Steven E. Jones *,3 , Kevin R. Ryan 4, Frank M. Legge 5, Daniel Farnsworth 2, Gregg Roberts 6, James R. Gourley 7 and Bradley R. Larsen 3
1 Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, USA
3 S&J Scientific Co., Provo, UT, 84606, USA
4 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA
5 Logical Systems Consulting, Perth, Western Australia
6 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA
7 International Center for 9/11 Studies, Dallas, TX 75231, USA
Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in this paper. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later. The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The red material contains grains approximately 100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures. Separation of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring at approximately 430˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite. Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.

Independent American News » Blog Archive » More Proof Thermite Was Use on the Towers on 911

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Read my link on thermite,pay close attention to the math calculations,pretty well contradicts what your trying to say.

Thats tonnes of thermite your talking about,something you just dont take up to the office in your pocket.

The melting Aluminum pouring out the window came from the (UPS) stored there but I'm sure you knew that allready right?

Explain why there was Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust then hot shot.!


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I'll see you cut n paste and raise you one.

So heres all the peeps involved,funny how no ones come forth yet.

-The Bush Administration, who failed at everything they ever did. Yet all of them and the people below are helping him cover up the largest mass murder in US history... Some of them like Richard Clarke and Paul O'Neil have come out for less.
-The NYC Fire fighters who know more about building collapses than most, if not all, of them. It's their LIFE to know. Literally! Yet they don't call for an investigation into the MASS MURDER of over 300 of their brothers... Why? (The twisting of these peoples’ statements for donations and DVD sales sickens me.) We have uncovered the myth about a gag order imposed on all fire fighters. Only 9/11 conspiracy sites say this. ONE person who sued Bush for not taking action before the event is ordered by the court not to speak to the media about the case. This is not imposing a gag order on the whole fire department as some of these sites claim. They are lying to cover up this mass murder by the government or the building owner. Why? They don't even know...
Conspiracy theorists bring up an article in Fire House magazine which says the fire department wanted to stop the steel from being sold in order to test the fire proofing and other non-bomb/controlled demolition related investigations. They twist the article’s context to make it seem like the firefighters questioned the idea that fire brought down the towers.

Many of these men and women come from the military, yet we are to believe they are so afraid they rather die in the government’s next mass murder than come out and expose this.
-The courts for imposing a gag order [SEE above]
-The NYC Police department who lost over 20 lives. They didn't ask for an investigation. Motive? None...
-The NYC port Authority who lost personnel. Motive?
-All the people in the Pentagon who have not called for an investigation. Many who are liberal and centrist. They did or said nothing while people supposedly trucked in airplane parts to cover the crime. Why? Again, no answer...
-The more than 1,600 widows and widowers of 9/11 who would rather have investigations of the decisions which led to the terrorist getting away with this. They don't want to waste time investigating the mass murder of their loved ones. Even the Jersey Girls. Why? They say it's the money... [note: Whenever killing someone, pay off the relative. They won’t say anything.]
-The media (This one I almost believe) who doesn't follow up on the biggest mass murder and conspiracy in American history. It seems no one wants a Nobel prize for journalism. Not only the American media but foreign press like the BBC and Al Jazeera. Why? No answer here either...
-The photographers from around the world who took pictures of the towers which clearly show bowing of the perimeter columns. These photos support the NIST hypothesis that the sagging trusses lead to the collapse. Some photos also show the core intact shortly after collapse which also not only support the NIST hypothesis but discredits the "Controlled demolition" account.
-Popular Mechanics who debunked these sites are also helping Bush commit the biggest mass murder in history.
-PBS Nova since they created a documentary explaining in detail how and why the buildings fell. None of it said bomb.
-Everyone in the NIST who covers up the largest mass murder in US history. This independent organization doesn't have a moral person in hundreds of employees because not one has come out exposing this so called "Conspiracy". In fact, the hundreds of scientist who signed onto the report are willing to not only lie for Bush but cover up the largest mass murder in American history. Some suggest only a handful can do the job but that's simply impossible. The team in charge of the computer modeling has to be in sync with the team of structural engineers and so on. There are hundreds involved in this investigation and every team has to work with other teams using the same evidence and specifications.
-NY Governor Pataki because he sold steel from the WTC for the construction of the USS New York. If the argument is the government sold the steel in order to cover up the crime then Pataki is one of the criminals.
-The NY city scrap yards because they also sold steel to China before all of it was tested. Bush would have needed to call them up and tell them to sell it before they could have investigated every beam. A task which would have taken years and years not to mention millions more. Ironically the republican Mayor Bloomberg could not be involved since he asked the scrap yards not to sell the steel on behalf of the firefighters.
-EVERY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER IN THE WORLD who doesn't write a paper for a mainstream peer reviewed journal saying the towers were brought down and could not have fallen due to fire. If laymen can prove things just by looking at videos and reading interviews out of context, then all those structural engineers MUST be working for Bush right? Even the ones in other countries. Why? The answer they give is that the engineers don't know about Jones’ work. So in all this time no one has e-mailed Jones' work to any structural engineer?
-Structure Magazine who published a report saying the collapse of WTC 7 may have been due to one column failing.
-The liberals who don't believe the towers were brought down. (Like me) They're helping a neo-con cover-up the largest mass murder in this nation’s history. Why? No clue...
-The CIA

-The FBI


-The American Society of Civil Engineers
who have produced peer reviewed papers showing how what Conspiracy Theorists say is impossible is possible.


-The FAA
who saw planes which conspiracy theorists say never existed.

-The Silverstein Group
who they say got together with Bush to blow up the building for insurance money.

-Silverstein's Insurance Company who didn't question the collapse and paid out over 2 billion to Silverstein. Why? Conspiracy Theorists say the insurance company just wants to pass on the bill to the public but they already fought Silverstein in a number of law suits concerning the amount.

-American Airlines

-United Airlines

-Logan, Newark and Dulles Airport
for losing the planes
-Scientists and engineers who developed the remote control plane technology

-Installers of the remote control devices in the planes

-Remote controllers of the planes

-Scientists and engineers who developed the new demolition technology and carried out practical tests and computer models to make sure it would work.

-Installers of the demolitions devices
in the three buildings

-People who worked at the company(s) the installers used as cover

-Airphone etc employees who said they got calls from passengers

-Faux friends and relatives of the faux passengers or just the faux relatives who claim to have been called by their loved ones or just the psyops who fooled relatives into thinking they really were their loved ones.

-People who detonated the buildings"

-anyone who thinks the conspiracy is a diversion to take liberal activist focus off of real crimes.
Even conspiracies with a few people are doomed. Look at Enron and Watergate. The more people you involve, the more likely the conspiracy will fall apart. The amount of people needed for this conspiracy could fill one of the towers. It's absurd to think this many people could keep a mass murder for Bush secret for this long. Absurd...
A common excuse for no one coming out who was part of this so called 9/11 conspiracy is they fear death. If you analyze the argument carefully you realize they are debunking themselves. Why would even people in the military be more fearful of exposing this than the common conspiracy theorists behind a computer monitor? Either they don't believe what they're saying or they actually think they are more fearless than the thousands of others who would have had to be "in on it". As if people in the CIA or FBI couldn't figure out how to get the message out if they wanted to without exposing who they are. People, dates, places, memos and other evidence could easily be disseminated to the public without exposing who they are. The only reason they claim the people are paralyzed with fear is because they have too in order for the conspiracy story to work.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Another serious problem is that a lot of people get their news and information from web sites run by morons who don't understand such elementary things as reason, logic, evidence, plausibility, and probability. Most of what's out there on the Web, probably 80% of it, is crap. Anyone with rudimentary computer skills and an axe to grind can put up a web site full of nonsense for other people to cite in support of their loony ideas. You've been tricked by some of them.

And there's a lot of people who get their information from bankers. Since when did you become a paragon of reason, logic, evidence or any virtue whatever you're are all and only a bush league skeptic and a dismal failure as a pro debunker. You're that crap on the net you mentioned.:smile:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Even Noam Chomsky doesnt agree with the foilers.:lol:

re from Noam Chomsky
"...I am not persuaded by the assumption that much documentation and other evidence has been uncovered. To determine that, we'd have to investigate the alleged evidence. Take, say, the physical evidence. There are ways to assess that: submit it to specialists -- of whom there are thousands -- who have the requisite background in civil-mechanical engineering, materials science, building construction, etc., for review and analysis; and one cannot gain the required knowledge by surfing the internet. In fact, that's been done, by the professional association of civil engineers. Or, take the course pursued by anyone who thinks they have made a genuine discovery: submit it to a serious journal for peer review and publication. To my knowledge, there isn't a single submission."
"I think this reaches the heart of the matter. One of the major consequences of the 9/11 movement has been to draw enormous amounts of energy and effort away from activism directed to real and ongoing crimes of state, and their institutional background, crimes that are far more serious than blowing up the WTC would be, if there were any credibility to that thesis. That is, I suspect, why the 9/11 movement is treated far more tolerantly by centers of power than is the norm for serious critical and activist work. How do you personally set priorities? That's of course up to you. I've explained my priorities often, in print as well as elsewhere, but we have to make our own judgments."
"...I don't see any reason to accept the presuppositions. As for the consequences, in one of my first interviews after 9/11 I pointed out the obvious: every power system in the world was going to exploit it for its own interests: the Russians in Chechnya, China against the Uighurs, Israel in the occupied territories,... etc., and states would exploit the opportunity to control their own populations more fully through "prevention of terrorism acts" and the like. By the "who gains" argument, every power system in the world could be assigned responsibility for 9/11."
"I think the Bush administration would have had to be utterly insane to try anything like what is alleged, for their own narrow interests, and do not think that serious evidence has been provided to support claims about actions that would not only be outlandish, for their own interests, but that have no remote historical parallel. The effects, however, are all too clear, namely, what I just mentioned: diverting activism and commitment away from the very serious ongoing crimes of state."

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
I'll see you cut n paste and raise you one.

So heres all the peeps involved,funny how no ones come forth yet.

Its not funny at all Kakato concidering every witness that testified to hearing explosions ,are dead now due to unexplained circumstances of at best lame excuses given as to why they took there own like .this guy

WTC hero Kenny Johannemann, who pulled a burning man from WTC, poses with talk show host Jenny Jones. ohannemann’s suicide note. Taggart for News
Johannemann’s suicide note.
Letter from the White House.
After Kenny Johannemann shot himself, relatives found a letter on White House stationery in the one-room apartment he shared only with his cat.
October 31, 2001
Dear Kenny,
We send you our heartfelt thanks and the thanks of a grateful Nation for your selfless efforts in responding to the tragic events of Sept. 11. Your actions in the midst of this national tragedy were truly heroic. Your saving a man who was on fire by dragging him out of an elevator and getting him to an ambulance reflected the best of the American spirit.
George Bush
Laura Bush
Johannemann was a part-time janitor assigned to clean rest rooms in the north tower on 9/11 and was, indeed, credited with saving a man.
His family says that day changed him, that he became withdrawn and began drinking heavily, falling in and out of work.
Twelve days before the seventh anniversary of the day he saved a life, Johannemann took his own.
The police then vouchered another letter, the suicide note the 43-year-old wrote on Sunday afternoon, shortly before the 5 p.m. deadline his landlord had set for him to vacate for nonpayment of rent.
“The reason I killed myself was ’cause I was getting evicted and I can’t handle being homeless. I also am very depressed since I was in 9/11. I’ve been drinking way too much and it’s ruined my life. I’ve lost friends and family over drinking and I’m very lonely. There is nothing left for me to be happy about other than my cat. Sounds weird, but it’s true. I just wanted to say sorry 2 any people I ever hurt in my life. I really was a good person when I wasn’t drinking. I hope people remember that!
Kenny Johannemann”
On a separate sheet was a plea: “Please find my cat a home. His name is Papa-Boy and he’s a very special cat.”

The police brought Papa-Boy to the 122nd Precinct stationhouse on Staten Island. The tabby was trembling when one of Johannemann’s cousins, Gerald Maya, picked him up. Maya also collected Johannemann’s cell phone. He dialed every number in it to pass on the tragic news.
“Everybody I called on his cell phone said, ‘I would have given him the money. The guy was beautiful.’” Maya said Wednesday. “Nothing bad on this man.”
Maya had offered Johannemann a place to stay, as had another cousin who lived nearby. Johannemann had declined.
“I really can’t tell you why,” Maya said.
The other cousin, Joseph Maya, spoke of the Johannemann before 9/11; a man who seemed content in his work and who delighted in his extended family.
“He had a job and he was happy,” Joseph Maya said.
Johannemann often said he might have been killed on 9/11 had he not stopped to get a cup of coffee just before the plane hit.
Otherwise, he might have been on an elevator when a jet crashed and flaming fuel poured down the shaft.
Instead, he was waiting for an elevator when he heard a huge bang and the doors burst open. A man tumbled out on fire and Johannemann helped him to an ambulance.
“He was burned up bad but he was still alive,” Johannemann told People magazine.
In the aftermath, Johannemann appeared on the “Jenny Jones Show” and received the letter from the White House. Privately, the hero became a reclusive alcoholic.
“He just started backing away and not bothering with anyone,” Joseph Maya recalled.
He avoided family, even on the holidays he had always loved. He seemed convinced he was friendless and alone.
“He said he had nobody, but meanwhile everybody loved him,” Joseph Maya said.
In May, he moved into a single room on Rome Ave. He landed a job as a custodian at a Manhattan museum two weeks ago, but he had fallen two months behind on his rent. The landlord, Anthony Mallazzi, told him to be out by 5 p.m. Sunday.
As the deadline neared, one of Mallazzi’s sons heard a sound like a popping paper bag. Mallazzi arrived home soon afterward and went to see if his tenant had moved out. The door was open.
“I said, ‘Kenny? Kenny?’” Mallazzi recalled.
Mallazzi entered and saw Johannemann. Nearby lay the two letters, the one on White House stationery and the suicide note.
“He was a 9/11 hero,” Mallazzi said Wednesday. “He saved a person on 9/11.”
Mallazzi paused.
“Who the hell’s to blame?” Mallazzi said. “I feel a little guilty. Everybody feels a little guilty.”
On Wednesday, Johannemann was waked at a Brooklyn funeral home.
Papa-Boy was at the cousin’s house, cowering in corners, but beginning to venture out.
“At least he stopped shaking,” Gerald Maya said.

why would he who to me seems to be intellectually sound write in the third person like this,if you ask me this suicide letter is faked

“The reason I killed myself was ’cause I was getting evicted and I can’t handle being homeless. I also am very depressed since I was in 9/11. I’ve been drinking way too much and it’s ruined my life. I’ve lost friends and family over drinking and I’m very lonely. There is nothing left for me to be happy about other than my cat. Sounds weird, but it’s true. I just wanted to say sorry 2 any people I ever hurt in my life. I really was a good person when I wasn’t drinking. I hope people remember that!
Kenny Johannemann”

9/11 claims one more victim

In answer to your question there too dam scared to say anything because they just might disappear for good like i wish half of you lot would


Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Barry Jennings, a key 9/11 eyewitness who was an emergency coordinator for the New York Housing Authority, has passed away at age 53 from circumstances not yet disclosed.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Nice touching story but it has nothing to do with anyone who "testified" hearing explosions,got some proof of that because every testimony I saw was they said it "sounded" like explosions like I posted about a page ago.
That was taken out of context like everyone interviewed about "hearing" explosions has been and they post their real quotes if you dont believe me,most of yours have been mis-quotes so far.You should read debunking 9/11 before posting any more lies because most were exposed years ago,get up to speed and get back to me with something new and maybe credible.

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Memo: 9/11 Commission Witnesses Were Intimidated By Government “Minders”

More evidence of whitewash emerges
Steve Watson
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Somewhat lost within the flu pandemic media hype this week is an important new revelation concerning the cover up of the events of 9/11.​
A recently uncovered 9/11 Commission memo dating from October 2003, half way through the panel’s investigation, addresses concerns that government “minders” were intimidating witnesses and shaping their testimonies.​
The document was drafted by Kevin Scheid, a senior staffer who led the commission’s Team 2, which was responsible for reviewing the overarching structure of the US intelligence community.​
Names also appearing on the memo are those of staffers Lorry Fenner, an air force intelligence officer, and lawyer Gordon Lederman.​
The memo, entitled “Executive Branch Minders’ Intimidation of Witnesses,” states the following:​

  • Minders “answer[ed] questions directed at witnesses;”
  • Minders acted as “monitors, reporting to their respective agencies on Commission staffs lines of inquiry and witnesses’ verbatim responses.” The staff thought this “conveys to witnesses that their superiors will review their statements and may engage in retribution;”
  • Minders’ notetaking “facilitates agencies in alerting future witnesses to the Commission’s lines of inquiry and permits agencies to prepare future witnesses either explicitly or implicitly.”
  • Minders “positioned themselves physically and have conducted themselves in a manner that we believe intimidates witnesses from giving full and candid responses to our questions.”
The staffers make it clear that intimidation by minders was widespread and had not only occurred with their team’s witnesses.​
The memo was discovered by an independent researcher in the National Archives, to which it was added earlier this year.

Memo: 9/11 Commission Witnesses Were Intimidated By Government “Minders”